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Work inside her government one by one they resigned and walked away Prime Minister theresa may end her break to leave the u. K. Out of the European Union she says her plan is the only plan but how much longer tonight the future of the Prime Minister as uncertain as. Im burnt off in berlin this is the day. But i believe with every fiber of my plea that the cool science says out is the right one for our country and all people this is no pressure this is a failure of government policy this is a bridge city but a diverse on the priorities of the british people it needs to be rejected yes stiff and sometimes uncomfortable decisions that have to be named i understand fully that there are some who are unhappy with those compromises and difficult publicly will concede to a regime which open equal pretty damaging to the economy but devastating to the public trust and also said that one simple fact remains and that is that nobody has produced any alternative proposal you have the story of talent within the conservative quality who would be very capable of support of leaving the public rights and im i going to see this through yes. Also coming up tonight the refugees who fled me and maher and persecution at the hands of the countrys military bangladesh wants them to go home voluntarily. Well more than i do not they have tortured us so much there are no words to explain it we went through so much pain and if we go back again to face the same why should we go its better to die here by taking poison. There well have to stay in camps were already in camps here i feel that i will die here so dont try to understand. Or we begin the day with british Prime Minister to recently shes staying put and staying with her breaks that plan at least for now tonight mrs may valid to defend her plan to withdraw the u. K. From the European Union she again described it as the best possible deal for the country and she again ruled out a second breaks at referendum but tonight the Prime Ministers power like her brakes and plan are being called into question today while lawmakers in parliament ripped apart her breaks of plan members of her government one by one walked away. Leadership is about taking the right decisions not the easy ones as Prime Minister my job is to bring back a deal that delivers on the votes of the people that does that by ending Free Movement all the things i raised in my statement ending Free Movement ensuring were not sending vast on you sums to the e. U. Any any longer ending the jurisdiction of the European Court of justice but also protects jobs and protect peoples livelihoods protects our security protects the union of the United Kingdom and i believe that this is a deal which does deliver that which is in the National Interest and im i going to see this through yes are as she says shes going to see it through when i talk about that im joined now by social higher kareem he is a member of Prime Minister to resign Mays Conservative Party and he represents North West England in the European Parliament he joins us tonight from his constituency in burnley mr covering but its good to have you back on the day i want to take a look at one of your tweets from today you roads and it seems the entire conservatives breaks it movement are resigning in mass and a coordinated manner abandoning their breaks and as it breeds its the last maybe we can now get back to being a centrist party governing in the National Interest do you tonight have any hope of of that happening. Well good evening brant its good to be back on to your program and have this opportunity to send a very clear message to your viewers about where we actually are at this moment enjoying the tweets that you referred to makes it absolutely clear that the only people today that have resigned from government in the United Kingdom what people who were committed to break that is but not just committed brigs it is they are committed to a certain type of break that which is by and large people who are committed to a no deal exit from the European Union now that is not something which delivers the Referendum Result that the people of the United Kingdom voted for in the referendum and by removing themselves from government that now give us the opportunity to carry out a centrist and center right Reform Program for the United Kingdom and indeed it leaves a Prime Minister now free of the shackles that these people had placed around to try and get deals through the House Of Commons i dont say that lightly i know that hes a tremendous challenge that she sees ahead of him and as i do the arithmetic the numbers dont currently stack up and you know you strike me as being a an optimist as well the main breaks a tear still in government tonight at least for now is the Prime Minister herself and we know that she was not a die hard leave been to before she became Prime Minister she delivered the brags that shes promising the breakthrough that you and other conservatives would like to see. Well actually to reason may come paint for remain she voted remain but she accepts the result that was delivered and has said that she will do hope very best to reach the best possible deal in the circumstances now bearing in mind if you are leaving the European Union it is an unrealistic expectation that she will have greater rights or the very same relationship rights as what you have whilst you are a member of the europe. The unfortunate thing is those who are making unrealistic demands today actually really expect to have a much better deal than what they had as members now that is an unrealistic expectation that cannot be delivered when one examines what trees m a has actually in the go she said well in the circumstances i cannot think of what more could have been done by all the European Union to deliver a situation that provides the best protections for european citizens and the best basis upon which our economy both in the United Kingdom and in the European Union Member States can carry on in the least friction affected way possible so this is about as good as it gets and if thats not good enough for these people then they really have to be finally now this is their last opportunity to meet one east with the people of the united and say to them that actually our ideology dictates that we must destroy parts of your lives and parts of the economy in order to achieve our ideology let me get you to take a listen to jacob riis marx said earlier today in this thread about no coming out against to resume. Take a listen to the Conservative Party referendum on which almost all conservative m. P. Stood said specifically that we would leave the Customs Union it did not have any small print saying oh unless we decide to have a backstop that is a permanent Customs Union that is harder to leave the new leaving your opinion and offical fifty now hes not alone in his opinion and when i hear him and when i hear you speaking it sounds like the maybe the Conservative Party itself is headed for a split and perhaps teresa mayes days as Prime Minister are numbered what do you say to those two prospects. Well look red im not somebody that in any way tries to mask the political reality is that in staring everybody in the face there is today a fundamental split in the Conservative Party that has actually been a real. Challenge facing those of us that want to be a centrist right Political Movement and there has been a real Battle Taking Place For The Heart And Soul of the Conservative Party and what you are seeing today is actually that now being fought out at the very last stages through this break that process and what Jacob Reese Mog has actually set out that. Puts in place a very clear contrast between the battle that is taking place between the two different viewpoints one based on ideology one based upon pragmatism but what he argues for and what the people of the United Kingdom are now aware of is that actually he is putting the unity of the United Kingdom at risk when he puts forward is arguments no jew in the e. U. Referendum campaign when we made these very same arguments they dismissed it as project fear now today they have been absolutely unclothed in front of the british people people like j. P. Jacob riis small amount of nowhere left to hide and simply dismiss his concerns is not now going to work because these have become practical reality is that must be face. Let me get you to listen to what the European Council president dont want us what he said today. They us people find those deals with the United Kingdom in november. We also prepared for a low decent idea. But of course. I mean is there any realistic chance of that if it is theres an area where britain does not leave the European Union. Well that theyre all basically three things that can happen on a technical basis and two on a practical basis one is that there is a break that without a deal one is that there is a break that with a deal and then there is the third option which is that there is no brakes it at all and now i do not believe for a second that they can be contemplated breaks it without a deal the disruptions and the consequences are just far too severe for any british Prime Minister to countenance and certainly our closest Trading Partners in the European Union will do everything to avoid that as well so i really do not see the circumstances arising where as a practical reality the theoretical basis of delivery breaks it on a No Deal Basis comes to fruition i dont see that that leaves two options one is exiting with a deal now that requires for the House Of Commons to vote and unanimously approved the acceptance of the deal that Prime Minister may has brought back now currently the arithmetic is far too challenging and it doesnt get through thats quite clear whether that can change over time we will have to see what the next few weeks brains and the very last and final issue is one of no breaks it at all now there are several avenues that lead to no breaks it all but of course with that having been a huge public exercise through the referendum they would need to be a further democratic exercise carried out that delivers a result which allows for a reversal of the article fifty notification and the cancellation of breaks it and i could take one of two forms either a general election or my preferred. Oh its actually a peoples vote mr kerry but were a virgin were Running Out Of Time id love to talk with you longer but we unfortunately were Running Out Of Time and i guess well have to see what happens in the next couple of days and maybe we can come back to you to you know to see if your predictions do come true. Karim from Prime Minister to recent days Conservative Party joining us tonight to talk about the predicament that the Prime Minister is in tonight mr karim thank you. Well hundreds of Central American migrants have arrived at the u. S. Mexican border town of tia juana they are among the first Migrant Caravans to arrive at the border theyve traveled a thousand kilometers and they say they want to escape poverty and violence in their home countries they now hope to gain entry into the United States but the u. S. Government has sent thousands of troops to the border to stop them defense secretary jim matches has visited troops in texas on the Us Mexico Border u. S. President has threatened to close that border and has labeled the migrants invaders some mexicans living along the border with the u. S. They are showing solidarity with the migrants some but not all some bread a warm meal or even socks migrants are getting help from individuals and institutions like in this makeshift shelter in mexico city to be on a gutierrez is one of those who turned out today she drove a van over loaded with clothes for women and children them. That he went on its gratifying that a lot of people are helping that it brings out the humanity in us and pleases me to see the difference were making. Were all very proud to be mexican. Mexico has seen migrants heading north travel through the country for decades this is a chance for it to express solidarity with them. That is we have to deal with this acutely painful situation to reach out to people passing through who are we need to. Be and some who think that we reject them we have to support each other because we are all human beings and we feel for them. But the migrants have not been welcomed by everyone some mexicans have begun lashing out at them that they have no problems because they dont work if i come here to contribute than theyre welcome he seems like theyre having a day at the beach. Or a throw away the food we give them but they keep their big. Numbers that many of them are drunk youre in a thing in public everywhere. Cannot cope with receiving them in the hope that from now on officials check their papers and give them what they deserve and give us what we deserve their human rights are apparently worth more than ours and. Some of the migrants have experienced these attitudes during their journey but even so most say mexico has offered them good care. Was just now one person in so it is we dont like thoughts but i guess we have to accept it we always hating that country. Makes a co has received us very well with very proud because it has given us all the support we have not liked or closing. Mexico a country divided like so many others by migration. Welcome or no im joined by laura porus she is with the Think Tank Interim Merican dialogue since Two Thousand And Eleven she has been a consultant on Migration Remittances and development for various International Organizations lourdes good to have you on the program as we saw the caribbean it has its arrived at the border release of the first europeans arrived at the border what happens next well like you were saying you know its just part of the group that has arrived and probably more and more will be coming from the cabin i think and some people have said it in a very nice way for me which is its a very visible. Group of people that this is migration that happens constantly in view of mexico and to the u. S. Border right these people actually in some cases you can even hear them say they care any safer than the way they usually cross mexico which is with smugglers or exposing themselves to basically theres. Theres going to be bigger groups and most of them we expect are actually going to go through the Security Points and try to either. Ask for asylum or other kind of protection where do you think thats going to have to mean is there is there a way now with the sort of Ministration Stance being the way it is is there a way that these people can legally apply for asylum in the United States. Well even the last change that the administration did to the asylum cases what it says is precisely that you cannot enter the country illegally you cannot cross the border illegally and ask for asylum and if you but if you do it legally which i believe was the plan most of people in the caravan from the beginning because if not its too obvious because of the group such a big group of people is actually going to the points of entry and ask for asylum that means youre not crossing the border without. Permission or through a legal post and that means that your request for asylum you have grounds for oppressive asylum will not be affected by the u. S. President you know as well as i do. The weve got a little delay there in our signal but let me ask you about what the u. S. President did up until the midterms or he talked a lot about the migrant cure billions even describing them as invaders and saying that they were harboring members of isis but weve heard very little about the cure of a chance since the election does that surprise you how do you explain that. Not at all and even from the beginning that was a lot of what people were saying right this is being an excuse towards the election to make a big fall out of it and try to influence the vote during the midterms and probably some of that actually happened which means that after the elections are gone theres no more need to push further the point and i think that was not a surprise for any of us that follow the topic because most of us were actually expecting that this was just. A strategy that was very directed to the elections and that is something that you see over all the administrations policies you see a lot of focus on immigration when immigration is actually. Decreasing or at least not increase in the syces that it was two or three years ago so the focus on a problem that is actually smaller now and has a lot more focus on the polish level tells you that it does not respond necessarily to the reality but actually to policy interests its interesting too because the president can say one thing but its really the media to amplify what he says think about what were talking about tonight youre not going to find many News Programs that are talking about the cure began this thursday and that tells you that the medias criticism critics can say the media have been part and parcel of the u. S. President s attempts to demonize these markets do you agree. And even some of the media are actually campaigning with the president right and i think exactly its wonderful that you hold in this conversation and know the media that is still looking at the caravan from the humanitarian perspective i think that is the approach of the should have had from the start and not be played as a political card it is definite i saw this a statistic of how caravan was a word and one of the outlets like sixty times per day or something and then just on the seventh it became one or twice the whole twenty four hour news right and that that is actually a confirmation of what most a lot of analysts were saying before which is this is being played as a political card not an actual issue and even before that. Let me ask you before we removed so i mean how important is the money the remittances the money that these migrants who earn in the u. S. And why or back home how important is that. It is very important for certain countries in the region for example for haiti which is the biggest. Remittance recipient as a percentage of the g. D. P. Because thats the other thing that is important for example for haiti thirty three the equivalent of thirty percent of the g. D. P. Is what they receive in remittances that is huge in countries in Central America varies from ten to fifteen twenty. For example in a country like mexico which receives the biggest amount of remittances it doesnt make coffee even its less than the three percent of the g. D. P. Of mexico so a lot of it has to do and what whats the role that plays in the Economy Laura who is with the interim dialogue we push your time tonight or thank you. Thank you. Well bangladesh had a chaotic start to its controversial Repatriation Program for refugees today One Hundred Fifty were injured were meant to cross back to me in march today not one of them turned up instead they were there were angry protests at the border hundreds of thousands of muslims are currently living in sprawling camps around the bangladeshi city coxs bizarre and despite repeated warnings that conditions are still not safe bangladesh says its time for the regime to go home now the u. N. High commissioner for human rights michele says that no one should go anywhere at the moment in a statement she writes returning revenge or a few g. s to me and more at this point effectively means throwing them back into the cycle of Human Rights Violations that this community has been suffering for decades or hinges and now fear that theyll be sent back against their will most of the Twenty Two Hundred people on a bagel a dish Repatriation List have reportedly gone into hiding. The sheer scale of the refugee crisis in bangladesh hundreds of thousands of residents in muslims are living in squalid camps like this they fled to me and ma because of Army Led Violence following a Military Crackdown but with agreement from me and mom today Bangladesh Begins the enormous task of trying to repack treat them its a move thats proving deeply unpopular for. The entire Community Leader told me that my number has been listed and i have to return to myanmar my son and daughter were killed there i cannot pray there no one talks about our rights there we were sent away after being labeled bengali we will not go back there i dont know this family have fled the bangladeshi cant they called their home and are in hiding so fearful are they of returning to me and mom but more with the not they have tortured us so much there are no words to explain it we went through so much pain and if we go back again to face the same why should we go its better to die here by taking poison. There will have to stay in camps were already in camps here i feel that i will die here so dont try to understand Aid Organizations in the Un Refugee Agency at mit there are still concerns for the safety of those who do return but nevertheless the work to repatch One Hundred Fifty road he injure a day is under way of this were still talking to the working here refugees or people on the ground or working to encourage them to go back are associated organizations are also working on the matter life in camps like this is far from easy but for many ranger staying here is far better than being forced to return back home. Well the governor say she continues online let us hear from you Family Member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. And. Nothing is quite as it seems. Its exhibits challenge our perceptions. And boggle the mind one look at these particular lesions. And you come to your mind. Youre wrong. On detail the. Shake off life. Football is a simple game football a subpar game. Not really hot including two majors a ball for ninety minutes. To mr lets talk about it wonderfully not nearly all of it seems like its difficult to understand if we give you the answers at least. Sixteen. W. And i just wish double wave. Or did. Littlemore years. For women for Internet Activists One Mission in the battle for freedom and dignity. Against repression and violence they deplore the powers of social media took their messages for suppression like

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