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A talk about goal is to facilitate the if the british willing to offer a include the city im led to feel the cold to. Meet you thats why when it comes be it is the tweet to give that came from greater. Danger than you many did in tragedy for me rick this means a all out war and when to put in that medium people out there so in that sense it was sending the right message. Also coming up tonight a record low number of Organ Donations in germany and a controversial opt out plan that could change that. And the movement when a loved one dies these relatives im not in a strong position to make clear decisions please its so easy if they know exactly what the Family Member wanted then this is lived but otherwise it can be very difficult to decide on their own. Or we begin the day with a plea to finally rely on words instead of weapons in the seven year long syrian war today the u. N. Called on the military powers already involved in syria to sit down and talk russia and syria have reportedly set next week as a deadline to launch attacks on province turkey as against any advance fearing another wave of refugees and today u. S. President donald trump posted a tweet warning of a humanitarian disaster if russia and iran go ahead with the offensive now it is the last rebel enclave in syria one by one rebel bastions in syria have fallen only by the military intervention from russia and iran in each case rebel fighters were evacuated by bus and headed to Government Forces gained control of the Northern City of aleppo in december two thousand and sixteen the regime recaptured Eastern Ghouta in april of this year. A demonstration in italy against the assad regime in defiance of the looming government offensive what do these people turned out voluntarily or were forced to by rebel fighters is unknown. Propaganda is dominating the calm before the storm on all sides the syrian army displaying its hardware and saying its ready to move in where still observing the other side but when we see something there we fire on anything that moves. For the first time in weeks russian airplanes attacked rebel positions in italy on tuesday some thirty targets were hit say the rebels russia says its patience with the antiGovernment Forces is limited. But the rebels are also rattling their sabers many of them of former alqaeda fighters at least ten thousand fighters are in the enclave these propaganda images give the impression these men can hardly await the coming bloodbath. But handed we will defeat any attack and destroy our enemies we are ready for paradise. At least three million civilians including many refugees are trapped inside this suffering is already appalling but we have its a daily struggle for survival its terrible i cant give my children anything to eat. And the turkish army has been moving additional hardware to the Syrian Border its supposed to block another mass influx of Syrian Refugees if and when the offensive goes ahead. Im joined by correspondent. Who is covering this story from beirut good evening to you im sure you know we heard the United Nations warning of a blood bath in talk to me a little bit about why this province why its so important and what is at stake if it falls back into government control. Well if that is the last remaining rebel stronghold and the Syrian Government acquires it if it does which is what it wants to do then Bashar Al Assad would have pretty much won the war which means what would happen to the political reconciliation which the Assad Government it says even now is unwilling to move forward on secondly this province has about three million citizens most of these people are against the Syrian Government. From areas like aleppo and will and that are on the seven conciliation deals they want all that it live is going to this safe haven but if the Syrian Government as it says wants to attack in it and does that then what would happen to these people say in a sense is it that betrayal where will these people go he does not want them and that he has three million Syrian Refugees europe is not going to accept him also what are these three Million People going to go so what were looking at is a possible. Many casualties and refugee scenario what of these people then believe that they want to go to europe obviously if yes so its all in all a pretty dangerous situation for the people and if they are currently with this you you bring up a very good point because all throughout this war in syria when weve had humanitarian disasters in other places civilians the people have usually been able to flee and where theyve gone theyve gone to the province what about russia and what about Bashar Al Assads forces we know that Bashar Al Assad would not be able to have this offensive without the support of russia but does russia have the same interests in this conflict the same interest as Bashar Al Assad. Well it does and the reason is this province is dominantly under the control of high at the lido shum which has been renamed such only recently earlier it was known as jump at the last saddam was an ally of terrorist organization ill tie the experts believe in there isnt enough evidence to suggest that it still has ties with al qaeda this is a problem for russians because several of the russian fighter had also come in and joined this outfit and they just dont think that its viable for them to elect this outfit continue at a time that they want in several other parts of city as they dont want. To continue high after the unisom has also sent unmanned aerial we close to russian bases inside the us so they do see eye to eye with the sit in government when it comes to attack of the province whereas if you talk about turkey and russia then their interests do. They have similar interests because neither wants russia does not approve of want its reputation to be worse than it already is so it wants to contain casualties in is live and turkey does not want any more refugees we need to now see what happens on saturday when these two countries including iran will be talking about it in a standoff that theyre going to be talking and the United Nations continues to say it believes in some type of negotiated solution do you think thats possible considering we are talking tonight about a perfect storm and a possible bloodbath in. Well weve seen in the past that turkey and russia have cooperated when it was about offering a friend is the score issue because its dominated by the p. K. K. Which is a secessionist Kurdish Militant Group so russia in a way according to experts it had would often do it ducie thats where they have what we can do also cooperate on is the experts say if turkey can which it has actually been trying to do to get this higher group to buy the merge with the islamists all moderate rebel groups backed by to or disband then possibly the scale of this back to be contained but i personally spoken to people from the status to organization from the sixty was jobs overnight asian and there are no mood to give up they say that they have a job and they will be going ahead with a so in that case what will happen in the sauna is a discussion over what are the possible exchanges over the core interests of russia iran syria and of course to spark correspondent gora on the story for us tonight in beirut thank you. Google its more than just a name or a down its a verb and its a Company Worth billions and it has a birthday twenty years ago today a pair of ph d. Students in the u. S. Working out of a garage made the internet Search Engine a Legal Company google was born in the dot com excitement of the late one nine hundred ninety s. When the internet was young and open to all or that zite guy informed the new companys goals to deliver information to anyone with Internet Access that was the one time has a way of changing People Companies and as we know the internet. Googles Business Model is simple users searching the internet tell google about themselves allowing google to sell targeted advertising to businesses the firm i. P. O. At eighty five dollars a share in two thousand and four and quickly rose in value. New products like google mail and acquisitions like you tube expanded google from a Search Engine into an Online Network where users could shop or find news. As the mobile internet and apps begin to rise google moved to make up ground to pioneer apple releasing the android operating system and app store. Today google employs more than eighty five thousand people worldwide and is worth more than seven hundred billion dollars it has fifteen data centers around the world and thats part of the problem information is increasingly seen as something to protect tech firms are being held to new standards of social responsibility. And insight google pushes for gender diversity and against collaboration with governments like the u. S. Or china. So a lot of transformation in only twenty years. Well im joined tonight by young she is an associate professor of Communication Studies at the university of North Carolina her upcoming book is entitled china versus information and she joins me tonight from charlotte North Carolina and welcome to the day so weve got this twentieth birthday of google is this a chance to celebrate what the company has become or is it a reason to worry about what the company is becoming. Certainly i think its a chance and google has done and many wonderful things and created many wonderful technologies to have a common a part of our daily fabric and certainly its a point a moment to celebrate but in a same time i think over the twenty years and google has encountered many problems that are becoming more and more problems today yeah one of those problems is an image problem that these tech titans they arent popular at the moment the c. E. O. s of you know Alphabet Google and twitter and facebook what theyll again testify before u. S. Congressional committee tomorrow and today we heard that the head of u. S. Intelligence has warned of more cyber intervention attempts leading up to the midterm elections do you think that Companies Like google in particular do it do you think that inside these companies do they realize the impact they are having on geopolitics in just the way everyone lives. I think employees include well in cycles do as a matter of fact they protested by petitioning top management to cancel the plan to start a censored mobile search app in china so they are very well aware that its business as intertwined was a National Security issues and i think its becoming more and more clear to people both inside google and elsewhere that after you know the Facebook Cambridge analytical scandal and weve become aware that some of these companies are not doing a very good job taking care of user information and in fact using information has been really being sold to the high spitter regardless whether the highest bidder is an authoritarian government or demagogue so its very terrifying problematic you know earlier this year google removed its motto dont be evil from its code of conduct i want to show you real of the text of the first paragraph of the preface of that code as it used to be and it reads dont be evil google is generally apply those words to how we serve our users but dont be evil is much more than that its about providing our users unbiased access to information i had to read that a couple of times because you know its almost chilling google can no longer make the claim of unbiased information as it heads back into china can. Well it really depends on what kinds of services will go to sites to operate and sank china. Model is do the right thing now right and so but but i dont think if google decides to ensure china go back to china with a censored mobile search app that it will be doing the right thing because that would require google to continuously and correctively scrub and filter information on a very massive scale were talking about eight hundred million chinese Internet Users about one fifth of the worlds entire internet population google cannot legitimately claim that it can you know Service Users with unbiased information if its doing turn to one fifth of the worlds internet population culliver i want to point out that you can go back to china and other ways for instance you know its open to Artificial Intelligence Research Center and it made investments in ecommerce business in china and these are ways people you know google can do business in china without compromising itself i want to ask you about something you wrote in two thousand and twelve you wrote a paper in thai the Internet Companies in china dancing between the party line in the bottom line and you wrote that foreign Internet Companies are invariably used or restricted for social control as the government transplants its ideology into cyberspace you said that this is not sustainable in the long run and that it raises ethical concerns would you write those words today i mean isnt googles returned to china proof that china has succeeded. Oh a couple even more so today a lot of china observers would note that in the past eight years luck china and its flowing environment has contracted and worsened. Means that for businesses like google and they need to they have work pressure actually to control and censor i think a nation people get for instance earlier this year i joke that in china called me end to end it with thirty million users was a lot to shut down so it really doesnt bode well for google if you go back if it goes back to china will censor mobile search at the European Union have slapped on two huge fines more than seven billion dollars in total on google for manipulating search results and for abusing its power with mobile phone makers i mean google has to change for europe it has to change for china is that the key to which future success would you say well it certainly was hoping to do business everywhere without getting caught anywhere but also hope that one realizes that i can do well by doing good by delivering credible and trustworthy information of services to its users that it can earn Peoples Trust and also grow more business so doing whats good for society can actually be good for a globalized lies its going to have to see if the doing the right thing that definition can withstand the next twenty years in john associate professor of Communications Studies at the university of North Carolina joining us tonight from charlotte a fellow tarheel im told mid thank you its good to have you on the show tonight. Well thousands of people in germany urgently need a new organ like a heart or a kidney but the numbers are not in their favor Organ Donation said a record low last year now the countrys Health Minister is proposing a change to the organ donor wall that would make Organ Harvesting mandatory unless people register not to donate eighteen European Countries have these systems already in place spain leads the pack with more than two thousand Organ Donations last year germany with a much Larger Population didnt even manage eight hundred. York philip had a good life with a family and a solid career thats until an infection destroyed his heart when he was in his late fortys in the hospital the tormenting wait for a new organ began in c. And killing one of our more you lie in a hospital bed and suddenly you hear someone rushing down the corridor pushing an emergency resuscitation call then you hes the person is relatives the raw if theres something because the person has died you go through all that with the family and the medical stuff its the worst thing youll schedule so that you could be next when you can also and couldnt philip had to wait seven months for a new heart thats not uncommon because the number of organ donors in germany is falling with more than ten thousand patients on waiting lists donations have dropped to just eight hundred a year and for you and many clinics Organ Donations have been so rarely that the concept of donation is quite foreign so when it does happen the stuff often dont know the proper procedures and can be quite overwhelmed befall us and its not that people are unwilling to donate experts say but rather that they fail to give written consent before they die this often means giving relatives facing a momentous choice. Even fall for. The moment when a loved one dies the relatives are not in a strong position to make clear decisions to please. Its site in full for its so easy if they know exactly what their Family Member wanted this is large but otherwise it can be very difficult to decide on their own discounts really thats why Germanys Health ministry and spawn wants to change how Organ Donation works in germany currently people voluntarily opt in to donate but under the new proposal they would have to opt out if they didnt want him. And. Lawmakers declare everyone an organ donor it is an infringement on peoples individual liberty but i still think its necessary for. Some call the proposal an ethical. I believe it disregards the fundamental concept of Organ Donation its no longer a donation donations a voluntary and this initiative is forced flee which is against the very nature of Organ Donation. Spend but for organ recipient york philip the decision is clear especially top couldnt feed the horrible waiting time experience could be shortened substantially and people in this situation would be happy if the circumstances were improved in my view that wouldnt be hard to do when philip has been living with someone elses heart for three years he is grateful for every new day it gives him. To talk more on this im joined tonight by Andrew Goldman he is a member of the German Parliaments committee on health he is a member of the f. D. P. Party also known as the liberals he joins me tonight from munich mr allman is going to have you on the show you are a medical doctor by training youve worked at several hospitals here in germany what have you experienced when it comes to Organ Donations. Well there is there are certain things that you do experience as a physician theres a frightening situation there a patient is brain dead and then you have to talk with relatives if they are willing to donate or not if you do not have one of those donation cards and i think the importance is that we in the hospitals have to look at the piece more closely and be aware that there is a potential donor in front of us there was a report that came out earlier this summer this past summer claiming that the problem was actually with hospitals not informing the foundation that handles right Organ Donations do you agree is that the problem are we talking about red tape problems here. I dont im not sure if thats really a red tape situation but if you look at the data that was presented in the doj shots to be just a couple of months ago it actually depicted very interesting situation that the potential donors were actually increasing over five years up to thirteen point five percent at the same time the actual donors dropped by thirty two point three percent i think thats a significant number and these are the study actually stated structural deficit deficiencies in the hospitals that have to be coped with and the situation is basically thats one person whos responsible. Sides in the hospital taking care of that situation contacting the d. A. s although that is the central registration and if they are having a lot of things to do that sometimes talls apart and they dont have time to take care of those patients you know that i mean thats amazing that it could be you know a time where work overload is you i understand that your i guess the suggestion that has been made by the german Health Minister to change the system why. Well first of all i think your interview partners prior actually placed a very nicely i think. Liberal society we should all responsibility and opt in if you want to do a voluntary donation prior to our death and if you look at the data and talk to talk about evidence based politics you could see that the potential donors are increasing over time and that the population over three quarters of the population are positive who are donation of their organs ok so people are open to the idea theyre willing to to be a donor but thats not happening and so you dont want to have this this opt out in dilemma what would you suggest then to improve the situation well this opt out situation is a really anti liberal approach to my opinion i think we should take it step by step we have to actually improve the structural deficiencies in the hospitals that we have at least one did a case of person full time responsible to identify potential donors and get the actual donation start i think thats the first step and the other set thats not even in the discussion yet is the living organ donors they had we have a law situation you could do this to your relatives like donating your one of your kidneys or partial of your of your liver but i think thats that could be further done with with friends of course it has to be a stick approach meaning that you do not get money for donating one of your organs theres also a lot of variations of living Organ Donation there are possible i think these discussions should be started first before we and that would be one way to improve the actual transportation rates are explanation rates over time. Then we could still the start of the general discussion. All right Andrew Coleman a member of the German Parliament the ballistics committee on health joining us tonight from munich mr only thank you very much. Thank you for having me. Well add another internet giant to the trillion dollar club today the online retailer amazon saw its stock market value touch the one trillion dollar mark now thats twelve zeros in a fill up your screen you see there and was on becomes only the Second Company ever to reach a value of one trillion dollars it follows apple which became the first last month well the day is nearly done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either off t. V. Right there or if you knew something and use the hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. In. The. Reliable. News distance from classics to. Automotive history. Training. Camps is corruption. Well concentrated in the capital while the rest of the country suffers from it are popping up. Leased by. Africas second Largest Oil Exporter generates billions in sales but the money ends up in the hands of a small shameless. Close up in forty five minute w. A nine hundred sixty its a crime echoed around. Young people rebelled against their currents gentlemen. Demanded nothing less than a home to society. One mil strong of muslims millions of those events today. The seeds of civil rights. Peace movement and Womens Movement planned during this period. Nineteen sixty the global. This week double. A low and welcome to drive with a d w motor magazine coming up on a bill to read and watch the ashton march in vantage. Vintage extravaganza adding cashel day class week days. And im

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