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The international front, is again trying to destructively destroy our support by the European Union and other nato countries, the United States of america, for example, and maybe here lies the secret of why putin, demanding our denazification and disarmament, still agreed to our membership in the European Union, ukraine is a big country, and when we will be members of the European Union, we will have a lot of Strong Influence in the governing bodies of the European Union. Imagine that ukraine is prorussian, it means that. Putins influence on the European Union will increase many times, but we foiled this plan of putins. A real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. Turn on hbos new satirical series on mekogo, mode. Can her tyranny lead to freedom . Watch in ukrainian in megos subscription. Anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, coping with stress against the background of anxiety helped me with quiet. Quiet soothes and the soul becomes lighter. There are discounts on hepargin of 15 in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. Premium sponsor represents the national team. United by football, stronger together. Two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. Events of the day in two hours. Vasyl winters big broadcast. A project for smart and caring people. Espresso in the evening. Vitaly portnikov, Khrystyna Yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment based on facts. And the forecast of the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. An unusual look at the news. Good hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. And in america they also say, lets have better roads, we will have even better ones. A special look at events in ukraine. There will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. Orman, we can imagine it, all this in the informational marathon with mykola september, saturday 5 10 p. M. , sunday 6 15 p. M. At espresso. What is more important for ukraine, to be in nato or to be in the European Union . This is a very difficult question, because there were obviously countries that were members of the European Union and were not members of nato, like sweden, an example until recently, and there were countries that were members of nato but are not members of the European Union, like turkey. Ukraine needs both the first and the second. Nato must protect us because we must exist, we must not be destroyed by russia, but russia itself must not destroy us economically. And it is for this purpose that we need the European Union. And not only for economic purposes. We need to bring our legislation into line with european legislation union, to build a strong legal system, in a word, to build a strong democracy, which is also for the whole. The European Union is a fundamental value for the entire European Union, but not for all the countries that are part of it, and russia is trying to take advantage of this and use these countries for itself, to its advantage, against ukraine. Recently, the wellknown investigator hristo groziv exposed how the fifth department of the fsb uses the neonazi alternative for Germany Party to protect the Russian Orthodox church in ukraine. I talked about it in detail in roc film operation liquidation. Groziv claims that the kremlin finances politicians in europe. At least since 2005. It leads to the fact that both the special services and society become less cautious. To such risks, journalists do not become less cautious, they write about it, but society does not monitor it, so russia will use very, very skillfully exactly that open space of democracy and western society. Hristo groziv reminds us that there is evidence not only of moscow financing the alternative for germany, but also the french one the le pen party and the league of the north in italy, however, when we look at the le pen party, literally in recent weeks it. Completely changed its rhetoric and suddenly began to support ukraine, other trends and other attitudes are developing in european society, from this there is a danger from moscow does not become smaller. In general, according to american intelligence, after 2014 , the kremlin spent more than 300 million on bribing foreign politicians and parties. This corruption octopus covered 20 countries, and among its tasks was the inhibition of integration ukraine to europe. Russia used it a long time ago. A method of information warfare, during which it tries to sow doubts in various societies. They learned in their society, but they do exactly the same in europe. There is a saying, remember, not everything is so clearcut, there is no black and white, the victim and the criminal are one and the same. This has become the rhetoric of many prorussian politicians in europe and direct russian agents. Hungarian Prime Minister orban, after meeting with donald trump, declares that he will not give ukraine a penny. And these are all frameworks one big ipso, which is currently going on in the west, her narrative ukraine is not capable of winning. Orban has been pushing this line since the first days of the war. It is interesting how the once famous hungarian liberal, revolutionary, young rebel suddenly became what he really became. This is almost a detective story. Now we will tell how it all happened, and before that we will look at his most outrageous statements. Even at the beginning of the invasion on may 6, 2022, orban declared that he was against inclusion in the eu sanctions lists. On june 3 , the Russian Orthodox church thanked him for this, stating that the russians have already succeeded, because now ukraine, like afghanistan, is a nomans land. Then he said that ukraine, in the Financial Sense , is a country that does not exist, it cannot finance itself. This is no longer a ukrainian war, the sovereignty of ukraine has been practically lost for a long time. We cannot allow the long border between russia and ukraine to become a nato obstacle. On december 11 , 2023, hungary spoke. Against the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu and relented only after consolidated pressure from the European Union. February 19, 2024 viktor orban advocated the complete closure of the eu market for ukrainian Agricultural Products. Ukrainian grain is not taken further to africa. They sell it here in hungary, cheaper than the grain of hungarian producers, substituting domestic grain from our own market. And by a strange coincidence, it is at this time that Russia Increases its supplies to European Markets and becomes, in fact, the fourth exporter of grain in the world. This is truly a completely nonrandom coincidence. It is no coincidence that this liberal democratic orban suddenly becomes a completely prorussian politician and a great friend of putin. And when did it happen . After his first visit to moscow in 2009 . Between 1988 and 2009, orban was the most antirussian. A politician in central europe, it was he who in 1989 spoke about the russian, not the soviet, empire and harshly demanded the withdrawal of Russian Troops from hungary. In 2009 , dmitry medvedev, the governor of moscow, is on the throne, but it is not a secret for anyone who is the real ruler of russia. Putin feels like a winner. He already announced a new cold war for the west in his munich speech. Tore off the map for ukraine at the bucharest summit, attacked georgia, even forced barack obama to agree to reset relations between america and russia. And under such conditions , viktor orban is coming to russia for the first time. It is in such conditions that viktor orban comes to moscow for the first time. At that time , the United Russia Congress was taking place, and on the sidelines he met with Prime Minister putin and the head of the fsb bortnikov. And what happened after that . And there was a scandal, so to speak, of a nuclear scale. In 2010 , viktor orban became Prime Minister for the second time and for the second time flies to moscow. In 2013, the third visit, in 2014 the fourth, and now after the fourth trip, putin gives orban a 10 billion euro loan for the completion of the paksh Nuclear Power plant. The opposition claims corruption because there were no tenders, and the conditions themselves were classified for 30 years. It gets ridiculous. The prorussian socialist party, which is the former communist party, announces. Orban sold hungary to the new soviet union. Even our grandchildren will pay this debt. And exminister of education baliand magyar openly declares orban and putin have joint share in the nuclear project. This was the beginning of a Strong Energy friendship between orbat and putin. This friendship was embodied in common interests in several companies, one of them is the wellknown surgut neftigas, and the other Gas Transport Company met. This is nothing new for us, as putin is used to corrupting the Prime Ministers and president s of neighboring countries. Lets remember at least ukraine. In 2015 , orban, who. Always considered himself an ideological follower of the hungarian revolution, we all remember how soviet tanks entered budapest in 1956, in thats why budapest is restoring a monument to soviet soldiers who suppressed this uprising only so that putin would later lay flowers there. After february 24, after the start of the fullscale invasion of ukraine, orbans harsh statements. Which were interpreted as support for putin, scared all his former partners, the governments of the Czech Republic, slovakia and even poland stop communicating with him, in poland at that time there was a party law and justice peace, which before that had excellent and wonderful relations with orban, but for them , even for them orbans behavior was absolutely incomprehensible, so he waited for the 23rd election, when the populist ficos party wins the elections in slovakia. The new Prime Minister fizo becomes the only and closest one. An associate and friend of orban not only in central europe, but in general throughout the European Union. Even before the invasion, robert fizo declared that the war in ukraine started because ukrainian nazis and fascists started killing russians in donbas. Fico doubts the facts of the genocide in bucha, criticized the previous government for helping ukraine after the fullscale invasion, published secret data about transportation of s300 complexes through slovakia. He declared that he would not allow. To arrest putin on an international warrant if he comes to slovakia, and already a mandatory program for kremlin sympathizers, he promised to veto ukraines membership in nato. There will be a west, there will be a west to fight to the last ukrainian soldier, ukrainian soldier. He is a politician, a populist, a politician who has been accused of corruption many times and whom many call a follower of the prorussian leader meciar, who at one time tried to build an authoritarian regime in slovakia. Is another very interesting aspect, many say. And a wellknown political publication writes about this that fitso was offended by a specific situation and a specific ukrainian politician, at that time Prime Minister yulia tymoshenko. This happened in the winter of 2009, when a gas war broke out between ukraine and russia. Gas transit through ukraine has stopped. Slovakia froze, its factories stopped. Fizo flew to tymoshenko, but instead of negotiations, he received a 20minute lecture under Television Cameras with the accusation that he had taken putins side. Humiliated fitzo flew to moscow, but there they already arranged a luxurious ceremony for him in the st. Georges hall of the kremlin, and since then the slovak has been openly antiukrainian. It is obvious that the russians find different approaches to many european leaders and european politicians in general, they buy someone, blackmail someone, promise someone this or that support. How do we deal with this . We do not need to be horrified by this situation, because we are dealing with a large, strong and experienced enemy, but we must. Work very responsibly and honestly, and not continue build rosy dreams. We expect to complete this path in less than two years, and then ukraine will become a full member of the European Union. It must be clearly understood that orban and fitzzu, despite their populism and willingness to talk to anyone, still think about their popularity among their people and their own benefit, and that is why it is possible to find a common language with them. Moreover, ukraine already had such an experience, remember, when ukraine refused to buy russian gas in 2014, we received this gas in reverse order from slovakia. And slovakia itself did not object to ukraine being granted visafree access by the European Union. We have a lot of good and good examples of quality work and cooperation. We just need to focus not on bad scenarios, but on what we can and should do to change this situation. Here is a small example for you. Not so long ago. France was led by rusophile president s. Jacques shiraak was sure that ukraine is part of russia, and his successor, nicolas sarkozy, urged us to abandon membership in nato and the European Union and even justified putins war. And now Emmanuel Macron declares that nato troops should be sent to ukraine. Would it be possible if the armed forces laid down their arms and laid down their arms . On february 26, macron said that sending western troops to ukraine cannot be ruled out. At first, 14 nato countries spoke against macrons initiative, but he continued to insist on his point. Currently , poland and the Czech Republic have already changed their position. Readiness to discuss sending troops was expressed. Five more countries latvia, lithuania, estonia, the netherlands and canada. Despite the fact that we are not nato members yet, we are natos largest ally. We use nato equipment, we have nato instructors, but the most important thing is that we are ukrainians, the Ukrainian Armed forces are protecting freedom and democracy in all nato countries. We are here to stop the enemy who wants to attack these countries. And if we didnt do it, then we would return to the times of stalin. And in ukraine, and in the whole of europe, would be inevitable. Today, there is no consensus on the official dispatch of ground troops. But in dynamic terms nothing can be ruled out. We are doing everything we can to ensure that russia cannot win this war. Macron already understood this, and even despite his promises to send nato troops, i. E. His french troops to ukraine, he asked the ukrainians of Eastern Europe for forgiveness for being wrong and. Listening to what they told him about the possibility of the next aggression. The baltic sea actually became the internal sea of ​​the alliance, because sweden and finland had already become an alliance. The weimar triangle is born and reborn. And macron, and scholz, and now tusk, they meet together and think about how to help ukraine. Such positive steps in the support of ukraine by nato countries are becoming more and more. After the start of the fullscale invasion, we were all surprised by the enormous solidarity that was shown in the west towards ukraine. We remember how our refugees were received, how they gave us weapons, but later everyone started talking about war fatigue. Today, the information agenda has changed again, all european societies, countries, media are wondering when putin will attack europe, whether it will happen through a year or in three or in eight. Years, obviously such a discourse is again doing everything to wake up europe, to wake up our allies, but at the same time, this is part of our information victory, and hristo groziv says for a reason that when ukraine is accused of losing the information war, then they are wrong, because after all, the score is in our favor. Internal documents admit, they admit to themselves, that ukraine will win. In the information struggle, that is, they are trying to somehow compensate for their unsuitability with such new companies means, but believe that ukraine will win, i think we can agree with this, because they have a decisionmaking center, the creation of such creative companies, it is very outdated, centralized and inflexible, and the Ukrainian Information campaign is being created in the fall of 2023 polish carriers blocked the border with ukraine. We managed to convey to society and politicians that this is russian sabotage. They finally started moving in the right direction and resolved the issue. But now we have a new, much larger campaign. And spilled grain from of cars and trains is only her media top, a tool for manipulation in order to. Format Public Opinion in her favor. The ultimate goal of the russians has not changed for 20 years. Their desire is to disrupt ukraines path to the west. Now you will see what exactly the russians are doing to hinder us. And lets talk about how we should respond to all these new challenges. We know the answer. Our path to europe can be compared to a computer game. At first we were with orange flags and we won this battle. They became stronger and moved to a higher level. But also russia, so at the second level we already took wooden shields and helmets, won again, became stronger and moved to the third level, just like russia. Then rockets flew and tanks drove, we held out. But the game is not over yet, russia simply transferred its information warriors and Information Special operations to the societies of our western partners, the countries of the European Union. That is why they are currently blocking the polishukrainian border, and that is why they are pouring ukrainian grain on the ground. The fsb plan included the fsb included exactly such events which will use the latent dissatisfaction among different sections of the population in europe, in western europe, and they will push them, but in such a way that they, the participants of such protests, do not understand for whom they are working, thinking that they are acting for their own rights. Here are these protests on the border with poland and the Czech Republic, im not sure that these are organic events that happened without external factors. Social networks are full of russian fakes, society is completely manipulated, and these manipulated people, in fact, thinking that they are helping themselves, commit a crime against a warring country, but fortunately this society is waking up and healthy voices are already being heard in it. Today , more than 50 million tons of grain are stuck in ukraine. This grain is needed in many distant countries, in african countries, but it is also needed in italy, spain and portugal. These are natural importers, and ukraine needs Financial Resources to wage war. This is also worth remembering. Among the main russian fakes. That due to ukrainian grain, the price of grain and other products of the Agricultural Sector in europe is falling, european farmers are going bankrupt because of that. Another very popular fake is that this grain is poisoned or of poor quality, and the next fake is obvious in ukraine, grain is produced exclusively by oligarchs and they prevent the development of european, in particular polish, small and mediumsized businesses. We must interpret and explain all these fakes. Myth one ukrainian Food Products do not meet eu requirements. Phytosanitary, veterinary and sanitary control at the border is carried out by polish inspectors. Ukrainians have the right to export received after an audit conducted by eu inspectors. There was another farmers work hard in poland, oligarchs earn money from Agricultural Holdings in ukraine. Before the war , more than 7,500 enterprises worked in the agricultural economy of ukraine, 90 of which were microenterprises with an average size of up to 100 hectares, microfarmers produced 41 of all products, large Agricultural Companies 23 , other categories of producers 36 . Myth three ukrainian grain lowers the price of polish grain, wheat, barley, corn, rapeseed is not exported to poland, all grain goes by transit myth four ukraine has flooded europe with its sugar. The largest exporter of sugar to the eu is brazil, a share of sugar exports. From ukraine to the eu is about 2 . Instead, russia and belarus really enter the European Market absolutely freely, and this is at a time when some countries impose an embargo on certain types of Agricultural Products from ukraine. Even the polish parliament appealed to the European Commission to ban imports from russia to belarus. Our moral duty is our moral duty stop trading which can directly or indirectly contribute to strengthening the capacity of russia and belarus. I am a conscientious pole, so i know that it is better to cooperate than to spread grain and block borders, health, have a nice day, and while this pole appeals to his countrymen, i want to appeal to the ukrainian authorities, we face huge challenges, we need to receive weapons, we need to receive funds from allied countries. We need european integration, we need nato. These are very serious things. Already now what happening on the polishukrainian border shows how difficult our european integration will be, and how responsible is the mission of the Ukrainian Government, the ukrainian president , and the Ukrainian Parliament in ensuring that this european integration takes place, despite the fact that russia will take all possible measures to ensure that it disrupt, plus there are interests of each of the countries. What is the Ukrainian Government doing at this time . How does the Ukrainian Government communicate with western societies, through russianspeaking freedom, through an unnecessary propaganda marathon for which more than uah 2 billion is spent. How do we try to get western societies to convince their governments to support ukraine. No one is taking this seriously, and it is a huge ukrainian problem. We made a series of films about information wars in which we, ukrainians, must win. Stay with us, like the bell. Subscribe to our channel, it will definitely be interesting here, we are building a new ukraine together with you, together with you we are protecting it and leading it to europe and we will definitely win. We are looking for 15yearold kamila neronova from kharkiv region. I know that the girl lived in the border town of. In the urbantype village of kozacha lopan. At the beginning of the war, this settlement was occupied, but it was liberated on september 22. And about six months later , at the end of february 23, information about kamilas disappearance appeared. It is not known where the girl may be now. Perhaps she was taken to the occupied territories, or perhaps to russia. Therefore, it is very important to know even the smallest details of the birth of a child. Attention in the photo kamila neronova looks 15 years old, she has dark hair and brown eyes. If anyone suddenly saw the girl or knows where she might be now, immediately call. The hotline of the magnolia childrens Search Service at the short number 11630. Calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. If suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the childrens Search Service in telegram. I also want to remind you that the search for tenyearold artem kholodny, who also disappeared in kharkiv oblast in september 2022, is ongoing. Help find the boy is asked by his mother. Imagine that a woman has not seen or heard from her son for two years. I appeal to everyone who can see or know any information about my child, my son, cold, artem andriyovych. If anyone has seen chiv, can provide any information, i am asking you to do so, because the mothers heart is breaking and the fact is that artem kholodnys parents are divorced and. Live separately, it so happened that when the war started, the boy was with his father in the city of kupyansk , kharkiv region. On the third day of fullscale the invasion, the city was completely occupied, and later the communication was cut off there. For almost six months, mrs. Elena did not have any news about her son and only in september 2022 she received a short message from him in viber. It was september, around september 1013, 22nd. Let me remind you that on september 22, the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast from the occupiers, and it was during this period that mrs. Elenas son got in touch. Of course, the woman tried to call artyom, wrote him more than one message in response, but all attempts turned out to be useless. The connection with the child mysteriously broke off again, and it is not known where artem kholodny is now. Therefore, your help is very important. Look at the photo again and remember the boys face. He is a very active boy, fairhaired, with such a lithe physique, he is now in the 55th grade, lighteyed, grayblue eyes, active, kind, a good boy. If suddenly someone saw artem cold, or knows where he might be now, do not delay and immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia childrens Search Service at short number 11630. Calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. If. Those who are unable to call, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. Any information is important. I have told you only two stories of missing children. Since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. The vast majority of children were found, but the fate of many remains unknown. This especially applies to temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and. Communication problems. Sometimes people who cannot find their own children do not even know what to do or where to turn. If you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how to act, call the short number 11630. Or write to the chatbod of the childrens Search Service in telegram. Here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. In addition, everyone who sees me now can already help in the search for missing children. Visit the magnolia childrens tracing website. Here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you are someone recognize and eventually help to find. We have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. Anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. Stopcrime ua

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