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Russias principles priority right now is to be successful in ukraine. The idea that any nation would give that munitions to a country that has committed crimes against nowadays also on the day republicans in the United States as low as that impeachment inquiry enterprises 5 and an example of justice being done or is revenge for the democrats and painting donald trump, some of us are distressed about this because we thought the less than the next and peach meant that wasnt really adhere to in the clinton impeachment. Was it really the level of seriousness of the allegations really has to be at a high level before you go forward . But now it looks like were involved in a tit for tat situations. Welcome to the date north koreas came. Jo on has pledged his full and unconditional support for the rest is not an approved in the to international outcasts of mass investors. Far east with an agenda believe to have included brushes designed for access to north korea. Soviet base, the weaponry president kim is said to be seeking russian food i and helping developing the treat become a some satellites. So how long will this relationship with convenience last time you had them raising a gloves to friendship for sure. But i would like to make it because this is a future strengthening of cooperation and friendship, between our countries, between the Russian Federation and the democratic peoples republic of korea. The meeting between north Korean Leader kim jong on and russian president vladimir putin, wasnt able to meet 2 of appreciation to going to court together with comrade fulton, weve just had an elaborate discussion about the middle tree and political situation on the korean peninsula. And then youre going to have come to the conclusion that we need to further intensify strategic and tactical cooperation to ensure safety guarantee a long lasting peace, both in the region and the whole world. The 2 liters are each becoming increasingly isolated on the global stage. But looking to show that they have each of those back kim jones on the underlined is ongoing support for russia, against what he called the thrust of a german. This forces against its silver into the United States, his wounds that north korea could be preparing to supply russia with military equipment to boost its capabilities in ukraine. The pen took a tour of rushes, the stuff me caused me to drive the countrys most important rock launched into on the less believe that north korea wants russian advice on how to improve its own real kits and reconnaissance satellites. 40 different russian officials down play the fact that the summit could be a cause for concern for other countries. But that will do little to come west and fee is about this flourishing friendship. Thats pretty much dealt with delta john pock, whos director of the hob kennedy schools, korea project to joins us from cambridge, massachusetts. So welcome to the w delta. Lets start with that mind from that came jones on where we need to further intensify strategic and tactical cooperation to ensure safety. I guarantee a long lasting peace, both in the region and in the whole world. What do you think about me is in concrete terms . Sure. I think thats a really fancy way of saying here are 2 leaders who are now in a problem solving relationship. Each party is able to help the other in a very specific and unique way. For example, with putting in his need for munitions on the battlefield and ukraine. North korea, as weve heard, clearly has those munitions and stockpiles. It also has production capabilities that can be wrapped up potentially to on the north korean side of the what is your gym as a very specific problem in terms of his s o p program, a Space Launch Vehicle Program when the final stages just not been able to after 2 successive tries added to put the what they call a military satellite into organs. And so from that lands i think it all boils down to the 1st set of these problems and to see how these 2 leaders are going to be able to solve the what doesnt put well is that if they are able to solve those, what other problems will bring into this kind of relationship, we dont seek the solutions and Work Together in a very cooperative manner. Okay, so no word from the within these meetings which i understand how i have not concluded. So what will you be looking for over the coming weeks and months as a signal of what has been agreed and indeed, what may be the being delivered . And what are the unique things thats happening right now . The United States is releasing intelligence to try to rain on the parade for trying to get the parties involved to rethink what theyre about to do or what theyre currently doing. So i do think were going to see the us release information, things along the lines of tracking trains, other types of logistics, and moving those munitions from north korea to russia. One of the unique things here is that there is no 3rd party or 3rd country entry point is directly going to go from north korea all across the expanse of russia into the battlefield and ukraine. The 2nd thing to keep an eye out for is its pretty clear from the north korean perspective here, the space launch vehicles are things that by nature, are very high profile things that they cant really conceal. This is an interesting area because as much as north korea is aspiring to put that military satellite into orbit russia helped to ron, put their kite satellite into or be in august of 2020 to a very similar type of arrangement that when kim have hammered out in this particular instance as well. So it would be watching very closely in terms of noise present tense, next time with a space launch vehicle and trying to put that military satellite and told him, you mentioned something in passing, which you dont hear a lot about it because of theres always a lot of focus on the potential for buying weapons and new nations. But you also talked about manufacturing capacity. Just explain what you meant. If you look at it, its a, a unique type of relationship. North korea has all of these capabilities in stock pile, as well as the production facilities because theyre from the soviet union and over time, north korea, certainly innovative to increase their Production Capacity on their own. But again, today, these are types of molds in blueprints that are routed and traced back to the soviet union. And so from that time period and looking at russia and what theyre using right now, theres a type of symmetry that doesnt really exist with any other country. If north korea is to increase production in terms of munitions, theyre likely to get fresh in assistance on that side. But that would be almost like a joint venture. One thing that i think we need to add to the analysis here, less of the arm seller and in arms clients type of situation would very much this type of pragmatic, practical Problem Solving Partnership that i see element thats different here. And thats the element thats quite strongly, right. And so this, this relationship of, of convenience does, does russia have red lines . And when it comes to closing up to a new friend, for example, a protein supported Un Security Council sanctions against john young. When it accelerated its nuclear and ms office in 2016 and 17. So this the, all the conditions or 4 minutes arouse more or less remove the red line. He basically said that those sanctions previously were from a different geo political time period. So hes basically saying north korea and what theyre doing within the Space Launch Vehicle Program is something that is in around that. Russians as nicely as a violation of sanctions, per se. And the fact that russia held the ron to that a little over a year ago gives you a sense of this kind of precedent setting. But thats the root of, of all of this is the notion that the 2 countries are very focused on using their respective capabilities to help the other and have this arrangement. So that for the initial set of problems, they have what other problems that they can entertain in terms of capabilities. One is using cyber capability, cyber criminals, that both states and resumes have used, essentially to steal crypto and have as a Revenue Generating source. So those are areas that already independently the 2 countries are doing. If they were to cooperate and this fashion, they could scale up. And that certainly wouldnt be a red line, but what both of these things really need which are increased revenue streams. Um you mentioned that as a sort of a lot of trouble. It was clear that he doesnt think that this sort of corporation, the sort of islands exchange outboard, a full file of the Un Security Council resolutions. The rest of the world clearly has other ideas about this. If there is evidence of this happening, where does this leave russia, which of course is a permanent member of the Security Council of russia in close collaboration with china has been very consistent in blocking any efforts and the Security Council to introduce new sanctions. Resolutions thats been going on for a number of years now. I think so. So part of the interest capabilities enhancing the space launch vehicle, putting a military satellite into work and doing that though, introduces the opportunity and the, the possibility as north crypt find those Lessons Learned to advancing their Intercontinental Ballistic Missile program as well. That scenario where it could unsettle the balance of power and the green potential, the dynamics there in north gray, using those capabilities, testing them in that sense, demonstrating capabilities as were before for russia. Here, those several possibilities dont seem to be a part of the calculation. If anything, the whole idea of how they can build out this practical relationship. Faucet, i think transfer rats. I guess through that dr. Young pop from the Harvard Kennedy schools, korea project. Thank you. Ill be rest set looks at the fulton buttons of devices, political debate following the decision to begin investigation into by the president. By them should be a page a us house, majority leader coming the coffee kind evidence having the showing what he called a culture of corruption in the bible family. The allegation centered around the accusation of the president personally profited from his son hunter. Bidens foreign business dealings allegations are not new and were 1st made during the trump administration. Catherine ross is a professor of law at George Washington University Law school in washington. I welcome to dw professor to be clear republicans at the moment to talking about an inquiry into whether to start on impeachment process rather than starting that impeachment process itself as well. Its a little unclear uh, the leaves are of the house of representatives. Republican grew a speaker, mccarthy announced that they was asking the committees to begin an inquiry as he also said that he was going to skip the usual and apparently required step of asking the full house of representatives to vote on the beginning of formal inquiry. Um, because it seems he would not have enough votes on their public concern. Uh, susan, all the way through to proceed if, if he doesnt look like youll get the most, well just skip through that. And you said, do you see that being enough evidence to justify this inquiry . There is no evidence at all. And in fact, many senior level republicans have admitted and in interviews that they have no evidence. And the senator grassley awhile back not with respect to this impeachment proceeding, but he actually said we have no interest in finding out what the tr. Ringback this so they have already called many witnesses this, they have reviewed more than 12000 pages of documents including financial records that the buttons involuntarily transferred over that they didnt have to. And they have not come up with a single thing they can point to. Right. So youre not interested in finding out what the truth is. What do you think they really want to do . This is a political grab standing. It is a power play. It is another example of the way in which very tragically the Republican Party has moved away from being a responsible party participating in governance to a party that is interested in retaining power at all costs and promoting. And authoritarian leader in the form of the former president. Um, it is also, i think, intended to distract the American People from uh, some very important news, both about the legal troubles of the former president and his indicted co conspirators. Now that the decisions are coming almost daily from the courts ruling against the president and his allies and the trials are about to start and they dont want this coverage focused on that. But it is also about the interest family warfare. What ive done among the republicans in the house is because Speaker Mccarthy had a very hard time being elected to that physician. And as part of the deal that he ultimately cobbled together after more than a dozen sales votes, he gave the far right republicans. He said, i mean theres essentially everybody in the party, the option of calling for him to step down in the middle of his term. And he was being pressed very hard from the right, including 5 peoples wed recently met with the former president and moral law. Though they were saying were going to force you to give up your office if you dont begin the impeachment proceedings and he goes to them. So i mean quietly with no, no evidence of wrongdoing and apparently no interest in finding out the truth. Where does this go to, where does it and how does it and is or does it go to . Its a wonderful question. In normal times, it would just sputter out it would come to a grinding halt because presumably they will still not find anything. Unfortunately. Um, they are probably gonna issue subpoenas which will not be enforceable because the full house never voted to begin the inquiry. Uh so would there be Court Battles over that or . Well, president 5 and say im not going to be like trump was. Im not going to be like the republicans refused to testify before committees. Ill turn on keep turning it over. Maybe he will. And for zooming, they find nothing should end there. But i dont think it will because theyve made it so clear. If this is not a serious proceeding, its not a bad governing, its not about a legitimate oversight or separation of powers. So it is quite plausible that they will bring this to about on the floor, 1st floor of the house, and whether to impeach. They may, will not have the votes because there are still a handful. I think of republicans to go along, especially with an election with me. But in this time of crisis here and such a weapon, this ation and pull it association of everything. I just dont, i wouldnt feel comfortable placing a bet on right ends. I did want to come to the about that point. I bet the impeachment proceedings were once ran. Now they seem to have become a common place. Has the boss for impeachment got low or people just more and more inclined to reach for it . Its hard to say that theres a bard all right now, and i would hope that this proceeding and as such a calamity that republicans will be embarrassed. And that thoughts, thoughts will learn the less than on how and when impeachment should be properly invoked. Good, so can we thank you for joining us, professor professor Catherine Ross from George Washington University Law school. Thank you. O u. S. Government has issued a recommendation that almost all of us citizens get annual cardona virus vaccine shots. Advice comes as us hospitalizations, full corruptive auditors are on the increase. Vaccine shots for children as young as 6 months have been approved by the us food and drug administration. Hundreds of deaths due to code on the virus that we quoted you each week in the us campaign to encourage people to get drugs to make these to, to begin in a few days thats bringing an epidemiologist and co founder of the world health network. Dr. Erica cycle thing, welcome to dw dr. Many of us sort of popped up because, oh, but why is the last the recommend doing that . Americans get shots every year to well, you know, we wish its over, but clearly the data shows that its not. Were not just talking about mild cases, were talking about, for example, destiny us, a doubled hospitalizations, have tripled in your visits have quadrupled in the past month, month and a half. And so were in the beginning of another waves. And right now theyre very and so we have a very highly evolved things different than previous waves. This is why re infections are at all time high as well. So these are very basic and they are clearly sending people to the hospital. Its, its not just a mile then even then we know that mild has lots in consequences. Thats why the cdc has recommended these new boosters that theyve been testing all year for the general population. And its even shows theres benefits for children, not just the elderly. So theres like, why do recommended for everyone, 6 months old, and you told me about a doubling and quadrupling of, of hospitalizations and the number of cases, perhaps you could put some fingers on it. How many cases, how many hospitalizations are you see . So cases are really hard to measure because not much testing, but hospitalizations are, you know, its, it has tripled across the us and in, in parts of new york, it has actually more than 5 ext. Um, so i think, you know, it is lower then of course during 20202021. But i think people need to understand that, you know, despite being lower, these numbers are still overcrowding, hospitals and you know, we might be about a quarter or like where we were like last winter. But in terms of the delta variance, we were actually about the about the same level hospitalization, um as a delta variance um across the us. So its still quite a lot and i think people under appreciate that. And unless youre in the hospital, you know, we out in the restaurants and shopping malls, its out of sight out of mind. You dont see all of this, but it is definitely happening. And the boosters do work, these updated boosters do work against, do you current variance, right. And so we should regard coby now as infected if i can use that. So its with us to stay. We should protect ourselves against that. As we do, for instance, the flu too. Well, i dont think we should accept it. First of all, we have conquered the flu and the passenger in years, its much worse than others. And you know, should we accept each idea either . Oh, its embedded, its endemic, know were trying to eliminate that and long term using strategies. And i think in better we can just have a laissez faire attitude. Besides do, sir, is i think the best thing which is even less requiring a people compliance is have clayton door. I think we should assume that these respiratory viruses will come back, but take the precaution because these, this toby does not just another sniffle. It has long 3 names, one and 4 people. All survivors have suffered long term lung damage as well, or even one year afterwards. And i think the also raises the heart attack and cardiovascular stroke and Diabetes Risk long term as well. So we should just accept it, we need to mitigate it. I think besides boosters, we also need Clean Indoor Air. Doctors accept it as i come. What may i do . We need to rethink our entire schools of work places to basically prevent future airborne transmission. And these base significant increases that youre talked about, should we think of this as a peculiarly american phenomenon, or should other countries be making the same recommendations to the populations . Yeah, was the hospitals ations. Weve seen you across many places and i dont think its uniquely american in any way, but i do hope other countries take heed. Obviously these recommendations are recommend for everyone over the age of 6 months because ive seen u. K in australia, only recommended for those 75. 00 plus 65. 00 plus. And i think thats way too elderly in terms of to restrictive. We need a broad across young people in the cdc yesterday did a cost of that cost benefit analysis and the cost benefit. Now is clearly sho, get benefits for everyone, including children. So i think the countries are ignoring recommendations for children. I think theyre making a great mistake. But we did see how political evacuation issue became in the us. Even this people were dying in the millions, not a total. Its no longer news. Adults is like yourself. Good. If i said a pill bottle, i guessing people to get back those, those booster shots as well, just because it is something you as an uphill battle does not mean you shouldnt do it. Thats not, you know, sometimes we go to the mood because we really want, there is some important work to be done. And cobit, you know, even if only one in 51 and 4 people get backs and needed, that will save a lot of lives. A lot of hospitalization, lot of long term co morbidities in terms of lung damage, heart attack stroke. And i also want to remind people like, for example, u, k, u k. Their work for the number of people out of work because theyre in cant, theyre too sick to be in the workforce. This is Government Data has you know, increased to 50 percent and its actually main contributor to the economic stagnation. So i want people to think that this is also not, not only for help, but also for the economy that we need to get people back to work healthy in a Healthy Society is what we want. Its not just, you know, complacency, and i think vaccines is just the start. I think its very important that we get the new boosters, but also we need better Clean Indoor Air filters, the ventilation, upper room. You be to truly just to prevent many other diseases including koby also are speed, flu and many other feature index. Its okay. Thank you so much for joining us. Academia always use to eric cycle data from the world health network. Thank you so much. Thank to and that is the day for today to make sure to stay in touch so you can follow out to him on x dot dw news myself out from gale. Evans likes headlines. Youre looking for those always, but the w. W dot com on page 2. Thanks for spending part of your day with us. A good the using the ocean as a giant battery and the deepest rocks on earth as a heat source, exploring new frontiers of clean energy. Finding out what works and what doesnt. Yet, testing new technologies in germany, looking for breakthroughs, made in germany next on dw, into the conflict. So i worry about the will of the west to continue to do what needs to be done. Strong was from my guesses, wait today says former deputy Supreme Commander in europe, the richard. Sure theres a lingering field, but somehow we can go back to some sort of status close on to this process. 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