Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180803 02:02:00

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Tonight with the capital being on lockdown so we want to make sure that you can do your job and not risk your safety what happens tomorrow when these results have been made public will you be reporting on a crippled democracy in zimbabwe. I might be and this is something that people have been telling me this morning as well as a woman was saying you know i really really believe that these election could be fair and transparent that my vote will count that i will have a say and that we will live in a democracy and monica was my hero too although i dont vote but i believed him when he told me that he is going to make my vote count and now it looks like god has a dictate to have gone but maybe this excited should have been. I think a very important point to make tonight and well see if it still holds true on friday our correspondent melanie ball in the Capital Harare tonight melanie thank bid and this is the only way to do it but laureus that that its good mr i think a lot of people would agree with you on that but what about the time of day or the time of night that this is taking place why why do this at such a late time when many people may not be able to watch and see and see this credibility in action as youre saying. One i think the majority of zimbabweans are glued to their Television Set so i can tell you that i dont think theyre going to get a bit until this thing is done because this is a very anxious and important time for all of us. I personally think you know this everybody and its a mighty amount of work thats involved in this process especially if its conducted in this way you have to Ten Thousand Eleven thousand Polling Stations two thousand ward wards Two Hundred Ten constituencies and all of those elections have the truth im as im aware. Ive been through this many times i can tell you very few times in the ross twenty odd years that weve been fighting elections as an opposition and we really have any faith in is it sick is a highly compromised institution and i mean the quality of the people on this commission is really appalling and. Some of them find difficulty even reading out the results that theyre given to to present to The Public Eye im afraid all of all zimbabweans are skeptical which is why its sort of vital that we have transparency and participation in if every face of this Relations Presentation i have to ask you about what happened today the headquarters of your party being basically taken over by police we understand that there were some members of your party who were also detained i mean from the outside looking in this appears to be an act of the ruling party trying to shut you down. I lose count of how many times they raided us at the Party Headquarters weve had doors mashed down theyve still been a computer is it must be twenty times to look at our hard drives and discover what hes been doing and where theyve been communicating with you know we come out of that period of time weve had thirty eight years of harsh dictatorship under Robert Mugabe during which time opposition was into was simply not tolerated weve had twenty years of simmie Military Giunta Leadership where the military has increasingly controlled the regime and we in the opposition have been fighting to bring Back Democracy and i must say that i thought the november coups in zimbabwe heralded a new beginning for us im very very disappointed to see the actions of the police and the young forces in the last couple of days and nothing a reason probably and she is my sentence well i have to say that your resilience mr cross is certainly remarkable and admirable and i think i speak for a lot of people in wishing you and everyone in your country the best outcome possible at least by tomorrow and spread across a member of zimbabwes opposition m. D. C. And a former member of the Zimbabwean Parliament mr krause thank you very much we appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Well google is reportedly secretly plotting its return to china a new report from the investigative web site the intercept says that the tech giant has a team secretly working on a new censored version of its Search Engine for china well to help you tell the story im joined now by my steam calling Helen Humphrey from our Business Desk now china of course is renowned for its historic great wall building started on the Mammoth Fortification Back in the third century b. C. To protect china from in later years right and these days china also has of course another wall known as its great far wall of china its supposed to protect chinese citizens from undesired foreign influence thats right the first set up back in two thousand the great firewall it blocks access to certain websites and terms that the Chinese Government deems dangerous any with a criticism of the government or terms that refer for example to the Student Massacre in timmins where back in One Thousand Nine Hundred nine all of that for him but in the past the Tech Giant Google well its spoken out against such Internet Censorship in fact i mean that is why they pulled out of china in twenty ten you know thats a very important point to make at the time googles cofounder said this. Objection is to those forces of to tell the cheeriness of our hope is there is progress and a more open internet in china what i can say is how times have changed thats exactly right telling me times have changed but i think people watching especially investors watching are not even investors people around the world watching are going to be asking has google changed is that the story here lets put it this way google has long had its company mantra which is actually now changed it went from dont be evil. Going to do the right thing so interpret that as you will but in twenty ten as we just mentioned it did pull out of china it had a google Search Engine there which did show results which were sensitive said that publicly it said these results you cannot bring up that they are on a blank screen and what happened was then in twenty ten that there was the moment that there were allegations that chinese dissidents had their accounts hacked this caused a diplomatic spat with washington and google said ok were out times up essentially its time to get out the question is that what changes dipping its total more than its toe back in the market that is china china hasnt changed much since twenty ten so one might think that google hurts if google does reenter the Chinese Market what signal does that send not only to the people in china but also to the government i mean it smells like a win for shes in pain to me right i mean we did hear a quote today from the former head of Free Expression for Google In Asia this man is called last months you he said reality is that google will be serving the Chinese Government Amnesty International today said that giving in to censorship if google does re end to the Chinese Market essentially would be a dark day the truth is there when you consider that china is set to become the worlds leading a column e. In around a decades time its a difficult question for Many Companies its a difficult question actually for many countries its a quandary that many governments are facing right now also bear in mind china is already the largest Internet Market Seven Hundred Seven Hundred Seventy Two Million Internet Users in china i mean the question is is the temptation simply too big for google what do we know what could a censored version of google then look like in china i mean we dont know we can go on what we saw from Two Thousand And Six which again was that google. Which showed since it results and back then google said well what were doing and do because google is this and how we can rationalize this is better to give some information the know information a tool and what google will probably do is have a search up its thought and will be a way to try and i mean to penetrate some of the services from by do of course is big competitor that i mean bear in mind that you know china is a country that is cracking down and censorship on terms such as jenin square or so in terms like Winnie The Pooh of course he was. Paying was famously compared to thats what childhood characters in it gives you need meaning to alternative facts you know it could be a question of geography absolutely before lets shift gears and talk about another big player here in The Tech World that is apple it has become the first u. S. Company to top said earlier one a trillion dollars by replaying zero zero one trillion u. S. Dollars in market value now this crowns a decade longer rise fueled by of course the i phone it transformed the tech firm from a niche player in personal computers into a global powerhouse spanning entertainment and Communications Steve jobs as we know started the company in his garage back in one Nine Hundred Seventy Six Those Were The Days Apple has changed how we communicate with each other and how business is conduct daily commerce. Investors and wall street loved this i want to take a listen to this moment so i knew a little bit about the company and i thought well if im in this world of. Covering writing about entrepreneurs model i invest money and thought i did i dont really remember how much i bought but it was not a life changing amount that i bought it and just held it. Shes holding on to a lot right now i will because i would say its a good many things stop and i think it is sitting in a very comfortable position at the moment because i mean look at the i phone for example its a Status Symbol now twenty years ago ten years ago even a Status Symbol may have been a luxury car in the kind of economy now where we most people cant afford a luxury car maybe that even a car actually or they dont want want or what they can just about afford it and a lot of people do have is an i phone four examples of dollars for a thousand dollars. Theres also the fact that you know this is something perhaps that apple couldnt even for see we are addicted to our mobile phone so to set extent they can set the price and they can keep it you know fairly high but of course you can say that there was be a competitive somebody else can come out with a small phone yes but there is some genius in apple in that we have bought into the whole ecosystem so you know apple for example the i phone the i use i choose for example so theres Genius There Mean Look look at the end of the day and cooks ten year and one hasnt bought out any more new products theyre still working on the legacy of steve jobs and yet its reached this massive Market Capitalization so i would say as long as the i phone is sitting pretty so is apple you know we know what sitting right here thought were absolutely. As always good to have you here at the big table thank you thank you. Summer wildfires continue to calls havoc in the Northern Hemisphere in the United States california is a blaze with thousands of firefighters locked in a battle against the Flames Emergency Crews and residents say that they have never seen anything like it before and there are fears that this could be the new nor. I dont know why its doing what its doing its bernie differently its burning more aggressive. Than it has in years past and i know we say that every year but it its unprecedented. Ive been a lifelong residence resident of this community ive never seen a fire with such destruction here in this area ever before. The Wildfire Aspect has intensified over the years so we didnt experience more and more damaging wildfires more fires that ignite rapidly its like going gas in a game these type of fires they wrapped and they spread so fast. Its burning in every direction all at the same time up hill down hill even if it doesnt have a strong wind on it its its burning is its got a Santa Ana Wind or for a strong sixty mile an hour seventy mile an hour wind. And my next guest has spent the past thirty years writing and shouting about fire his extensive back catalog includes publications such as between two fires a Fire History Of Contemporary America and it has established him as an authority on fires and how to manage them he has spent fifteen seasons as a firefighter in the grand canyon and he lives in arizona a u. S. State that is known for its uber levels of heat im happy to welcome tonight to the day stephen pyne who joins us from queen creek in the suburbs of phoenix its good to see you steve let me ask you the wildfires in the u. S. Do we perceive them for what they really are. Well yes and no there are there are many kinds of fires and the fires that get attention are the fires that burned houses kill people or involve celebrities and it could be a celebrity landscape. So california gets a lot of attention right now particularly fires outside yosemite. Half a million acres burned in nevada earlier this year and nobody heard about it. So we the other thing the other aspect of that is that almost all of us live in cities or suburbs now and we only experience fire in an urban context and you really dont want free burning fire in an urban setting but in the landscape most landscapes have a depth to desire even expect fire and the inability to manage fire actively in those landscapes is is the problem so in the us we yeah we do have a serious issue with bad fires we have an equally serious issue with the absence of good fires good fire bad pliers and then of course there is Global Climate change to throw into the equation if we succeed in keeping the increase in temperatures this century below the two Degrees Celsius thats the target will that mean if you were severe wildfires or. Have we lost that battle. It improves conditions but. In the us we began reforming agencies at the National Level fifty years ago forty years ago for the service with the realisation that the fire was out of control and when needed to introduce more. Find better ways to keep. So it is not a new issue and for the last thirty years weve been devoting considerable resources to trying to keep communities from burning where the two collide so Climate Change is really acting on what was already out there its amplifying it its making it worse but at this point it really hasnt meant a face change. Of a deeper level. Ive found a little paragraph where that says you would prefer that a poet educate us about fire in wildfires instead of the bureaucrats or the scientists to do it today i want to ask you weve got it weve got about forty seconds here is the what would that poets and i say what would the poet say think the poet would would point out that we are uniquely fire creatures on a uniquely fire planet and we are the chief we are the Keystone Species for fire now on the planet and fire has been absolutely fundamental to how we have lived even our problems with Global Climate change from burning fossil fuels may thats also part of our combustion story so we need to recognize that its not just a technical issue its a deeply cultural issue and in many ways it goes to the core of who we are all right beautifully said Wildfire Expert Stephens Pioneer with the with very insightful words about work combustion history steve thank you very much. Ive pleasure thank you. Well the day is nearly done the conversation as ever continues online youll find us on twitter in the it. T. V. Dont forget to use the hash tag of the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then. Sounds to hard. Stance know how to bring the risk to themselves in a metal grandmas instead of the i. Am not. An easy. Job. Sorry joe just couldnt get this song out of his head. The college just began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. Deep in the rain forest in central africa. Despite their culture the state. Only

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