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In todays program we had to Lagos Nigeria and asked me for why there is such a big gap between the rate and then we meet a kenyan, sartorius who uses he wants to tackle social problem with later on in somali land, ill introduce you to the country for the mil naval captain, i welcome back for the t in africa is reducing. Yes, all financial reforms and open economies have led to businesses and money. But his wealth is not evenly distributed. Now get this africa agree, wealthy as below ness have more money than the bottom. 50 percent of africans combined. And nor where is this disparity more evident than in legos. Herron nigeria, commercial capital, poverty, if 15 minutes away from extreme wealth. Well come to me go ask because the biggest city many believe thats hard was just anyone can make it here. Thats why thousands of young people are migrating here from west africa and around i jerry with dreams to hit the big the result. Im ex loading population and they bring economy. What as the economy boom for them. The gap between the rich and the poor gifts whiter. This is michael cook, probably the biggest, floating slum in the world. About 250000 people live here on legal. There is limited access to sanitation services, electricity schools or even clean water. Im just looking at this one and hes on work. He has a very strong smell of yes. Need to be decades of law. Should just you mean its that weve been lee the cane, they show me the was born and raised in mexico. He has agreed to sure around his home. This is actually, i slept with i slip with my breath. I like this is the 3rd it is, this is where pick up, but this is, this is the good news for what to take a what i say in this coming we believe, you know, believe my money. But every, every money from the hud like so, 11. 00 through them would be live also. You all one isnt. One might be successful. So we dont have anything disney anymore. And thats all that governments ill do this for 60 percent of league oceans leave in slums. Of course our communities, many informal settlements, also risk demolition as the government expands the city. But just if 15 minutes drive from michael c league was island, most nigeria and celebrities and 1000000000 is called the school for the vast majority of young and i, jerry and the 2 living here is about as unimaginable touching the sky. Yet that doesnt stop the sky high purposes. Bryces, illegal score, lead poverty and only imaginable will exist within driving this. What economists worry, the bubble of wealth and ready c, p cannot last. Such inequality could was seen insecurity and leave 1000 in a vicious cycle of poverty. When people are poor, poor them out of poverty, you need the right level of access for this. Accessing several dimensions. Number one is access to finance. It wont education, health care. While the reach the sheltered lives on legal island, insulated by their mansions and wealth communities like michael, just about to your heads above water. What, how long this dynamic will last . If anyones guess, theyre going to stay in market for a little longer. This informal settlement started as efficient village years ago, but today it has grown into a metropolis on stilts. The legacy States Government has threatened to demolish it several times, but us 1st resistance from people who call it home. Major hosp, some of the wealthiest people on the african continent. So why does it please like mckoko still exist . That is what my colleague it it kamani finds out. And this which version of our street debate ah, hello and welcome back to the 7 to 7 percent this week. We are in lagos, nigeria, more specifically, where in muckle and informal area in this place. And so were wondering how did those people who live in extreme poverty live side by side with some of the richest on the continent, and what does that disparity to society . Well, ive got here a panel of very good looking people who are ready to speak to me, and im gonna start with henry who works for oxfam. This is the 1st time, but youre here, michael, co. Just give me your views so far. What . What do you think i havent quite seen or if people are impoverished as im sitting here today, i will stay in an environment asa visited how some scene here today. I wont quite stay in lack of government present like im seeing here today is, is quite disheartening. I must say. All right, let me speak to henry because i wanted to ask him, having grown up, you grew up in local korea and what growing up there was light, so green of him. Okay. For me out seeds, a privilege, good to privilege. And it says that i had to, you know, try as much as was who linda by the do yes, go with parents. Difference. I to get that and definitely do really want to push you to do more, more in, in a scenario by your appearance too, or no really diary to keep it on. Even the environment you find yourself. People are not pushing dots, a level of education. Can i tell you the other . Yeah, of thousands of children bruner understood snow going to school. Yeah. To bore. Im just up what you might be inside to get that on the fight. He knew the la fight for me to make sure that i degrees. Vindication. Right . So what youre describing, gaze, what academics would say is a cycle of poverty j. Daniel, is it something that you also experienced . No, you didnt grow up in michael, but as an informal settlement as well. Well, it was the experience similar to what were observing, minus similar, but not this extreme because, i mean coming from a place where you have to shoot constant at least provide for yourself. You have to constantly do things for yourself, just like, oh, my kind of colleague said that the governments, im not really interested in our well being. Weve seen on government organizations come down to these Communities Just to take pictures because they want to post our social media. They want to make it look like theyre doing something. So i think what is the real problem . Its not that we dont have the resources, but the problem is they really dont see this. People are a bit before before we, before we get to the 2 of you, let me invite to the other daniel. Yes, we have to daniels, and to henrys i hope you can keep up where the gobs every year when the budget is read out, these a lot of money being pumped into the country. Why isnt it getting here . Its been a systemic issue for people not to be a butcher for government. Are supposed to. Kids are for the needs of People Living is going to speak, but to take care of their dear you so much greeting so much or, or problem of people not on a sunday funding. There is need for people to be to be taken care of. So leadership is a major problem and that is all your local. All right, one me, it had something to say to me and then henry, im guessing what, daniel, i say this is like this. Im not developed, not because the government goes on with that issue developing well because the government and society, the government is bent on commercializing, places like this. So this is like these items slide by to government and found right that they are sold, disappears to some government officials on that in 2 years. This, this is 115 going to be more used. And then if that happens in 5 years, youre going to see in fancy sta pierre, that is going to be sold them rich people that are buying the sim assets that we have be nigeria. Okay. Let me ask henry, because having in this community was that ill see that you had because ive had it said that, yeah, people dont know if tomorrow they went to wake up and their house is going to be under water. Some of them though, really once youre in a video house because youre scheduled here by tomorrow, not gonna just coleman take all of us who is so why am i doing this for the morning when im looking at it . If governments want him to have up with this, what he, what, okay, what has social livelihood . How did you want to keep surviving . Because this week washer ment. Okay. Then its a fish on water. Eat yes. Going to take them out of what is the way addicted in tree. Let me, let me, let me ask fortune for a 2nd here because based on this, on the, in the rooms you sit with is the plan to get rid of informal settlements like mccorkle. Im not telling you that some of this is, are not happening. Are you getting me but we what i know right now d d, d, present. Gov. Know we have in lucas did is a very, very, as the proxy. Gov know like, you know, hes very emphatic. But the question is, why hasnt that governor brought schools, hospitals, police stations to this place if you think so highly of it, okay. When we talk about development, when we talk about said goods, its not just an automatic sin or you get to me its, its, its the text got dropped process. So for me, i will, we are getting rid of these very please, because i know data sometimes in the future. Anything can come or are you good to me . I know i dont, i dont understand that. So you dont develop it because of what might happen in the future. No, no, no, im not seeing these. Its not going to be different loops. I dont even know that the Police Ladies does as im just having the idea to do. Okay, daniel, ah, let me, let me, let me come to henry. Daniel, youre itching, talk to me, talk to me, daniel. So it is obvious that there is muscle minimal plant where government, she gently on how to make this, please. What is supposed to be the only dont get to your government in the news iran cases like this is where ok, we need to demolishes police what we need to find it, police or me to move even in, in moving to people. There is no sustainable plus henry henry. Okay. Okay, what was the time . I was gonna post a list of excuses. Trust me. And he asked yog, ill give you another business cuz it all here while ago. But what again, did you say you see a Committee Like this is, is, is similar to the court area where we had like regular plain project, lance lance, we again from the see from to whats asked. Why can begin this land from this water . And i handed over back to the people and i give them access to the sea when they come fish, because its not goldman piracy is because the pirates that were getting for them said under the, for the on good. Pick up the big names in danger, already already 5 big below now that the comfortable spend your wealth in the lifetime and did a community existing like this so so let the good kind of wanted to hello to heaven for that out that i dont. Chelsea yet fortune, what jesse area was gonna Say Something or if you want change, there is consequences for change or you get to me. So its not like nearby i am defending the government or whatsoever. If theyre going to develop these ready, please get is not sonton of to yes. Because this place is what are lot. Are you getting resort . Is something i would take years . I just am time i listen to it depends on the kind of dilemma were looking at. Are we talking about developing the sense that we want to demolish if theyre looking at us, if theyre gonna develop the very place its has to got done because theres not to for you told me no bit. Yes. Okay, so im sorry we have to wrap up and so im a got to ask for solutions. I need to know what the ne julian government can do, what african government can do to close the gap between the rich and the poor. Lets hear from you daniel. We need to festival, the government needs to calm down into this, please, and make them feel loved 1st, they need to be in part. Definitely when you talk about the people from this place, the only perceived them to be street keats, to cause vow list of course news as and these things arent intentional. So for the government to see change for the government to see our progress, the need to bring this people into the system. Fantastic. Daniel, lets hear from you. Okay, so i think going to show some search commitments. Make sure people you at the moment is levy before them. The resources that are meant for them, please let it gets or do make them feel like they belong to the larger society. Okay. Henry, you said something earlier about the richest man, not being able to spend his wealth in a lifetime, but should he give it up . The god measure be deliberate about it. God bless you, the instrument of tax to redistribute that kind of resources. Yeah. Such data, the chorus of person can actually have access to the the most basic of facilities and amenities. What, okay, for me, do you have any ideas of what we can do to end . Well, see the quality, the government needs to stop listening to people from community such as the us up stop listening to just while you see spots well, most likely never stepped our feet into this community. So coming to such as this should be listened to. Half the all me since, and get to with them. Why i good with them i using to them, you know exactly what feeds for between each community. Okay. Thank you. To our panelists, who have braved the board to come here, who have braved the weather to stay. And as i speak to us, and also i have to take the crew to day falls when during the same until you our dear viewers. Thank you for watching. I im interested to know what the legal State Government is actually doing for the people of michael. That is why ill be watching a longer version of this debate on our youtube channel. You can also do the same. What we have just seen in mccorkle is by no means isolated. It is happening in several african countries. But perhaps this problem is much more visible in south africa. This is where the worlds richest person ellen mosque was born. Many of africa below nast, live in that country. The 77 percent takes you to the impoverished townships of sweat all, and the medicines in upper class. There been me show you how young people navigate this deeply divided society where social class and race are the most defining factor of once future. South africa is one of the most unequal societies of black middle class. However, its katie, lead rising in the past 30 years for 1000000 black South African household left dia, poverty for a life of wealth and comfort not known before. In the city of dublin, we met one of the lucky few formated. Hello, my name is boise. Welcome to my home. You 2 months ago, lucy moved into her new apartment with her daughter. Besides running her own small interior decor company, she works as a Marketing Manager for technology company. If you have lots of plans for her life and im saving money to my tuition, i really want to study psychology up to a level where i obtain a ph. D and pursue psychology. So this lovely lady, shes a cyclist, and this other thing, im so privilege to get these nice troops. The last go into me all these for free, all expenses paid. And the Previous Year was in l. A. The trouble of a walk, the board, but times will not only to sweet today because he lives in another world. Its different because im able to do the things that i like at my own time at my own pace and for lack of a better word. Im free to see 500 kilometers and also devlin, in pennsville. So we could go to her Old Neighborhood to meet someone who has the same dream of leaving the township behind. Oh, my name is adam or from taylor long to show and tell you more about my side. I under the fact in his family to go to university. But 2 months ago he was kicked out timely, could not pay the tuition anymore. Now i am back helping out his mothers tavern, a diploma, and a well paid job. Now, farther away than ever i my boys might like the kid to be of a kid dimmitt him or the subject to school. He was the number one. So i think he can do it not fit to be given a chance so that he can, you know, doing it and become what he wants to become and change it because of his family and make up his blancho. Is there. I am to live in a room behind the tavern, 10 percent of South Africans on more than 80 percent of the countrys wealth. When i am the, he is this numbers, he feel sick, the ro we, i grew up and i feel like its a press a lot for parents. They didnt get a chance to fully become who they wanted to become using the idea Environment Research in we can beaten console slee book in dublin. Lucy takes her daughter to the beach a year ago. Lucy, food, a life dream and what a big cup she believes that no matter where you come from, you could make it. Ah, its unbelievable. Like it go from the way to driving and you bring in for me. Thats like thats power. If you put your mind to anything that you want and you do it and you go after it, it is leverage. Ah, ah. So i feel like this will never. And unless done years back to you will start seeing ourselves as people who can, who also mean something out there because i feel like most of the people we feel like we dont value ourselves that much. I, over the years, the situation is sort of like a hus improved, but still big gaps remain all around a continent. The governments own continent appear to be undertaken policies that fee by the rich. So sometimes it needs to be reminded of its duty to its less privileged population. And that is what seems to kimani is screwed up into goose ascii is widely known and gulf leaves a bronze of comedy canyons love. His success on social media and tv has helped him bear break more comment boundaries and focus assures and skiff on social issues affecting kenyans. Yeah. C women will need good one of the 2 greatest emotional human beings have that hes crying and laughing. I, i think committee for me because its all good to meet. Someone have to be multi kimani, was born to entertain. Numerous and you by his adoring funds. The 30 year old son of a clergyman, new racing, the state was his life calling. I thought to santa after 1st making a name for himself and tv, be jewish. My greeted to social media, and boy, is he successful . With more than 500000 youtube subscribers and an estimated to when 3000000 instagram followers, its easy to see why most of his content was viral. Just close your eyes. Ok, was much off of auto. Q. Youre funny. Just close your eyes and meditates. But that doesnt mean hes above making jokes about the social media, korea. Me. The comedian also doubled in satire from the high cost of living to power cuts to poorly run hospitals. Nothing is off limits for the versatile showman. My government is willing to take this joke too far to make you see the primary affordable. Often his characters are ordinary canyons who throw a light hearted look on have the issues shown is the key. The key is the glove kazama, your to butter garvey canon at i and canyons at tad. Its about 10th, somebody started talking it starts with one person. If its gonna, whos going to sat with it . Lets do it. We need to hear this thing. Come, i mean do boost Production Company in jesus create his limited produce as the through thick and thin show. I know its a bon storming. There will be highlight talk yeah. Work if you know what im, i grew up and i got the ha you boucher me socially been comedy was initially a top sell but he maintains its a rewarding general which other a poppy. I think we need to, to, to realize our power. And if it takes 1234, people are going to be able to do it alone. If we can be able to greet more of us, that these people have influence. If we can be able to do that and im so happy guys are doing that love what i ought to do. Good claims. He wants to retire 845, but hes been ruptured fonda might not let him. Timothy kim, on his comic genius, has he can help them laugh over and take note to even the hashes social issues affecting ordinary one of the i get my sometimes yes, you need a person like this one who is willing to speak up. And that is what change the society and that is the story of the person we are about to meet next coffins who fatima god is the 1st woman to join. So molly, lance course god, in just a few years, she is risen to the rungs, fightin of pirates and fortune, a pass for other young women like yourself. Captain. T mobile is happiest at sea, specifically steering the somali land coast guard largest vessel in the gulf of arden calling not taking any challenges with the thought that we out on the vision. So i was calling because i lost my job. So who is the 1st woman to join the somali land coast guard . And in just 4 years, the 26 year old has already risen to the rank of captain. Were going to, shes totally capable. She can be on the gun. She can tear the sheep, whatever we do, she can do it to her fall. Im going to go only this year who are lead a Successful Operation against the legal fishing for now the waters off faith. But back on land, captains and other women faced different battle. The United Nations reports the prevalence of gender inequality and violence against women. In somali land, many women and girls lack access to education and Economic Opportunities or Political Representation at captains or who has home. Though shes a hero, especially to his sister layla. Well, well, shes a success story, not only for our family, but for the whole family. And were very proud to became a captain leader. He wanted to be even more successful. The captains or who holds 3 degrees in International Relations and is now eyeing a masters degree in maritime law. So when i was a young, i was interesting to be part of the 6 year. I was wondering if i can be one of the higher ranks in so i didnt high rank officers. So handler at the moment town, but of them, you know, i can called shed something which magic above all captain circle wants to serve her people. Despite elements of small land society being opposed to women, doing so called mens jobs. Im glad to feed us. She is flowing, had dreams and making it big. Dont let anyone say to you that you can do something. Go out there and con card. That is our show for this week. I hope ive helped you to understand that we cannot truly rise until we help to struggling in society. Right to us on facebook, instagram and youtube. Also, you can drop me an meal at 77 at the w dot com. Remember that i leave you with this beautiful song. Here is quickly a traveler by young gagnon music and fish and black. Enjoy this june, and until next time, a good. I dont want to be good. So anytime you ah, ah, with small acts can inspire big changes, meet the people making people go africa. Joined them as they set out to save the environment. Learn from one another and Work Together for a better future. Ah many thoughts do you all for choosing it africa in 30 minutes on d. W. O has no limit. Love is for everybody. Love is live with love matters and my new podcast. Im abilene shy, mom and i really think we need to talk about all the topics that north divide and denied that. And this i have invited many deer and well known guests. And i would like to invite you to an, an interest in the global economy. Our portfolio d w. Business beyond. Heres a closer look at the project. Our mission. To analyze the fight for market dominance. East this is west. Good is still that head with the w business beyond sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. Were bringing Environmental Conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. We will show you how Climate Change and Environmental Conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. Knowledge grows through sharing. Download it now for free. Ah ah ah ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin, fears of a new care accident grow in ukraine. A team from the u. N. Is on its way to be new care plan captured by russia. People there are preparing for the worst as shedding

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