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Defenses against north Koreas Nuclear and missile programs. Also coming up from the plague of ebola to the plague of corruption voters in sierra leone on the eve of a national election. These so called us weve never seen theyve created a classic split or crazy with a leak is using everybody soon every question. Oh we begin the day with north koreas shocking yes to possibly no nukes after rare talks between north and south korean officials the north has sent a message for the United States we are willing to meet and discuss denuclearization in exchange for security guarantees north korea is also reportedly offering to put on hoed all Nuclear Weapons test during those talks a stunning turn of events u. S. President donald trump has reacted with guarded optimism but others in washington are still urging caution. We have come certainly a long way at least rhetorically with north korea would be a great thing for the world it would be a great thing for north korea would be a great thing for the financial hope springs eternal but we need to learn a lot more relative to these talks and we will spend very clear we have made a draw to a very clear line north korea has to agree to not possess Nuclear Capability and tell that happens that we cannot have an agreement with them and that is our position and it was so well see what happens here and that was the director of National Intelligence dan coats speaking on capitol hill today on the south korean delegation has now returned home after meeting with the north Korean Leader in pyongyang it was the first time kim jong un met with south korean officials since taking power. Images from north Korean State Television president kim jong un south koreas National Security chief we young and four other special envoys from seoul came told them he wants to write a new history of National Reunification and this is what the first chapter should look like the two sides are planning a meeting for their heads of state in late april the first summit in eleven years but thats not all according to south korean sources kim is prepared to suspend nuclear and missile tests while dialogue is under way and he is reported to have said theres no reason for north korea to have Nuclear Weapons if he gets security guarantees for his regime he also hinted at dialogue with the United States. U. S. President donald trump reacted on twitter he cited possible progress but warned it could be false hope the u. S. Is he says ready to go hard in either direction but south koreas president moon j. N. Reacted with caution you you know how bundakji it could yeah we must talk to north korea in order to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula but at the same time so we must put maximum effort into establishing effective measures against north korean Nuclear Weapons and missiles only when its hot meanwhile north korea is broadcasting these images kim and his wife hosting is guests at a banquet as if it were a family get together and as if there were no Nuclear Conflict no missile tests and no u. N. Sanctions. No positive developments here if they can or cannot be taken seriously thats what we want to talk about tonight to do that im joined here at the big table by been hard bar she is an Asian Affairs expert at the barrels been Foundation Think tank here in berlin and from washington tonight on the story for us our correspondent trust in phenomena to both of you gentlemen welcome let me start with you bernhard the north could now be willing to scale back its Nuclear Weapons program under certain conditions that we heard about today i mean how credible is that all. I dont think its very credible until they actually make a specific office they have been talking about this for a lot in the past and theyve offered to talk about it now but we have Nothing Specific and hands no off that is concrete and lets us know what theyre actually up to encourage them and we heard the u. S. President speak earlier today about this stunning offer how skeptical is washington. Well President Trump as weve seen is cautiously optimistic he seems to be willing to give it a shots but most of the. Foreign policy hands in the administration they are much more skeptical weve seen than codes director of National Intelligence who said he was very doubtful that this was really a major breakthrough and Vice President mike pence stated that all options are still on the table and that of course also includes military action so the americans are basically saying we want north korea to give up its Nuclear Weapons and well believe it when we see it so lets not get carried away now and we have seen aggressive posturing from north korea over the last year followed now by disappearance attempt athol to jins on the Korean Peninsula why do you think were seeing this now i think is under a lot of pressure the sanctions are very high on the country but especially on the elites who want import cause import food they want to travel north korea has been under pressure because there was a real threat of war until a couple of weeks ago of course they dont want to be in that position at some point this very very poor country will have to cash in do you think that the north Korean Leader do you think that he would be willing to let it go so far as you know for a war to start no because north korea would know that it could never win or it could. Caused a lot of destruction in the region but it would be the end to the regime but then the regime has been under a lot of pressure and they might need it its hard to calculate what they would be doing and theres been the argument in the us that you should rather have a preemptive strike now. Rather than later when the Nuclear Program might be even more advanced and developed in carson is there any way that the Trump Administration could say no to this offer now and weve got north korea saying possibly were willing to talk and standing us say no to that without the us appearing to be the problem. They can and then my it especially when i think this is just a stalling tactic by north korea has been said the americans think that they have only just a very short window of time in which they can act without risking that north korea by that time could reach the american mainland with a missile and Nuclear Warheads so they really want something to be done having said that of course kim jong un is playing this game very well and he is first goal was to make north korea defect to Nuclear Power and he has achieved that the second step was to reach out to south korea to drive of which between the south koreans and the americans and i think he achieved thats of some extent because the south koreans of course dont want an american attack while they are trying to reach some kind of rup rushmore and now he is reaching out to the americans again i would say to to buy time basically and of course the russians the chinese also the japanese the europeans might not be in favor of military action right now when there seems to be a chance for a peaceful solution so well played by kim jong il. Even if the u. S. In north korea if they were to hold talks how widely would a compromise be. Its very difficult to see because the americans really dont want north korea to be in a position where they can reach the United States with Ballistic Missiles with Nuclear Warheads and they want to know north korea to shed its nuclear arms and i think north korea will always think that its best guarantee against an overthrow from the outside from the americans those Nuclear Weapons so personally i dont have the fantasy to see where a compromise could light you i mean its the a good point its very hard if we look at all of the players here i mean the one who stands out in my opinion is the south korean president moon i mean if there is a Success Story that we can talk about so far is it his Success Story i think it is because his problem has been that control of his security on the Korean Peninsula has been taken out of his hands by the Trump Administration and the Trump Administration has been discussing for a while that they would be willing to go to war and the victims of that would be mostly the people in south korea so opening these talks is a way back for the south korean president moon to get control over security in his own country certain say ok in your sort of talks between the u. S. And north korea do you think theyre going to have to eventually they will ok very good bernard barge with the bevels Men Foundation here at the big table and carson phenomena on the story for us tonight from washington to both of you gentlemen thank you very much thank you. Well tonight britain says it will respond appropriately and were bus lead to any russian involvement in the apparent poisoning of a former spy sergei scrip all an ex russian Intelligence Officer who also spied for britain was found unconscious on sunday along with his daughter on a public bench in the Southern City of salzburg they had been exposed to an unknown substance and Police Released this video from c. C. T. V. Which may shows cripple and his daughter walking last sunday the video was taken in an alleyway connecting a restaurant and the bench where the two were found collapse. The field where you were police have cordoned off the part of the sims three park west cripple and his duty yulia was found critically ill on sunday. Investigators are now busy trying to determine the nature of the unknown substance the two victims were exposed to. Aware we declared a Major Incident yesterday after a man and woman were taken seriously arrow in salzburg on sunday. They both remain in a Critical Condition and all fools and best wishes remain with the families during this difficult time. It was over to eating a meal at this local restaurant that a resident film script all violently ill on a nearby bench. And then the man starts throwing up as it was weighed it wasnt like no missile freeze up. But you can see that he was fishing for and what he start was uneven is just as well was just coming its pronounced as one of the criminals denied knowledge of the incident with the spokesman describing it as a tragic situation but british policy makers a suspicious linking this incident to the death of another former russian spy. The. Right it would be wrong to investigate i can refer to it as the evidence of. Responsibility then the American Government will report appropriately. Script was a conlan russias military Intelligence Service back in two thousand and fellow he was arrested in russia and convicted of spying for britain two years later. In twenty ten he was freed as part of a high level spy exchange. British counterterrorism specialists have now taken charge of the investigation but a spokesman said they keeping an open mind about the nature of the incident. Well im joined tonight from london by Maximillian Hess a Political Risk analyst for europe eurasia and that includes the former soviet union mr has welcome to the day if it does turn out that both sergei skip paul and his daughter have been targeted with this highly exotic and practically undetectable poise it how probable would you say it is that this is a russian job. Well i would say right now obviously the initial suspicions will fall upon moscow the incident involving i was on the think on more than a decade ago in britain its not the only suspicious such incident thats occurred in europe or even in the United States however in britain there have been a number of such incidents most prominently to suspect the poisoning of another former russian intelligence agent and the policemen and even then a number in austria in the end i connected to chechen groups that formally fought against the government there so suspicions will certainly fall on moscow that obviously if there was a poison used there is Extensive Knowledge research on the russian use of such poisons and such assassinations but i would say given the timing even though if it were moscow they would not acknowledge it there its certainly being done at a timing to send a message i believe if russia was behind it yeah i mean assuming that there is russian involvement here me how do you explain the time being serious crippling move to the u. K. And twenty ten so you know why why attack him now. Well there are those in russia who who argue that for others who who look at russia who argue that this is actually cast doubt upon potential russian involvement there are some who argue that president putin could potentially seek to alter or improve the relationship with the west after the president ial elections due to be held in just over a week in russia however i think my thinking at this point is that having seen president putin state of the union speech the other week in which he prominently made headlines by announcing new Nuclear Technologies although again there are questions about how serious some of those claims are whether they have gone as far as he announced but i think that doing that really sent a signal that said our Foreign Policy will not be changed regardless of Current Events in the west and if russia was behind this given the huge fallout that happened after that your neck ok so you know not nearly as much after a number of others it would certainly be another single that russia continued plans to continue on a hard line for Foreign Policy in this next time you have it is a good point if you go back and look at what happened after the poisoning of the the u. K. Took steps to demonstrate to russia that there is a cost to this since then u. K. Relations with russia have deteriorated substantially i mean what could the impact of this incident be on relations between russia and the u. K. I think it will largely be shaped by the wider International Community given issues going on with brags that at the same time britain may be hesitant to be seen as taking certain aggressive Foreign Policy actions Boris Johnson warned that if russian involvement did there was evidence of that that british officials could potentially like caught the world cup to be held there this year he did however quickly state that that would not include the National Football team however so i think it may also be that now is the time given the uncertainties elsewhere in british Foreign Policy that President Trump in that states chose not to enact sanctions legally mandated by congress at the end of january i think it may actually be a time where at least initially russia if it was behind it again if may see this as a time where it can take action without significant repercussions. Yeah its interesting you say that we heard today yesterday that russia has said that it is willing to cooperate with u. K. Investigators in this new case what do you make of them well that statement came from the president ial spokesperson russia who is very much a political actors as well and part of the messaging agenda they will of course say that but if we look back at the three ankle case where not only they refused any real cooperation they made the suspects politicians with their unity in the state duma russia does not extradite its isms anyway regardless of whether they have you or not so thats really. Unlikely i believe i mean do you think that was maybe a little bit of window dressing thats not to even be taken seriously. I think thats a very apt description we know that president putin we know that he feels a certain way when it comes to double spies i mean he considers them to be guilty of treason and he hes not alone in that sentiment is it possible that others in russia could be behind this incident well there certainly. If this incident was carried out as an assassination of former Intelligence Officer suspicion will fall on the intelligence agencies there that means that they do have extensive ties with organized Crime Networks who have been instrumental ised to carry out. Objectives of russian Foreign Policy particularly weve seen that its in the ukraine particularly frequently i would mention just very briefly there are other tensions not just the headline tensions over ukraine over hacking in the United States between russia and the west and there is some talk that if this is fascinating was blamed on russia it would be a sign of sort of changing rules in the spy game that you know to go after a spy who is traded or a former spy was traded in a swap that would be quite as collations what weve seen for example with regards to that in ankara who is actively working against russian interests with with a number of european intelligence agencies in time it is in this case that there are at least not the same Public Knowledge that any such activity was being carried out makes me and has a Political Risk analyst joining us tonight from london thank you very much we appreciate your time. Well images of an Ebola Outbreak that left thousands dead maybe the last time that you can recall sierra leone making global headlines ebola is just one of the issues that will be on voters minds in sierra leone when they go to the polls tomorrow to elect a new president sixteen candidates are buying for the top job including front runners from the incumbent all Peoples Congress and the Opposition Peoples Party whoever wins will face the tough task of turning around the country whose economy has been rocked by recent crises including that devastating Ebola Outbreak in twenty fourteen our west african correspondent adrian krege files this report tonight from mckinney home of the outgoing president ernest bai koroma. Theres certainly a choice in these elections a total of sixteen candidates are vying for the presidency. Not that thats any comfort for Desmond Reese hes frustrated with his government but also says theres no real alternative. Anomaly when. He is the change. Is that you would read so for me i dont see. We first met rees four years ago during the Ebola Outbreak he was working as a volunteer having a red cross burial team. It was a high risk and it placed great stress on his personal life. Up to now i had to leave for my family to go. To light today because my mother did bodies i didnt. The government promised to recognise reese and his colleagues efforts by granting them special payments once the epidemic was over so far though theyve received nothing according to the countrys Auditor General at least fourteen Million Dollars in aid have simply disappeared an example of corruption corruption is a key theme in the Election Campaign to. This is weve never seen theyve created a Perfect Little chrissy with illegals using every ministry in every culture let me give you an example. It is only in my country that you expect. Me to grow in the middle of the country in the middle of the main city. Yes by this forward transit. But the ruling partys president ial candidate some or a come our is more relaxed on the subject. Any country in the world it depends on the money to do of corruption but what it. Shows. Activities that is corrupt president s. A lot of efforts in strengthening. The winds are going to do with. Tomorrow was minister for Foreign Affairs until last year when he was nominated for the president ial race by the countrys current leader arness Koroma Koroma has ruled for ten years and now has to step down. The governing body a. B. C. Is mainly trying to sell its excesses infrastructural projects that he and the home base of the body they enjoy a comfortable majority but in other parts of the country people are not so happy about the situation. Including desmond reads like many others he believes the election will be won by the Main Opposition Party or even the governing party itself and either way reece is certain he wont get adequate recognition for all his hard work during the in boulder crisis he does have some hope though that one day more funds will be invested in the countrys Health System instead of being siphoned off through corruption. Large take a look this is a historic discovery the worlds oldest known message in a bald old has been found washed up on a remote beach in Western Australia its origins have been traced to germany where more than a century ago thousands of bottles were flung in. To the ocean as part of experiments for studying currents in the hopes of optimizing shipping routes the message found in the bottle was dated from eight hundred eighty six a resident of the city of perth stumbled upon the bottle while picking up garbage on the beach. One mans junk is another mans treasure art the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online youll find us at twitter you see the handles right there in remember no matter what happens between now and then is another day well see you get everybody. Culture. High hair. Superman. Superfood style a style icon of lego. Life style. Its time to celebrate the World Premiere at the new alli game six it couldnt be more like sure yes. Oh. Now were rolling into the b. M. W. X two stones with a new look a crossover thats part true blood tests using. Drugs sixteen. Billion. With and women please be lost. But the world is still far from complete gender equality because the need to movements influence the world wide to face on sexism International Womens day twenty you see. Our focus this week on t. W. Happy birthday in good shape we turning ten this year and you can leave this school and mazing fitness backpack if you learn from know whats inside it isnt on when im going to have to turn in the most favorite holmgrens until my coughing oh maybe a little bit of a chance to do so fall in love. Good luck. To. Everyone welcome to the show heres whats coming up today. Free to forge the legal fakes of convicted called off the false

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