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William some way. Ah, us been duly elected. The president . Driggers a triple curtain. Put him on the point. Its going to cost a lot of the emotional know you know out. Great how the loans people the kids will be wouldnt to him. Yes. Warranty organized, lose the person on constitutional legal foods available to us. We concluded that the process was and incapable of eileen, our order sheet. And i also on the day, russia blame saboteurs for a series of explosions that rocked the Crimean Peninsula today, striking deep within russian hill territory. The attacks raised the spectre of Ukrainian Partisans operating behind enemy lines was reading your book without seeing official statement from the ministry to fans. So todays emergency was caused by sabotage. We understand whats going on when youre more than 3000 people here. Ive already been evacuated to resume. Ah. The runner up in kenyas president ial election has confirmed that he will contest the result, rollo. Dingo says the outcome shows blatant, disregard for the constitution. He also accuses the chair, person of the Electoral Commission of acting unilaterally and illegally and declaring william brutal kenyas next president. But after a largely peaceful election process, he also called on kenyans to remain calm. The long wait for kenyas election result is over. But like every residential outcome in kenya, since 2002, this one too is disputed. No view does neither legally under, but it is declared when a nora president licks is that you will get his announcement, but put in 2 unknowns. A winner is a nullity he acted with gross impunity and internal disregard of the constitution under our nose running a law since 5th bid for the top job, despite the sport of his all right, will an outgoing president who can yetta with people in his strong willed city of get some have mixed feelings about challenging the results. I think what i listen to right now, if you go to court and her for them to decide who should come the president of kenya. But as up our views, baileys, the president of kenya. Okay. It got to go to court and we can really tell what my fear is earlier because my thought about to go for the election, which is going still to be missing my meds like this while. Meanwhile, rudo supporters are eager for him to take off as soon as the thought of the elegant political as well as you can feel, the doubt mafia is not alive. And you can continue to relax because you are expecting of if the president , i mean, any time yell mckinney, i could face weeks of uncertainty and the way forward may ultimately be decided in court to w is felix marina joins us now from nairobi. Felix, why exactly is odessa disputing this result . Good evening saw that as im your president ial candidate jayla dingle there earlier on today. Give a speech and he accused the a, b. C. Chairman of 3 things, he thing the one that they, i beseech chairman was partisan and he did not encourage democracy within their commission. And secondly, he also claimed that the i, b, c, chairman, changed the result, the Election Results towards the end that says page 44. 00 out of there, 7 commissioners to walk out and present at different a press conference just before their final announcement was made. And lastly, rayleigh didnt get accused the i, b, c, chairman off making a decision on his own and being a laundries are going to announce the president elect and giving the president elect a certificate without getting consensus from the rest of his commission. And he said that these are some of the grounds that he will use to set teach to go to court and ask for justice to be done to him. Felix, this is not the 1st time our dinner is disputing an election. He lost what of reactions been. So some of the guys in the streets are some of his supporters and others who are opposing him. So his supporters were saying that a yes he did the right thing. He did the right thing to call for peace and ask yourself what does to remain calm as he sought to address in their high, in the Supreme Court. But the guys who are opposing him somewhat as a William Rudolph was saying that they were tired with this rhetoric of all the time when god losing an electron and seeing that series. Busy had been blocked on they had been stolen and some of the support as a little i think he should know it and retire from i do politics, but he support as a very optimistic that re loading. I mean, he goes to the Supreme Court, you will get up once, and eventually he will be declared president in the election. All right, but that would be at the end of an entire process. What will happen next . So what happens next is if he makes true, he is his threat and goes to the Supreme Court, then he, they have 7 days which begins. And yesterday, when their result was now up to tuesday, next week to file a case of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will take 14 days to determine if the case is 95 i the election is 95, then king us will go to the 2 and i to a fresh election in the next 60 days if the case or if the election result is upheld and William Rudolph ad declared to have been violently elected than william, brutal, just wait for another 7 days after that 14 day period to be sworn in as kenyas. 5th, president , italy as felix moraine reporting from narrow we thank you so much for clearing all that up for us. Ah, and Ammunition Depot has exploded in crimea a week after similar blasts rock to a Russian Air Base on the annex peninsula. The Russian Defense ministry originally attributed the blast to a fire at a military warehouse, but now says the damage is the result of sabotage. Local Officials Say 2 people were injured while another 3000 were moved to safety. As a precaution, ukraine has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in the blasts on the peninsula, which is an important supply line for russias invasion of ukraine and the base of its black sea fleet hears a spokesman for the cranium central command. Addressing todays explosions was the moral appropriate liquor. As for these events, the enemy does not understand fire Safety Measures of the whole months at 60 for it definitely makes us all happy will not only the military, but also the whole of ukraine. Im also sort of john coy and another military. I feel where the enemy concentrated not only the helicopters, i mentioned, but also other equipment for them. And because of damage, judging by the video available in open sources, perform up, we see the destination of ammunition products super. Hes a rockets explode and fly in Different Directions for them or them all or sure, of course. Such things cannot help, but please us usefulness you shortly. You welcome to the enemy, does not understand fire safety measure. Its a little tongue in cheek there. Lets break this down with alexander modal. Hes a professor of Political Science at Rutgers University in new jersey. Hes also been compiling reports of ukrainian part is an activity behind russian lines. Professor model good to have you. On the day, weve seen a series of attacks in crimea recently. Russia has always presumed the peninsula was beyond keys, operational reach, statements out of ukraine. We just heard them, certainly please, but very vague. Who do you think is behind the blasts . Well, good question. No one really knows in the, on the assumption made by most Ukrainian Military and was that is to say people who are not officially connected to the government is that these sorts of blast incurring that kind of damage would have to have been made by missiles of some kind or rather in other words, if thats the case, then its likely to have been the Ukrainian Armed forces, possibly air craft, more likely artillery that would have fired the rockets. These kinds of missiles simply arent available to local partners and forces. On the other hand, as you know, the Ukrainian Government is officially exclaiming and there since there centrally repeating what russia stated, a number of times in the past that these explosions are due to some indolence, ignorance, and the unsafe use of incendiary devices. So theyre being coin, understandably so, so that may simply be an attempt at a certain kind of sarcasm. Or alternatively, it may actually reflects the fact that the ukrainians didnt fire the missiles and that some kind of local talent was involved. As you can see, we dont really know, why would you want to high that theyre behind this blast will for will for one thing. Its humorous because the russians have insisted throughout. That whenever a blast has taken place, that it was due to some kind of negligence on the part of the custodian who dropped a cigarette and then ignited some massive explosion. So the ukrainians are simply as it were, following the russian line a at the same time. Its a convenient way of creating uncertainty. As you can see from our discussion. I mean, its very likely that the missiles were fired by the ukranian side. But then again, maybe its not, maybe some one else did, it maybe was local, tell it maybe was partisans in cahoots with special forces. All sorts of possibilities exist. And these of course are intended to keep the russians um, off balance. So it makes perfect strategic and tactical sense. Youve been keeping an eye on partisan activity behind ration lines. Whats the extent of anti russian gorilla activity in occupied ukraine . Its actually very impressive. I started doing this in the late march, early april and i have been keeping a, a file of all the military of the grill activities. And these include everything from distributing leaflets, writing graffiti to bombing cars, bombing, or its causing explosions of pylons, railroad tracks. And so on and in july approximately there were 33 such incidence. Roughly 16 were nonviolent and about 17 were violent. In the last 2 weeks, however, there were Something Like 34 which is essentially such incidents. In other words, a 100 percent increase over the 4 week period. And in the last 2 weeks, the number of violent incidents has out paced the number of 9 loyal incidents. So there have been increasing attacks on railroad lines, electricity pylons as well as on local collaborators. How closely do you think these groups are coordinating with ukrainian command structures if at all im sure they are back in late march, the head of the, the military Counter Intelligence in ukraine, a man by the name of killa beaudin of said that ukraine was on the verge of starting a major partisan movement. And it was clear from his statements and statements made by other officials as well as by some of the things they published that this was going to entail the activity of ukrainians special forces. Working in collaboration with local individuals who were determined to drive off the russian. So its clear that there is a coordination of some kind going on whether key of is actually instructing the local partisans to attack what when and how is an open question. Chances are the answer is yes, and that they are being instructed to do things by key of and that is part and parcel of larger strategy. And could be partisan attacks, become decisive in the ukrainian counter offensive. Well, they would certainly be important. Decisive is too strong a term because ultimately that all depends on the fighting ability and the fighting and the weapons that the armed forces have. But the partisan activities, as we know from world war 2 and partisan activities, can have a very Important Role in affecting logistics and supplies. And thats exactly what the partisans are doing. They are destroying rail, wingstop, destroying electricity. Theyre taking part in the attacks on these ammunition dumps. Theyre coordinating attacks on leaders of collaboration structures. And if this continues, and im sure it will, it will harm and it will significantly harm the ability of the Russian Armed forces to supply their forces, especially in southern ukraine, and especially in the western bank of ukraine, that part of the care san province, which is currently occupied by Something Like 25000. 00 russian troops. Theyve been cut off from their hinterland as a result of the ukrainian bombing of the bridges across the new pro river. And of course, the partisans are going to be playing and have been playing a key role in wearing down these logistical supply lines. And if all goes well for the ukrainians, they might be able to surround and possibly destroy up to 25000. 00 russians forces in the foreseeable future. Alexander motto in fact, growth university. Many thanks for your time. Thank you for having me. Ah. When one year since the taliban sees power in afghanistan and the time since the country has faced economic chaos, acute hunger and an erosion of fundamental rights in particular. For women and girls, under taliban rural women are mostly restricted from working outside. The home teenage girls are banned from going to high school and that will have far reaching consequences on the prosperity of the country. Ah, these goats are hungry for the education they get. Its are going a high school in cowboy. They have big plans. Who of you went to be a doctor . Raise your hands that these plans may end up as dreams. Although they are only 11 or 12. This is their last year at school. The taliban are allowing only very few goods to study beyond grade 6. The leadership has effectively bent secondary education for girls. These limit emerett as the taliban called their government. Once to enforce agenda, segregated society where teenage girls and women mainly stay at home. Hello, linda flat. I will try my best to continue with my classes here. But i asked be slammy cameron to open goes school still draped to alberta for that we can study properly again, it doesnt, it was that im not the best. The soonest us about that im sad. I ask our government to open schools so we can all study the rights of women and men should be equal, but does better by show my mother. This used to be a place of learning for more than 8000 girls after that. Now there are only 2000 students in grades 7 to 12 are at home. The teachers keep going, but everyone knows that when the goods finished this great, all these would be doctors will be banned from school. Wow. Touch. Some of them are in the, i feel for the future of our children. I feel that leave will be as a literate in the future in anothers own than other a country without education does not have a future. I mean, the future of all of us live in the hands of these teenagers, as rather says, my show good. The father. I had to tell my students, you cant come back here until theres a new order or but in tom, why are you taking my students out of class a good journal matter since nicholas you . Oh, we take that question to the taliban. Made history for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice. Thats the ministry responsible for social behavior to fit with the taliban vision of islam. Delaware, the spokesman mirrors many other answers by only offering any basis and sadly live for them. Thatll dollar somebody hammer, hobbits at old. There are definitely some problems for the grades after class 6 live, but you need to ask the ministry of education for specific. So the issue will not last forever on that. I hope it will be resolved soon. That will be islamic emerett. I was thinking about it that said up has been out of school for 2 years. First due to corona, then the taliban, the 16 year old study set home alone induced emily. I miss being that my friends, i miss drawing and studying with them by marriage. I also miss being that might each other during exam, so i missed them all. My biggest hope was to become a doctor. Now my biggest hope is that my school will start again. Her older sister, freshly as a teacher, she still works teaching little boys. She understands saddest desire for schooling, but can do little to cheer her up. I me, hubbard, i had a body commissioner, can work every time said off. Heres the news that schools remain close for girls. She gets more depressed. She cries at least once a week had she sits with a bleeding heart asking why the school is not opening. I cant, i finish grade 12, michelle myself. It was the monday of kind of stance. Little girls are still in school, but despite domestic and international pressure, the taliban wont let High School Girls continue their education. Currently. That lease nearly a 1000000 futures hanging. Ah. The United Kingdom has become the 1st nation to license a vaccine which targets more than one variant of the virus which causes cov, 19. The vaccine made by the us drug company, modernity targets the original and the on the chronic version of the virus. Its been given the green light for use as a booster shot in adults. You k authorities are planning to use the vaccine and a Booster Campaign starting next month and spring and william schaffner. Hes a professor of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University in nashville, tennessee. Welcome to the day, mr. Schaffner, a lot of people were waiting for an adopted cobit vaccine. How effective is this new dual strain booster . Well, the coal, we anticipate that it will be quite effective. It is an updated vaccine. Were updating the coven vaccines. The way were updating the influenza vaccine, the new vaccine will protect against the original strain that will remind our immune system. And it will also provide protection against the omicron variance, which is, which are new, but are somewhat separate from the original strain. So well have a Double Barrel shotgun working on our immune system to get our protection up as comprehensively as possible. And we anticipate having similar vaccines in the United States this fall. And so this new vaccine isnt actually going to help us get ahead, will always be a step behind. Well, we can do our best to predict what will be circulating in the near term future. Fortunately, we are pretty accurate with our predictions with influenza vaccine. And while were doing these updated vaccines, people are working in the laboratory to create more universal, coven vaccines, vaccines, which will protect us against the whole array, a whole spectrum of different variance, current ones, and even variance in the future. So we wish those scientists success. We certainly do with amazon. Now accounting for pretty much all new coven cases around the world. Though, i want to ask you how much sense it makes to keep targeting be original variant. Well, that has to do with reminding our immune system. And one of the things that happens when you do that and remind the immune system, you not only get protection against the original strain, but the immune system diversifies and you get a greater spectrum of immune responses over time. So that, thats actually acting as a mini universal vaccine already in place. Mr. Campaign is gonna pick off in september can roll out even be quick enough to stop another explosion of coven cases in the colder months. While you phrased it, exactly right. What were trying to do is prevent the cases, the ones that require hospitalization, the more serious disease. And yes, i think we can do that. But vaccines are not as good at preventing transmission. And the current banks of the current variance out there are extremely contagious. As we are noticing in the United States at the present time, all major vaccine makers are of course right now working on adapting their products to the amr cranberry. And the why was me during the 1st to get approval for a modified version. Well, theyve been very, very adept at making these changes. Theyre working at them. Theyve been working on them for some time. Theyre just 1st in line. The other manufacturers are right behind them. Williams hafner at Vanderbilt University. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you. Ah, almost 50 years after a native american actress said she Little Feather was booed at the oscars. The academy of motion, picture, arts and sciences has apologized to her. In 1973 actor marlon. Brando sent Little Feather to refuse his oscar for best actor and protests at hollywood treatment and depiction of native americans. Little feather was given just a minute to speak and received a mixture of applause and jeers. The academy now says it recognizes her bravery. Little feather responded in a statement saying, we indians are very patient people. Its only been 50 years a days almost done, but as always, the conversation continues online. Were looking forward to hearing from you on twitter for now for me and the entire team. Thanks for spending parts of your day with awe, with big prophets at the expense of the environment and outdated business, not its disastrous effects are visible everywhere. Green technology are seen as the solution. But can they truly help us achieve sustainability made in germany. On d, w in good shape is going natural trading pain with prices, crashes with anxiety like blowing to a snails pace sample treatment method that are also incredibly effective in good shape. In 60 minutes on d w. Oh were all good to go beyond the obvious as we take on the world. 8 hours. I do all this. Yes. Were all about the stories that matter to you. Whatever it takes by policemen follow with you. We are, your is actually on fire made for mines a 9 the effects of Climate Change are already painfully a parents. And while Environmental Protection is now topping some policy

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