Transcripts For DW The Day 20190508 04:02:00

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Shorts to secure a deal before the elections. How do strongman leaders been twist democracy to fit their will you could look to russia but its whaler and then there is turkey president erda ones Political Party lost control of its stamboul in municipal elections back in march it was such a shock to air to one that next month is stamboul will repeat its election tonight ill ask her to ones a key party whats the plan next time to make sure the will of the people follows the plan of the president im bringing off in berlin this is the day. Shuttle launch has been cheating has been corruption well this is clear and unambiguous and the list came from somebody who doesnt want to lose his policy so its no surprise because my fellow citizens are trying to take away the elections we won on the Evening Of March The Thirty first they have tried to steal alcohols work this is a preplanned game and the election authorities are part of. This decision doesnt represent voters it clearly has been meeting during the peoples will do you claim Didnt Come On Lets Go before the people and we will accept what the peoples wish to tell us. Is the simplest one. Also coming up a report from jordan where citizenship is dependent on the passport your father holds dont even bother asking your mother according to jordanian law only men can pass on citizenship to their children this means that sons and daughters born to a jordanian mother is a non jordanian fathers i considered foreigners and eyes of the state. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and All Around The World welcome we begin the day. A with a lesson in how to undo democracy turkish style after the failed coup attempt in the summer of twenty sixteen turkeys president valid it would never happen again he used a State Of Emergency to purge the military the police the state bureaucracy Public Schools and universities of hundreds of thousands of people he considered possible in the minds of the state a crackdown condemned the world over especially as turkeys independent media were being shut down a crackdown that apparently did not snuff out the voice of the people in municipal elections back in march voters kicked out president everyones a key party in istanbul and in the capital ankara a victory that may be short lived turkeys Election Board has ordered its stamboul to rerun its election next month agreeing with president carter won that the first vote may have been rigged tonight there is International Outrage of that decision and yet even the Opposition Parties even the party which won the first election theyve all agreed to let their candidates run for office again heres what president to one and the head of the Main Opposition Party said today about that election repeat. I hope the decision will be good for instant poll as well as our country. Since you notice numbers didnt it became clear that certain people with dirty hands had become involved starting before the elections and they brought the situation to this Point Stump Step By step. We sincerely believe that there was organized corruption full illegality and irregularity in the estimable mayoral election. No news although didnt love it it is we won almost all of the cities we thought we could win which they did not anticipate. Yeah. They could accept it but when we won istanbul they started conspiring conspiring against what against democracy they tried to conspire against the will of the people you know this is. Will you take this you we must teach these gang members at the Election Board a lesson that these Gang Members Massacre at the law and the will of the people we live in you know the. One party calls the gang members another party says they are holding up the rule of law to talk about that im joined now by Haroon Armagh and a member of president everyones a key party he joins me tonight from instant goal or when its good to have you back on the day that we just heard president of the one talking about people with dirty hands connected with the election in istanbul who was responsible for the vote rigging in istanbul. The principal i would like to correct one thing in your portrait you mentioned this is undue often moccasin distance a judicial process appealing to the Election Result is a constitutional right and Opposition Parties did the same thing important election as well for example Opposition Party apply for a city in east of turkey and elect Election Council accepted their it pale and there is a rerun in that city as well its a constitutional right its a checks and balances process which makes our stronger our democracy stronger so that point i have to disagree first the Second Coming to your question. Is that there has been recorded irregularities in this election they might impact the final result of election and just like any other. Cities in turkey and we made our appeal to election consul an independent body and they have been checking our appeal and they found us right they said that they made a decision to rerun the elections so there will be a rerun and we will see that if we want the people of istanbul will show their full will in the bullet boxes and we will respect that decision but here in just one of them this let me. Ask you about who is responsible im asking that because if you are going to have a repeat of the election then it would help to to secure the free and fair nature of the second election you want to make sure that rigging doesnt happen again so we have you been able to identify the people who were responsible for the rigging in the election in march. This is an investigation that the bar office in the world and the election consulate started as investigations on it in give a result but for us what is important is that we make sure that this elections in istanbul than it. Is a transparent free and fair so that people of history will tend to show their full will on ballot boxes to to make sure that our democracy strong weve talked about the irregularities in the istanbul municipal election and that they were have been investigated by the ag party how many municipal elections in turkey has your party investigated so for. Well we have we have in our also thieves we have our own checks and balances just like any other party they also every party has their own system to make sure that the results are correct and they they have representatives in every will but just. Opposition parties also appeal in many cities just like we have failed in istanbul and ankara but our appeal in this isnt right but in istanbul it was fun right and the election made a decision to repeat the elections and in last election in two thousand and fourteen elections there were fourteen minute simple it is iran turkey that that had a real iran of elections so when this is a good decision or usual part of our checks and balances for democracy and elections were there irregularities in any of a leg shiens other than ystem ball uncorrupt hording to the a case the. There are also feel but the remade are appeals as well but Election Council makes the final decision decision if that irregularities have changed the final result because in istanbul the difference between two candidates was zero point Four Thousand percent so its very very very very little margins of paper thin margin so that might in fact the final result of the election which created Question Marks in everybodys minds the repeating of the election will make sure that everybody is is commenced with the result that is fair and that reflects the will of the stumble people i just spoke with the deputy head of the Republican Peoples Party the c. H. P. I want you to take a listen to what he said about the decision ordering a repeat of the istanbul election. Bald appeal sent all the objections of to truly be if first of all rejected by the i actually more but that finally they found that political as It Objections it is not a legal justification there is no legal grounds for refusing the result of the elections this is simply a political decision and it is the take that under the political pressure of the ruling without it so here and there you have him saying this is all about politics the aid came party your party refusing to accept it lost an election. No this as nothing to do with the older respect with the member of the parliament we have we have made our appeals with free for reasons and some of them are fault invalid but one reason was valid and the Opposition Parties some of the Opposition Parties also made of it that reason to repeat it read on the elections so it has nothing to do with a political decision because not not in every situation to a kid that Opposition Party want are going to read on its own in istanbul with a paper thin margin between two cat dates that was the irregularities were affecting the Impacting Results and the decision was made by independent election cons that i think make a common thing as an it is a political. Decision is completely wrong the council of election it has members from all Political Parties and independent decision its now no need to for its independence let me ask you let me ask you going beyond politics me ask you about economics in the Business World turkeys economic problems they were front and center during the municipal elections on march thirty first those worries are still there that the turkish lira today we can further on news of the stamboul Election Rerun the Turkish Industry and Business Association tweeted late yesterday and this is what they wrote and weve translated into english as we emphasized before the thirty first of march local Election Results were announced it is worrying to return to the electoral environment as we should focus on a comprehensive economic and democratic reform agenda all right so theyre saying lets dont have a rerun of the vote lets just get down to business the reply from president erda one to that today was businessmen in turkey should know their place a room what is their place. That everyone has a right to express their opinion but a dissenter a turkish economy is now at the age that when we can and we can now progress and then we can produce and then we can focus on our business there is there is a rerun in turkey because its the its a due process of our appeal our rights given by constitution so there will be dispersed s. S. Checks and balances to make sure that our elections are safe this is the reason why we have one of the highest turnout rates in in europe because people trust. The most but theyre transparent and the Election Console is independent body makes a great job to make sure that no one intervenes with the peoples decision therefore the due process that our constitution requires to make sure that our elections and democracy are say the businessmen at the same time always is going to favor it unfortunately were out of time but you do bring up a good point i think in the west election you had a turnout of eighty percent in turkey which is excellent for any democracy Haroun Argonne with the ruling a key party in turkey joining me tonight from mr bove and we appreciate your time tonight and please come back on the show lets talk when we come in june to those and to repeat elections in istanbul thank you. Thank you for. A last minute cancellation shrouded in mystery u. S. Secretary of state Mike Pump Aoe today canceled what would have been his First Official visit to berlin the u. S. Embassy here in the german capital saying that the visit had to be postponed due to urgent matters and International Security issues was president Donald Trumps top diplomat was in finland earlier in the day to take part in a meeting of Foreign Ministers of the arctic council. So whats the story behind this last minute cancellation to talk about that im joined by the w. C. Political correspondent linda crane shes in our parliamentary studios here in berlin and in washington d. W. Correspondent oliver salih is following the story forced from there good evening to both of you let me ask both of you have you heard from your sources today why pompei go canceled his visit to berlin linda let me start with you what have you heard. Yes we have been hearing through the course of the afternoon and now also are seeing some confirmations coming in on the wires that the secretary of state and those who are traveling with him went to iraq now apparently the journalists who work company in him were told in the afternoon after the meeting with Chancellor Merkel was counseled that today would be going to a country that they could not name and that they could not report on the trip but as i said we are seeing some as yet unconfirmed reports that that country was in fact iraq and we can only speculate why that would be as you know the u. S. Announced a couple of days ago that it is deploying an Aircraft Carrier to the straits of hormuz that in conjunction with tensions that are ratcheting ratcheting up with iran and the secretary of state said at that time that one of the reasons the u. S. Was doing that is that it had Credible Threats that there could be an iranian attack on u. S. Forces in the area including in iraq so perhaps this is meant as a kind of demonstration of the significance of the threat but you would you heard there in washington one of the sources been able to see about. Change of plans. Emelin the just laid it out it was quite mysterious today. Media was reporting about where on earth the secretary of state is traveling to and in fact not even as melinda said the press corps traveling with them was informed but in addition to that they were also not allowed to report it until the delegation would have left the next destination now rocky Iraqi Government sources in fact they have confirmed their visit to the United States have Five Thousand Military Personnel there on the ground and the rumors are that this has to do with the situation in iran but the rising tensions there we all know that Us Government believes that the government is planning or contemplating attacks on u. S. Forces in the region they have then just a little while ago all deployed and the Aircraft Carrier to the region to the strait of hormuz in fact observers do believe that this is all manufactured that the u. S. Administration is trying to trying to justify its harsh policies against iran so no matter what a lot of speculation here in washington today but its clear that both sides are ratcheting up the tensions its a good point markets are jittery to the price of oil increasing yet again today the sudden cancellation appear really did not go down very well here in berlin this is once norbert and the share of the Foreign Affairs committee here in germany the german part of this is what he said today even if there were unavoidable reasons for the cancellation it unfortunately fits into the current climate in the relationship of the two Governments Washington in berlin belinda i mean you dont have to read between the winds there to understand that the government here in berlin has been put off by. No no of course the government did not officially express that sentiment there was simply mention made that the meeting would very soon be rescheduled but there is no question if this had only been a meeting between the Foreign Minister of germany and the secretary of state that might have been a different matter but he was set to meet the chancellor and the secretary of state has now been in his is position for over a year he skipped the Munich Security Conference although he was in europe at the time he has not been to germany and theres a sense here that this simply reflects what has become a very chilly relationship between the u. S. And germany and german politicians pointed out today look we need to Work Together it is very important that we address the geo political tensions in the world through cooperative and devers but that needs to be essentially a two way street both sides have to work at it all right personally were out of time all integrated in washington or here in Berlin Oversell or correspond in washington to both of you thank you very much. Lets not we continue our series on germany twenty nine the big issues our correspondent keep brady has been traveling around the country to find out whats on peoples minds on the latest stage takes a look at what many people here say is a Health Emergency the population is growing but not enough Affordable Housing is being built in the city of hard to bear keep met some students who have their own ideas on how to tackle that problem. For the next part of my journey im heading south to the Historic Town of hyderabad in back home to germanys Oldest University and its scientific hub. Picture ask with toytown appearance Green Open Spaces and good Job Prospects its no wonder the back is booming since Two Thousand And Seven the population has grown by about Fifteen Thousand and is proving to be particularly popular among tourists and the young. But a lack of housing and increasing demand here in heidelberg has seen rent prices skyrocket over the last ten years making finding that very tail home here in hyderabad nothing short of a nightmare. To mend for housing among students who make up about a quarter of the towns population is particularly high but here on the outskirts of hyderabad on the form of barracks of a u. S. Military hospital a group of students has taken matters into their own hands the building their own Student Dorms this is colleague in academic ira five who want to trying to find an apartment or a flat share is almost impossible for some people get an apartment through friends but otherwise. The Sixty Million Euro project which has been funded largely by State Redevelopment Aid will provide housing for more than Two Hundred Twenty students in apprentices the first guns the prototype looks more garden shed than home but its complete with beds bookshelf wardrobe and desk over Three Hundred years of month bills included as i was on the one hand we want to listen thats why the entire building will be made of wood because the production has significantly fewer c o two emissions than building with concrete we also want to live together more sustainably where possible we want to share a lot of if you are individual spaces a lot of communal spaces in our own workshop where we can repair things. Until the. Heidelberg Deputy Magen Odds took is pledging to build some Eight Hundred new apartments every year to keep up with the money and cuboid if. Were hoping to achieve Rental Prices of under ten euros per square meter which automatically means we need subsidised System Market rates start at thirteen or fourteen year olds per square meter. And thats in the lower end of the scale this call is not. But if the increase in Rental Prices of twenty two percent in heidelberg over the last decade is anything to go by rents are already heading off the scale. Project like canadian academic im really could office and relief to the Housing Crisis here in hyderabad but when the city really wants to avoid extortionate Rental Prices in other big cities like len and munich theres still a lot to be done. To jordan and the fight for greater Gender Equality women there are not allowed to pass citizenship on to their children that means babies born to jordanian mothers and Nine Hundred Eighty Two fathers are classified as foreigners puts major restrictions on their lives from day one but not Everyone Wants to change stats i uber he reports. When see him made an egyptian man almost four decades ago she never expected her choice of life partner because her seven children so much suffering down the line. When they grew up they had problems with work. Unless they got a work permit they could get a job. If they worked on officially they would have problems getting paid fairly. If they went and complained to officials they had no personal id to file a complaint with. See him says her children feel jordan is their only home yet in addition to work issues their status also limits their ability to own property their access to Public Education health care and their ability to acquire a drivers license. This is because as noncitizens they do not possess a national id number. For see him the problems went further than restrictions to everyday life her son status almost got him kicked out of the country he calls home. He got into a fight as a result there was a legal problem and within ten days he got a Deportation Order that if he was jordanian he would not have been treated like this he was detained for two years pending deportation. And twenty fourteen authorities started issuing the children of jordanian mothers special id cards that were supposed to ease restrictions on their daily lives see him son tells me the card is ineffective in practice and is often not recognized by institutions like banks. Local and International Human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch have repeatedly recommended the jordan overhaul its Citizenship Law completely any change in jordan Citizenship Law would require the approval of the countrys legislative body measure. But some parliamentarians here are still stunningly opposed to the move this parliamentarian says amending the law would open the door for Palestinian Refugees to become jordanian as many jordanian women are married to Palestinian Refugees he says this would hurt the palestinian cause jordan is host to two million Palestinian Refugees. If we keep. Citizenship to this group all at once there will be a huge change in the demographics of jordan and will that tell this group to be happy with the current measures in place and the rights theyve been granted thus far who met. For salmon her children however this is easing of the restrictions is not enough. I want them to have their citizenship this is the least of their rights and if a man could pass on citizenship to his spouse and children i should be able to do the same. God but it seems that for now a change in the law is nowhere in sight. Well the day is almost done the conversation continues online go find us on twitter either at u. W. News or you can follow me of brant golf t. V. Dont forget to use our hash tag of the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everyone. In. The. Country. Megalomania or a cleverly planned offensive. China is building a new silk road and Infrastructure Project the likes of which the world has never seen. By offering loans the chinese hope to entice foreign governments to construct highways and rail lines but is china a partner or a rival made in germany next. Children cigarettes. Nevertheless living in a city can be as bad as. What exactly is it thats contaminating the air is it only cars and businesses Surprising Research and analyses. Clean air in forty five minutes on d w. Plus ninety the new channel for an independent view on Current Affairs in turkey. The latest developments accurate analysis. With comprehensive package. New tricks for dumb luck and political and social topics considered from different perspectives. We cover the issues that move turkey on a unique platform for information. Plus ninety connect to an unbiased agenda subscribed now on you tube. The silk road conjures images of Dusty Caravans and fragrant spices carried by traders on the Central Asian plains the original trade route connecting the far

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