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And all quiets on the martian front could be life there. Must we take a look at all fast paced cities. Urban life is practical everything is within reach. But cities can be stressful and the major stress factor is the noise. Noise pollution is one of the Biggest Health risks in urban areas. Our reporter anna sacco went in search of sounds of silence in the big city. Being out in nature with a good book nothing better. If you like me live in a big city. Its pretty hard to find a little peace and quiet. Noise pollution its everywhere you go but what is noise anyway noise a sound especially one thats loud on pleasant. From a physics standpoint though noise and sound are the same thing. Both of the treble air on down. But theres a slight problem with our definition of what i consider noisy but not be noisy for you. Still we can measure sound levels anything over 85 decibels is potentially dangerous and not only for your years. And research as noise and Healthy Living in the city was noise such a problem in the city noise is the 2nd memory mantle stress or after air pollution. It isnt health risk as it is just defined by their World Health Organization noise can cause sleep disturbances cardiovascular diseases Cognitive Impairment and long children especially. The constant noise is actually bad for you and its a problem all over the world. A Large International study has even suggested a link between hearing loss and Noise Pollution in big cities. But how can we escape the sounds of the city. Urban planners like that the key already working on solutions. What will the city of the future look like. Will look like but i could imagine how it will sound. So i would have. Populated with natural sounds like. Birds. These sounds ended been indicated as positive sounds by people use in the house it. Is a Research Project that you started in 2017 its supposed to help people discover ways of quiet in their cities ive downloaded the app to my phone now all i need to do is to record the sound of the quite spots take a picture. Answer a few questions and add it to the house city database. Ok lets go. Out and about in the name of sites that you can use help us like me to collect data. Out of citizens is so fundamental people that live and work spaces in c. D. R. Do a real x. Prayers of our cities. It sure is fun to be a citizen scientist. But finding a quiet spot is definitely proving a challenge. But the ultimate goal of the project is through a contribution to the identification and protection of a quiet areas in cities and these matters are very effective and contributing to the reduction of Noise Pollution in cities lets check out the quiet spots my fellow citizen scientists already found. Just what i was looking for. Fish free to join me. In the 1880s. Prove the existence of electromagnetic waves. And thats what ultimately enabled the development of why this communication. In china more than 717000000 people have smartphones in germany more than 55000000 own one. Is spending more time on earth aliens and online and our stress levels are rising as a result i cant resist the lure of our phones. Life can be very hectic half of all germans question said they felt constantly busy and for many of us when we do have downtime like while waiting for a bus our phones command our full attention. We look at our phones an average of 88 times a day according to a recent study we stream data chat with friends read up on news and information. Germans spend an average of 2 and a half hours a day online young people spend up to 7 hours on their phones and other mobile devices. Neuroscientist heading back refuses to get out his phone while waiting for the bus well explain why later. What is it that causes most people to constantly check their phones for mentioning theres nothing more interesting than something thats new were naturally curious right from birth we love things that are surprising and modern phones really cater to that. Back is visiting a fin tank in frankfurt for does research into future trends and advisors companies. Pop us a bus a cultural anthropologist runs a workshop on the effect of Digital Media on our lives you have to give us techno i believe its driven by the users desire for response you want to know has someone written to me as someone tried to reach me if i got a new like annoying you know Everyone Wants the response system so like feedback. Its more a response that confirms you have a relationship with someone or with your surroundings. With yourself theres someone there who sees me hears me and as a result i feel probably a low life and. There are many other motives that prompt us to pick up one factor we hate boredom as a study in the us illustrates scientists left test subjects to wait alone in a room they were hooked up to a machine with which they could give themselves a mild electric shock after just a few minutes to ferds of the men and one quarter of the women had indeed pressed the button. This up version to boredom along with our natural curiosity and desire to have others respond to us but social media platforms and mobile phone apps exploit. Artificially high. Technology has 2 main effects 1st our Attention Span has gotten a lot shorter peoples attention tends to jump from one subject to another. 2nd but over time it becomes more difficult for us to set priorities to differentiate between whats important and whats not that its exactly that ability to differentiate that we need when we are confronted with so much information. And some mobile phone users are like addicts who develop withdrawal symptoms when theyre without their phones. Its awful that we laugh about it it is funny. Says the era of the smartphone has led to an outbreak of abnormal behavior thats no longer healthy. For the large names of you but i met many people take their phones everywhere even if they just go into another room or that they dont have their phone with them but they keep imagining the vibrations that their phone makes or they hear the rain sounds. So theres a neurotic element to it. To get from hand you have. Many users find themselves constantly checking their various apps and in boxes for messages clicking from link to link or stream to stream this neurotic behavior is reminiscent of 0 animals who spend their entire lives pacing up and down in their cages. You look at the phone to check the time and before you know it youre caught up reading something else. Or fear of missing out triggered by seeing what your friends are doing. I have had it happen and its friday night ive had a hard week and i plan to spend the evening on the couch with a good book and get an early night. Everyone needs downtime like that. But then i look at my phone and i see on facebook that theres a concert tonight that i wanted to go to and on instagram i discover my friends are meeting at a bar around the corner. And yet doing nothing can actually be very fruitful its when we slow down that our brains have the chance to get creative and thats often when we have our best ideas. Our 2 experts are convinced that mindfulness can be a helpful tool in the digital age. And when i eat my body needs time to digest if i just kept on eating out explode its the same with information my brain needs to be able to review things to set priorities and have time to think. Thats why heading back leaves his phone in his pocket while hes waiting for the bus that way he has the chance to digest the things that hes just experienced. Your smartphone is a kind of addiction no matter where you are the phone has to be close by do you experience that too. What do you do to distract yourself from the urge to constantly check your phone. We put that question to you on facebook. Black from nigeria says hes too addicted to his phone to know how to limit it and he asks were suggestions. One from mexico has one he says you have to occupy yourself with other things like playing an instrument reading a book or meeting up with actual people. Frederick from kenya says the only time he can resist checking his phone is. Hes doing chores and errands at other times he will have his phone in his hand and check social media even when hes watching t. V. The cd has a simple remedy go fishing he says. And octavius comment is that if he had no smartphone he wouldnt see our question on facebook and we wouldnt exist no worries we definitely exist. Traffic jams also take a toll on our nerves according to one study in los angeles is the most congested city in the world people there spend an average 102 hours a year in traffic jams in moscow or new york 91 hours many traffic rich cities also struggle with evolution its no wonder many people dream of escaping the smog at street level and taking to the skies that could soon be reality. Is it all just high in the sky all we one day really stick around in flying taxis self driving an electrically powered of course if you can imagine that you can make it cloudy as i will think its quite possible she studied English Literature and is a specialist in fantasy literature Companies Pay her to call exciting ideas from Science Fiction novels she says Science Fiction has often envisioned developments that later became part of everyday life star trek featured mobile phones for example long before they were invented. Many things were once considered crazy but then new Technology Comes along like wireless communication for example and suddenly this new device becomes possible. Into by an autonomous taxi has been undergoing trial operations it was built by a German Company photo copter. Its amazing how different it is from other aircraft its extremely stable. As if it were flying on tracks. Alexander is one of the founders of copter he says a ride in a sky taxi shouldnt cost a lot more than an earthbound 1. 00 developing a vehicle is one thing getting it licensed and widely accepted quite another. Many people badmouthed it they say itll never get off the ground were used to that. Last year by southwest tech conference in austin texas several sessions were devoted to flying taxis which generated a lot of enthusiasm. It could be that people in the United States are in general more open to high tech innovation. Becomes a Silicon Valley clue to the entire Silicon Valley culture was born out of nerdy saif i culture. Whether its Facebook Google or apple they all say when i was young i read this or that and that inspired my inventions thats common currency perhaps thats why people there are more ready to take wacky new ideas seriously. By contrast some argue that in old europe people are more stuck in their ways less prone to flights of fun to think its a controversial claim but socialists have been a fifer says there are real differences historically determined after money and if you lose a few. In germany or europe in general the philosophical tradition is more like the state should deal with or provide certain things. Its rather different in other countries. For these cultural differences have developed over time storage device needed. But there is evidence countering such claims several flying cars were on show at the 28000. 00 Geneva Motor Show and the fans think that many visitors. Just mostly i want to try that and lift off thats it im sure its going to happen so its not realistic to think you know its not going to happen its. Alexander it wont be deterred by the naysayers his Company Appears to be going strong it has 25000000 euros in funding from dinah the Parent Company of miss eightys. And i dont like to stand still but to explore new realms thats what fascinates me more its. Still there are limits. One thing that many people dream of that definitely wont be possible is. Beam me up scotty its great in movies but as long as the laws of physics hold well never be able to beam somebody up it would take too much energy here on earth. And its allies. Heading skyward in a flying taxi might be a pleasant if more modest alternative. Aliens from outer space are a staple of the Silver Screen like contemporary since 996 comedy so i thought film mas attacks. Martians attack the earth but ultimately the clever play was prevailed. In all seriousness though could there be life on last. Chapter cassius from pretoria wants to know more. Or could there be life on mars. When the astronomer Giovani Schiaparelli discovered grooves on our neighboring planet the idea of little men from mars became a fashion it was thought there could only be one explanation for the canals. Mass became a canvas for bizarre fantasies it was thought that its color came from red vegetation. After the war of the worlds the image of mars inhabitants changed h. G. Wells described a high tech civilization the martians what coming to conquer us. Science fiction space probes show decades later mars is a desert planet cold and hostile to life. This meteorite awoke a new hope in 1906 to this day experts are discussing whether this clump from mars could contain tiny microfossils it is possible. Huge quantities of water used to flow on mars water is the most important prerequisite for life about 4000000000 years ago there were rivers and lakes on what is now a dry planet. American Research Rovers have already found several pieces of evidence for that. Back on earth astrobiologists discovered like im funky and microbes that can survive in extreme regions and it turns out they could also survive on mars that was proven on the International Space station that they were exposed to deadly space packed in these boxes and they survived the ordeal. Researchers believe they could even thrive on mars not on the surface but buried in deeper levels of the ground where there are reservoirs with liquid water. 2 thats why the europeans want to launch their 1st Research Rover to mars soon itll drill into the surface to a depth of up to 2 meters and search for fossils of mars microbes but detecting living microbes would take decades if they exist at all. Right brian even if you. Do you have a science question that youve always wanted answered were happy to help out its a little ass as a video text ovoid smell if we answer it on the show well send you a little surprise as a thank you can i just ask. Youll find as i did have a dot com slash science all drop us a line at d w underscore site tech on facebook d w dot science. Time for al. Video of the week this 3 d. Printed robot fascinated many of us. Its a model of all robotics tops to an extinct tetrapod that lived during the permian era around 219000000 years ago. Scientists at berlins home bought university and the planet take in stitches of luzon drew on the fossil and fossil tracks to create a robot simulation. Called our robots its made out of motors with flexible plastic and steel parts. With the help of the robots the scientists were able to prove how the ancient animal moved and come to conclusions about its evolutionary history. Tend to think of fish as something well fishy. That we should identify more with them after all our ancestors came from the primordial seas. Fish has plenty of surprises hidden in effect scales. In the storerooms of the German Oceanographic Museum inch trials and is a treasure trove of fish from the depths of the oceans as well as the mediterranean and the baltic biologist t. Mo markets has been doing research here for more than 15 years studying fish from all over the world. Using a method known as clearing he looks inside the specimens to examine their skeletons. Well nothing really just think of every possible vertebrate on land from the back to the elephant to the penguin well there are just as many species of fish and as a fish scientist id say theyre just as diverse to. First the bones and cartilage are stained with red and blue dyes respectively the flesh is dissolved with enzymes and the fish is immersed in the medium such as glycerin to make the remaining connective tissue transparent the process can take month team or more had to his ph d. Student philip he may have prepared countless specimens like this one. And. The best thing about this technique is that you always discover things you werent expecting when you look at a fish from the outside you hardly have any idea whats inside it. And when you have a new cleared specimen and look at it under the microscope its incredible how many amazing structures you can discover. And they can come. For example here in syria now or in the share or taiwan where the scientists have conducted field studies searching for new species of fish many of their specimens come from swamp areas in africa or from asian fish markets every specimen is examined using a microscope and then photographed this produces fascinating images that display the fish anatomy in great detail of. My very 1st cleared specimens already gave me the idea that theres so much to see and explain here that you should really turn it into an art project. So thats what he did. The museum put some of his exquisite pieces on display sand lances feature on the prints for instance as to monkfish and other bizarre looking creatures. And. Suddenly you see bones where there shouldnt be any the answer is simple this large smelt ate a smaller one is the head the eyes the backbone of a small one the tail is still in the big ones mouth. Wherever you look you find something new even when youre not expecting much youll still find new things or thing thats what makes this technique so exciting. And in the future t. Mo more hits intends to continue working on his specimens as art and science. On the 1st of january 9 19525 metre weight was measured on a training station in the north sea. It was seen as proof that monster waves do exist but how do they appear out of nowhere researchers may have the onset more on that next week till then but by. And the arts 21. 00 special. Beethoven needs my mind into w. s campus bunch of young guys issues from germany and india explore each others musical style the result. A breathtaking concert at the Beethoven Fest in bonn. The 1st coming up. The fashion of the future as an identity. Desirable as a bunny is cosmopolitan connected to. Cars or homeland in our hearts. Wears its under sleeve. Label combines kashmir from the gold with design from believe. Your romex 30 minute double. So if youd have to get through the bundesliga break without a football 6 think again. 15 women smoke come from its place of excitement. Not something. That seems to 19 minutes move. The ball over the result. She on the telly. Im on my. Guard. I have. Been 15 years since the moon landing. He was the 1st man to walk on the moon. And on our planet. As a small boy he dreamed of the stars. As a pilot he flew anything no matter how dangerous. Cheer decoded up. As an astronaut he took part in the greatest adventure in history. But he room a legend was simply a human being who was neil armstrong. The moon was his destiny starts july 20th on t. W. U. S. President donald trump has said he is not looking for a war with iran but one that such a conflict would result in obliteration he also said he aborted a military strike to retaliate for iraqs downing of an unmanned u. S. Drone because he said it could have killed 150 people. For a 2nd consecutive night thousands of georgians have gathered outside parliament in the capital tbilisi to demand snap elections the vote

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