Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180828 00:02:00

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A Sturdier Shelter and then i had to sell my pulses all and even rice for this month i had to sell to build the house my relatives told me to make the house strong even if i were to go hungry. Aid agencies have warned against an outbreak of water borne diseases such as cholera and diphtheria but most would rather bad life here than go home. Even if we have to sleep in a trench its better than being back. But theyre not meant to stay here in january min mon bangladesh agreed to repatriate the revenger within two years. Their mother has started Building Transit Camps to house the return knees. But the un has said conditions are not yet right and so far barely a handful of revenge have returned. Are what happens now that the world has this report some talk about that im joined by Christiane Thomas shot he is a former member of the u. N. Human Rights Committee and the uns International Law commission is its almost like its good to have you back on the program this investigation by the u. N. It took place without the assistance of the mian maher authorities we know that State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi she refused to cooperate what does that mean for the credibility of this report and is it possible that the military can just simply continue to ignore as it has been doing well he could have been created but it is not a fact that by the refusal of the authorities jill let the commission and of the country i think because they have so many pieces of evidence they can listen dont witnesses people who have experienced a lot wild happened to their families and they had Seven Hundred Seven Hundred thousand refugees living area down on bangladesh and ceded to access them and to get first hand information from the white house what happens when with the u. N. Security council do you expect the Security Council to refer me in march to the International Criminal court unfortunately i dont think so because myanmar has strong backing from china and from china is this you know to somebody because the International Code there is something which they dislike because it could happen to them one day all its all yeah i mean it brings up the point doesnt it that its really important for a country to have a strong backer or a strong ally i mean i mean mark may have china but why for example we dont see a you when investigation into syrian president Bashar Al Assad for it. Sample and is thats because russia stands behind him right its the same issue you know again well you can have an investigation and. What but what is the outcome finally know the outcome if you come to the response to a puzzle to see International Criminal code while you have the facts if you can say that some years later yeah the person may be charged before an interview come out drive you know and also if he or she is outside the club the country what about the United States it has not joined the u. N. And accused me and more the military of genocidal intent how important is that while this confirms the very cautious attitude of the United States and in particular as a genocide is is. Well accepted you know a very small will come in u. N. Circles because people feel that is entails a lot of the consequences and countries of powerful should do something about it if you say this is genocide and this is i have far right demonstrators clash with police in Kenya City Center i tunes versus bottles more officers had to be drafted in from Neighboring Dresden and light switch to cope. With that start get out of town this is our city they chant in this video shed on twitter theyre protesting against what they see is a rising crime committed by foreigners. The unrest followed the death of a thirty five year old german man in the early hours of sunday during the citys Annual Street Festival he died from his injuries in hospital after being attacked with a knife two other men with seriously injured Government Spokesperson Stefan Seibert stress that the events in cannes its had no place in a democratic society. This is which the feebleness league its important for the government as it is for all democratic politicians and for most of the population as well i think to state clearly we do not accept marauding riots like these nor the hounding of people who look different oh come from somewhere else no attempts to spread hate on the streets this has no place in our cities we and i can certainly say this for the government utterly condemn that kind of behavior. Tensioning came in its continued into the night on monday if ireland had demonstrations from both the right and left wing groups during the evening. Well we want to go now to our correspondent charles until she joins me from kim its where those protests were taking place earlier good evening to you charlotte so weve got police confirming that there have been injuries what have you been seeing there does seem to me that even brant yes Police Tweeted that there was a number of people injured in this stuff was the breakout here this evening and then just to give you a sense of exactly what took place it just behind us the square behind us hundreds of fall right protesters were gathered and then across the street over on this side there were hundreds of counterdemonstrators they were being kept to pause by riot police who carefully controlling the Situation Tensions then began to rise as the far right protesters started to leave the area started to march through the city thats when stones were being fireworks were being held there were reports from police the number of far right protesters using the nazi salute something which of course is banned here in germany it was quite a chaotic scene police had to bring in a Water Cannons we didnt see them used did just seem to be a tear and trying to keep the situation under control but it was very tense here at certain points throughout the evening. And what about the people that youve been talking to today i mean what have they been telling you about this situation and this clash. Yeah we spoke to a number of Counter Demonstrators they were taking part in the protests that started before this far right protests and we spoke to one woman who said that she was originally from lebanon she lived in germany for a number of years she said that she was caught up in the violence that took place yesterday lets have a listen to what she had to say. I was happy being dense i was so huge groups of people with a racist mindset it was a right wing mob they were running around freely In The City Center they were chasing migrants here with too Little Police presence they took over the city you have been the stock ive been on you have. Now that woman really backs off reports that were hearing is in the media that some far right protesters yesterday were deliberately seeking out people who appeared to have a background in fact. The medical spokesman said that they were hunting them down and that is what that woman told us she said though that she was killed to come back today in spite of the pilots and take part in the counter demonstration she and a number of others told me that they thought it was important that the walls of the media doesnt just reports on these enormous far right protests behind me but also there are a number of people here who are out on the streets to say refugees are welcome migrants are welcome here in germany. What do we know or how much do we know about those two suspects who were in Police Custody tonight. Police initially were quite vague when they tried that when they laid out exactly what it is that took place there the killing that took place overnight saturday and into sunday if that thirty five year old man they said that of the people of the several people the number of nationalities they believe will poss attack theyve since revealed more information they say that two people are in custody one is Syrian National in iraq in national theyre suspected of being involved in this attack police are very keen to stress that they want to avoid any rumors and speculation that concern is of course that they might escalate tensions here in cannes its they say that they want to make a that the motive is not yet confirmed neither is exactly what unfolded during that attack on saturday evening so that trying to calm tensions here as much as possible in what is clearly a very volatile situation. Our correspondent Charlayne Children Telling the story for strong to be eastern german city of cambridge sean thank you. Well our next story focuses on the horrific practice of Female Genital Mutilation or also known as f g m a more than Two Hundred Million women and girls are affected by g. M. It leaves them with lifelong scars both physical and emotional and sometimes it can be fatal a recent figures show the number of women living here in germany affected by g. M. Has reached an estimated Sixty Five Thousand thats an increase of twelve percent on last year and experts say that increase is due to the arrival of migrants from countries which are known to carry out central and northern african states and parts of the middle east as you see right there at a Reconstruction Clinic right here in Berlin Brady She met one affected woman who is calling for an end to the brutal practice now her name has been changed to protect their privacy. One has to say. I was about eleven or twelve years old several people held me down then they cut me off they laid me on the table i can still picture it i had such horrific pain well then they sewed me together. They tied my legs together for a month so that the wound would heal. Them but i had had i types of Female Genital Mutilation very anywhere from damage in the clip to sewing up the vaginal opening in some countries the brutal practice is considered a rite of passage a prerequisite for marriage. In Somalia The Procedure is done by your so called cutter they have no idea what theyre doing they just have a knife and they cut. After two and a half years in germany thirty six year old e for seeking advice that balance doesnt Flower Center which offers Reconstructive Surgery and consultation for women affected by a. Dr cornelius joins advises those effects and but Germany Services an expertise in f g m a still limited. When i studied medicine and was uncovered in the subject. But i know this is changing and i hope that trend continues but i still need colleagues who either know very little or absolutely nothing about this and he got into this according to ted if some Sixty Five Thousand women affected by after living in germany an increase of twelve percent on last year. This is due to the increase in migration from countries where Female Genital Mutilation is particularly prevalent for germany this means countries like somalia. And a statement germanys family and Womens Ministry described Female Genital Mutilation as a Human Rights Violation during this legislative period the ministry also plans on working closely with germanys Youth Welfare offices but when it comes to some parents taking that young daughters back to the hung country for a socalled Vacation Circumcision theres very little that all thora to all the german government can do. Volunteers and teachers therefore play a huge role. The only way to really gauge whats going on is to have a vigilant society that particularly means people who work in close contact with families who might potentially subject their daughter to after. These people should be particularly attentive these are. Tested estimates that fifteen and a half thousand girls living in germany are in danger of after. Fails have three year old is among them. Miami good my three year old daughter has been circumcised yet but if we stand back to somalia who im one hundred percent sure they have grandparents will make undergo the procedure. But for the first eldest three doses its already too late. And im going to make that was our fate those of us who had to experience that but im a fighter. And i hope that at some point this ritual will stop and i see. This is definitely a difficult topic in the talk about but here the big table im joined by. She is with the in geo wadi which campaigns against Female Genital Mutilation in asia in the middle east is that it is good to have you on the show how widespread is this practice globally. Well. The first seen a map before i think before which is by the un the un counts twenty Nine Countries most of them in africa two in asia however it is actually much more widespread than this indicates we do have several countries in asia in the middle east for example iran is not on the mop and pakistan india. On the whole south Southeast Asia malaysia indonesia thailand are few cases but they do exist and even latin america i mean its. All over the world and you were telling me earlier that you spent time in the middle east trying to support Public Information campaign so that people know what it is and that it doesnt have to take place and why does it have to take place and talk to me a little bit about the challenges of just getting the public educated about this. Well what we do i mean why do you is working mainly in Northern Iraq we do have a small project project also in iran and we do Support Activists in all kinds of places like we did a conference for example in singapore. In iraq the challenges are. I mean you basically have to get to every part of society we do workshops for policemen for lawyers of course we speak with the women in the villages we speak with them and we speak with religious leaders with doctors when we want to even talk to Football Clubs i mean what do they tell you but why is this practice still so widespread when when we all know that it can be inducive damaging for women well the thing is that well in some places like it really differs from place to place i and we have our in africa for example it is often celebrated as Rite Of Passage In Asia it is mostly believe that its a religious duty. That is i have to point out that the majority of muslims do not believe that it has anything to do with islam but there are muslims who do believe that they must do it as muslims and it is really hard to combat an idea which people believe is demanded by their god of course i mean we can imagine what happens to these women who take a stand and say no i dont want that to happen to be and they get to go Against The Grain go against their family for example. Well if youre talking i first of all there are sometimes girls run away and we have one kurdish girl who actually done became active shes quite young but shes active in the campaign against it and also a mother is because her mother realized that this was good for her but when it comes to mothers they need the support usually of the husband because what they usually do if the community does not is not open to any change in behavior they what they do is lie they lie with the husband that it was actually done in which region there generates a whole nother set of problems right there that is with the. Wadi tonight talking with us about this very difficult subject of Female Genital Mutilation is that hes thank you very much thank you. Well after mounting pressure to do so u. S. President all trump has ordered u. S. Flags to be flown at half mast as the nation mourns the death of senator john mccain and like trump leaders from around the world have not hesitated in their respect for mccain the German Embassy in the United States posted this tweet our hearts go out to the family and friends of senator john mccain to the people of arizona and america he served. We remember him as a champion of the Transatlantic Alliance and a friend of germany. Well mccain was indeed a champion of german u. S. Relations a new program is kicking off to strengthen those transatlantic tuckeys. Germany and the United States voted to bar together the motto of a year of german American Friendship the program was launched in a pop up venue on berlin central Potsdamer Platz the specially designed Mobile Structure Will House Exhibitions and cultural events on a tour of the us that targets culturally neglected small town america. The this is the biggest joint effort between certain cultures science and education business and politics aimed at maintaining the dialogue with our american friends because the us is our biggest partner outside europe. Not us and europe one im going to be themes on and we want to address the major themes of the twenty First Century that is means education digitalisation it means urban planning we want to Reach Multipliers who can take the ideas that we can touch upon. Us to get. Us what we are attempting here which some describe as a new assessment of our relationship with him is to get in touch with the people right across the country one. We have established that direct Contacts Exchange programs are major factor in determining how another country is perceived how demi is perceived in the u. S. And in finding stock market. Best selling german or phone current now a long term resident of california is one of the participants she shows that the Rolling Germany Review will remind the two nations and continents of all they have in common by the continent for both continents have done terrible and wonderful things and would do well to just admit that us. And so much in america is european and things that are going on in europe also have an echo in america in america from that. Time for americans to meet a german and hopefully see that they. Can still be. So get off. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is a bar day well see that everybody. On. The. Clock. Very narrow. Very run. Very flexible these homes are packed with surprise. Littles of comfort and colorful details. See for yourself are syrians living outside the box this week on. The next morning. The sky was on fire. The Madame Plane Collision a condom at the Ramstein Air Base in music im disinclined to explain the crash. How hasa five is coping with a tragedy to the. Mainstream on the american advice and advantage of around shine. Through some pretty solid. Germany which. Any time any place. To sing news video. They have on the back of those. Songs to sing along to download the code from

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