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His creations. His brand on mystical calm like office icon of the fashion world. Look what do we really know about the man behind the dark sheets what motivates him how does he think and feel good moments in the life of a great Fashion Designer when his son smiles and. Starts september ninth w. The scottish explorer David Livingstone reached this spot in africa where his statue stands today in of them but eight hundred fifty five he had already been traveling through Southern Africa for several years what he saw when those few november days made such an impression on him that he wrote about the experience again and again in his travel records livingston was both missionary and doctor and had been working in africa since eight hundred forty one but in eight hundred forty nine he decided to make his first big trip into the interior. Of. The results of livingstones explorations were published in his work mission we travel and researchers in south africa the book made livingston famous and awoke the western worlds interest in this peter to unknown out of africa. But the greatest excitement was aroused by livingstones descriptions of first seeing the Victoria Falls he was guided by local people. As this was the point from which we intended to strike off to the northeast i resolved on the following day to visit the falls of victoria cold by the natives more the or tonga or more anciently shone with of these we had often heard since we came into the country. The whole scene was extremely beautiful the banks and islands dotted over the river are adorned with silvery vegetation of Great Variety of color and form. At the period of our visit several trees were spangled over with blossoms some trees resemble the great spreading oak others assume the character of our own elms and chesnuts but no one can imagine the beauty of the hill from anything witnessed in england. After twenty minutes sail from colliding we came in sight of the columns of a path appropriately called smoke rising at a distance of five or six miles exactly as when large tracts of ground sabo in africa. The natives did not go near enough to examine the fall but viewing them was all at a distance said that relates to the vapor the noise is more the old ponyo which means thundering smoke or more literally smoke does sound there. The water level was so low that the africans were able to take the explorer very close to the precipice on to an island later named after him Livingston Island livingston described the scene his book. I believe that no one could perceive whether a vast body of water which it seemed to lose itself in the earth at least i did not comprehend it until creeping with or to the verge i peered down into a large rent. Unsoldered a stream of a thousand yards broad leaped down a hundred feet and then became suddenly compressed into a space of fifteen or twenty yards the entire force a simply a craft made in a hot rock from the right to the left bank of the zombies each in his own diary livingston noted in peering down over the edge we could see only a dense white cloud with two rainbows on it a small sharp on the ascending columns fools when the wind the shifts eastwards and soon drenched us to the skin this falls almost constantly on the southern lift and of the bank of evergreen trees enjoy put petrol shops several little streams off and run down that side but never reach more than half way the ascending vapor swells them up into the air with it when the river is full the noise is said to be terrific and the vapor seemed ten miles off from the island livingston had to retrace his steps back over the many tributaries of the sand easy with us to get to the point on the other side of the gorge where he could experience the full force and beauty of the moon to her haha her. Past. Her. British explorers of the Nineteenth Century kept the unfortunate habit of giving an english name. To every Little Island and prominently they found livingston usually avoided that temptation but on this occasion he did name the majestic scene in honor of his queen victoria. I. David livingstons writings inspired so much and susie as and that he became a household name in one foreword the scot was described as one of the greatest among the great explorers who were braving danger and discomfort to open up the mysteries of africa for almost a quarter of a century he had worked zealously in the dark continent he loved and after exploring the upper reaches of the mighty Zambezi River and becoming the first european to witness the miracle of the Victoria Falls livingston began the long trip across the country which brought him even greater fame and made him the first scientifically educated european to have crossed the anti continent cut ocean and shut. Up. I. Think many other explorers read livingstones book and were inspired to set out for the victoria for as they had come to be known. In eight hundred sixty three and later explorers came upon the letters d. And l. When livingstone himself had come off them on a train a Little Island by the falls. Thomas danes was another explorer who got to the falls at around the same time and his writings include this description of the motion that was fair to new word of the spray cloudmark time your approach on the rich green sward became moamar drily. More down till every footprint was filled with fine play a little crossing with saddams shoes the stumps and haw for the trees that obstructed eye view we stood at once fronting the southern face of the Victoria Falls at the western angle or just opposite to us and of the beginning of the ravine a body of water fifty or sixty yards wide comes down like a boiling rapid over the broken rocks the steepness of the incline allowing the water to rush forward with so much violence as to break up the hole into a feces snow white irregularly see the intolerance with its lighter particles glittering and flashing like millions of living diamonds in the sunlight. Before it takes its final sheer out from the edge of the precipice into the abyss without. David livingstone was the first to bring the wonders of the Victoria Falls to the attention of european scientists more recent Geological Research has shown that the vast old plateau the rivers n. B. C. Crosses to date was formed in the upper jurassic period. The rivers have easy has changed its course many times over the long history of the earth movements in the earths crust ruptured the riverbed and left deep rifts running east west over five hundred thousand years bees rifts were shaped by the Running Water into the zigzag gorges visible today as the rivers cools and the sides of the gorges show the sights of the seven three dissenters of todays the eight who form. A new northsouth cleft has already formed in todays falls which means the ninth waterfall is now developing in a few thousand years the falls here were no longer be as impressively wind as they are today. Was. The east. Was. Was. Was. In the ten years after his expedition to the Victoria Falls David Livingston made further trips into the african interior in the meantime the second. Volume of his travel journals have been published and livingston was now famous in america too but concern was growing as no one had heard from the explorer for some time. In eighteen seventy one an american newspaper commissioned a reporter and remote in stanley to suit the Livingston Stanley found him include eugene on Lake Tanganyika in what is now western tanzania the explorer was ill and virtually destitute but refused stanleys piece to meet africa the pair travelled together as far as to burra from their livingston insisted on traveling south again hoping he might yet find the mysterious hidden sources of the rivers like paula until another. In the year eight hundred seventy four another expedition set out with food and medicine for livingston it was new to bora that the group met livingstons african servants now carrying his embalmed body to watch the coast. Livingston who died on the first of may eight hundred seventy three in the village of she tumbled where his heart was removed and buried the rest of his body was taken to london and finally buried in state in westminster abbey. Sunday. Thanks to which Search Engines and internet problems only hundreds of billions of dollars in. Why dont you make some money to. The u. S. German startup wants to help ordinary people benefit from the personal data recall a. Revolutionary idea made in germany next comfortably. Current quarter. Car culture. Hair. Superman. Superfood stylish dialogue on the stone letters. Lifestyle euro. The last. Sixty minutes on. Staying up to date dont miss our highlights w. Program online w dot com highlights. 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