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Roofless corporations corrupted Government Agencies and criminal curtails. Targeted environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on dw. Give me a 2nd phone operator. I wrote her masters thesis on the potato railing to read a turn on. Well, it gets more with it. There was from there, you dont you literature list. Good german street. Ah. This week on well stories. Clemency for x, terrorist and indonesia, jackals attacking chrome in islands. We begin in ukraine where soldiers are gradually preparing for winter after the army successful offensive, and hoping to gain even more terrain. They are digging in. The soldiers have only recently moved forward to the new position. Now they are fortifying their defense is repairing retrench. Its been more than 3 months now since ukrainian president volume is zalinski and ice cubes counter offensive. In the salt law, we are constantly trying to drive the enemy from their positions. With these attempts have been successful column and we are moving forward. We now have new positions and we fortifying them. That is how we make a constant progress forward. You can find a little homeless booth for quite some time. Ukraines successes in the south have been less spectacular than those in the north east of the country. But recently the army has been able to make significant gains down south as well. Now koreans are convinced that their tactics are more efficient and also more sustainable and the russians there. But that doesnt mean moving forward is a walk in the park, go on their la eliza music. They just keep aggressively charging at us when they dont care about their own losses. Garage, you get the impression that i just dont give a damn about their soldiers. That the doubles their tactics are simple, its easy to read them or not. But for us, this means that we have to be permanently on watch. But here we can never, ever lower our guard. We set that up as a spoil versus what all does layla, bizarrely behind the lines, villages have come under fire. Russian forces passed through the settlement early on in the war. Later they were driven back. But since the territory has been back on the ukrainian control missions, shells have been folding all over the place. At least in the beginning, when i 1st experienced the incoming fire and there were explosions everywhere, i thought it would bought my house. I left the time. But when i heard that things had come down a bit, i came back and i repaired the roof because it started raining. Then i decided to stay. Russia has seen tremendous losses of personnel and equipment. Thats why president fujen has started mobilizing war troops. But the soldiers here are calm, but the prospect of move russian force, when im thinking about optical, which if they can draft whoever they want. And however many they want on, but the re, morales, and the opinion of the locals towards them will not allow them to relax him. That is what i am sloppy. Now the soldiers are prepared for winter, hoping that they can gain as much territory as they can, for as long as the conditions allow it to. Oh, nearly 1000000 refugees from ukraine have been given sanctuary in germany. Many communities are now at capacity, but pressure will probably continue to rise. Ah. The cubicles in ginas Admission Center for refugee is may only be a few square meters in size, but those arriving feel lucky. There are still places available here. Im working with about 2 thirds of the centers. 100 beds are currently occupied. Its director kiersten caught. Nick thinks it will probably be full by next month. As will all accommodations, indiana to say, whos murph dish. The city has reached the limit of its capacity now. Weve been struggling with a shortage of living space and you know, in general to them and accommodating even more people is pushing us to our limits. There are certainly other places where its not as bad as here, but in you now, were at our limit. Accommodations are full, living space is scarce. Many municipalities are saying the same thing. They no longer know where to shelter the people who are arriving as in 2015, when hundreds of thousands of refugees came to germany gymnasiums are being used as accommodation in many places like here and nina. Oh good. What was that underneath . This is the gym floor and it was covered with wooden panels and converted into Reception Center with all of the individual living quarters. So the school cant carry out. Its tim classes here. Lets do, the whole thing is very expensive because of the new beds, the cleaning costs and so on. And municipalities are left to deal with all of this on their own to come to visit. Many expect even more people will come to germany from war torn ukraine during the winter, but from other places to the city of hiena is demanding more funds to deal with its onsite care of these people. And mo, lives with very much hope that the federal government and the State Government will support the situation financially for so far, weve had to finance everything ourselves because we are, i look, we dont know if we will ever see any of the money again, wouldnt long houses, we havent seen anything so far what it was because nothing except promises. Social risks could keep. The municipalities are hoping the government will help and that they will still have room in the winter. For every one who arrives. Ah, hundreds of indonesian terrorists have been serving years in prison. Many of them were involved in the horrific 2002 barley bombings. Now, some are getting a 2nd chance living a farmers life. Something handle their non door could never have imagined possible. The 38 year old is raising some 4000 quails at this farm in because see west java. Its a complete turn around from his previous life. Like all workers at this farm. Fernando used to be part of a terrorist network. And eyes is fighter who was involved in several t her attacks in, in, in asia. He was arrested in 2016. Fernando is one of some 300 convicted terrorist in, in, in asia who over the last few years have decided to join a state sponsor at di Radicalization Program. Initially, the father of to refused to cooperate science and nearly then i got to know some fellow convicts in jail who had cooperated with the indonesian government and had renounced violent extremism. They got me curious why a few weeks later i asked for access to the library and got it. I started to read that to change it and eventually mustered up the courage to pledge my allegiance to indonesia in 2018. The de Radicalization Program was established after the deadliest terrorist attack initial history, the bali bombing into 1000, and do the attack, kill 202 people, including 88 australians, one of the terrorists, convicted for that attack. Bomb maker, omar paddock also participated in the did Radicalization Program. He is about to be released on parole 7 years early like other inmates. The former terrorist was rewarded with a reduced sentence after joining the program, the local rumbly. It undergoes as it done in a d Radicalization Program that the challenge is that it always needs to be tailor made take for instance, more per tech sung of you need to analyze his behavior in prison. Understand his interests. Yes. Experts agree that simply incarcerating in anesha some 500 convicted terrorists for life is not a long term solution. But as indonesia prisons fill up with new terrorist attorneys, the state we Socialization Program will soon need additional funding. I will give her or we should embrace them. If we dont, they could go back to where they used to be like, we dont need to be harsh on them. We are all one people. After all, im, what am i, but one initially will, ya know, was nervous about his neighbors. Now, he is a frequent customer and often comes to the farm to buy quill eggs. He liked the state beliefs, the former convicts should be given as 2nd chance. Ah, the corn knotty islands are a delicate echo system in croatia for a while now. Wild animals have been swimming there to hunt disturbing the tranquillity jackals. Yackel the jacket has been out all morning hoping to find at least a couple of his sheep. They are in my wild and live scattered across the island of peachcare. His plan was to do some shearing to day. But all he found was a terrified lamb. Yoko lives with his family on the corner, he islands the archipelago as a natural paradise and has been a National Park for over 40 years. For centuries, the people here have lived from fishing, sheep, farming, and olives. A fragile ecosystem that is suddenly under threat jackals have appeared on the island wolf like wild dogs flood call regina, which the National Park biologist is on their trail here at the only water hole on all the cannady islands. The chances are good, the sheep come to drink, but so do the jackals. Nice. Ne, yes, this is chuck lewis and this is the, the sheep. She can check, okay. Must drink to water. It said that this is now life threatening for the sheep. And sheep are important for keeping the vegetation cropped on the island, especially under the olive trees. They wouldnt grow properly if there were too much undergrowth. We accompany a Park Administration patrol. They organized regular hunts now and have shot a few jackals. But the animals are still propagating across the islands. The rangers are not yet sure why they suspect environmental influences walker and we think the jackal swung from to the are talk to fail alba. And then here to connect to another boy. So scoop on the gun in total, thats about 800 meters blue. And we know from research that chuckles can easily swim to miles of morrison, a drug unit problem in the, at the amelia. Probably what, and indeed there is a video taken by locals. A jackal conley swims to the shore. Never before have there been jackals on core noddy. Now you can find their traces everywhere. More and more pictures of dead sheep are emerging. Not all victims of jackals, but most of them back to him. Oh there it will be in september we will start afresh, which is good. Ill bring in 10 new sheep this. Lets see if that works or would that be there . Not as many as before. I leave before, but well keep them in the barn on the go. Niggle or to koya. So sally yaga will probably have to get used to living with the jackals. It looks like they have come to stay. The new inhabitants of the islands. Ah sh rev. Its all about e mobility. We travel through china without the driver take a detour into the history of the electric car and how to get the most out of charged batteries. And take a new truck for a spin, red net on dw pizza. With a touch of bertina, i need to give him your blood boiling. A vibrant designs for courage and a vest for life. Creative people from africa, giving european culture a make over your romance. In 30 minutes on d. W ah, mega mom lee. Oh, it matters to us. I. Thats why we listen to their stories reporter every weekend on d. W to day on read the auto and mobility show going for a ride in the drive in his car, in china. The new electric truck thats designed to maximize road safety. How to max out your range and save money in an electric car

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