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A very hostile environment for human beings but despite that weve become continue over as it is. A nine hundred fifty seven sputnik became the first satellite to orbit the earth. Four years later yuri gagarin became the first human being in space his chances of survival were pushed at only fifty fifty. Space travel has come a long way since then. The International Space station has been permanently men since the year two thousand how can people survive in this very difficult environment. Most homosapiens live on the surface of the earth. But a few of them the astronauts among us live four hundred could. Mama toures above it. They need space suits to survive with a backpack containing the oxygen they need to breathe constantly. Without it they would die. Besides humans cant stand the zero pressure of space their bodily fluids would boil so they need pressure suits but one bar of pressure like on earth would be too much. It would look like this the pressure difference between inside and outside would blow the suit up like a balloon the astronauts wouldnt be able to move. So a spacesuit has only zero point three bars of pressure for humans a tiny amount on earth that would be the pressure at nine thousand meters above sea level less than on top of mt everest in order to cope astronauts have to breathe pure oxygen. Even with a space suit humans can spend too long out on a space walk a normal six to seven hour stint is very tiring. And humans perspire and have to replenish fluids often they put water into their bodies and then expel it as urine thats why astronauts have to wear diapers on spacewalks. Humans have one other problem in space they cant tolerate the extreme temperatures were not directly in the sun the mercury sinks to minus one hundred fifty degrees celsius then they need to be heated but in the sun the temperature reaches over one hundred degrees so they need to be cool spacesuits temperature is controlled by lining it with a system of thin tubes filled with water which can be warmed up or cooled off. A few years back one of those tubes ripped water rushed into the astronauts helmet. The more it rushed into the helmet the harder his breathing became. The astronaut was in danger of suffocating. He couldnt hear anything and could hardly see. He had to feel his way back to safety. If human beings want to stay in space for prolonged periods of time they need a space station like the i. S. A. s. It takes Sophisticated Technology to make people feel at home here. Climate controls in the station regulate air pressure and the optimal breathing mixture. They also filter out carbon dioxide. Part of the stations oxygen is produced on board by splitting water molecules but most of the oxygen is brought up from earth annually one human being needs three hundred kilograms of oxygen two hundred thirty kilograms of food Thirteen Hundred kilograms of Drinking Water and ninety five hundred kilograms of water for washing. The space station recycles waste water into Drinking Water. Transport models bring supplies on a regular basis. About a third of the load they bring is needed just to keep the astronauts alive. Humans need lots of technology to live here. And all those devices create heat in the vacuum of space its heat that the space station cant get rid of on itself like living in a large thermos bottle so theyve come up with a way to remove the excess radiators with fourteen meter long cooling things release the extreme hes heat into space. But one problem still remains illustrated by these space acrobatics the human body is used to earths strong Gravitational Force human muscles and bones degenerate after long periods in the weightlessness of space. To make sure things dont get too bad the two hours of special exercise up here every day. Its wise for humans to leave space after a few months but in the future some astronauts will have to stay there for years at a time that raises another big problem the radiation in space is deadly to humans it damages their cells and can lead to cancer. There is still no technology to protect humans from that on long missions. But being innovative we humans are full of surprises maybe well see a manned mission to mars much sooner than we expect. Garbage from the i. R. S. As is usually shipped back to earth in space capsules they generally burn up when we entering the atmosphere on earth scientists are looking for solutions for every day trash hour with video of the week. Could this bag help save the worlds oceans. Although it looks and feels like plastic its completely soluble. More than four trillion plastic bags are used each year but less than one percent are recycled. Most either end up in a landfill or in our oceans where they threaten marine life. But this bag is made from limestone. So when mixed with water it dissolves. According to the engineers you can even trying to back. It but watch out if you get caught out in the rain. But for now plastics and other waste are still a big problem sooner or later our garbage comes back to haunt us not only on our beaches but also from outer space. Kill us robbie from kenya has a question about it a. Space debris dangerous for earth. Theres enveloped in a cloud of manmade debris more than seven hundred thousand bits of it are all but in the planets. Most are only a few centimeters in size but there are also fuel tanks rocket components and decommissioned satellites for travel at phenomenal speeds just one small piece. Could cause serious damage. Thats why space junk is monitored using radar and Laser Systems they can detect objects the smallest ten centimeters in size and pinpoint where the debris is in its orbit if need be satellites and even the i. R. Says space station can be steered out of its way. Still there have been collisions which released even more space debris into orbit. When russian rockets take off from their baikonur launch pad debris often rains down over siberia and kazakstan and not just there either. Large pieces of space junk have been found in regions far away from launch sites. This claim from americas sky lab space station increased solar activity d. Stabilized sky labs orbit and sent it tumbling to earth around midnight on the night of july the eleventh one thousand nine hundred seventy nine parts of it came down in Western Australia reportedly killing a cow. In january of one nine hundred ninety seven in tulsa oklahoma lucky williams was struck in the shoulder but wasnt hurt shes the only human so far to be hit by space junk. Researchers want to find ways to clean up the earths orbital junkyard. The technology is still in the Development Phase though. Until thats done the planet cloak of space waste will just keep on growing and with it the danger. Of that is right right by the only thing you need to. Do you have a science question that youve always wanted oncet with happy to help out send it to us as a video text over smell if we answer it on the show well send you a little surprise as a thank you cannot just ask. To find as i do w dot com slash science drop us a line at d w underscore sign tech on facebook d w dot science. These days were continually transmitting data data that reveals to the world what we like and dislike click like say millions of times every minute. Some platforms know us better than we know ourselves. Based on your Online Shopping habits for example they could know about a pregnancy before the rest of your family but big data can do more it can predict the future. Of the internet a gigantic stage where all sorts of people can express themselves. People like this guy hes interested in chainsaws cat photos likes political blogs and loves b. M. W. s. There are hundreds of thousands even millions just like him they leave the footprint of purchases preferences and affiliations build networks to find similarities and share interests. Politicians are on the internet too and all too often those who want to sell are something product brands. They love it when fans become followers it creates an immense tapestry of People Companies and relationships by interpret english Big Data Experts can even gauge in all probability which Political Party people will vote for in the next election but how do they do that exactly. At the university of mannheim Business Department researches are analyzing u. S. President donald trump his influence on the american via market and of course twitter. Professor florian star conducted the study. Of the Research Project was to determine to what extent the preferences for certain brands can predict Political Attitudes. To study began with Donald Trumps and Hillary Clintons twitter profiles during the twenty sixteen president ial election. Then they analyzed the profiles of their followers. And finally the followers of specific brands on twitter. To calculate where the overlaps were between trump followers and the individual brands they follow. The mannheim researches process the danger of one point two five billion followers that uncovered statistical relationships that could determine by brand whether people prefer donald trump or Hillary Clinton. The result smarty pig creator of an internet piggy bank was most indicative of trump fans along with the brands miller coors budweiser and light. Among the brands that indicated Hillary Clinton followers fashion label gap was in first place cosmetics brands maybelline and cover girl were close behind. Its all show how easy it is to forecast Political Attitudes based on brand preferences the larger the amount of data the more accurate the forecast will be. Big data is not just used to sell products like beer clothing or lipstick politicians can also benefit from knowing which voters favor which brand. She has the data footprint so does he and even he does but what if all that data is used like a computer game with points one and points lost son thomas well what if its used to control our lives and if using too many points means you could no longer book a flight go to University Already and apartment in many of chinas cities as social Credit System that works much like this is being tested. Facial recognition cameras are used to track people in their everyday lives cross the road on read you lose points and you might never get a date on the dating app the system is due to be rolled out in twenty twenty. But its not just there all over the world big data is watching you. And. This is to raise a schmidt on the internet you can find a competent of her identity personal information friends interests bank account number. But its not just to raise that there are massive amounts of data about all of us and that data can be interpreted using big Data Analysis. Data is a new world perspective its so powerful it will impact all areas of our lives. Just like the Printing Press did or the renaissance or perhaps the Industrial Revolution so research. But what is big data exactly most of its leave behind a data trail through emails and photos when we search something on google or use apps worldwide we produce two and a half trillion bytes of data every day. If that data were put on blu ray disc than piled up it would be four times higher than the eiffel tower and that happens every day. The data can be scanned with algorithms that search for patterns. They in turn can reveal completely new insights about our lives. Big day this. Data is our ability to gain insights into the world by gathering vast amounts of Data Insights that cannot be gained from smaller amounts its as if the quantity of the data eventually turns into a new quality of understanding. In the. Big data can not only analyze our previous behavior it can also make predictions take to reason shes a student or works on the side as a waitress she has a low income but has not had any loans so far. Now she wants to travel to the us big data knows her financial situation and could offer her alone before shes even thought of it. Today there are already companies that engage in exactly that sort of thing so called fin Check Companies they take our personal data into account and determine whether were credit worthy. For example whether to release that always pays on time when shopping online this will affect her. Big data forecast. To the extent that we can better assess the risk thats good but it also means that those people whose risk is high and rightly so might not be able to get any kind of credit. Because. Even if we try to leave behind little data as possible a lot of information still comes together. Almost everyone today uses modern technology for example cards new or models register when the lane keeping system is activated when we use the hands free intercom when something needs to be repaired all that has been around for a few years now. Whats new is this black box made for cars it can be used to voluntarily have Data Collected the information can then be evaluated and compared to other drivers data if teresa drives well sylvia will to get cheaper car insurance. But what happens if she doesnt drive so well. Last month. This day to get store to and could have wide reaching consequences suddenly she seemed more at risk of having an accident. If i were driving a date is used to calculate our Insurance Premium we could also be used to predict whether were good drivers and perhaps even cost us our drivers license because. Data is on the net it can theoretically be used for all kinds of purposes to reasons every move is recorded thats because shes decided to wear a fitness tracker the data is sent to an app on her mobile phone it registers how many steps she takes each day her heart rate and how many calories she burns. Stated could also be used to calculate risks in the future. Could she be prone to diabetes for example or other health conditions. Too can work against us. Maybe we had too many snacks yesterday. Or we need a burger. Over time that data can be used to predict how likely we are to suffer a heart attack at the age of fifty two something society would have to pay for because we would have to retire. Been invented second half. The fitness tracker tells to raise a she should get some more exercise today she can still decide for herself what she does but one day that free choice could be taken away if for example the data is used by Insurance Companies and so recent ones to retain her favorable terrorist. Internet experts fear we could face. Of data if we needed Data Security law that allows for sensible use but includes strict regulations to avoid irresponsible use this is a normally important if we dont succeed with the big data will control us and not the other way around via picked it. The more powerful Data Analysis becomes the more is at stake politics and society need to decide how much and which state to use weaken it. And they have them. But they dont. And they there in time that. They do. And if they do. They dont. They meet them to dance and join and sing. You can do. For. Decades our joints work perfectly smoothly and without a sound. So why do they eventually lose that agility and in many cases begin to herd. Researchers think what happens to many people towards the end of their lives has its roots in the very beginnings. Before birth. At the embryo stage. There a kind of primordial transformation takes place. At this stage our skeleton consists exclusively of cartilage. Gradually this tissue turns to bone the cartilage on the remains where needed like in the joints at that point the process stops. And were ready to face the demands of daily life. The company of solid bone and a thin layer of cartilage enables us to achieve incredible feats. Cartilage is very strong can withstand loads of hundreds of kilos and enables extreme flexibility. It achieves that through its special structure the cartilage consists of an elastic mass of water sugar proteins and several layers of college and fibers that are closely intertwined. Our cartilage has to be constantly maintained thats what the cartilage cells do theyre located either alone or in pairs within cavities in the tissue they constantly renewed the cartilage replacing old fibers and protein chains with new ones. That usually works well for many years. But then something strange happens. For some people earlier and others later. Something happens in the joints the cells begin to destroy the cartilage they restart their original Developmental Program and break down the cartilage like they did at the embryo stage some cartilage cells end up dying others transform into bone cells the cartilage starts turning into bone. Bony growths develop on the sides of the joint they further restrict the joints mobility. The embryonic program that prepares us for life now makes a stiff and immobile. And thats was tomorrow today the next show is about a plant and how it could revolutionize the shipping industry using a lesson from a chat. More next time until then good bye. The fear of cliche is her force of habit europes young wine growers have neither. The expertise and fresh eye to step up to tickle challenge. And shake up the market. Turn recipes for success in our series creative point making. The world. W. Plan b. Our fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of them has a plan for your children. So nothing is just that the children who have already been there all day and thats you and those that will follow are part of a new car s. S. They could be the future of. Colombia granting opportunities global news that matters d. W. Made for mines. Coach ability. To lure link to news from africa and the world the link to exceptional stories and discussion. Is a busy hour while website dedicated comes to pick up join us on facebook at g. W. For. They make a commitment. They find solutions. They inspire. Africa on the a. 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