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Billion dollars of additional aid to ukraine. Will be directed to support economic and social infrastructure projects, the countrys president yun sokyul said at the g20 summit in new delhi, the First Tranche in the amount of 300 million will come to ukraine next year, the remaining funds from 2025 through the south Korean Economic Development Cooperation Fund were tortured with electric current, simulated execution and threatened such testimony was recorded by the un special rapporteur alice joel edwards, she spoke with civilian victims of the occupiers and visited places of detention of russian prisoners of war edwards pointed out the cruel methods of treatment of the population this is the state policy of russia , so it tries to sow fear and intimidate the inhabitants of the temporarily occupied territories, instead, the Un Rapporteur noted the humane treatment of russian prisoners of war in our country. The full text of the report with conclusions and recommendations. Civilians in basements in very small cells they treated them badly in several people we documented very critical weight loss according to according to government statistics, currently more than 103,000 cases have been registered in 90 of cases. The office of the prosecutor general of ukraine believes that ukrainian prisoners of war were subjected to torture or other inhumane treatment. More about what is happening at the front. Oleksandr shtopopun of the taurian direction, our defenders are holding back enemy attacks in the mariinsky direction, while the occupiers continue to use meat tactics storms in order to repel lost positions or break through the defense of the armed forces of ukraine. The reasons that slow down the attacks of the soldiers. A dense concentration of russian mines, as well as a large number of enemy kamikaze drones, according to budanov, i remind you of an important collection of the tv channel espresso and the vesna Charitable Fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for our uav scouts. The 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, which is fighting in the hot donetsk direction, in particular, has viktor about the mavik 3tedra, not kamikaze, and completing them, our goal is 1 million 900,000 thanks to you, almost 500,000 hryvnias have already been collected. We ask that you actively donate and our defenders report the losses of the enemy. Combat task in the territory of donetsk region, we urgently need reconnaissance and attack drones kamikaze we thank everyone who participated in fundraising with the help of the charity fund spring glory to ukraine glory to the heroes 470,000 hectares of fertile soil must be surveyed by ukrainian sappers such a plan for demining Agricultural Land covers the territory of nine oblasts in particular, kyiv, chernihiv, sumy , cherkasy, and dnipropetrovsk , the ministry of defense reported that now the military has checked more than a third of dangerous the territory of 125,000 hectares must be cleared of the consequences of the russian invasion. Ukraine directs all earned funds to the army, because the priority is to finance defense needs Prime Minister denys myhal said at the meeting of the european strategy in yalta. But all social payments and budget payments are carried out at the expense of International Funds partners added a joint ukrainianswedish beast that will mercilessly destroy the enemy of the country agreed on the joint production of infantry fighting vehicles cv90 with increased crosscountry ability saved multilayered armor, the deputy minister of defense hanna malyar reported this. Such a machine is called the best bmp in the world, and its main advantage is care for the crew and the landing party. There is no other type of protection like the sivie 90 in any other bemba in transcarpathia. Rescuers conducted special training on rescuing people , about 20 specialists improved equipment for providing medical care to doctors and also transported conditionally injured people with the help of a rope crossing reported to the state Emergency Service in general since the beginning of the year, 88 people have been injured in the mountains of transcarpathia, and the old Light Bulb Exchange program is ongoing. Since its start, ukrainians have already replaced 20 million light bulbs, but the initiators of the Energy Efficiency project did not stop there and added more opportunities. Lamp Exchange Program for the population, which is designed to ensure a reduction in the use of light in the conditions of russian terror of energy facilities. Allowed not only ukrainians, but also kindergartens, vocational schools, and now sports and music schools, museums, libraries, driving schools and any other educational institutions to exchange old lamps for led ones for free, also in the list of polyclinics, hospitals, dentistry and other medical institutions, as oksana, the head of one of the local branches of ukrposhta, told kilevnik they have already started the exchange there is a wide and narrow plinth available and emphasizes the second wave of the program started not as actively as the first on the condominium of 10 m² and in two lamps is subject to for the organization of a preschool institution, 5 lamps, if i am not mistaken, per 10 square meters, but at the same stage, now the lamps are not counted in quantity, as for the population, but according to the Square Footage of the institution, there were representatives with us yesterday , we had an exchange, for example, a representative of the apartment buildings of the zorya condominium came and the dormitory salute exchanged lamps with us and we invite you to exchange lamps because for our country it is er conservation it is saving so come there are lamps available in the department we invite you to register the heads of many schools in bila tserkva confirmed to us that they know about the program, but they will not use it en masse. In some places, they will only replace toilets. They are in the ceiling, but the facilitys Energy Specialists assure that they will participate in the second wave of exchange. You still have a few old incandescent lamps in the toilets and cells four years ago, we started the Modernization Program and the light bulb raid was transferred, if in fact from the birth light bulb, then with the same electricity economy, it turns out about 710 times when switching to led lamps, the hospital saved almost 510 thousand kwh per month. When we changed all the incandescent bulbs, we already started 12 lamps, i. E. Are there incandescent lamps that contain mercury chloride substance, we started to change them to led lamps, of which we have already installed about 500 pieces, in order to get modern led lamps, the institution must submit an application through the application. To fill out the form of a legal entity and within a week to receive an order for a lamp from their side, they are obliged to transfer the appropriate number of incandescent lamps to local selfgovernment bodies for disposal , according to the top officials of ukrposhta, in plans to cover the entire country, which will reduce electricity consumption during the load on the domestic power system in conditions of war, love, gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga , espresso, bila tserkva, the news team follows what is happening in ukraine and the world , we will tell you about the most important at 17 00 dear friends we are back on tuesday we continue our marathon lesya vakulyuk andriy sachuk we are working in this studio for you i remind you that we have a collection going on and lets show you the props, before the news we just talked to one of the soldiers of a separate mechanized battalion of da vinci wolves just for da vinci wolves and also for the joint Tactical Group adam, we are gathering ground drones like oleksandr yabchanka, with whom we spoke, said that the russians will definitely get uh, nontransmissions from these drones , they will not like these drones because these drones first of all, they help to evacuate two of our soldiers and also deliver ammunition. And they can also be such a remote controlled machine gun. You can see the bank card number, ee, qrcode on your screens , please join today a little bit. I understand, sunday is every one of yous day off. But you can not stress too much about all that, just write down the card number 5375 41 12083189 85 or point the scanner at the qr code and it will take you to the appropriate link, you just enter the amount that you its not a pity and it will be transferred to our collection and we need to collect 1 million 760,000 we already have 655 000 69 20 9 uah 29 kopecks of the necessary ones, well, but there is still a large amount to be collected, because here is this Ukrainian Development that muscovites will not like but our military likes it, one of these costs uah 70,000, but if our guys have this development, the da vinci wolves of the given Tactical Group adam, it means that it will save their lives. So lets join in saving the lives of our military, dear friends. Next lets talk about money again, while were talking about money, youre the money, please tell your traditional column , sunday nepravny with mykhailo nepravny first , and its the president of the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine. Mykhailo lets start with such a topic, we saw we were witnesses in lviv and assessed from odesa, they also showed a video of baku, where large cities and megalopolises passed. Citizens are caring volunteers and so on, they criticize the local authorities for the fact that those from local budgets direct money to some infrastructure projects, repairs, and so on. We are on the one hand. Well, i really understand this emotion. What kind of roses, for example, they decided to buy in druzhkivka, donetsk region, when the muscovites were there, it was simple, but well, on the other hand, well, i also understand , god wrote about it, filatov wrote about it, or who someone is wrong, maybe, even. It was that one. So, the logic is clear here. What is your position . Andrii. To be honest, from my point of view, there are several such situations. On the one hand, there are. Well, it seems that some of mayors are no longer going to go to the polls and, as they say, rubai finally decided how much can be cut, well, you have to be a complete idiot not to understand that no one will forget the same nickname as during the war in the center of the city they moved cobblestones. Well, today i really am with filatov the need is infrastructural critically important facilities, water pipes, heating, central electricity, schools, hospitals, where it is necessary to support and where the lives of people, the lives of residents of megacities depend on this. There would not even be a conversation on this topic here, but when i buy roses, construction workers build sports complexes or move cobblestones or bushes like in lviv and in kyiv well, at least they called it out, they completely understood the desire to say that the guys couldnt steal during the first year of the war, so now they decided to make up for what they couldnt, and really i absolutely support these people who are protesting, because on the one hand, well, it its just looting, wartime from the other side, youre doing an action, youre collecting money for thrones, and one of the periodic effects that today is already a result of the promotion of this company and the scandals surrounding the spending of local budgets, and volunteers write directly about it, that people began to drown less because of people. Similarly, the question arises , why give your own money when the mayor and his team simply spend the money that is in the budget to purchase, well, everyone will understand that where there is a purchase, it is obvious there may be a kickback. And in general, why should i give my money when zadnik or filato or klitschko are currently spending money that could have been spent on the other side , you know lesya andriy, dear viewers . There is such a russian economist natalya zubariv, such an interesting aunt a who tries to be as objective as possible under russian conditions. She actually works at the department of economic geography of moscow state university. And here she gave interesting examples of the russian budget for the first half of the year, the data that is already open is taken by analogy, so our enemy is our enemy , considering that they have Economic Opportunities a thousand times more than ours, and the budget and economic potential and naftogaz. They fell twice, but there the yards go like this, they closed many infrastructure projects, such as the construction of the auto plant in moscow, kazan, they are building where they are building in the far east, because there they need to go to china, and the Logistics Center was passing through, but at the same time, they raised twice the salary of the workers of the militaryindustrial complex, because we need shells, we need missiles, we need cartridges, and we need tanks, so look. Look, as they say , across the border, across the front line, there, taking into account such terrible, much Stronger Economic conditions, it turns out that they understand this better than we do well, of course, there is a different situation there, a more centralized budget where there is less local selfgovernment, there is a rigid vertical, then it is quite logical that the next step should be said that , unfortunately, we have not yet military economy, we are not the only military camp, and with these actions of our mayors, they are simply shaking the situation from the inside. I think that half of them obviously understand that there is nothing for them, so they will decide to form pension funds, and on the other hand, well, i simply think that the government behaves very weakly. And in the end, at the legislative level, it is simply necessary to review the subvention, it is necessary to establish strict control, and such mechanisms are budget expenditures, and tell the guys to victory there are no new trojans, no new ones procurement of Office Equipment and all kinds of other topics to which we may well live here there is just such a moment as to say i understand that here can be quite large sums there we say there how much there is 600,000 uah for the purchase of roses there 90 there 300,000 well, no wait you pizza yes Yaroslav Zheleznyak telegram channel iron peoples deputy hole there he regularly conducts research and you have to give him credit, he is like that i personally know him well, i often discuss with him when she meets analyzes with transparency, it is only with a window. Yes, there are official applications, but there are billions of hryvnias here and there, and mostly 70 percent are roads, well , there are different roads. When kolomoiskyi from the company e are planning to build a new ski resort in the ivanofrankivsk region , well, god bless them so that they do it , bukovel is a great example, but when it was in peacetime, they were building a road to the future resort, it was justified, well, not today, not military some time ago, 600,000 there, 700,000 there, and then it all adds up to billions of hryvnias, so of course you have already spoken more than once to Olena Shulyak as blue parties, why do you let s do something because the initiative should already come from the president from the Central Government , what guys one time of war, lets review only what is vitally necessary, the question is simply that there are any such stories of us actually those huge millions billions when they can go not from well its not suburban budgets with the city budget but everything is clear thats why that it is transparent even without transparency, conditionally speaking, it is transparent enough because there are deputies, there are decisions by deputies of different factions , well, that is, it is always the same, the community sees it at different levels, the community sees what the money is spent on, but when it comes to not using it for what we should we are even more centralizing cash flows because we see that when they are centralized well, this is the story, for example, with the construction of these roads in dnipropetrovsk , when over 20 billion uah went through one company that was connected to the head of the riznychenko military administration, well, in the end, he was dismissed after the whole scandal, but he continued to take pictures of zelenskyi with the fair and so on for months, and so on, in the end, they fired him. Well, but after that , it even seems that the Company Continues to work and receives orders, or for example. This story is from the latest according to rostislav shurmov, his brother , that is, the shurm family turns out to have many , many solar power plants in zaporizhzhia, and they all happened like that, as i understand it, most of them are on the left bank, they are under occupation from the very beginning , from the first days of the war, nevertheless, the state paid. If you believe the investigation of bigl. Info journalists , how much uah 320 million is there, and they paid them according to the green tariff for electricity that they do not produce, well, it all looks great , well, but it looks strange, well, that is lets pay then, why didnt they pay everyone who suffered a loss in their business in such a case, you know , here he somewhere touched on such a question, which you and i can talk about until the evening, well, shurma generally said that this is all a provocation, its uh kolomoisky settles accounts with him well, as they say, who there settles accounts for this kolomoisky well, as in our ukrainian history, there should always be equals , you know, there was medvedchuk, remember everything that was bad, everything was from medvedchuk yes, then there was sasha, the dentist, thats all the country, but the surkis were still there, i remember when i arrived in pryluky, they say that the surkis bought the oil depot, i say they took it, i say why the surkis oil depot . Akhmetov was sasha the dentist was well, our people like to demonize if there are problems with someone, you know, the situation is a mess, and here , if there really is a bigus, then they should not only publish, but also submit official materials to Law Enforcement agencies, but the public because already it is considered to be appeals by Law Enforcement agencies, but we have a law , have they opened a criminal case or not . You know, i dont remember. There was a story in chernihiv about the fact that a lot of money is allocated there from the budget for the restoration of the stadium. I talked to the chernihiv governor there was an opportunity to say that it is you who are doing such a thing so that the whole country stands on its ears. He tells me that we have no budget, what kind of money, where does the money in chernihiv come from, it is crazy money in the chernihiv budget with 600 million or how much they called the second place there, the private owner, this private owner wanted to raise money for the restoration of this stadium, well, as a result, i say, you know, i dont have a daughter, sons, try and prove that its not so. This story, by the way, ended with nothing. Sides yes yes yes just two minutes left i wanted to bring up one more topic very briefly although the inspections of Small Businesses of fops have been resumed but i read for example that in druzhkivka the same people we talked about it today with mykola, a good , beautiful, local deputy who says that well , thats it they already report there, checked about nightmares, punished there, and so on. I think , god, the people in druzhkivka continue to do some business, cut peoples hair, bake buns , make coffee, brew people with it in the morning with this business, i would have them here at all, only as a businessman, for these entrepreneurs, i would exempt them from taxes, in principle, for as long as the war is going on. Andriy, wait, wait, check , they can only check changes to the law 8401 lets go, we need to figure out who was checked , only three positions can be checked, those who sells alcohol, gambling, and uh, in my opinion, there was another third, there were three, three who were engaged in pipodaxy moments. So, there, the one who cut the hair in the barber shop does, and those who sell coffee do not have the right to check, eh, they are not the moratorium is still in effect. Okay, this only concerned three positions, not all of the business. And those who are in the front zone of hostilities are exempted. So, lets figure it out. If you have exactly such information, we will have a meeting with hetmantsev on the 14th. And he is very are zealous about all these inspections, let them give, i will definitely pass it on to him, because he, you know, is in charge of the tax authorities there. So we dont know what could be on the ground and individual enthusiasts report it to the top, no one gave them an order. You know how i already because they did not do all the business there, but only the one that related to work in my opinion, but the gradny institution and the one that dealt with kaksism goods , cigarettes, alcohol. So there is a slightly different system there, who believe that an illegal inspection was carried out just now at this time or is passing, you heard in principle what mr. Mykhailovych said, write to us, for example, somewhere on facebook in private, write all your stories to email, to some of our messengers, and so on to our channel, and if there is such an opportunity, we will collect it all, and you see, mr. Mykhailo promised that even will take this story right to the hetmanship itself. Well, he will somehow figure out whats wrong there. Hes good sometimes. And we know. We dont know, of course. Well, in the end, it wont be good to continue , mr. Mykhailo, its andriy. Lets shut up. Lets shut up. Thank you for this conversation. Thank you, mykhailo, the first vicepresident of the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine was with us. Next, we will remember Ihor Kozlovsky , a ukrainian scientist, philosopher, current prisoner of the kremlin, who died very suddenly. We said goodbye to him in kyiv. What kind of person was he and what did he do . This loss will mean for ukraine ukrainians about it later stay dear friends with us we will be back after a short break there are discounts on voltaren forte and Voltaren Emulgel 20 in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam and oschad attention total sale from unpacking tv super warm and very comfortable alaskan boots style with a discount, your ideal solution for the cold season at an incredibly favorable price of only uah 699, perfect fit , waterrepellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30degree frost, boots alaska style have a universal design and practical black color and will fit both men and women sizes from 36 to 46, so two pairs for you and your husband. And they are so comfortable and warm. Eternal zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest foot. 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M. , three questions, authoritative comments and forecasts in the project, an informational marathon with Vitaly Portnikov every sunday at 8 10 p. M. , the most pressing war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians, victory and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who

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