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But i had done so always using up to demand respect for walking women. We talked to teenage moms about whole pregnancy changed their life and we meet a young median woman who escaped charles marriage. Now weve got a few emotionally tough topics to tackle in todays show, but well start by meeting a 1000000 dancer, b butter ibrahim, my, you guys, she is a bummer for best artists using artistic expressions to speak out against gender inequality. This outstanding dancer has tom tough foot prince internationally, but home in bama co. She has intensified the call for respect to women. I. Oh, in my believe, my name is ibrahim my phone. I am an artist dancer, performa create an interpreter directory, shits. I am currently with fossil down the theater run by jimmy cooley by the bart is in her element. Shes performing her solo on the streets of her home town, bama cole in it. She dramatize as women struggle for recognition and respect. He brought diminution where men is coming near all, many dresses, and look around in them. All of that doesnt mean him a whole it doesnt mean that im fulfill will be and she go or that im losing myself was to pick you up. No, no. It seems that i have principle has siblings that i respect you for that it made me one self and that makes you respect me. The one in her performance be brought to use her skill as a dancer to fight against the assignment of traditional female roles. I do, its about a woman who is looking to get and is told shes. Ready beautiful for me to throw a bell. You dont need to walk to not become murray you or come to my youll be my girlfriend or my mistress. And ill take care of you on this one. And ill put you in a nice house and take care of you. That agent wide be boss, has had similar experiences. Patronized for simply being a woman being taken for granted in her work. You did what times when i was just carry. I wanted to give up if i wanted to drop everything off, but then something in me that doesnt want to keep up on the asia. Secondly, i know that one day things will be better. Carl is left farmville and when women finally claimed higher and higher because of the men wont be resentful or jealous because it does create a bit of jealousy. Duffs office. Good. But thats not such a big deal in wondering girls normal is in normal. A marlene society is still very much dominated by men and as a long way to go to reach equality basis is always changing. And i think that as time goes by, these things will change, and those who dont understand that theyll be the ones who suffer. Ah, suddenly change may be uncomfortable for some, but as be butter says if you dont understand the importance of equality, you may be soon be the one to suffer for it. Well, speaking changes in life, lets talk about teenage pregnancies and unprotected sex is the reason why young girls may find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. But there are numerous underlying reasons for these. And if gemini and o r st. Deborah, tim headed to window in namibia to find out more hello and welcome to another episode of the 77 percent this week we are in fin took in a me be a more specifically in havana, the informal settlement that you see behind me. And its because statistically low Income Countries are more likely to experience the problem of early pregnancy or teen pregnancy as compared to high Income Countries. And particularly in this area, you can imagine that its a serious problem. And thats why were here and we want to find out, why does this problem exist . What are the consequences and what can we do to put an end to it . Who better to answer these questions for me then some libyans. And were going to begin with by grace she is actually looking very scared right now. Thought. But thats right. So by grace, youre a teen mom and you made headlines haine. I may be a because you actually got pregnant at the age of 14. Can you tell me what happened . My parents had like a funeral of my grandmother in. Theyd go like back and forth to the village. But then when they found out that i had a boyfriend, its when they started asking me, christians, they did just that having sex in all of it. Then i told in the years ive had sex in, i didnt get my period for so long in all of it, what was going through your mind . Okay, am i, was it the do essentially time where was depressed and i was do my scores at school were very weak, alto kind of thought about like having abortions in order for it. So the thought crossed your mind, but you locked it against it. Old was your boyfriend at the time . By the way . 21. Nathan. 21. So you are a 14 year old dating a 21 year old. But youre back in school now. Yeah, im right. You havent been able to come back to school. Youre working in a touch up at the moment. So did you have to drop out immediately . You got pregnant or what happened when i went to school until i was 8 months pregnant . And then like my what i broke at school, your water, brooklyn, you ain school. Yes. Can you talk to me through that experience . I mean, that must have, i cant imagine where you in class where you are on the flew airplane rotating. No way like no changing glasses most. Did you also have an older boyfriend . Yeah, i was having an older brother and he was like 25. But there is an i took all my boyfriend was like, there needs to support. He not all entries, those things. So your parents were not in a position to do this for you, i imagine. Yes. But then the guy was even denying when i told him that im pregnant and those who as 8 months less at them, he except at the child. Yet because we went for the any, lets come to immaculate was on this site. Shes a Senior Research fellow. What are the figures say to his pregnancy is indeed a serious concern. Lynn, im been government have what we call the a indication monitoring information systems. A significant number of the learners that are not coming big. I actually do to pregnancy. So early in there you can seed around 40 percent 40 percent since while learners are not returning to school. Wow. Ok. I want to speak to where is he west yet he is. Why is the rate of teen pregnancy so high . A lot of kids are being approached by adults or bit maybe bigger boys here. So this is also to get a fresh fruit. Well, what do you mean a fresh fruit . Fresh fruit is like a limousine. Lisa, im proud of myself because ive been breaking maybe 15 gills of virginia or Something Like that. So its for us. Its a joke or maybe so its a fun thing. Oh ok. Lets hear from frieda. What are some of the stories that youve heard from the people youre working with . Most girls that usually um, let me say fall pregnant or the stories that ive met are people from traditional aspects. And traditionally, youre taught to not sort of really refuse when a men approaches you, because this means older than you are mostly that other person is a perpetrator. Its either a puts you had 61. 00 and a child thats rape. And i personally feel like their bodies are really not fit at 14, your bodys not for to k to term. You should be given the option of know if you want to have an a but not even if you want to, you shouldnt have an abortion, because very much youre young. But isnt it what, what is there that countries constitution say about the legality or legality of abortions here . Only under 3 difference if im speaking under correction, 4 conditions, yes. Contextually under the law, abortion is legal. So it, but legal only under verify considered very distinctive conditions. Outside of that its criminalized, which means that if you do go for becto abortion you will be arrested when you will be fine. 5000 or 5. He has imprisonment or both. So im guessing, immaculate that given what weve just heard, that the number of unsafe bushes is probably on the rise just as tim pregnancies are. Yes, we hear a stories of women. Oh young girls who blit them for themselves almost to death. It is a, it is really our under stories, the issue of finding a way to liberalize abortion in namibia is a metal witness. The urgent of all the attention. Okay. That, that, that, that we need to put. Im curious to hear from simpson what his views are. We have the ladies there who are saying that abortion should definitely be an option on the table, particularly for serious the young mothers. The chat is very clear and is it forbids it. Is there no middle ground whatsoever . I dont think we as human beings have the right ah, to take life, we should support the mother in terms of going through this process. Okay, frida, you had something to say to me earlier, please go ahead. Women should be given the choice because, um some, some said we should lead women k to tim. But do we actually asked these women, what emotionally . What have you gone through carrying this baby to tell you as an important question, which i want to asked by grace the emotional toll that he takes on you to carry a baby when youre 14 and not really being ready to. How was that emotionally . What frida was talking about, sometimes i felt like i dont wanna go to school in. Yeah, ill go to church when to be honestly currently since i gave birth, i did no trico pick to church because i felt like it was like a shame to the people. Like yeah, theyd maybe look at nina. Were flic ice f seemed or tell me about you alexis, he gave us again my friends, if it should have been supportive in thee an offer to thee i had a mini. Okay, immaculate. Obviously not everybody will have the luxury of having their parents get a nanny for them, or the ability to even go back to school. So what are some of the long term consequences of teen pregnancies . Totaled within the community is total dropout for majority of youngers, because they get caught into that system where the pac not just want nothing to do with the pregnancy. And parents also have a tendency to continue ostracizing them by putting punitive measures on this youngest. So School Dropout is really for most girls, the, the owner after that. And i also read that incidentally, people who are teen mothers are more likely to raise children who will themselves become teen perez. So lets now look at the solutions because this is a problem that is faced surely around the globe, but particularly in africa. What do we do so that and in the next 1020 years, we dont have another 10. 20000. 00 by graces, i personally will say less, legalized abortion. But if you dont of what i bought it, its fine. You could, you dont have to, but give other people the choice to make that what . All right, fantastic, immaculate, very quickly, please. The worst Case Scenarios where pregnancy takes place because of rape or incest, but then theyre also cases way where we really need to bring big the joy, the fun, the beauty of sex back into the platform. So that like that, and along with the stigma ties bring it back with those youngsters who wants to engage sexually, can, can apply their minds and, and know that i know whatever bit is there to to know. And i think okay, are where does wrapping up this debate and i want to hear from the 2 ladies here. Out. Prefer that girls pick contraceptives. Yeah. It all time. But sometimes in the contraceptives out of stock, thats even one thing always is not fair when you go full up, its not vessel. Thank you. I like that. Like race. Im that thing shed fall pregnant. If you do in the fall spring creek pregnant, its not the end of the world. Hey i, i really like that. Thats actually a really positive note to end on. Its not the end of the world if you did become a t mother. But most importantly, going back to what people were see, education is key and making sure that these conversations are happening out in the open as usual. Thank you so much for watching and many thanks. It is. And if you live in a community with similar challenges, what would be your solutions if you want to watch a longer version of the debate is up for you. And its on our Youtube Channel, a d, w, the 77 percent, and a make sure you comment on her that. And now weve heard about the 2 young months and their experiences and how about the young duds. And this reminds me personally of 2 friends whom i wont mention their names. Now the day these 2 dudes received the news that they had impregnated their girlfriend. Im telling you the ease uncertainty and fear was huge. How did they end up . Thats a story for another day. For now are guards of mute reporters. Sylvia a jumble caught up with a tin dud in nairobi, and here is what she learned. A lot has been said about teenage mothers, but there is a forgotten lot deemed as most of these young men ive sent by communities and feel neglected. My name is sylvia nairobi and on god of live today, ferguson, im with his is that taylor being thrown into fatherhood at the end of 17 with us at the high school see touch when he was interested living. She was a grid below him. So he used to help her with her home on the barrels while used to sing them together. You know, we are human being so i had feelings she had feeling, but nobody has ever told each other whether theyre in love or not. But it just came it so i didnt like that. I just found myself in her in a relationship. I was in his seat tut started having sex and she felt pregnant. I was worried because, you know, she was a school girl, i was a schoolboy. So we were both climbing and it just affected id location. And what did you think i did you think of abortion . Actually that never came in my mind cause the way ive been raised. People do respect life in our community. So it was difficult for me to advise her to our board route and go to the next move as in. What did you do next . Okay, since i was afraid because her parents were harsh, it forced me to move from keyboard to another town whereby i had to go for missing for some few weeks. And some days before i came back after their story had been sorted out. But an almost done, she was arrested, its illegal for children in kenya and try and get your sexual acts. However, such a filters involving maintenance are often handled differently to those involving adults and a system called conversion. The lawyer shall yet place to tunes who engage in consensual sex. The chief decided and advice to me not to not drop out of school. And he advised me to be attending to in this school, each and every day. So he called my parent who is my dad, and he told him that he is the one will be responsible for my child and the girl. And thats where i had the freedom to go back to school for the name. But despite that, hes that hasnt offered the support to me did. Alice has now been 1st to check on the responsibility of an adult to support his new family. The girl is at the moment out of school and has already given birth. Baby boy, im a sometimes have this much of a taxi to make and since this walk im doing it for survival cause for now im on in the bed and boy, and in fact my dad. So i love my family, i love the guy. So im supposed to provide for them so i can just see said i can just get fitted cause they do depend on me. So i just must wake up in the morning, come for my asshole, and do all these for my survival. And because i love them and i must provide for them, the hostility from different media is babys mother is still there, but almost says hes going to mend fences and when theyre well, i find that personally impressive and good luck to amazon is of family. And weve got a couple of comments on this video in our Facebook Page and prince. Oh, let me just check on that print. Sir james from cumberland sees a great move, a step which even some a mature men cant still handle in our society today. And we have dinner rica, laconia from kennedy says in my village, i think he must be 19 or 20 years old. We had 6 kids plus him and his wife while dinner rica. That sounds like a lot of responsibility for anybody, let alone somebody dr. Young. Now in some cases, teenage pregnancy runs hand in hand with ali marriage according to the united nations. There are currently about 650000000 women and gods around the world who are murdered before the age of 18. And if things dont change, there will be 170000000 mortgages married by 2030. Now the u. S. Wants to eliminate the childs marriage completely, but it seems said very still going to be a long way to go now in namibia, almost one in 5 gaz experience is a child marriage. We went to vulnerable region in North Eastern media where the highest number of child marriages or car and caught up with a young woman who told us a story in much equal, a village in North Eastern namibia, the places home to hilda footer. She was raised by her grandma, along with 6 other children with her family struggling to make ends meet her grandma arranged for her to be married at just 16 in the plaza. My job is just such as of my grandmother when i came for august holidays. Natural, my spelled, my grandmother say that this a mental guy who came to me and then asked their which man and for the way. And the mom grandmother said the man came and then he asked, you asked me, your hand in marriage asked, why did you allow them into her . Why did you love men to build the house without hearing it for me . Hilda married a man 14 years older than herself, but she far from alone. According to the libyan government, almost 20 percent of golden, that may be forced into marriage compared with only just of a 4 percent of boys. And surprisingly, the marriage took a toll on her th life and education lim interest or have her me. And then he never wanted me to be friends with my friends anymore. And then after school i guess have to be at home and then working for him all the time. It really felt like its really difficult for me to do all those things. To me it looked like its a punishment, a punishment. But even traditionalists and hilders village are starting to acknowledge and slowly unravel because of schooler. I fades in a good childs marriage even though its their school, but we can make it means that they one sees in this cool. She can also come for a 1st period, initiation, then back to school. So attitudes are changing, but in her marriage, hilda was determined to make her own choices. However, to have children with me, but i even saw myself very young to have children at that age. And, and they were gonna do a good idea of when i have to go to the clinic and get injected for Family Planning mad. Gwinnett, when i came to the clinic, i had the mature that he should not know, but it with her husband, frustrated by her inability to get pregnant hildas marriage became even more strained. The men nevada spake their glenn and denied the way i decided to leave. That guy is he asked forsakes. And then i said, no, im on my bed and then they both loved me. So i really got angry. I bet my things when i moved to my grandmothers house, the ill fated marriage caused hilda to fall behind in her education. But now at 21, shes back on track to finish secondary school. And while they been showed that a member of the men bad bad giving dead gal leanplum that mendoza had barons that sent him to school and never implemented that beth and began somebody because he is better and sent him to school. Hilda isnt sure if she wants to get married again or have children, but one things for sure. Next time it will be her choice. You and this story illustrates how ali marriage can indeed disrupt her childhood. And in my opinion, marriage should actually be a possible choice. And on a lighter nor to talking about marriage. Her view not is a growing social media craze about wedding dances. Its almost like a competition between couples. About 2 can lay down the best dance routines and well, the dance trend as also heat uganda. So lets see which moves are trending there. Its becoming more and more popular at wedding this days after the chat ceremony and the vows the bride and groom entertained their guests with choreographed dance. Most in uganda, the man behind the dance craze is allan will have what founder of jew. So why to dance creations . A local town for move your weight when a great and groom wanted attainment at a wedding, what they would usually do is seek out to hire Traditional Group or musician, no an artist. So that is when the idea came to me the, how about can we have more attainment form, a brighter room on the entry and then teaches the couples trending down to move from around the continent. Why . Oh, why do . What do that . No. 11. That was a more into what is printing. Now, them with a printing move you have, are, you know, them a piano here and then we are a young with a young man about little with a whole year and then only really wanted something klein and enjoyable class. I like music. He is the via, down played high school. So we figured we were doing them, you know, from a whole, into our new bridesmaids and things. And it brings that balancing would end till it as your wedding sa, becoming so creative these days. And these seem to be a big business, and thats are up for to day. You can see more for content or join in the conversations. And you know what to do to subscribe to our Youtube Channel or instagram, comment, or drop us a line via email to 77 at d, w dot com. We are ending this week. Sure. Weve nigerian artist areas. Believe it or not, she is on the 19th, and that is it from me . Im is the dispatcher. Thank you for a me and ill go take a look. Ah ah, ah ah ah. With will be co africa. Droughts are hitting rwanda. Heard this here. Now the government is taking action by providing free access to groundwater and teaching people how to use it sustainably power with firstly, everyone is responsible for protecting jeff. Secondly, because we have to know how to use the water without wasting it. Eco africa in 30 minutes on d. W o. A ended glistening place of longing. The mediterranean sea. He had a muster and to follow a dual career drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and the mediterranean meeting. People actually hearing their dreams of mediterranean journey this week on d. W. No lab has no limit to love is for everybody. Love is live and thats my new podcast. Im evelyn char, mom and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that more divides and united this i have invited many deer and well known guests. And i would like to invite you to an in 2016 as like a bunch of the queen casa wants to see if germany was for me the last few years have been quite a ride early in touch with, ive already done the homework when it comes to jem a bit, and of course i would look right in the eyes for a kid, but perhaps the biggest on the new hobby of mine, im no longer approved. I want to be in the news there. A person there comes. But when youre feeling altogether, youll realize that culture is just another way of living. Are you ready to meet the driver and then join me, right . Just do it on b, w ah ah, ah ah, this is the w news like from berlin, brazils through leading president ial candidates, i headed for a ronald folks often neither perceived. The majority of the old votes counted left as challenger and former president of the lease alluded, silva is the head of the current rock wing leader, president shy of seattle

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