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Reason it never worked the people around trump refused to help. This is the day. I think lou did get the evidence developed by the Special Counsel is not sufficient to establish that the president committed and the structure of the justice Offense No Collusion no obstruction. I. Never was by the way and never will be no one outside the department. Has seen the unredacted with the Deputy Attorney general and i disagreed with some of the Special Counsels legal theory should never happen to another president again im having to take you. Also coming up tonight reporters without borders new press Freedom Index is out never before have journalists been hated so much never before have political leaders been so vehement in denying that fact of course we have to also work in order to protect Freedom Of Expression freedom of. Movement of that but we do not see that there is a problem with that in our country. Well to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and All Around The World welcome we begin the day reading them all the reports and the more we read the more we ask does this lead to impeachment of the u. S. President today the much anticipated mobile report into russian interference in the Twenty Six Thousand president ial election was finally released an infamous is on the word finally before today we did not know if the public would ever see the results of the special councils two year investigation u. S. Attorney general barton made it clear today that he was sharing the report solely at his discretion now the four hundred page report that i have right here is also free directed in places you can see parts blacked out for National Security reasons among others but there is enough inside to better understand what Robert Mueller was thinking especially concerning the question of Obstruction Of Justice by President Trump in the Report Muller and his team write that the president s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the president declined to carry out orders or a seed to his requests. In other words trump try but no one would help roll that revelation triggered the start of Impeachment Proceedings against the u. S. President what we do not know that is a matter for the u. S. Congress and Robert Mueller where he was not present today to answer any questions but his boss Attorney General william barr he was taken was i believe it to his description in the report the Special Counsels own articulation of of why he did not want to make a determination as to whether or not there was an obstruction of fence but i will say that when we met with him Deputy Attorney general rosenstein and i met with him along with ed ocallahan who is the principal Associate Deputy on march fifth we specifically asked him he made it clear that he had not made the determination that there was a crime robert not for me the Justice Department if only at this moment when he came to testified to congress are there changes in the earth personally testify theres a lot of Public Interest in the absence of Special Counsel members of the state was he in Flight Training on why hes not here this is what i perceive your top. To for he did for me as the new general he is required under the regulation to prove to provide me with a confidential report im here to discuss my response to that report and my decision entirely discretionary to make it public that was the u. S. Attorney general william bar there clear that the report was for him today weve got Team Coverage tonight of the most report and what it means for the Truck Presidency and why it matters to the world joining me here in the studio was tyson parker a u. S. Politics analyst with the Aspen Institute who also served in the u. S. State department under President Obama and from washington im happy to welcome the night Callie Simpson a former trial lawyer who served in the george w. Bush administration and is now with the Heritage Foundation and also in washing. Our very own Helena Humphrey joins me from our Bureau Helena has been on this story all day forced to all of you welcome helen im going to start with you and then go around to everyone what does the mobile report mean for the Trump Presidency now compared to what it meant yesterday for and today the battle lines have been redrawn and this is certainly shelf in the resolve all of the democrats i think it means that they have more meat essentially to dig into and boy they are certainly digging into it weve just heard from up pelosi and schumer in a joint statement and they have said ok looking at this its quite clear to see that the Attorney General William Boz Definition of Obstruction Of Justice set out by the Special Counsel robot mother all two Different Things weve also heard from the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee jerry nadler and he says ok its very interesting that robot mother decided not to make a prosecutorial decision not because he is unable to do so this is a mound with a wealth of experience in this matter because he believes that he has set out a roadmap for congress to deal with this now as quoted jerry not on this before and i will quote him again something which is impeachable may not be a crime something which is a crime may not be impeachable i do not think this is case closed by any stretch it goes to what do you say about the meaning of the report today i think the Attorney General. That hes going to let the report speak for itself i know that the democrats were very upset that he went out and did a Press Conference before the release to them of their reporting to the public but the report does it for itself an Attorney General made that quite clear and i dont agree that mr barr the Attorney General whos been the Attorney General once before has a different definition of Obstruction Of Justice than muller does remember their friends they both work in the Justice Department at the highest levels so i and report lays out the various theories of Obstruction Of Justice and as you said in your lead up could not conclude that he did it but it cannot exonerate him. Because theres the report changed anything yeah i think so i mean it is centrally put a stamp of. Whats the highest credibility on a two year investigation which both sides of the aisle have said has been conducted with the utmost integrity Mitch Mcconnell came out and said that he has the highest trust and faith in Robert Mueller and laid out ten counts of what the assessors judged to be essentially evidence of Obstruction Of Justice i mean the evidence definitely of intent is there i mean we have essentially all the dots connected and that the breaking of those dots happened at the level of staff it didnt happen with the president himself if the president was able to execute his will this this investigation would have been as obstructed the most reported clearly states that the u. S. President speaking of which what you said tyson tried to interfere with the investigation members times it was not successful because the people that he needed to carry out his wishes refused to do so. I want you to take a listen to what barr said today. The report recounts ten episodes involving the president and discusses potential legal theories for connecting those activities to the elements of an Obstruction Offense after carefully reviewing the facts and legal theories outlined in the report and in consultation with the office of Legal Counsel and other Department Lawyers the Deputy Attorney general and i concluded that the evidence developed by the Special Counsel is not sufficient to establish that the president committed and Obstruction Of Justice offense so that is what the Attorney General said today is if you take that further do we find a green light somewhere for Impeachment Proceedings helen. I think there are many arguments in this and a lot of it looks that a President Trumps trajectory going from a president ial candidate to president himself when we talk about Obstruction Of Justice and Bob Woodwards book for example fear sets the president out at times as a candidate bumbling through making requests and people around him saying essentially no we cannot do that that would be illegal and then other points what were seeing today in the Report Accusations for example at least reports about the firings for example all of the f. B. I. Director james comey in relation to this report then seeking to see taken out of this report as well out of his investigation so its manifold and it evolves over time but if we take pastas prodrug what we can certainly say is that these kinds of investigations havent ended well for president ial president s in the past if you take a look at watergate for example nixon resigning if you take a look at the Ken Starr Report and then the Impeachment Of Bill Clinton but bill clinton was called test lawndale it seemed that nothing would stick now are we seeing a new chapter somethings a fine all convention with trump i think that is the question as well. You used to be a trial lawyer if you had someone that had tried ten times to obstruct justice and it didnt work but you know they tried to in times that you had had that documented you would give them the benefit of the dealt with. I would look at all the facts and circumstances of what that individual did in that case and make an independent judgment of whether they had the requisite mens rea that is the the mental intent to obstruct justice under that either state or federal statute where i was prosecuted and ive done it at the state and federal level here my reading of the report is that there are a number of instances ten found where the president took actions like talking to one of his Campaign Advisors talking to his white House Counsel talking to the then Attorney General Jeff Sessions asking him to an recuse himself and a number of other actions where the people just simply refused to do what he asked them to do and the question is not a legal one now because now were past the Attorney General himself decided to go forward with criminal charges its a political question does nancy pelosi and her buys or is think as a political matter that there was a high crime and misdemeanor that was done by the president and given the cumulative evidence that theyre going to say constitute obstruction decided to march for down the Impeachment Road Understanding that even if the house impeaches him it has to go to the senate for the trials but doesnt what we learned today the does that increase the likelihood i mean its certainly going to increase the pressure on Palosi To Go Forward with. These or not is a misdemeanor i mean these are serious serious accusations and theyre documented i mean this in them over four. Why if youre asking for me i do think that the pressure on the speaker of the house is the third in line to be the president our country will be immense especially from the left whether or not she decides to live by her own standard that she laid out a while ago and that is shes not going to commence Impeachment Proceedings unless she has some buy in from republicans in the house to do so because she doesnt want to be seen as a solely partisan matter remains to be seen but as people start absorbing this report and actually read from beginning to end and i suspect the number is a very small number of people who actually read it from beginning to end time will tell whether they make the political judgment that its better to commence Impeachment Proceedings or just continue politically to beat the president and his administration over the head with facts from the moeller report well i do have to say that it is we were talking about this earlier ties its well written its almost its almost like a novel and the fact that you do have lots of rejected areas it makes for fast reading ties and what about nancy pelosi the three democrats are in a conundrum now arent they well i think there are a number of known unknowns to use so its phrase i mean you know i think that shes done a pretty good job at marshalling her caucus and marshalling the opinion of her base to support any action that she finds would lead to the outcome that they see as most just within the law and if that seems to be the at the avenue of impeachment i think that thats the avenue that they will pursue if its the avenue of further investigation to see if there are grounds for impeachment i think thats something they will pursue and i think that that will happen rather quickly because as was talked about in bars Press Conference you know he will be going up to the to the hill to testify he has allowed for Robert Mueller to go to the hill to testify as well there are disagreements between the two which he admitted during the press Conference Today so those are going to have to be explored a little further and then there are elements of the investigation that have likely been farmed out to other Law Enforcement agencies. Other other elements of the Justice System including the state of new york and the Southern District i mean theres excellent points i just i wonder though when you take all of this out to Middle America youre going to find a lot of. Passion about this when youre in the the u. S. And you know were hearing from all of the democratic president ial candidates theyre saying that when they go theyve been to iowa theyve been to New Hampshire already that people are not talking about the middle of report theyre talking about health care i mean does that diminish the power of this report to push. Me towards impeachment. Right absolutely and that is where nancy pelosi and the democrats are going to be very careful i mean how they make this decision theyre going to have to be pretty sure that theyre going to have a good case for Impeachment Pietschmann should they want to push forward with proceedings or not front because if they try and they say oh people in the rest of the country are going to either say that you know trump was vindicated this was a witch hunt or that the democrats spent too much time corps top in the to ing and fro ing off the report when significant issues to them whether its Wages Health Care child care degree new deal environmental policy whatever it may be on the left which has voters concerned is not tackled in the run up to the twenty Twenty Alexion so really theres going to be some soul searching now i think in the Democratic Party with how they move forward now that theyve got this report in their hands theres other briefly yeah its a bit lee i think we all agree that this is going to be a referendum on trump the election in Two Thousand And Twelve i mean essentially it will be twenty twenty just me the impeachment is going to take place on the election day and the removal from office if that is to happen is going to take place i dont know your ration day so case of maybe the peach but the proceeding is not needed. Lets take a listen to what the House Judiciary Chairman said today about the Attorney General to go to call take a listen to what he said first to his or Attorney General barr it appears to have shown an unsettling willingness to undermine his own department in order to protect president. Barres words and actions suggest he is being disingenuous and misleading in saying the president is clear of wrongdoing. Kohli in february you wrote that when you bar is the right man for the job of a. G. And you quoted him where he said nothing or he had written nothing could be more destructive of our system of government or for the Department Of Justice then toleration of political interference with the of course of the law is bar is he compromised because of this report in the way hes handled it not at all i respectfully disagree with Chairman Ladder i think Attorney General barr has nothing to prove youve been the Attorney General once before and served with distinction he followed the law the law that the Congress Passed in a previous president passed assigns to the Attorney General the sole discretion to decide whether to release the report and how much of it to release nobody else if they wanted to change the law they could have changed it and the law does not prohibit the Attorney General from laying out in a Press Conference a very brief overview of the process he used as transparent as he could be about it so i disrespect or disagree with chairman now there and i think Attorney General barr has conducted himself with the utmost aplomb and i also think that when he testifies in may and he said hed be more than happy to testify in april but the congress has put off his testimony till may that hell prove once again that hes been the right man for the job yeah he also said today that he would have no problem with Robert Mueller testifying as Well Lets Talk about the u. S. President for a moment a day mr trump he reacted to the report with this tweet we want to pull this up and show the viewers there we go no collusion no obstruction for the haters in the radical left democrats game over he likes The Game Of Thrones image there. I go back to you dr told reporters today that hes a happy man is he reading the same report that that we all have tonight. I have no idea what hes reading but i do know that with respect to a comment your guest other guests my colleague made earlier you know when when when candidates. Make their rounds around the country theyre going to be listening to people and if the moeller report in the conclusion that there was no underlying Crime No Collusion sinks in and people are worried about paychecks then School Education and health care and all the rest of it that may crowd to the back burner this issue on most peoples plates and the democrats are savvy just like republicans are running for office and theyre going to realize that the tea leaves are such that they probably should not commence Impeachment Proceedings do you think people are. I mean are that the derby jaded but in a way. And i mean it if theyre worried about being unemployed then the pavior in the values of the president really dont matter well its a worry and honestly for voters for most voters in the middle the country wherever voters are it permeates all issues so if youre worried about Something Like health care or education and thats a primary issue which was the primary issue for many voters in the midterm elections that led to the democratic victories you know your your trust in government is very important and if you cant if you have the suspicion or the inclination that the president has obstructed justice and on in many instances then thats going to lead you to have a distrust in government which is going to make things more difficult but to the extent that you want to rid that dark clout that exists over the presidency and over the faith in government for these Public Institutions then that might be feed into a narrative that leads to people to take that to the ballot box. You are in washington you report for us you know we speak to the world we hear time and time again that the perception of the u. S. President is not a good one regardless of politics this report. People are going to are going to read about it or read it and theyre going to come away with no collusion but the u. S. President if he could have gotten away with it he would have obstructed justice what does that do them for the standing of the office of the presidency in the world theres something that always stands out to me part when i tell it across the country is that many people will say i dont necessarily support the president but i stand behind him because he is the president of the United States and a president has these reframes of no collusion no obstruction and people who dont have the luxury of time to read through this report do you claim to those kinds of soundbites so i think what we might see in the election is that people move away from this mother reported to a certain extent this could be a d. C. Luxury problem that we can dive into it despite the fact as tyson points out and justice and you know a president ial office being set of course affects every layer of government we should look at that you know its a good point and unfortunately were out of time. From the Heritage Foundation. In washington to both of you thank you and tyson parker here at the big table with you from the Aspen Institute as always tyson we appreciate your insights thank you. Well the presidency it represents one of the american Journalism Communities darkest moments that is just one of the conclusions in Reporters Without Borders latest press Freedom Index really take you over here to this side of the studio and show you what that index is all the bell the us is not alone however and not every country has seen risks for reporters increase the indexes based on the rate of violence against the media be it by the state or others access to information and of course legal restrictions start at the bottom of the Index First Eritrea north korea and turkmenistan well theyre at the bottom of the table and heres a look at all the countries where Reporters Without Borders describe the situation as very serious at the top of the index the Northern European countries of Norway Finland and sweden but the picture its not good everywhere in Europe European Union member hungary dropped fourteen places eighty seven w. Called up with a hunger in journalist who left hungary because of the situation they are now lives here in germany. Barely nine hundred kilometers separate berlin in budapest but for journalist dora dish areas of work the two cities are worlds apart since viktor orban became Prime Minister nine years ago hungarys Media Landscape has changed radically had happened here i got her desk when i was a child i always heard that hungry was one of the most liberal countries in what was the eastern bloc and i grew up with this idea that is depressing that specifically this democracy in hungary is slowly being deconstructed and that Press Freedom is being restricted. During the experience first hand how new regulations turn the broadcaster where she worked into state controlled media critical colleagues were fired she herself quit and went to germany in twenty twelve. Bad news from back home two hundred journalists including doris former colleague were recently laid off and here t. V. Station once critical of the hungary and government he reports that the broadcaster was taken over by a Media Foundation headed by a manager loyal to the government. As it can a lengthy a spec t. V. There are no long term opportunities for quality journalism in hungary. Dora works at a Nonprofit Organization in berlin with its own news portal and last is an agency that produces content focused on Eastern Europe she says you can find critical reports written in hungary and about corruption for example but they are mainly online yes get here propaganda and theres a lot of propaganda in hungary the governing parties rhetoric has taken over its only present the same militaristic choice of words the same formulations the same phrases that Government Speakers use. Journalists who do not cooperate are denounced as Traitors Dora is afraid that the hatred and agitation could turn into real violence against journalists that has yet to happen in hungary. Well the day is almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at u. W. News or you can follow me at brant goff t. V. Dont forget to use the hash tag the day. And remember whatever happens between now and tomorrow is another day well see the. First to. Enter the Conflict Zone confronting the powerful folks and most of those are Treaty Organization they chose as just crowded seventieth birthday but it wasnt a happy one my guest this week here is Nato Headquarters is rose got so mux feel good Musicians Deputy Secretary General kofi now acknowledge the great so far as serious splits in its unity cost. Whats the connection between biome and the European Union the no Guild Motto Correspondent and the baker can stretch this back in line with the rules set by the e. U. Stamping recipes for Success Strategy that make a difference. Baking bread on d. W. You know that Seventy Seven percent. Are younger than sixty. Cuts me and me. And you know what its time all voices. All the Seventy Seven percent. Of. The Seventy Seven percent this weekend on d w. Some kind of a nuclear bomb could be a useful thing but not look at. Whats a way out in my view where you have to find different forms. Which you with some situation would just. Give you a much shorter lifetime after a few hundred. Fifty fifty years to sort of course the christian question does not require a connection with. You cannot build it. I think this is something that scientists should to develop Science Scientists should explain to describe and that society should. This is g. W. Newsline from berlin tonight reading the report the much anticipated results of the investigation into russian interference in the twenty sixteen us president ial election theyve been made public and they deliver a mixed Verdict Clearing the Truck Campaign of colluding with moscow but not of the legally obstructing the investigation the president claims hes been vindicated the

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