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Ha. Ha the Supreme Court of the United States has just given a complete lie to donald trump the religious case for many a tremendous success a tremendous victory for the American People and for our constitution and its given him the green light to go against a global thing evolve based on their faith we have to be tough and we have to be safe and we have to be secure strong borders you know for us wherever you go running after each. Also coming up tonight the bright side a new d. W. News online series Proof Positive that our negative view of the world is often wrong case in point life saving global trade. The value of the black schools is mushroom over the last century and turning money from that trade off and increased our prosperity it also changed. His trade when top down went down killing each other is simply not very profitable. And we begin the day with a legal victory for the Trump White House and a reminder from the highest court in the u. S. That there are limits to what the worlds most powerful man can do today the u. S. Supreme court upheld Donald Trumps controversial travel ban it applies to citizens from countries which the u. S. Says may pose a threat to National Security but todays ruling applies to the third version of trumps travel ban the first two attempts were struck down judges writing that the u. S. President cannot restrict immigration simply by invoking National Security in other words the white house was forced to rethink not once but twice why and how it was trying to restrict entry into the United States a legal scholars say this is a victory for the rule of law opponents of the travel ban maintained that it discriminates against muslims a claim the court did not address in its ruling or heres how the u. S. President reacted when he heard about the courts decision that in a Supreme Court ruling. Is coming at a tremendous success a tremendous weight do for the American People and for our constitution to make sure that. We have to be tough and we have to be safe and we have to be secure the ruling shows that all of the attacks from the media and the democrat politicians are wrong and that. What were looking for as republicans i can tell you is true voters know grow up. She was President Donald Trump there lets cross over now to the u. S. Capitol where corresponding clear richardson is on the story for us tonight in washington good evening to you clear the Supreme Court ruled that trumps travel ban is constitutional but it also has signaled that simply invoking National Security is not enough for the president to restrict entry into the country so how significant is this victory for truck hi brant this is a big win for donald trump and you can see how happy he is about this Decision Just from his reaction he said this was a moment of profound vindication for his policy and indeed being as strong on immigration showing that he is keeping people out of the United States has been a key element of his Foreign Policy i one point during his campaign he called for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States has later been a bit more quiet on that point but people have always suspected that this band targeted muslims its critics say its a violation of the United States constitutional protections for freedom of religion and even though the court ruled that this ban did not have an anti muslim bias we saw really scathing to send from the justices in the court who formed the dissenting opinion they essentially said a reasonable observer would have to conclude that this travel ban it was in fact motivated by anti muslim sentiment now as you say this is the third iteration of the travel ban gay notoriety at the beginning of his presidency as a man and im muslim as a ban on muslims but weve seen lower courts block it they had to rethink it twice and the fact that the top court in the United States has now upheld the third version of his policy is going to be a big political victory for trump and there were protests today outside of the Supreme Court weve got reaction from one Muslim American take a listen. Today im heartbroken. Taking so much pain me to hold back tears but i want to cry. They are heartbroken and for my community the Muslim Community my community my Syrian Community and all the communities that are directly impacted by this muslim bad. Clear do we have an idea of the impact this travel ban has already had on the people that are targeted well this travel ban has been fully in place since december so were not going to see a huge difference from today to tomorrow and what we actually see on the ground human Rights Groups however absolutely outraged by this decision they point out the fact that its going to mean lots of people fleeing war are going to be unable to come to the United States i mean their relatives are going to be unable to visit their families even if they have a close relatives living here in the u. S. And theyre worried that it would get a misers discrimination now muslim communities are clearly upset about this so weve just heard that young woman is speaking about what this meant to her but also other immigrant groups that are concerned about the way u. S. Immigration policy is being decided and fear anything that would see it coming out of results of policy being formed based on race or religion it clear the u. S. Supreme court as it was deliberating on drums travel back in the u. S. Government was walking back another plane could be its immigration policy it was about their. Thats right so this political victory for trump comes off the back of a week where hes been under a lot of pressure in the United States over the separations of children from their parents at the u. S. Border this of course came from this zero tolerance policy thats all the u. S. Government taking kids away from their parents and the parents went into the federal criminal system while their cases were being heard after they crossed into the United States illegally now after we saw images of children in cages we heard audio of children crying to be reunited with their parents from faced immense public pressure and he walked that back he had a reversal on this policy but immigration lawyers who ive spoken to are worried that the government is still using these separations as a weapon against Asylum Seekers and you can hear more about that in this report. They were taken away from their families out the border. Now some lawyers say the u. S. Government is preying on their parents desperation to see them again. And many of them had been kidnapped raped tortured but again they said over and over that paled in comparison to the pain and desperation that they felt being separated from their children as a result many of them were really considering signing voluntary departure and really starting the deportation process so that they could get out of detention as soon as possible and they had been told by agents that if they signed a voluntary departure that ice would be unite them with their children as quickly as possible for us we heard that consistently and over over and over again to the point that we really feel that the administration is holding these children hostage to dissuade people from pursuing compelling and strong asylum cases. After nationwide outrage over family separations u. S. President donald trump vowed to public pressure and announced an end to the policy but his reversal does nothing for the children still inside shelters like this one in Southern California this is one of the more established shelters for Migrant Children here in san diego and it looks after boys between the ages of six and seventeen now its been doing that for years for children who arrived in the United States unaccompanied by a parent but the difference now is that it is also caring for children who were intentionally separated from their parents when they arrived in the United States as you can see behind me it is covered in fencing and green netting all the way around the perimeter to make sure that nobody can see out and that nobody can see in. The Government Agency that contracts this temporary shelter refused my request to go inside. But they released this footage showing childrens bedrooms a Medical Center with painted walls and a place to play soccer critics say this is the best Case Scenario for detained children and that conditions elsewhere in the country are likely far worse. Reuniting them with their parents will be a slow and difficult process some children might even be forced into foster care orphaned by the u. S. Government. Unclear based on your reporting do you think that there is the possibility of todays court ruling on the travel ban impacting the white houses promise to not leave these children in the cold but certainly there are fears that the ruling on the travel ban and that the president was within his rights in implementing it that this could embolden trump to add more countries to the list that it could make him be more come to a more hardline policy on immigration even before we saw this decision today though we saw the administration say that it was not going to prosecute parents and children mostly though because they were running out of space of where to hold them this has been a botched operation and a logistical nightmare there arent enough judges to hear the cases there isnt enough space to look after all of the people that were mandatorily apprehended and are now being prosecuted in the u. S. System and of course that immense public pressure that ive mentioned earlier many people in the u. S. Want to see these children are reunited with their parents we even see some states suing the Trump Administration to try and get to that to happen so i think overall youre more likely to see youre more likely to see the Trump Administration feel the pressure to try and do something about this just because of the public outrage over the past week its a tragic story no matter which direction youre coming from or correspondingly ritchson on the story for us tonight in washington clear as always thank you. Well after days of drifting in legal limbo on the mediterranean the boat known as lifeline and its more than two hundred migrant passengers may finally be headed to port in malta italys Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte after rejecting requests from the lifeline to dock in italy says that he has reached a deal with the island nation of malta and walter which also turned away the lifeline now says it will join other european nations in accepting some of the migrants on board. The men women and children on board the lifeline have been stranded at sea for six days now their wait could finally be over the german ngo vessel has permission to dock in malta. The migrants will only be allowed to disembark on one condition that theyre distributed among countries malta and italy a willing to take some of them france portugal and germany have also offered to help under the socalled dublin regulation Asylum Seekers must be processed in the country where they first arrived but this rule has long been the subject of heated debate as frontline states italy and greece bear the brunt of migrant arrivals. Its only fields left alone its refused to let em go run rescue ships docking at sports accusing them of aiding the traffickers. Blocking the business of illegal immigration means blocking the dangerous intervention of these foreign n. G. O. S ships. Risking the safety of the libyan coast guard the migrants they act with absolute disregard for any international. N. G. O. S say the problem has closed borders. If you want to stop traffickers you need to take away the economic incentive and that means opening the borders to those who need protection and who have the right to protection in whats called. A number of e. U. Leaders met on sunday to seek a joint approach on tackling migration but they failed to reach a conclusion. Regardless of the political crisis a danish cargo ship carrying migrants was today allowed to dock in a sicilian port after several days stuck at sea these migrants odyssey is finally over. Well the fate of countless migrants trying to enter europe and the fate of german chancellor Angela Merkel remain intertwined tonight and time is not on merrills or the migrants song im joined now by our Political Correspondent nina hawes as she is following the story for us tonight here in berlin good evening to you nina the chancellor has until july first to present a european plan on migration i mean when you consider how the deal was reached on living the life line dock in malta today when you look at the chances of success for america they dont look very good do that well lets not forget who gave her this deadline who gave the ultimatum and that is her closest ally the bavarian conservatives hasi who fungal americas interior minister has taken on has adopted a hardline approach to migration this is because he wants to win the Regional Elections with his posse which are coming up in october and varia and of course the far right f. T. The anti immigrant party is very strong competition for the conservatives in bavaria and so last year of as essentially said to angloamerican that he needs to find a solution or else he will close the borders effectively to Asylum Seekers whove already been registered in of the e. U. Countries starting from july im glad machall has already said that she doesnt think that she can deliver an e. U. White solution by the end of this month but what she does want to do is find Bilateral Solutions deals with other e. U. Countries in the viewers watching this story they may be scratching their head but i mean the stakes are really that high chance or merkel and her government could collapse next month because europe cannot agree on how to handle the influx of migrants right. Well certainly this is the closest that angloamerican has come to the collapse or potential collapse of her governing coalition which is of course ironic because she would be effectively toppled by her own closest ally again the varian conservatives not from an outsider and this only goes to show that the tone of the debate has changed considerably not just in europe but also here in germany and when you look at the amount of people who actually arrive in germany were no longer talking about those hundreds of thousands of people who arrived like in the climax of the migration crisis in two thousand and fifteen the numbers have gone down but the tone has sharpened and the voices of those who are until immigrant have been become more or double our Political Correspondent you know hard on the story for us tonight here in berlin you know thank you. Well the w. News is launching a new online series that challenges our sometimes very pessimistic perception of the state of our world my colleague christopher sprigg a joins me now to talk about his series the bright side of christopher youve touch that thing about human nature that is unfortunately so very true we did tend to focus on the negative or the darker side and not on the bright side dont we absolutely you know its a natural thing because it helps us make sure that you know we dont get into danger so thats why we focus on the negative a lot of the time but. Its worthwhile looking at the bright side occasionally because it helps us remember some of the extraordinary progress that weve made as the human race and thats what this new series is about so what are you going to be looking at in the First Episode of the series well we you know we reported a lot about conflicts the wars in syria the war in yemen for instance so we decided to take a look at the number of People Killed in conflicts across the world over say the last fifty one hundred years and the underlying trend is actually incredibly positive heres what we posted on facebook and twitter today. May not feel like it but we have actually stopped killing each other. Just. Last century was mercilessly destructive over one hundred Million People dying in conflicts across the world the Second World War alone claimed at least hof that number and that means around fifteen thousand people dying every day but heres the thing since then there has been a massive drop from fifteen thousand people dying a day to less than three hundred so why the decline the truth is were fighting fewer wars if you look at European Countries over the last hundred years so were almost continuously at war fronts germany italy and my home country britain but as you get closer to the year two thousand that military Engagement Begins to fade and then it practically disappear so why did we stop killing each other how do we find a more peaceful way of living together the simple answer is trade we started buying and selling each others goods products and services the value of Global Exports is mushroom and over the last century and earning money from that trade not only increased our prosperity it also changed our outlook as trade went up jets went down killing each other is simply not very profitable. Well see the irony that sticks out to me when i was watching that is that we are now looking at a global trade war weve got a u. S. President who says that trade is not fear anymore and yet when the world did not engage in global trade if you will it was a much more violent place absolutely its interesting ive just been reading that in the seventeenth century the dominant view the macam to list view was that you actually needed to wage war to secure advantages in International Trade that fear was challenged by in like mint philosophers like most to secure he said things like peace is the natural effect of trade you had french economists saying if goods dont cross borders soldiers will im going to pull up a graphic for you on on the screen now and it just shows that link that there is between you see the blue line with the number of deaths in conflicts you know going down massively and at the same time you have the value of Global Exports growing exponentially and you know there there is academic discussion about this whether theres a causal link between the two but certainly a number of studies have found that trade openness International Trade is linked to. Greater levels of peace essentially for a very simple reason trade International Trade gives nations an economic incentive to not wage war it just doesnt make sense if youre trading with someone to kill them yeah i mean thats what france and germany were thinking of the Second World War when they laid the foundations for the European Union for example i mean youre right there are so many examples that prove that the more we trade the less we kill each other whats in store for next week my producer says youre running out of time whats coming up next week we are preparing something on famines preparing something on literacy we havent decided the some unbelievable. Unexpected benefits to literacy in basic education sounds like a fairly banal point but anyway famine all that to see thats all been talking about the bright side with Christopher Spring gates christopher thank you book unfortunately youre welcome. Well the fact that the overall number of victims of conflicts is falling does not change the fact that wars are still claiming the lives around the world many more people are left traumatized by those conflicts our next report looks at the eastern democratic republic of congo and the deep trouble left by the systematic rape of women by warring factions that. The city of bukavu on the banks of lake kivu looks tranquil but such scenes can be deceiving in eastern congo in this conflict zone rape has been systematically used as a weapon of war. Was that they treated us like animals. It wasnt just one man using me it was all of them it was so painful they beaters and abused as like cattle my family had stayed behind which was awful. My children were suffering at home while i was being raised in the forest. Countless women have suffered the same way a friend seems an age did. To raise a minimum of pansy is a trauma therapist who regularly travels to the villages around book to help survivors of mass rape. The women here have suffered horrific ordeal. When you listen to these stories sometimes hear. You miss words to. Show compassion to the people. Well to just. Listening to the. Looting and then. I think its my own supporting because its horrible to see how human beings. Can behave like peace. Back in the car who in a society torn apart children suffer two decades of war takes its toll on people this is clearys whose family tortured her for years and convinced her she was a witch. Clarice was blamed for everything unfortunate that happened to her family she suffered a lot her wounds were caused by hot melted plastic being thrown on her legs and theyre still painful the eco barn a house offers children refuge in a place to be a child again the girls put out a play to share their experiences many of them horrific a father goes to war and comes back with another womans child. His wife doesnt accept the new daughter whos branded a witch and thrown out. All of these children have suffered similar traumas including alice who plays the angry mother. When we dont want parents to accuse their children they should be there for them love them and listen to them. Thats what the fourteen year old tells the therapist as she tells her story. Alice really does believe shes a witch because her aunt died in an accident but pansy comforts her as best she can and promises to help her but it can be a lonely struggle. Activity we usually feel dusty to warn school on times to suffer so people talk so much it was the wars in the countries buts when it comes to talking about the situation and some people say again and again these and sometimes when it bodes the people easy to see why cant you fight these it says if we are in this country but you dont do nothing to to in this situation. But to reste my mom a pansy is doing something. With her help children whove been ostracized from broken society are learning to dance again. Its people like to raise mama pansy who ensure there are moments of peace amid the horrors of war. Or they is merely dong bush as ever the conversation continues online or find us on twitter either at g. W. News or you can write directly to me got t. V. To forgive him to hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Everything making the switch trust. Them also applies to economics. Because distrust is bad publicity it creates a climate of fear and there is a contract to sign a loss of contracts economic back to the trust. Made in germany in thirty minutes. We make up oh but we watch as a half of the under budget but we ought to send with seven percent. They want to shrink the continents future to. Be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challengers. The seventy seven percent. Platform for office majority. Entered the conflict zones confronting the powerful folks as f. B. I. Director james comey was always pretty well known but when donald trump five him last year to speak hes forfeited a measure of me this week hes my guest here and by the way hes promoting a book even as he faces new challenges of insubordination so whats the truth of this conflict zone confronting the powerful on t. W. Earth. Home to me is of species. Worth saving and. Going to get those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. But to use the term goodness loosed Green Energy Solutions and resource to show. Interactive content teaching the next generation of lessons by mental protection. Using all channels available to inspire people to take action and more determined to build something here for the next generation and the ideas for the environment series of global three thousand on d w and online. Cuts. This is g. W. News from berlin tonight a legal win for u. S. President Donald Trumps controversial travel ban on immigrants. A great degree for our constitution we have to be tough and we have to be safe and we have to believe secure the u. S. President fails a Supreme Court decision to uphold his travel ban on several muslim majority countries will get more from the u. S. Capitol also coming up malta says it will accept a migrant rescue ship which it

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