Our guest is now igor eisenberg professor of New York University welcome mr. Igor and lets talk lets talk about the results of the visit of the secretary of state of the United States states to kyiv because many different estimates, including contradictory and russian disinformation, have already been included in the list, in fact, and not a billion and did not bring and it doesnt really matter what idea you have about the meaning of this trip, well, i dont have a very positive idea at all, and to reduce it to the fact that uh, the american media, i especially meant television, before all such news channels as signanta msn, they are very detailed covered from the secretary of state to ukraine, and usually visits to secretaries abroad well, they are either not covered at all, or so, er, somewhere, a couple of words were said. There were reports from kyiv, well, blinken gave an interview to a cis correspondent who is in to ukraine, not even only from kyiv. And when he was in chernihiv oblast and there was a report from there and what they said there on american tv viewers had the opportunity to hear it. To communicate even with the leaders of ukraine and discuss things that um probably cannot be discussed even through protected Communication Channels and the possibility of agreeing on a position before uh i understand that president zelenskyy is going to the new york on the general special un and before participating in the meeting of the un security council, that is, they should agree on the positions, there will definitely be a meeting between zelenskyi and biden , and they could prepare what will happen at this meeting, they could agree on what other help ukraine really needs right now in the medium and long term perspectives that well, in my opinion, two more things are very important. Lenkan himself noted when speaking to journalists that there was a detailed discussion of the security guarantees that the United States should provide to ukraine in relation to these negotiations will continue. The second is as for the fight against corruption, the oligarchization and the independence of anticorruption structures in ukraine, i think that , of course, none of us have any evidence, but here is the case against kolomoisky, which was initiated literally on the eve of blinkins visit, and immediately after the end of the visit, there is one more case that its not like that, its not a coincidence, it was that it happened, thats it, i think that there is a big influence from the United States and blinky, not in particular, if you and i remember his first trip to ukraine when he became secretary of state at the beginning of may 21. Well, he literally, only without naming kolomoisky, hinted so transparently that until the separation of power from the oligarchs does not happen , the end will not happen when the oligarchs will not be able to move into politics. And to the west, he even used such terms at that time that ukraine is fighting against russian external aggression , fighting for must fight against the aggression of the oligarchs with internal aggression. Well, on the eve of that visit, blinking introduced sanctions against kolomoiskyi, that is, it took more than two years in ukraine since then to start persecuting kolomoiskyi in this way. I think that this is another very important consequence of this trip. It is not the anticorruption bodies that are involved, but the Security Service of ukraine. For now, look, you and i dont know each other face to face. I think thats because the americans understand very well who should be doing what and who should be doing why. I think that facetoface hatred was definitely said. Because very very carefully in the United States is monitoring what is happening. Because there are always such demands for ukraine that without independent anticorruption bodies, that they work effectively, that there is an independent court, ukraine will not be able to meet the criteria of the European Union or nato, although it is not mentioned in any of the basic documents of nato. Well, the defactor is such that there are such criteria for joining nato, i just dont want it to be a show execution before the visit to biden, to continue the topic oligarchs, it seems to me that now elon musk plays a much more serious role than the 10 kolomoisky ones, including in World Politics , and after a great analysis in the new yorker devoted to the role of elon musk in politics , in particular, in the war, unexpected confirmations of this role appeared in particular, the biographer mask made public the absolutely unmerited second participant in the correspondence of ilon mask with the deputy Prime Minister of ukraine fedorov on the disconnection issue. By the way, it became absolutely obvious that ilon decides for the masses by providing assistance to ukraine where ukrainian the armed forces can act and where they cant, and this is a very disturbing moment, completely with you later , the role of ilona mask is extremely negative. I know many people who love him for electric cars and for his flights into space. Well, he really made a lot of investments and contributed to the fact that the company that i own contributed to technical progress in this case , its role, i would say, is not even just negative, destructive, it can have an absolutely destructive effect on World Politics , i would know, i would compare thats what he does lets say with the fact that he refused to include ee on the serlink service so that he acted over crimea so that ukrainian drones could hit the Russian Black Sea fleet , i would compare this attitude to his policy to the attitude of trump when he had helsinki meeting with putin and so he tried to get putin to like putin to get putin to like what he says what he does so you also do exactly what musk does i think even that musk uh in this case he plays more destructive because trump everything he is he was the president. There were certain certain frameworks within which he could act for the mask of the framework. There is nothing. But if you dont want to where he is a monopolist, you wont do it, given his absolutely rightwing political views. The contract is very close. Of the right, he has the same attachment as trump to dictators like putin, and his business interests, which he has in russia and china, and his role can be very destructive , so the United States as a state must take care of that to do with it and for that in order for there not to be a monopoly, lets say, in access to satellite internet, it is necessary immediately , er, at the legislative level. This needs to be dealt with in order for there to be competition. By the way, the administration is active, it has already called on other Companies Working in the same field so that they er they started some kind of at least some development so that there would be an alternative service so that musk would not become a monopolist. I think that it is very destructive and it will be even more destructive if there are no competitors if there are no legislative measures that will limit what is what he is doing well, you know, we always said, we complained, i can say about the ignorance of the postsoviet oligarchs, that they earned some money there, some stole , but they are people without any systematic education. Well, they are probably just from the soviet union with this pseudo education, who were not interested in anything never, and right with such an education, they got into the world of big business and do not understand anything, but they think that they can talk about something, everything, something, everything because they have billions of dollars, but i have such the impression is that the greaser is the same problem, he obviously lacks education , here you are talking about views and it seems to me that he simply behaves as if he is frank and ignorant , he may have technological business thinking , but he does not understand at all what he is talking about when he talks about russian the ukrainian war about china and ivan. It seems that he has not read 10 books in his life. I thought that he read a little as a badge. Maybe he read books , er, some kind of engineering and technical books on business. He did not read at all because obviously he does not understand this at all, but he thinks that he is the most intelligent, more educated, nike, smarter, er, with you, this is very dangerous, but still, he has very rightwing political views. His lack of education in history and politics is very dangerous. He cannot become the president of the United States. Because he was not born in the United States, but his influence on american World Politics and on world events can be very, very destructive, and thats why ee conjugated the state needs to do something so that in the Current Congress i think that it is impossible to do that, thats why the congress is divided in one chamber , the majority of the democrats, in the other , the republicans will never agree with me , because there are many representatives who will like us, the republican majority will always like us what the mask does, but i absolutely agree with you about this , something must be done because it will become more and more dangerous, lets move on to the topic of the g20 meeting this is a very important igorev summit. What do you think, joseph . Biden felt himself well, lets say the king of this, precisely because there was no dolphin, Vladimir Putin was also his main rivals. Did biden manage to convince those Major Economies of the world that were more neutral or maybe prorussian position that it is Still Necessary to help ukraine and stand together against the Russian Federations as countries terrorist i thought that due to the lack of land and putin, biden had a greater opportunity to communicate with the leaders of those countries of the global cock, which are already represented by 20 or more opportunities in order to talk to them about what youre talking about i dont know if he managed to do it i think hes at least being made to do it because he constantly tried to do it i in particular and uh he again had the opportunity to communicate with the premiere of mini modi eh but if we proceed from this declaration, as ukraine has already published 20, then i think that most of these countries have already published 20, which are democratic countries, that is, which is not included in 7, and also, well , for 20 minutes, lets also say australia and south korea and i dont go to seven already, but im definitely in the majority of democratic countries of other countries continues to be in the same positions in which they were sitting on two arrows. They have their own interests, and based on this declaration, what is it like . Well , i cant say that it is completely neutral, but it is weak there, russia is not condemned, although we should probably expect that the community of countries to which russia belongs will condemn russia. We should not have expected this, but i think that the majority of the not completely democratic or non democratic countries that are already included in the 20th country of the global rooster that is already included in the 20th they remained in their positions aa although of course he tried to talk to them, as he always does. I think you know that rolzhi is 20. I will exaggerate at the moment because this Informal Organization was created when there was a crisis in 2008. Well, then they decided that the most economies of the world should communicate more with each other in order to prevent the recurrence of such global crises and already 20 have been formed on this background, but the g20 includes countries in which i have very, very different interests and the most important country a country with completely different values, that is, on the one hand, all countries or 7, as well as other democratic countries, can enter there, such as south korea and australia, and on the other hand , many countries of the Global Association enter there. That is, it is such a platform for conversations, but it is hardly possible to expect that all countries with very, very uhuh whose values ​​are very different that they can, in a political sense , reach something really common there are significant disagreements with fashion, so that because he did not want to give more advantages to fashion, because china and india have tension on the border, there is a constant er alley because of china alone, he is focused on expanding brics mainly at the expense of the countries of the global south, at the expense of including african countries in those countries, that is, to expand their sphere of influence, and yet it turns out that the world is more and more divided into the democratic light , the nondemocratic world into such a traditional or lower democratic world and nondemocratic the world, well, to which more of the countries of Global Shopping go around, because we cannot say that brazil or india are not democratic countries, or modern argentina, but these are countries that belong to those countries that we call the global rooster and their values and their worldview, lets say not that these worldviews are different , and it is difficult to combine the worldviews of traditional traditional democracy and these countries, thats why it is difficult to expect any joint significant political decisions from this group. Of the university and now our expert director of the center of belarusian studies ihor stormy white hair congratulations mr. Ihor we congratulate you good evening well lets continue the topic of the meeting of the twenty Prime Minister of india at rendra modi said that the adoption of a joint declaration by the countries of the twenty is at the finish line this is a huge achievement and i think that he meant that in principle the participants of the meeting were not ready to adopt any declaration. And so it was adopted and there is a mention of the war against ukraine and the Prime Minister india can consider this to be a diplomatic achievement, and the ministry of Foreign Affairs of ukraine believes that the 20s are hardly worth being proud of this document, who is right , well, both of them, yes, as old ravi used to say, because actually bodya can be proud of that that a declaration was accepted in a situation when uh, well, there was really a threat that any declaration could not be accepted because of the marshal of certain countries and on the other hand , uh, ukraine is unhappy that the term will not be used, which are used in this declaration do not correspond reality, that is, in in this case, i think that and this is exactly the story of the socalled compromise when not everyones satisfaction. To what extent, in principle, can it be considered that the twenty has now helped mr. Biden even more to convince Prime Minister modi of the need for joint solidarity, which after all, we are we expect too much from india and underestimate its readiness to balance between the southern measures , lets say so, where i want to recall the history of india in general and in order not to dig deep , i can say that india is one of the leaders of the nonaligned countries yes and which is quite effective cooperated with the soviet union, the United States of america, great britain, therefore, in principle, they continue their tradition, their policy, trying to balance well, and getting the maximum dividend from this , it is clear that india has its reservations, there are its dangers, and there is also a clear idea of ​​who is cooperating with whom well, such a home comes about the indopakistani conflict and who is in them or on his side, but actually such a complex configuration was, uh, it did not arise today, but in the past, as you know, it is very present , independent of the moment, what is not in the rendering mode invited ukraine to the summit as a guest, and yet they said that this probably shows that they are interested in continuing and increasing cooperation with the Russian Federation. However, we saw that according to the agreements of modi and biden, on the contrary, india plans to cooperate in the defense sector, with the United States , in particular, allowed to repair ships of the us navy on its territory and plans to purchase drones from the americans, does this not contradict indias policy towards russia , or can they balance in this way no it is not contradicts i think that these circumstances arose already in the context of the russianukrainian war, where russian weapons actually showed their inefficiency , and therefore it is clear that no one is going to buy bad weapons, ineffective weapons , which means, accordingly, it is necessary to look for new, er, new manufacturers who have actually proven their efficiency one of such manufacturers is without a doubt the United States of america and the development of this cooperation is absolutely logical, and if russia can offer some cheap options, well, there are no weapons for other cooperation please here you indians will also actively not join and the only question is this well, we have already seen active cooperation regarding oil and e. E. Between india and russia where about the sale and we know that the problem of rotation of the disk copy that remained is the drivers bank and russia with the last ones, i cant buy anything for this money, well, that is, there may be purely technical problems here, which to a certain extent reduce cooperation between russia and india. Well, the key role is clearly played by the ineffectiveness of russian weapons during the war. Lets talk about the caucasus what is really so unexpected today . I would say the events, well, as i say correctly , i have to sum up under the unexpected events the escalation between armenia and azerbaijan. If it was. Discussed with the president of france, maneri macron, federal chancellor olaf scholz, secretary of state, eh, eh, anthony blinkery, he even spoke with the president of iran , ibrahim raisi, but he did not speak with any of the russian leaders about this situation and with each of his interlocutors. Talks about negotiations with the president of azerbaijan, however, as far as i understand, as far as i understand, he does not expect that russia can be a mediator in such negotiations, what is happening in general, this is a very sharp, some kind of reversal. At the very least, it attracts sensationalism. Yes, and in general, this is a very sharp turn of armenia towards the west. Well, maybe it was expected to a certain extent, but it was really quite unexpected from the point of view of uhuh speed. Is happening and it seems to me that the kitten has found himself in a situation in which there are few traditional ways out for him, so he appeals in principle to the west and is ready to offer offering practically mmm aa to change the vector er political vector it will be difficult frankly speaking, to achieve this in the conditions that exist in armenia, well, it is practically impossible in the presence of Russian Troops and the like, but the attempt is not bad, the attempt is not bad, and it clearly indicates that a very interesting process is taking place within the Political Class in armenia, well, besides armenia is planning to conduct joint training with the United States, and this is also quite a step. Such a drastic step in the kremlin is questioning yes, that is, in principle serious, but the russians have helped armenia a lot there, financially and militarily , of course. And the help of the west to remind that the russians actively sold weapons to azerbaijan and the armenians, especially there , diana will do it 1516 years ago, they started quite actively, well, that is, more precisely, from the 18th year , they switched more to turkey but until this moment, in principle , it was a part of such a policy of the left, precisely because of the involvement of russia, closer to the beginning of the position , it is quite effective to say that armenia also had russian weapons, but well, if the second half was discovered, it was ineffective compared with this task, although here, you know the reasons for the strikes of the scanners, which were not wanted a little. The less, therefore , the criticism of the cat. We of the russian weapons were also public if they considered the russians very strongly, and thats why. Well, thats me, im just the only one. Its not too late or its not too late kittens to make such counterturns, that is, does it not rule out the possibility that he is counting on something that will in this way provoke the moscow opposition or some Regional Forces , the counterattacker will be able to defeat them before they prepare and try to overthrow him in any case. Of course, against the background of the possible intensification of the conflict between armenia in the visua region, it is very risky, but the fact that the wife of pashamyyan arrived in kyiv is also a signal for this summit of ladies and gentlemen, which was held by ms. Zelensky is there, by the way, if we talk about her arrival and in general, the performance is part of oblivion, which was simply not very well received. To try different baskets , so to speak, to play in the ukrainian field, we may not mention the visit of the head of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of japan, that masa hayashi, who met with our president Volodymyr Zelensky , visited kyiv for the first time, at the beginning of the fullscale auto invasion of igor, as for japan Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that we will try to agree on security guarantees from this country, is it possible, and in general , in what tone . From the side of japan, well, so far it looks like its somehow difficult because in japan it has security guarantees from the United States of america but if we talk about financial assistance, technical assistance, that is, doubts japan is a very, very important paper. As far as, in principle , we can now talk about the fact that there is a danger that the west will go against russia when it comes to the black sea grain initiative, this is also important. With nothing, but he does not even give up and does not lose hope, even though he continues in these secret negotiations, new and new new proposals appear, well, you know, i think that it is clear that the bad guy should radiate optimism. Well, because if he radiated pessimism, after the negotiations, even the Turkish Press noticed it, and since the tourist is the press, it was not noticed by the reaction to those negotiations, because it is only positive, if actually not bad, in relation to the other proposals that were made. And before, the poor man heard this whole complex of proposals that they put forward. Thank god, the niggers are bad , the hotel does not make decisions, yes, decisions are made by other people who are consulting with ukraine, how they will keep the decision, only the decision that will be perceived by ukraine, so it seems to me that the content of this is so diplomatic , um, diplomats, the pursuit of age is what pain is writing about, and directly that allegedly in exchange for grain and the un agreement, they are conducting secret negotiations there and want to reduce or cancel altogether the sanctions against the Russian Federation, in particular which regarding swift and those exports that the Russian Federation insists on, which are currently blocked, sir, is it normal that he conducts such negotiations outside of, say, the ukrainian position, and is it still possible to implement them is it possible for the un to somehow influence this situation . Well, of course, it is completely abnormal that he conducts some kind of secret negotiations, because he cannot conduct a priori, i do not negotiate, i do not negotiate. Mediators and maybe even the un, but it will not be moonshine, it will be negotiations, this is an announcement, and regarding mm , is it possible to introduce sanctions against russia first, and then cancel them, that is, if this is the way, she can be responsible for history and her own words

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