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Candidates will they also cycle to cycle. The leaders of north and south korea planted the tree on their border as a symbolic expression of peace. Can actually joke any hope that big meeting in hell no longer than waking up in a birth and i found a Missile Launch and. Gone at these meetings adding to his list putting i mean im i think anything would kill me that i made it knowing that only. He was almost hidden by legion of bodyguards and since that location swept down those final steps from the north. Also coming up tonight in this world of money money money where the winner takes it all the news from sweden that has dancing queens everywhere selling mamma mia. You know them some call me just a minute and i still have faith in you would then and there will be on them to be added to that here they dont track me down. We begin the day with promises that have been made before but never in front of live cameras with the world watching and never with a Real Nuclear Threat like the one nail today the leaders of north and south korea met in pledge to end the korean war sixty five years after an armistice ended the fighting on the peninsula kim jong un became the first north Korean Leader to step into the south today and he did so holding the hand of south korean president in both leaders then agreed to work for denuclearization on the entire peninsula and they agreed to ease military tensions and to hold talks on the peace treaty that he was less than six months ago when the leader dubbed the rocket man by u. S. President trump was testing missiles and threatening a nuclear visit to the United States in the diplomatic world this turnaround has happened at the speed of light but both sides did not shed any light today on a timetable for these grand ambitions and they did not mention the fact that a peace treaty must be signed by china and the u. S. Todays high hopes only increase the expectations from a summit between kim and trump and it makes the stakes if talks collapse more perilous than ever before. An extraordinary moment in korean history after decades of hostilities and the threat of a Nuclear Confrontation a new era of peace is declared on the peninsula. Moments before the leaders saying to do start declaration which aims to end the longstanding conflict key points includes. Replacing the armistice with an official peace treaty plans to denuclearize the peninsula the reunification of separated families and a follow up summit in the north this autumn. After the signing ceremony in the peace house south koreas president made the historic announcement. There you saw me declare together by will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula. Age of peace has begun for years. With his sister in attendance north Korean Leader kim jong il address the audience. Oh mother forewarning book signing face to face home for many realize that north and south korea will not just neighbors who live separately but rather a family. We who live so close by or not enemies who must fight against each other. Are all the farmers you share the same bloodline who must unite. Even though. It was a day rich with symbolism and surprises this was the moment kim stepped over the border to the south in the Demilitarized Zone hes the first north Korean Leader to set foot in the site since one thousand nine hundred fifty three in a show of unity men returned the favor by crossing briefly to the north with kim. After planting a peace treaty on the team are cation line men and kim held private talks on this fifth bridge the same color as the unified korean flag used in sporting events. Their spouses were introduced before the banquet where they dined on cold noodles a speciality from the north. Despite the grain breaking meeting a history of field peace attempts has some critics wary of the norths commitment the next step a meeting between kim jong il and us President Donald Trump is planned for may or june. To help us understand what happened today im joined here at the big table by boris foreman hes an International Relations analyst in a Political Science professor at bard college here in berlin and tonight in washington on the story for us our correspondent clear richardson to both of you welcome i would like for us to start with reaction from u. S. President trump today with the u. S. Olympic and paralympic teams at the white hells trunk connected the Winter Olympics in south korea with todays meeting of the two Korean Leaders take a look. It was saying that was in a possibility he said there were two alternatives let them have what they have or go to war and now we have a much better alternative than anybody thought even possible ill be meeting with kim jong un in the coming weeks as we seek to denuclearize the north korean area and the entire Korean Peninsula hopefully the day will come when elliptic athletes can compete on a Korean Peninsula that is free of Nuclear Weapons and were all koreans can live together and can share their dreams you know wonderful thing to do all right claire does the u. S. President does he deserve credit or part of the credit for this incredibly fast turn of events between the two koreans. Well this is certainly an astonishing development and can really only be seen as a good thing donald trump sees this as a victory from having a client what he calls sustained pressure on north korea but the real work here is yet to be done in some ways while he believes that this is been in the past presidencies past administrations in the United States have left this to him we heard him earlier saying during a press conference that on the america all that this should not have been left so late but that he was going to take care of it he said that he thinks kim jong un is not playing that hes serious about his commitment but there still are many questions open about where this goes from here for one of the understanding of denuclearization it seems like it could differ between donald trump and kim jong un has said in the past that he believes that means that north korea will get rid of all of its nukes all of its nukes however its not clear that that impression is shared borders is what were seeing today is this trying to work no bearing fruit its interesting i think of might be an irony of history that has a very destructive policy agenda when it comes to domestic policy hes destroyed obamacare or hes killed it but letting a bleed. Redone the tax reform but also to the detriment of the many parts of the population there are many examples for that its interesting that you know the Foreign Policy decision to have this kind of destructive language which others would see as very threatening seems to have built the pressure that was necessary to get things going but i totally agree with what the clear sort of i think could still volatile situation in the last word hasnt been spoken on and yet thats just its true trouble also tweeted today clear that the world should not forget the contribution of chinese president xi jinping why do you think its necessary to highlight charting his role. Well china is of course north koreas strongest ally and biggest trading partner and trump has really been putting the pressure on china to try and convince kim jong un to get rid of his Nuclear Arsenal so he has said here thank you to china but in the past he has also criticized china and she for the moments when north korea has tested missiles its interesting that hes coming around to give his banks now in the u. S. President today he tweeted that the korean war is ending and that will require a peace treaty with the u. S. And in china and china in both koreas does the u. S. President does he have more yes more reason tonight to believe that kim jong un will agree to all of washingtons terms. Yes an interest i think hes perhaps realizing that with the midterm elections he might already be on the way out i mean this is a strong prognosis but what is wrong president but theres a cycle theres a cycle in the politics in the us which creates lame ducks pretty fast as are the temporal checks and balances and so i think hes starting to think a little bit about his political legacy the democrats often compare him to Richard Nixon which he doesnt like as much but he likes to compare both with Ronald Reagan and i think korea for him looks pretty much like germany looked at the time for Ronald Reagan you know thats an interesting point cleared from said recently that if kim jong un does not agree to his demands at the summit that he will simply stand up and walk away what do todays developments mean for trumps attitude. Well it certainly looks like a step in the direction that toward a possible trump cam summit of course we dont know if the exact details of when that could happen if it happens at all he said now that theyre considering it to a possible sites where such a meeting could take place we dont have a clear a timeline although it could happen as soon as at the end of may but all of the logistics around such a meeting are so carefully orchestrated and come down really i think the importance of the optics really speaks to what a victory this is for kim jong un and in many ways just meeting with donald trump would be considered a victory and be the first time a sitting u. S. President has met with a north Korean Leader and for him it really lends legitimacy to him and his regime by having sat down with or potentially in the future sitting down with the u. S. President you know the u. S. President today also he i guess he made the transition from the french president to the german chancellor today mongo america was at the white house their second meeting in washington take a listen to how they said hello yes its a great honor to have chancellor merkel and i will say that you can rest assured she was going to win that election and congratulations on winning and by the way can a formal congratulations Building Three great victory we have a really great relationship and we actually have had a great relationship right from the beginning but some people didnt understand that but we understand it and thats whats important but very extraordinary woman and its an honor to have you at the white house though giving way to a. Clearer im going to as clear as i want to ask clear a belt. There you go clear i want to ask you you know you and i we covered this week the meeting between the president and and then looking at the way he interacted with merkel today i mean what impression did to make. Well in some ways it was a much warmer exchange than had been expected we heard him just there call america an extraordinary woman and said widely expected to be quite an icy meeting expectations were low and she was really coming on a trip that was meant to be all business and no pleasure certainly a stark contrast from what we saw from french president manuel microns visit earlier this week when he became the First Official state visit of u. S. President on presidency where he received a lavish state dinner and really put his cozy relationship with the u. S. President front and center so while we didnt see this kind of by the by the relationship between merkel and trump and certainly nobody expected to see that and in many ways they showed that they were still talking and able to Work Together and things were perhaps not as frosty as fear and thats true but of course it was definitely another you know a continuation of a new bromance that we talked about this week could be the first point that made was about money germany today reported its not spending two percent of its g. D. P. Its budget on defense and has demanded of nato members to listen we addressed the need to strengthen nato and the Nato Alliance by ensuring that all Member States honor their commitment to spend two percent and hopefully much more of g. D. P. On defense it is essential that our nato allies increase their financial contributions so that everyone is paying their fair share. So its not the strongest show of shore so people would argue when youre having a reunion why i made the budget is you the very first point they are to the public. I think weve seen worse so were going comparison i think. It wasnt above charms but maybe these kinds of state visits arent really booked charmes also the sort of Public Relations aspect of it is also something thats forgotten pretty fast afterwards but im i think what has been achieved is a change in the tone of the relationship. This shrill tone which exists which has made many people concerned about devoted to loosen the International System has been well toned down the little bit and i think that was part of the strategy of merkel and of mccall and i think at least in this regard its been put successful clear briefly merkel went to washington she wanted to get some deal on trade tariffs in the iran nuclear she didnt get are so i mean she came up and began to didnt she. But she certainly didnt get any reassurances from donald trump that he will be staying in the Iran Nuclear Deal or that he will be issuing any kind of exemption either another temporary one or a more permanent one for the European Union on the tariffs that he announced back in march so its possible we could still see him come out with something on monday but shes going back without any real promises to show for it or whether Claire Richardson in washington on the story for us tonight and here the big table boars for me as always to both of you thank you so. Well how much can architecture reflect the politics of a nation can it be used to push or to resist a political agenda now in turkey those questions will get you passionate often he did answers consider the Ataturk Cultural Center and for some thirty years it stood at the heart it is temples Historic Center talks and square but in the one nine hundred sixty s. Built in the one nine hundred sixty s. The icon of turkish martin history architecture was a Meeting Place for citizens of other turks modern Secular Society a forum for debates opera and the arts it became the backdrop for the gezi park protest in two thousand and thirteen turkish president right to tell you a better one wanted to tear it down to replace it with a giant mosque now that created an uproar and a compromised plan was failed and the man tasked with building the new editor Cultural Center is with me tonight mr meir about the bonn neo liberal hope i got your last name right there is hes an architect from is simple its good to have you on the show these days and badly hes president at a one he wanted to basically to tear down your fathers work i mean if youre the architect of this new center how does it feel knowing that heir to one would prefer to have your fathers work the way. Its a long story because that was made building in sixtys and then it was functioning as one year is an apparel house and it burned down and then my father and me did they get in it was many years at the two Cultures Center in the center of turkey and takes the and then we use this building and people they couldnt go inside they they have the memory to meet underneath in front of the building right i think that was very important this is part of our memories and that. Is you remember we had. Five years ago five years ago at this time it was it innovation process. Were project but its still done and then six months ago they called me from college a new state im in touch of means there himself. And they said. Do you want to make it again and you said yes i say it is because this for me more than architecture and very nostalgic its something you know my father gave vollmer is about is sure i want to read you something that turkeys chamber of architects said about the demolition of the editor Cultural Center they said it was symbolic of the systematic attacks on the republican errors rep buildings and they called the demolition a crime. If there is one person everyone what he wanted to do is that an attempt to erase turkeys secularised history. I mean did you sense that as an architect firstly as an architect this is a building from my father and from the sixtys and that this. Came from sorting and from germany into turkey because it was not i do mean you know its just that and this symbol of more than is the modern architecture modern architecture and what because. The. Engine ears stick the building because its not in good tense because of create and other tests but yeah keeping the main facade is that is so you know to be a reconstruction reconstruction this is very important and many buildings in the sixtys from sixtys they have they have take nickel problems and what they are keeping the our memories is the main facade we are keeping to the main staircase as it is it was and i mean im staircase but inside its like my father made of the first fire making it called its a new hole but no do you have a complete new design freedom here because we know that theres a there already is a new mosque built and we know that a one wanted a giant mosque but theyre completely just like the whole place down so do you have the freedom that an architect should have when hes building i have old miss my freedom otherwise i could have been at an architect and they invited to me i made my concept and then through the concept of it together and he accepted and he said you must make it better of her house for turkey then your father. Told me. Thats a wonderful place to be when your fathers an architect and you get to recreate. Its something that he did when you look at turkey right now and of the political situation and you think of the power of buildings and designs do you see the that are do architects have the ability to reflect a political direction and give in or keep it alive i mean do you do you keep democracy alive with your facade its enough to live the facade first the names thing at the center and that will be more than ever Meeting Point for us for the people from istanbul more the young people we have to take the killing us there we had to post a deal you had to at the library and we had the talks in place and it will be a meeting on for everybody so it will be not only in the house he had just opened ballots so it will be a Culture Center for young people and i think this is very important and this is made even more than i expected not the first is the sake of the thing and its an exciting project and i know a lot of people outside of turkey are looking forward to seeing it when its completed and when it is completed come back maybe maybe well do a report to you on the inside i was in the opening bell you know that almost you know make money and hope they will come out im sure they will mr mir not the only architect from istanbul we appreciate your time tonight thank you you thank. Well mama mia shocking news now from the world of music abba is back the iconic Swedish Pop Group of announce their first recording in thirty five years on their official Instagram Account that they say that theyve recorded two new songs the message signed by all four members says that when they got into the Recording Studio again it was like time stood still and we had only been away on a short holiday they must have good genes broke up in one thousand nine hundred two after a seemingly never ending stream of hits in the one nine hundred seventy s. Of their new music they say we may have come of age but the song is new and it feels good well abba fans young and old have welcomed this news generations of dancing queens have taken to social media to thank them for the new music one posed in welcome back al but we cant wait for your new songs neither can my mom heres another please tour for real i grew up with your music and it continues to bring me joy sadly some fans are in for a shock the group said that they wont be performing in the flesh and these young writer buren says that he and bandmates benny and yetta and ani freed have been scanned and digitally d. Aged to look like theyre nineteen seventeen sells their digital alter egos that avatars will perform the new hits in a t. V. Special in december before touring. With a day is nearly done but is ever the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either a brit go off t. V. Right there or you news and over get to use that hash tag today and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day were going to take you now into the weekend with the sounds of apple see you monday. The be. Blah blah. Blah blah. Blah. Blah blah blah. Blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah but. Whats it like to languish in a brazilian prison. Experience to live to tell the truth. To david twenty nine year old uses his experience to mourn kids. He shows them the harsh reality of hopelessly overcrowded institutions and helps teach them about culture and it is to cross. A little three thousand next on the w. Tukey still to come to turbulence the violence but also demons i was so excited by this and it needs to be given a childs toy guns if it needs to be given to charles to sort of seep through its dark a stage founded seventy years ago this is still struggling to scream in pain bucky stone torn between each street in forty five minutes. Where i come from we have to fight for a free press i was born and raised in a military dictatorship but just want to be shadow and if your newspapers when official information as a journalist i have work all the strength of many can trust and their problems are always the same courtin social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. Corruption who can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of humans and see them why the poles who have decided to put their trust in us. May name is jenny paris and i work a d w. Welcome to global three thousand this week were giving a voice to people who rarely have one many young men in brazil end up in jail whats the solution. In zambia small for

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