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And find new ones. Another trend in medicine Artificial Intelligence that can help diagnose diseases but 1st a look back in time. You noted of in she was an amazing anatomist who did about 30 cadavers and created exquisite drawings of what he found the discovery of x. Rays allow doctors to look inside our living bodies without cutting us open. Ultrasound further change diagnostic methods now scans of various kinds connected to computers are generating lots of data so much that its getting hard for radiologists to process alone Artificial Intelligence can help. Here at s N University Hospital about a 1000 patients have radiological exams every day. Giving you a small dose of. Just agent. This results in countless images that have to be evaluated for that doctors depend on High Powered Computers and increasingly an Artificial Intelligence youre walking on thats what we need tools because theres simply more data can stay century photographed one hand and that wasnt much data of course its exploded today. Actually the computer doesnt even look at the images it looks at all the ones and zeros that make up the images. And the computers can infer a lot more information from High Resolution m. R. I. And c. T. Images than humans can do to recognize the abnormal patterns that indicate disease in the fine gradations of grey tones radiologists need years of training and the most concentration heres how the human brain accomplishes this task are billions of nerve cells are constantly forming new connections in the brain and breaking down others this is how we learn and how patterns are impressed upon our minds so that we recognize them. The problem is that the more data the brain has to process the faster it tires out and suppose before you look at thousands of images and even as a non radiologist you can guess that a finding will slip by you because youre tired that doesnt happen to a computer and we have extremely large quantities of data to analyze it well you need computer power. Or computer poll after all computer programs are superior human beings when it comes to recognizing patterns the 1st the computer needs a kind of basic training its presented with a certain pattern then it compares all other patterns with this template and decides does the pattern match or not. Programs that recognize patterns have been used in the field of radiology for. Years. Foresting now wants to deploy Artificial Intelligence to help detect damage to brain tissue. This is a constant with our patients who have an acute this drug problem and its not an expert sees that this c. T. Here is not entirely normal this is a law that requires years of training or if we are not lies the images with a i then it highlights this area showing that a stroke has occurred here. This way radiologists dont look at several strokes a day like we do you can at least use this as an aid. Euphemism whether they accept the suggestions is something they have to decide for themselves all sorts of. Artificial intelligence or ai goes beyond mere pattern recognition the aim is to imitate the way the human brain works using Software Artificial neurons are connected with each other in layers and fed with an algorithm a sequence of instructions. The task here is to recognize a circle at 1st images of various shapes are fed into the system. During the learning phase a human tells the system whether it correctly recognize the image or not the system changes the connections between the artificial neurons accordingly. The ones that lead to the correct result get stronger those that lead to the incorrect result get weaker thats how Artificial Intelligence learns is it youre seeing something here that no one else in the world can see ready only here its an absolute wild fust. 1st thing in his team are trying to further improve the skills of their ai system. The scene the program is still in the learning phase. And its much more using your body for what we have here is an earlier exam the current exam we see these white stripes that we didnt have here before at all so thats new its nor does it as a radiologist i can see it very well now i can work through the entire finding from top to bottom you know yet what sina does this help me by color coding the differences between before and after you know the newest changes a shown an orange to visualize it while the previous image is marked in blue. Like you. See now lace the old and new images exactly on top of each other and makes every difference visible for example whether a tumor has grown but thats not all. In the background the Artificial Intelligence system calls up similar images finding some treatment recommendations from medical databases and textbooks. Dr ai is much faster and more systematic than a human being could ever be this way it provides radiologists with crucial advice on diagnostics and treatment because. I can look at different images of this disease that have been confirmed and compare them. To then i also have the patients clinical information as well as clinical information thats typical for this disease if you do certain persistent. Learn successfully programs like ciena need clear exemplary images and diagnosis after all ai will only get smarter if doctors and programmers provide it with good data. So i dont think it makes any sense for me as a dog to be at best a mediocre. Or for an i. T. Person to take up doctoring as a hobby each of us should play in the champ. League of our own disciplines is the. Forcing is convinced that in future more and more of the growing flood of data in radiology will be prescreened by dr ai decisions about diagnoses and treatments however will remain in the hands of human doctors for the time being. On the one hand medicine is becoming ever more high tech and complex using ai Virtual Reality and robots. On the other hand many patients when therapies they consider a natural or authentic nature are also provides of all materials for academic myths and if you in mexico has a question about that. What is nature based on a natural path like medicine. For one thing its at the root of modern university and science based medicine. The majority of modern pharmaceuticals are derived from plants. Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for 5000 of years the. Traditional healers use a range of leaves flowers fruits roots and bark. In some parts of south america teammate with the bark of the said rio 2 tree is used as a painkiller corrosive leaves combat headaches and in parts of africa the bark of the african cherry is used to treat a wide range of ailments. The worlds tropical rainforests are rich in plants with known medical properties. A lot of research is going into identifying people active substances in them and into identifying other species that might yield substances of medicinal value. Some substances used in certain systems of Traditional Medicine are. Actually toxins but appear to have there appear to be effect if the dosage is right typically small. Terms such as nature based on Natural Medicine can also do note something quite different namely the therapeutic effect of exposure to make your own Natural Forces sunlight. Fresh air. Water a german tradition of hydrotherapy named after sebastien connived focuses on the stimulatory effects of cold water. Of course diet has an impact on health as well. And then theres traditional chinese medicine. But still Natural Medicine covers a wide range of traditions substances and therapies some of these are called complementary therapies where there are accepted by conventional science based medicine as possibly helpful to treat symptoms or side effects. Of all plant families 12 in particular contain an amazing wealth of machismo flounce them over a family is the single greatest source scientists are studying whether mulberry leaves can lower blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. Chance in the dr and family yield substances that could treat cancer and anticoagulants are found in some members of the legume family. There as so many plans with medicinal potential research is underway to find out how and whether they work. Its knowledge that dates back thousands of years the healing effect of plants and herbs knowledge that was hugely important in the middle ages but then to some extent forgotten. Many scientists are now developing a curiosity for these plants and medical practitioners are rediscovering their healing powers. German herbs expr. This fund put comma knows the healing potential of domestic plants here shes gathering herbs for medicinal teas and some of the plan isnt actually like metals and birch leaves because they flush out the urinary system and black berry leaves have an antiinflammatory effect in the mouth. Ill use all 3 to make an herbal blend its like a home pharmacy holds up. To protect themselves against pasts and pathogens herbs often contain oils bitter substances and acids that kill germs like willows along with many other active ingredients their bark contains salicylic acid compounds at the end of the 1900 century chemists develop these substances into one of the most popular fever and pain relief medicines aspirin. More than a 1000 herbal medicinal products are licensed in germany and new ones are constantly being discovered around the world many are still not well understood and research are underway as hens it is trying to unlock their secrets hes investigating marshmallow root and cats whiskers which contain substances that may help relieve coughs and urinary Tract Infections the researchers goal is to develop new drugs and improve available ones just a few times the problem is the sheer multitude of substances in these Medicinal Plants often we know the plant has an effect except that many times we tell it which of the countless substances is responsible or if thats what our research is about cracking this code so we can develop more effective medication its going to come and were going to put. Red sage is also an intriguing plant its known to have a wound healing effect but there are over 50 potential active ingredients so which one is responsible for healing wounds researchers are trying to find answers using human skin. Cell culture they treat them each with a single isolated substance from a sage plant the question is does this substance promote cell production because for a woman to heal new skin cells have to grow in that area. The samples are tested a few days later. Its detailed and time consuming morgue but the results could be significant. It would be such a great breakthrough to identify which substances have the most positive wound healing effect to go especially for bedridden patients that are hard to treat hopefully our research will help us to develop new drugs. They havent tested all the substances yet but they hope to find the active ingredient within a year or 2 and then develop a drug from it. The research is further along for other Medicinal Plants. Mike down a at the clinic in western germany treats patients every day with highly effective herbal drugs. The clinic uses more than 50 plant based medicines in the internal Medicine Department alone and that for 15 years now. Supplementing conventional medicine with herbal remedies can offer big results. Like for nonspecific back pain and ailment many people suffer from because of nonspecific back pain can be greatly helped by using herbal medicine the biggest advantage of these couple drugs is that they often cause fewer side effects significantly fewer medicine also plays a major role in treating respiratory diseases it can alleviate the symptoms which means less coughing less pain in the limbs and faster healing and theres no conventional alternative to this herbal remedy thats on a par in terms of side affects. Of course its always important to speak to a doctor about the potential causes of an illness and the treatment plan self medicating with herbal remedies alone could be life threatening its a danger that you lose one put come a is aware of her Medicinal Plants are considered safe but when she has a condition that doesnt respond quickly to an herbal treatment she consults a doctor. The problem is red white but only a few. Do you have a science question that youve always wanted and sit where happy to help out send it to us as a video text ovoid smell if we answer it on the show well send you a little surprise as a thank you can all just ask. To find as i do w dot com slash science or drop us a line at d w underscore site tech on facebook d w dot saw. The naturalist alexander from home but who explored larger areas of south america rose about the Healing Properties of the grind of the cinchona tree which Indigenous People used to treat a range of elements. Later its active and see malarial ingredients quinidine was identified. Him built was keen to understand the way the peoples of the region live their lives and then destroyed the world. In the latest episode of a series on his travels in the americas we had to ecuador and the legacy of the in cuz. Meaning me. Go faster fortress in southern ecuador built by the ancient encounters at its center for socalled temple. The sun. Is stuck with the temple was arrested on a perfect ellipse we suspect that it was a place of worship on the same hill the kind yari people had prayed to their gods until they were conquered by the. Incas simply converted the site and adapted the walls to the style typical of their capital cusco. Get they move with us. In this way they left behind their own cultural imprint while preserving the original layout of. Making it unique in the entire indian empire building. One has to admire the sense of precision and symmetry these people had rode alexander from home both about the fortress of ink up erica. On the old incur road he visited one of the few preserved remains of the precolumbian empires by his time and Spanish Colonial rule had already wiped out 90 percent of the indigenous population. But home board continued his explorations eager to study those people whose culture and way of life had remained completely untouched by the spanish conquest. Our expedition following in home bodes footsteps takes us to the western amazon basin at the border between ecuador and peru. In a single propeller plane we follow the course of the past us a river. Deep into the territory of the people. You are you. Working. If you want to hunt you must respect the rainforest 6 and ozzfest the rain forests to provide the food if you are not respecting that rain forest in the rain forests will never give you nothing. If. They are. The guardian from the forest. Leaves here for thousands of years sunday rain forest. Is our home. Life has nobody understands what the forest is than they are. No not. The waterfall is the home of our spirit out of tom. And the only make i mean here you can cut my this sacred spot but it is where our ancestors arrived in this world from home i may be a man here they found protection and sound healthy to man i thank you. Centuries after almost American Expedition that you are still lived largely isolated from the outside world and preserve their own language customs and traditions. Before dawn we receive it by the head of the local community we join in the dream interpretation ritual with which the ochoa are usually begin their day. Ah this is a season they will have for you and we sometimes talk about our dreams from the previous night of playing a theme with us but sometimes its about special dreams that we call come normal and go to meet with a normal sleeping as Something Different you know these are visions that we dont get during sleep or think they have a different significance than normal trains a normal thing. More than 70000 dutch or are believed to live in the Amazon Region today. The once warrior people live in an anarchic society split up into small communities. Some clans still wage war on each other but their daily lives in the rain forest are primarily focused on arent you and working there small gardens for which the women are responsible. It was fascinated by the traditional lifestyle of the Indigenous Peoples as he traveled through the rain forest observing their customs and learning their languages in contrast to other explorers and researchers from europe who considered them to be savages he saw them as a group of people unspoiled by civilization but todays civilization is encroaching on the rain forest standards are now britains to you are you in car grew up in new york to our community before leaving to go to college in the city a 15 day walk from here hes one of the few watch you are to have regular contact with the outside world when i was very young snow and years old i always respect the nature. So i need to be as leader. I did a lot of ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies with shot on. My familys other logical sherman so i believe in god in the church so. I was really prepared to start a so to talk about my nationality. Now to you and carr is the tribe spokesman he wants to draw the worlds attention to the plight of his people the clock is ticking for the arch of war and their way of life beneath the ground or their ancestral homeland are huge petroleum deposits drilling and exploitation on a large scale would be the end of the who lived in from and with the rain forest. Are the auto we are warriors so we will never be afraid from their mother warriors because. If you to give our life for the nature we can do that so if the government wants to. Companies here theyre going to fight so if the Oil Companies want to take flake out to kill. And then they can do this none of material to make the money. They actually are oh tom lives in every stone every plant and every animal. They pray to the spirit for protection and fertility. Yet you are see the forest as a living being as rumble himself sensed as he made his way through the jungle of the Amazon Region. He did away with the prevailing myth in europe of the british native by simply watching and listening to what the Indigenous Peoples had to say. More on the great man and his that band says check out the expedition homebody page on our website d. W. Dot com. Next week. But steps takes us to coastal peru to the pacific and the current that bears his name. Until then good bye and all feet as they are. Searching for a hero look no further than the sun vojislav the law. Our 10 are still in the celebrated violence her british. This year is lending his voice to a time when such an encounter with a different kind of iran. The world is getting more simple. More us kids asked of us a lot of problems. The global 3000. 00 talks would seem of british researchers who take a more optimistic view. The world is not always a good question but its much much better than it was. Is the world really getting better. A global 3000. 00 special reports. Starts august 19th some deeds of. Quiet melody resells michael light of the mood. Resonate when its all. The mind and the music. To open 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. How does time go on test to. C. W. Correspondent susan hockfield. Tempo has to be a really good. Story the various flavors of the exotic reason i am a challenge for you all of the region and the real absolute confusion and fun. From street food the 5 star restaurant tasting taipei starts september 1st on d w 5. This is d. W. News live from berlin warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe aboard a migrant ship and. His decisions growing desperate aboard the open arms 2 weeks after italy refused to let it answer but an offer to dock in spain has been rejected also coming up hong kongs streets filled with protesters but not with tear gas massive rallies this

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