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A full life ahead of. A life filled with wondrous beauty. And unlimited potential in promise. You can say all these great things like we dont says and saying were so sorry for your loss is obviously important but what we need at this point is not to say that anymore because there shouldnt be any more children that die we need to take action. If this happens nowhere else other than the United States of america. This epidemic of mass slaughter. The scorch. A School Shooting after School Shooting. If theres someone whos not supposed to get a gun whos getting a gun then weve got to figure out why thats happening and fix that. This is not acceptable this is something that is completely unacceptable and that we need to take action. And also coming up on the program Lights Camera Action Berlins International Film Festival kicks off in the german capital and d. W. Is on the red carpet. But we begin in the United States where more than a dozen people have been killed and many more injured when a nineteen year old gunman opened fire at a Florida High School where he used to be a student the suspect has been named as Nicholas Cruz he was arrested and is now facing seventeen charges of premeditated murder. But the incident is just sadly one of many the f. B. I. Says that there have been more than forty active shooter episodes in the u. S. Since the year two thousand the weapon of choice is almost always an Assault Rifle it seems clear that the u. S. Has a problem but the views on what to do about it could not be more polarized well have more on that with our u. S. Correspondent in just a moment first lets listen to hear what the u. S. President had to say our entire nation with one heavy heart is praying for the victims and their families. To every Parent Teacher and child. Who is hurting so badly. We are here for you whatever you need whatever we can do to ease your pain. For more lets bring in our u. S. Correspondent carsten phenomenon who is standing by with the very latest from washington and karsten one thing that the president did not mention there was gun control remind us where the debate stands today. One effect is that a majority of americans according to opinion polls is in favor of some kind of restrictions and some kind of stricter gun control is not necessarily an end to the rights to bear. Some restrictions on certain types of weapons more background checks and so on its also a factor of a considerable share of the American Population is against any kind of restrictions these people feel the right to bear arms is part of their identity as americans and they fear that if they allow some restrictions than over the some time in the long run the riots. Would be abolished completely so they are very determined and the biggest lobby group the National Rifle association puts a lot of money into its efforts to stop any gun restrictions millions hundreds of millions of dollars actually go to politicians who or pose for the gun restrictions and so the democrats a few republicans want to have some restrictions on that as much as they like because. The majority of the republicans would block it and they feel that kind of force to be in favor of gun control is because that would not be reelected back home in their districts but carson i mean you and i will recall and anyone who was in the United States at the time that that after the sandy hook massacre for example back in two thousand and twelve in which first graders were killed twenty of them there was a real atmosphere in the country. For action you know many people vowed never again they simply could not happen again but in the meantime i mean weve actually seen the School Shootings go up in fact three of the most deadly mattia things in u. S. History have happened in just the past half of the here as this simply become normal in the United States is nobody shocked anymore. Well people are shocked but only always for a short time when the freight it has become normal to some extent if you can say that from a european perspective its simply mind boggling whats going on because this is not some kind of crime ridden Banana Republic or a war zone this is one of the most. Affluent vonzell the richest countries in the world and still this happens and time and again we hear from politicians empty words i have to say of thoughts and prayers with the victims and their families but then nothing really happens and people say oh this could happen anywhere and it does happen in other places but it happens much more often here i mean here in the u. S. You have fifteen times more likely to be killed with a gun than in germany and that is actually appalling and carson when you say nothing really happens i mean you want you mean on the front of gun control but the bottom line is is that many people in the United States believe that thats not the right approach that theyre focusing more on Mental Illness for example so fill us in what on what is being done on that front for example. Well there are calls for a stricter enforcement of existing rules to make sure that people with mental problems dont get those guns but also its part of the truth that donald trump of two thousand and seventeen signed into law a bill that actually made it easier for at least some people with mental problems to get guns so again there the rhetoric and the actions dont really fits together but this is in my view in many ways just looking at aside as speck of the problem because the biggest problem clearly is that its much too easy to access guns in this country. That is not being addressed instead theyre talking about Mental Illnesses theyre talking about the idea of putting guns in front of every school in america like this would be a normal thing in a civilized country and its not its only in america and maybe in countries like afghanistan or syria and the likes and incidentally we know that in this particular school there was indeed an armed guard that armed guard did not encounter the shooter carsten phenomena with the latest from washington thank you. And in the wake of the tragedy and many have gone online to discuss gun control in the United States with the top trying to hash tag currently hash tag gun reform now one of the most shared tweets comes from american journalist b. J. Lots who writes that yesterdays shooting was quote the eighteenth School Shooting so far this year according to gun control advocates the organization every town for gun safety that means there has been a School Shooting in the United States every two point five days this year. Many social media users complain that floridas gun laws are too lenient one user wrote things you need id to buy in florida sudafed d. Which is a drug cigarettes alcohol renting a hotel room things you dont need id for buying a ar fifteen an Assault Rifle and this local journalist whos also a father posted a photo of his son saying just got word that my sons school is on lockdown at the moment he is to years old this is something i never thought i would be reporting as a journalist or a father. His appointment has been welcomed with singing dancing and a standing ovation in Parliament Cyril Ramaphosa was sworn in today as south africas new president his sic his predecessor jacob zuma resigned barely twenty four hours earlier after being ordered to stand down by his party the a. N. C. Run the poso will set out his plans for the country in detail on friday evening. I do clerk. Now. Paul said that in part you got some of the thanks the moment the nation had been waiting for the new leader promising a break from the past thank the issues that you have issues that have to do with corruption issues of how we can straighten out our state owned enterprises and how we deal with state kept is issues that are on our radar screen and i would try to work very hard not to disappoint the people of south africa thank you very much. Cyril ram a persons political career spans more than four decades he was a close ally of Nelson Mandela and played a key role in south africas transition to democracy later overlooked by mandela from a post of focused on his business interests said to be worth around three hundred sixty Million Euros now in the top job and failing to tackle corruption there are many challenges ahead. My expectations were slim its not our to collapse i expect change. A lot of stigma has been associated with something more so with foreign investment. Its going to look better. South africa is rich in resources but many live without electricity or Running Water health care and schooling remains rudimentary in much of the country eight out of ten nine year olds are illiterate unemployment remains alarmingly high more than two thirds of young people are jobless. A lot has been lost and its going to take several years to recapture lost ground without a doubt. But hopefully hundred. District especially in the room of course we will story clawing back some of it. And in the long to the skys the limit for this country. The task of reconstruction has now begun. To change an e. S. L. Tactic is merely to research his plans in more detail in a speech on friday evening. And for more now lets bring in South African journalist on lease and fontayne here with us here in the studio welcome and good evening we see each other again this week really its been quite a busy week but now we have Cyril Ramaphosa who is now the president of south africa all hopes pinned on him what can we look forward to i think that first of all theres a lot of hope and can he seized the moment. The country the last eleven days has been like it was and in ninety ninety when mandela was released in ninety ninety four people expect action from him they expected to he has to sort of clear up and in force Anti Corruption hes already started. He didnt start that did Law Enforcement agencies have been doing their job which they didnt do for the last. So a lot of expectations a lot of feeling of yes we can begin in south africa people are coming out of the epicene. The Civil Society the churches journalists so all patting themselves on the back and say well you know we did it we helped to create this movement. And one of his biggest pledges is really to crack down on corruption as an end but i want to ask you if he has. Mysie to do that because the bottom line is that he comes from the same party as jacob zuma a party which for the majority of the past nine years have supported their through this you know Corruption Scandal ridden presidency i think that this year they were to. What a lot of people criticize and sit while he was jacob zuma as Vice President they sat back and all description was happening if you look at it another way the only way this moment could happen was to be the good of this sort of transfer of power and thats what hes been doing he has a lot of food to be seen. Movement leader was a trade union is the father of the constitution he was the writing that constitution. He sort of. A lot of respect he has leadership for the First Time Since monday a lot of people feel is indeed a control of the country again and i think also within the a. N. C. Hes really been putting you step down and in six weeks like saying we will be united with the you like it or not how far do you think that he will go what might happen to jacob zuma now. While jacob zuma is now an expresident which means he only gets two bodyguards and two fifths dependents of being paid for not all twenty you could be arrested for example he could. We dont know what deal was made behind closed doors but it looks as if there was no deal made he could be arrested and he certainly would be very busy with his seven hundred eighty three court cases from before he became president then they still no fuel being added since hes been president so hes going to be a very busy man. So a lot for us to be tracking on the front of south africa or in the coming months is the. Understatement well we thank you very much for joining us this evening to put it all into context for us South African journalist only seventy. Same way for shit. It is that time of year again Berlins International Film Festival known as the berlin olive begins tonight it is ten days of screenings talks workshops and more the opening film this year was Wes Andersons animated feature Island Office Tilda Swinton and bill murray were among the stars to lend their voices to the characters in the story of a pack of dogs marooned on a greek japanese. And my colleagues Sarah Hartman and david levitz are down at the red carpet they have been tracking all of the action there for us so Opening Night guys how did it go. It went really well were expecting actually the stars and the fans to be coming out into the snow and the time now this was a really go amorous opening really surprising actually for an animation film but wes anderson he pulled it off he got together a great cast yet some of them came onto the red carpet we saw greg airwave in this amazing gold dress we sell Tilda Swinton earlier in the press conference he was making a fool of himself as a result and everyone was eating it out use putting drums on the red carpet together with wes anderson. And you guys saw the film how was it. Really interesting films there i dont know if youre a wes anderson fan you know fans will know his work moonrise kingdom the royal tenenbaums life aquatic he has a very distinctive style and this film is very much a Wes Anderson Style film its super cute theres a lot of focus on the artistry and the imagery. For q yeah this time its a little different though its a very japanese inspired Spirited Away he quoted as one of his sources of inspiration and im so different look same attention to detail and for me you know some of his movies theyre more style than substance sometimes they fall a little flat this one didnt fall flat for me i thought it had Great Character Development everything enough for us lets let the viewers take a look this is isle of dogs from us anderson. Dogs is set in the distilled future japan due to a dangerous dog flu the canine population is rounded up and banished to trash island time atari is a young boy whose dog is among those seized he goes to the island in search of his beloved pet. And hes helped by the other dogs. Because layover noxious sludge marsh leading to a radioactive landfill polluted by toxic chemical garbage thats our destination right out of get rich. I should because he. Was one of those well find him. If you. Go find your dog during his search he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens to destroy the citys Dog Population for ever can atari and the canine crew save the day for somebody langridge. Really cool looking fellow so that is this one of the ones thats up for the awards and whos leading the jury of this year. It is one of the ones up for the awards there are about twenty movies that are up for the golden bear and that will be decided by the jury this year by a top german director you probably know him best from run will run yeah u. S. Viewers have probably seen this new series on netflix babylon berlin hes the director behind that hes getting a lot more international hype lately hes been a big deal in germany for a long time yeah and weve got this little look at him. Is no stranger to the belly nala hes twice had the honor of opening the festival starting with heaven starring Cate Blanchett in two thousand and two but his connection to the festival began long before that. Might be going to the ball in all of forever even as a teenager i already had a permanent part. Time. Movie theater sent me there when i was sixteen i think juggling film is raging bull by Martin Scorsese he was there and Robert De Niro was there it was really exciting. To begin shooting his first films on super eight at the age of eleven then he worked in movie theaters for years including as a film programmer his International Breakthrough came in one nine hundred ninety eight with the fast paced and innovative run lola run the girl with the red hair in a life or death race against time became an icon of german film. And his latest coup is the acclaimed german t. V. Series babylon berlin a global hit sold in more than sixty territories now tom to close heading the jury that will decide what film wins the golden bear. So he is a big girl and our fan i know you guys are big fells fans as well youre always down there at the red carpet how was Opening Night compared to past years. You know its interesting sara because last year of course the berlin hour happened right after trump had been elected it was a really political berlin alah and last year the mood was a bit dour there were a lot of films with a heavy political bent its you know its february in berlin its quite dark outside this year at least so far has been a little bit lighter animated film opening a lot of star power on the red carpet i dont want to jinx myself but i think we could be in for a somewhat lighter berlin alice yeah i think people are ready for that last year of course we opened with a nazi movie this year we had to drag queens on the red carpet its a completely different experience thats sad berlinale is known for liking to get political so i dont think were going to be able to avoid the serious topics completely time will tell got ten days sarah harman and David Leavitts with the latest on the red carpet from the berlin allo Opening Night thank you to both of you. As technology develops people are increasingly worried about their privacy and its causing them to view their social media accounts with growing suspicion our reporter karl not looks into a persistent rumor involving facebook many people believe that the social media giant is eavesdropping on its users to deliver creepily perfect ads across the companys platforms have a look. I know i cant really explain it theres something funky this kind of freak you know a little bit like what do they have what are they doing with this information the theory goes like this facebooks apps use the microphone in your smartphone to eavesdrop on your conversation and then show you a creepily perfect ad in your news feed we asked you if you had a nice similar experiences and we were flooded with responses so. My girlfriend im out for dinner and proposing to or after dinner the only communication i had made my. Be a text message. I was sitting at home just kind of killing time on the social media account when i started seeing these i saw on instagram there was like wedding bands or men right away i was kind of. Feeling like how do you know this already so is facebook listening no were not using anyones microphone to doing of that we also not using as the context of your conversations but facebook hasnt always been straightforward about its behavior so we thought why not test it ourselves heres what we did i got a new phone created a new facebook account and shows three key words that are completely unrelated to me diapers guitar and look i dont have a baby i dont play the guitar and im definitely not a freak and looking for you can. Live in the device diagrams i said those words constantly with either the facebook or messenger app open on my phone to see if i get any related ads in my news feed by a good morning im going to take a lesson look we know its not scientific but heres what happened on day one this post appeared in my news feed its from a restaurant that serves vegan manatees. Kind of crazy after that things got less exciting i saw lots of unrelated ads for berlins. Transit agency for Online Shopping apps for local newspapers but nothing else for diapers guitars or reconfigured enough to surprise the other results im often surprised as to how well his book knows me as i just so good that you cant really see any other possibility then youll be able to listen to the thing is facebook doesnt need to listen theyve already got all the info they need and we give them most of it ourselves any time we click like or comment they have very very good means of once they know you better and once they know what your friends like and say know where you live once they know what kind of things you like the internet so intertwined with our daily lives that we forget about it in fact there are a lot of good reasons why facebook probably isnt eavesdropping on me or on you for one Facebook Says it isnt doing it so if its lying the company would face a big fines from us regulators not to mention a huge public backlash it would break the rules of apples and the Googles App Stores plus think about the server space you need to process audio for more than two billion active monthly users and if your microphone were always on youd notice that your battery in your data plan would run out even faster than they do now look nothing is free with our data but for facebook the biggest cost is our trust according to a recent survey more americans greatly distrust facebook than any of the five tech giants. And the only way that i would be absolutely convinced that theyre not doing it is if they were under oath by the congress to disclose if they werent that doing that literally the only way i would be like ok now i ninety five percent sure that theyre not doing. Well the day is. Nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online you can find us on twitter either i t w news my handle is at sarah kelly thanks so much for watching us here tomorrow. To. Try to. Fix. More intrigue. Talk show journalists discuss the topic of the week should the u. S. And russia threatening to upgrade their Nuclear Capacity is expanding its own snow and then the theres north korea the world on the brink of a new Nuclear Bombs race on a courtroom just. Thirty minutes. Meet the germans new and surprising aspects of license culture in germany. U. S. American keep music takes a look at germany it is interesting news that their traditions every day drives and language to some of the most are. Good yeah because the guy im going to t. W. Dot com make the germans. Earth a home for saving Global Engineers tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the protect the climate and boost Green Energy Solutions to inspire people to take action global ideas on t. W. We make up over a week watches of office that found out that if we are on the surface of a person. They want to shape the continents future to be part of it and join our youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges of the seventy seven percent platform for africa. He created me milestone. It was an instrument of propaganda persecution. It underwent a bankruptcy and restructuring. But its still turning out films today. To follow germanys biggest and oldest film company. Cinematic history from the german empire to the present. The pioneers the visionary and the business with. One hundred here so far starting february eighteenth coming up. This is g w news live from bar land it has been a roller coaster ride but today south africa has a new president. Called this great opportunity. And i would try to work very hard on knowledge to disappoint the people of south africa thank you very much. So what can south africa and the rest of the world expect from Cyril Ramaphosa. Also coming up

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