Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180908

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Militants out of the province of idlib. We have said that failure to contain the syrian army will have catastrophic consequences. If you didnt join methods that disregard the safety of civilians will only help the terrorists so long is. Also coming up on the day as north korea approaches its seventieth birthday effect to speak out about the dangers of munching in those fast stepping parades. It was that the doctor did not even touch me and diagnosed me with say attica. I asked him about the cure and he said there was none he said if i were lucky it would heal itself but if not it would leave me paralyzed waist down i fainted after hearing that for three months i had to crawl on the floor. A serious seven year civil war looks like its engine its final bloody stage after the leaders of iran and russia back to military offensive on the countrys last rebel held area russian president Vladimir Putin and Irans Hassan Rouhani refused calls from turkish leader read up type one for a ceasefire the three latest match in the iranian capital tehran for what was seen as the final chance for a diplomatic solution before a full scale assault on it led. Backed Opposition Forces against syrian president Bashar Al Assad and now fears a new flood of refugees russian president Vladimir Putin dismissed president to once a ceasefire proposal say a truce would be pointless. There are no representatives of armed opposition here at our table and moreover there are no representatives of nusra front or i asked on the syrian army. And i was. So in my opinion and i believe the turkish president is right in general it would be good to have a ceasefire which we cannot speak for them and moreover we cannot say that no threat from terrorists or i. A. S. Will stop shooting although they will stop using drones with bombs. So if anything the tehran summit has highlighted the differences between the main powers involved in this conflict well bring you reaction from the shortly as well as analysis of the wider situation in syria before that there are reports about the situation in it ahead of a potential assault by Syrian Forces and their allies. The Northwestern Province of idlib is syrias last rebel stronghold tens of thousands of people were bussed here when other antigovernment areas fell around half of the estimated three million residents both civilians and rebel fighters have come in from other parts of the country. The first big influx came in december twenty sixth seen after Government Forces took control of aleppo then in twenty seventeen the last rebel fighters left the city of homs and in march this year after fighting ended in eastern guta convoys also headed to it live. Now the Syrian Government wants to retake the city its army video shows tanks apparently preparing for a ground offensive. Around ten thousand rebel combatants are thought to remain in it lived most of them radical islamists and members of terrorist groups theyve been digging trenches and blowing up bridges to counter any assault by the syrian army and its allies. This could be their last stand they have nowhere to run he neither place is there was a solution for the fighters to move them to a blip. It is more difficult to know where the fighters will be moved so the risk of military confrontation is very high you risk of course many deaths of civilian people of innocent people which would be. Terrible a humanitarian catastrophe to avoid this Turkey Russia and iran need to mediate a shared goal but with very different motives for. Turkey more than anything wants to prevent hundreds of thousands of Syrian Refugees from pouring across its border it also wants to stop the kurds from founding an independent state in syria russia and iran on the other hand are primarily concerned with expanding their influence in the region they want a unified syria under president Bashar Al Assad. Seven years of war in syria have left at least three hundred fifty thousand dead millions of refugees and a country in ruins if the offensive on it it does go ahead as many as eight hundred thousand people could be forced to move again which. Is anyones guess i. Have been hearing turkey fears another vast influx of refugees from syria the destabilization of areas just across its border is present but following those talks into. Turkey right now is hosting three point five million Syrian Refugees. It lives population is three point five Million People right now. Turkey does not have the resources or the power to host a further three point five Million People. We need to take joint steps to prevent migration from this area and to do that. We need to be successful in the fight against terrorism. Lets get more from correspondent judy hahn and welcome you here whats at stake here for turkey. Well eclipse for turkey is a major security concern not only because the battle over could lead to a final decision in the Syrian Civil War in favor of president assad and thats certainly something turkey doesnt want but also because it is turkey that would have to deal with the consequences of such a large scale military offensive president again warned today of a bloodbath a massacre as you already mentioned he is concerned of another refugee influx a large scale influx of people into his country considering that turkey is already hosting so many refugees from syria but he is also concerned about jihadist fighters fighters that are believed to be inside thousands of them and they could potentially hide among civilians and try to cross into turkey so now that russia and iran have vetoed any cease fire just to have a plan b. To have this potential humanitarian catastrophe. Well thats not entirely clear present out on seem to have not been successful with his proposal of a ceasefire today there might be a chance now for this u. N. Plan for jihadist fighters to what we stroll from city centers from civilian Populated Areas so maybe mr i dont manage to buy some time but what we saw today is at this meeting is that these three leaders mr putin missed out on and mr rouhani still defiant very very much on this matter especially mr putin favors a harsh a Strong Military action again against all kinds of rebel groups inside it live including the groups that turkey is currently supporting against the assad regime so the joint declaration today had no real news the three leaders agreed to continue cooperating to try to resolve this crisis somehow but there was little more in this documents so we dont really know what will happen in the next hours in the next days what will happen next and. So if the worst does happen. With refugees what would that mean for congress refuse refugee. Well eight old aid organizations here in turkey are reportedly already prepared preparing for this worst case both sides of the border the tech side and the syrian side so theyre preparing for it miss out on emphasize again that they already reached their limits in what they can do but i believe that in this case this whole e. U. Turkey deal would need to be renegotiated missed out on would ask for much more financial and human syrian assistance from europe and thats something europe seems to also take into consideration seems to be aware of the German Foreign minister visit to turkey this week and he said in the case off such an military offensive on germany would consider to step up its humanitarian assistance to countries like turkey. In istanbul thank you. Middle east Analyst Daniel gallo is the editor in chief of the german middle east a magazine. Welcome to the studio daniel thank you so nothing concrete out of todays meeting between russia and iraq other than lets keep talking absolutely that doesnt mean by the way that this offensive will start tonight or tomorrow. The fear is there and the political pressure has been raised but that doesnt mean that the offensive lets not start now to the russians have started bombing. Targets inside but frankly theyve been doing this since some time now even though officially it live had been declared a deescalation zone which the turks were supposed to control where they were supposed to contain the jihadists and rebel groups and make sure that they dont make inroads from there into a regime whole territory it is possible that the offensive stands you have to were also reckon with the fact that they are trying to get part of the job done at least they conquered the strategic places before the winter starts in syria. It has High Altitude partly so. Climate plays a role but i think now its about securing strategic points highways and other roads and maybe some border areas for russia and the Syrian Regime iran is probably instrumental is providing some support but iran is not the main military player here it is russia the Syrian Regime and the other on the other side of course turkey which has military power and what should we make of the the fact that russia and iran meet today to decide syrias future without the Syrian Government being in the in the room will assad just take what hes given lead they havent said that they would decide serious fuchsia particularly not serious political future this is not a political issue there is the illusion being up held by many sides that the political process is going on that theyre still struggling struggling for a political solution but what is happening is a military solution and it contradicts whats been said also by the United Nations and many european governments for many years now that there is no and by the way also by the people at this table like there is no way or there is yes they base their own sins and then know that there is the military solution is going on and. Well see the results its going to bring about a quickly ok so. This is about the war. Assad will just do as hes told until you d. C. Is decided not necessarily i dont think you know this is a very comfortable narrative also for the regime that the regime as it has has nothing to say here and that its all the other powers that are deciding its future you know this is a very very concrete case the case of loop which somehow concentrates all the contradictions and all the problems of the serious look at mrs assads country hes not in the room and he is still in charge its his government its. Its of course supported by russia and iran it was saved by them. But they play a role and they are pushing for the offense of the differences story that the russians are very much interested in finding a military solution to this and i think also the bystanders we know that there is many of the rebel factions in their lip are jihadist groups jihadist groups that have. Somehow that have been branded to terrorist organization by the United Nations and this is also one of the reasons why for example United States somehow standing aside of course theyre saying dont use chemical weapons we will have there will be a harsh reaction but in effect they dont really mind that there is going to be a military solution for of for it live and this is what the tragedy of the United Nations is warning of a humanitarian disaster u. N. Syria and voice to distort a has a plan lets just listen to him money you know. People should be granted safe passage to bleated of their own choosing it wont leave them be readily removed allow the opening of a number of protected voluntary evacuation routes to be in any direction if north it were that we must be granted active the u. N. And. So that again is there any chance of warm them being granted access reliably and to is there any chance does work of. Course there is a chance if the powers at the table the powers that that have united in tehran today and if the Syrian Regime allow for that there is a chance it is not about avoiding the war its not about avoiding the the the battle between the Syrian Regime troops russia and the jihadists and other rebels its about trying to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe and trying to limit the humanitarian consequences the loss of lives and we have seen that it can work. The only problem this year. Even though turkey has some control over over it live and has influence on the on the on the forces even connections with the jihadi groups there it is quite unlikely that theyre going to give up and say we will separate ourselves from the unit from the from the civilians move out of the cities because then what would happen they would be hunted down until the very last man so theyre using of course this is really an interest or infrastructure survive and they are i think quite up to the. Theyre in a situation in which they would say we will die together or we will live together and they are holding the civilian population and that hostage and Everybody Knows this but i think the dimmest are a plan as desperate as it may sound has a chance if the political powers in the region are willing to subscribe to it and will believe that there are lots of semi optimistic to try to gather thank you thank you. The eastern german city of cabot says tens again tonight theres about fifteen hundred demonstrators marched against the governments migration policies chanting we are the people this is our c. C. They carried out spoiling for a complete halt to the arrival of Asylum Seekers hundreds of Police Officers have been deployed and there are no reports of violence commits a serious series of protests on both sides of the migration issue since a man was stabbed to death late last month allegedly by an asylum seeker. You know the aftermath of that fatal knife attack house sparked disagreement between chancellor merkel and her Domestic Intelligence chief after the incident the chance of a spokesman highlighted reports of far right mobs that hunted down foreigners in the city but germanys Domestic Intelligence chief is now raising doubts about those accounts saying his agency has no reliable evidence that such xenophobic activity actually took place. Videos like this one have been circulating online theyre said to show far right mobs carrying out racist attacks in the eastern german city of camden on august twenty sixth. But in a controversial interview with the daily billed newspaper germanys Domestic Intelligence agency chief said he had no evidence that the racist attacks occurred he said a widely circulated video could be fake deliberate misinformation but he did not say which one. Hansgeorg mawsons remarks contradict not only reports from eyewitnesses journalists and alleged victims the intelligence chief also contradicted chancellor Angela Merkels commons just a few days ago my near tune is that we have seen pictures that clearly show hatred and the persecution of innocent people and we must distance ourselves from such behavior. Theres been something of a consensus among members of nichols governing coalition that the races violence and chemists should be condemned and several german politicians have criticized mohsen for a second guessing what really happened. Instead of speculating in public mr moss and should present evidence. Revised. Can work because ive seen the pictures ive heard the eyewitness accounts i know about the many reports from journalists and i think a prudent Security Agency head would be well advised to provide facts for such a controversial thesis to avoid exacerbating matters. Shaft. But germanys interior minister mohsen superior has defended the controversial statements. When a senior minister talked to them as interior minister i have always said that in such difficult terrible events one must be accurately informed about what actually took place today for most. A spokeswoman for the interior Ministry Said investigations of the disputed videos are ongoing meanwhile mohsen has been asked to clarify his position. As get most of the Political Correspondent maximally on the course sheikh whos been following the story welcome max many on how has. His statement. Well this is the Crucial Point is the moment he hasnt at all so far we are you having the interview that hes gay. Even germanys biggest tabloid newspaper builds today in which he makes these claims but doesnt back them up in any way and weve got the statement from the domestic Circuit Service itself the shorts in which they say theyre still checking theyre still investigating the claims that this video may be fake but there is no proof so far and the bigger question is if there have been concerns by him or by the agency why have they not brought them up with a chance of their their Spokes Person of the chancellor Angela Merkel of stephens i would said today that there has been no conversation between the head of the Domestic Secret Service agency and the german chancellor and if he is have these concerns he shouldnt be he certainly should have raised them and so now he appears to be a chair contradicting chancellor merkel so why is he likely to be doing this. Again that we dont know we have no idea how the situation occurred why hes come out with these allegation in an interview rather than a statement rather than the political briefing and briefing with the government for what we know is. That the cause of the underlying issue that were seeing here in germany is now the question like what to make of the events that are in chemists and theres a big debate theres a big question between different political sides how to attack that or how to address this issue its a question of like how we are Going Forward with right wing violence with a phobia thats in germany and if there has been an institutional overside in the country in the government on this issue you know a top spot these concerns that have been raised about masters political independence of the past few weeks. Yes indeed the controversies about the head of the Domestic Secret Service of the fourth. Mosque on have been piling up in recent weeks and months for once there was the claim by a former member of the far right a of the party saying that he himself has been advising members of the party and how the far right party could avoid being observed by the Domestic Secret Service theres also been the claim that he has been trying to hide unconstitutional the fact that a constitutional. Informant was part of the group of the attacker on the german Christmas Market in berlin here in two thousand and fifteen that somebody from the Domestic Secret Service was in wolf with the group that planned the attack and then also there have been claims allegations in recent years that the Domestic Secret Service hasnt been paying attention to rising violence and extremists and have maybe even been dodging investigations in these directions so no way vedettes leader of the s. P. D. One of the Coalition Parties will have the greens on the left saying that manson should resign he said quote a lot of passionate. He is certainly hes only been in the office since two thousand and twelve and hes always said hes been really keen to be on the office he said when he got the post that he things he and the Domestic Secret Service will be a great fit but as weve just spoken about there have been the controversies about him and the way hes conducted his his management style within these secret service has been quite controversial whats now happening is that the social democrats have asked for a meeting of the Parliamentary Oversight Panel that overlooks the secret Service Agencies both the domestic and the ex. International brands of it in germany and they want to meet with him next week and get some answers but its really on the procedures thank you. As north korea gears up to market seventy thousand of us read this weekend defect just asked breaking out about the health risks of goosestepping participation in north koreas huge parades are seen by many in the military as a ticket to promotion but exiled North Koreans say the marching style is dangerous. A military display to warm the heart of a dictator north koreas leader kim jong il is likely to see much more such synchronized stamping as the hermit kingdom gears up to celebrate its seventieth anniversary but all this pomp and pageantry comes with a human cost. This is north korean defectors. Hes lived in south korea for decades he recalls a female officer he rests her life in a parade. We can. Either go to her after the march she was taken to a hospital and i do not know whether she survived or fact. She trained through the pain knowing that if they found out about her condition they would pull her out of the parade she endured the pain and fell after she marched in front of the north korean leaders. Good. Another defector now living in seoul. Camden gosh she was the technique she perfected. But her body has paid the price she claims the grilling exercise left her injured and was a violation of her human rights. To get there one of those a doctor did not even touch me and diagnosed me with say attica. I asked him about the cure and he said there was none he said if i were lucky it would heal itself but if not it would leave me paralyzed waist down i fainted after hearing that for three months i had to crawl on the floor. Here in pyongyang some of the thousands of North Koreans whove been practicing for the upcoming celebration for months the price of privilege in this totalitarian state. As it for the day but as ever the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter. Outfield other good. The guardians of the kruger national. This time they arrived the two men to all think about the body of a head. Coaches have struck again. Always a devastating experience for the rangers because south africa faces a bleak future without its wildlife. Next w. Two thousand and four celebrations as it joins the. Polands two thousand and thirteen right wing demonstrations to judiciary under the governments critics treated like criminals as the country change so much it will have the old and we want no one will impose their will on us ever again poland the crossroads a new crisis for the e. U. Forty five minutes on. They make a commitment. They find solutions. They inspire. Africa on the move. Stories for both. People made a minute difference shaping their nation. And their continent of africa on the move the stories about a motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. Double using multimedia series for for god. D. W. M. Dot com africa. Were not allowed to show their faces just the chief rangers. Being a game keeper here in south Africas Kruger National Park is a dangerous job poachers have struck again and they could still be nearby. The chief ranger looks for clues. This is beautiful to do with us for. The thrill. Of this its what this one is

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