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The meeting of the little moon whale sharks of the Remote Island of san antonio. Ah, it is a testament to the quality of the islands waters. One of the many Success Stories from a bastion of biodiversity say dont starts november 18th on dw, with imagine there was a butcher replica of horror. And we could use it to test all important decisions and that possible consequences for humanity. Actually it already exists, but does it do the work or is it just fun and games . Why we need digital twins . Our topic on shift today. Ah, ah. A digital twin is a versa, a copy of a physical object, and its programmed to behave realistically. For example, a cause performance could be tested on a virtual road without having to build the vehicle 1st, richard copies of factories could even be used to optimize work flows of the all planning and testing in the Virtual World saves an enormous amount of money, resources and time Digital Trends are being used in the growing number of applications. They could even make Nuclear Power plant safer. A cyber attack on a Nuclear Power plant. A horse scenario, conflicts between russia and nato surrounding the war and ukraine have renewed fears of this threat. Based on f, b, i Information News agencies have reported that Russian Hackers have been scanning power plants for weak spots for years. Scientists at the Idaho National laboratory are therefore testing the 1st ever digital twin of a mini reactor. It can spot irregularities in the reactor immediately. The twins are living virtual model that mirrors a physical asset to predict an act on that asset. Autonomous digital training to be used to prevent the character accident because a digital twin would have insights and predictions into that accident and long before happens a be able to see the conditions in the rector environment that would be leading towards that type of situation. Alert users take no physical actions to prevent that kind of accident to ensure the digital twin behaves just like a physical Nuclear Power plant. The operating data from a specially designed test reactor were fed into the model. Every detail, even the tiniest valve was copied. Apart from preventing Cyber Attacks, the digital twin can also detect signs of where in the used to test upgrades before theyre built into the physical plant. The digital twin exchanges data with its physical counterpart in real time and is trained to react to the demands of modern energy policy. By using Artificial Intelligence. Production could be curved automatically once sufficient energy from renewable sources is available. The goal is to build a framework and a pattern that we can apply to look lots of different reactors and lots Different Energy system pipes across the space. And one of the ideas of that is that a Nuclear Reactors can be a key part of that integrated energy system, right . Generating thermal and electrical power currently is fully automated. Energy management only exists in the test lab in idaho. But in many other Research Areas in industries, digital twins are already indispensable. Today. Digital twins are far from being a vision for the distant future. For some businesses, they are essential, like the Company Unlimited to morrow, it specializes in 3 d printed prosthesis process. These is used to be extremely expensive, especially for children who need new ones as they grow. But now they as a solution, check this out together with his team engineer easton, la chappelle from colorado, designs individual arm prostheses in order to keep this process as simple and affordable as possible. They use software that creates a digital twin for each customers individual prosthesis. Or model relies on sunday and 3 d scanners to our users for a Family Member or friend with scan the residual them. We collect that 3 d data and geometry and, and start creating sockets. Socket is how the device attaches to the person as really merging man a machine. Its not only an attachment mechanism to a human body, but as lined with muscle sensors. So a child out of the box after 10 or 15 minutes of training, they can actually start moving their hand over 50000000 people in the world today have had an amputation, but only about 5 percent of them have access to medical treatment. Using digital twins can make production quicker and more affordable. Aaron frankl from siemens who produces the technical equipment and programs needed for this, sees it as a great opportunity. Digital twins are important in remarkable because they give designers and engineers and manufacturers superpowers. Ah, and, and these superpowers enable these, this community to, to be able to create a turn new ideas and new innovations and physical products faster than they can with conventional methods. Thanks to the software. Unlimited to morrow can now bring together the construction simulation and production processes in a digital environment. This way, individual prostheses can be customized undelivered in no time. This amazing story would not have been possible without a digital twin. Now, thats what i called progress. The fact that digital models basically have no limits in size also fascinates me with enough Computing Power. Anything could theoretically be copied digitally, really anything, even our planet. Busy earth now has a twin, a digital twin. Its currently being developed and Us Tech Company and videos, Virtual Reality omni verse. In video simulation platform. If used to study galactic winds or predict how hurricanes develop the simulations, were going to scale of 10 to 100 kilometers, which does not cover the full spectrum of Global Environmental issues. More data is needed to make predictions on Global Climate based on the ai supercomputer cambridge to earth, to is the software behind earth digital twin ah, it might be the 1st to have sufficient Computing Power to simulate Global Weather and to accurately copy our earth to a meter, it makes predictions, 4 to 5 orders of magnitude faster. What takes a classical numerical simulation a year now takes minutes. Oh, this new supercomputer is currently being fed data. Soon the data streams will be connected nurse to could then make Global Weather predictions and help us understand which developments lead to increasingly devastating storms and trouts. The question is it, will it help us understand if we do carbon emissions, how its going to affect the climate . And absolutely, youll be able to do those types of things. But youll also be able to understand other scenarios if somethings taking place of one part of the world. How will it affect Something Else in the other part of the world . Things like that. Theres so many things that are, that are happening across the globe that we just dont understand all at once. And having a digital twin will allow us to kind of look at it from a Bigger Picture and understand the ramifications of something that might happen in antarctica. To the rest of the planet and videos, idea is to force governments to change the climate policy. My visualizing the consequences of not acting now. Its a multi year, very heavy investment project, but what we will have at the end of that is a digital twin of the earth that allows us to understand Climate Change. We will be able to understand how the climate can be affected by things, whether its things that were doing now or we can understand what happened in the past that affected it. You could project what its going to be like in the future. You could understand how Different Things are going to affect it without having to do it in the physical world. If digital twins could help science convince even the most stub on Climate Change deny, that would be amazing. We need to finally act. One approach is ecological building. Amsterdam in the netherlands, is home to one of the worlds most modern and Energy Efficient Office Buildings at the edge. They use digital twins to, oh, in this building sensors records almost everything such as temperature, brightness, movement. This information is then analyzed to understand how spaces are really being used. This is supposed to minimize energy consumption, explain sondra gritty from Real Estate Tech Company edge to base and have a digital version of this building in the cloud. Where we can basically Read Everything which is going on in the building and we can also run simulations. We can understand what if the weather would be like this. What would be happening in that regards that the potential of this digital twin during the lifecycle is to optimize the energy use during operation. But ecological building also requires Real Estate Companies to start thinking about what comes after the building. That edge, they save all information on the construction in a digital data bank. There that is what when, which is related to the material use in the building weve, as he stored all that information. So that an owner, when selling the building to another owner, would have all this information so that if the building is dismantled at some point, we can easily find all the information of what could be reused. And where could it be sold to that material, gets a new life wall, and it all looks great too, bye. Now there are didnt twins of cars, buildings, factories, Nuclear Power plants and entire planets. But there are also the Little Things alive, thanks to sensors and computerized ventilation and irrigation systems. Smart greenhouse is create high deal growing conditions for plants. The soil, air and lighting can be identical everywhere around the world. New data is constantly being collected. Only having this set of data doesnt mean anything. You have to transfer that data into information, actionable insights, but to really understand how a plan growth was all the physiology in it. And really try to mimic that and improve it. Thats where Artificial Intelligence combined with knowledge that is already there to really improve the products and a plan. And even better way to do that is with a plan digital twin. That way theres no need for actual Food Production or airable land. One of the superpowers that the digital twin provides, the engineering community, is to be able to look into the future. And we can now ask questions about this physical object that is in physical yet to determine if its going to meet the expectations that we have. And thats quite incredible. This knowledge could have 5 starvation in the world. And the examples weve just seen showed that digital twins are helpful in finding solutions to humanity is most pressing challenges. How does flying affect the climate . How can we protect Nuclear Power plants from Cyber Attacks . How can we produce more sustainably . Digital twins are the perfect testing ground for all these questions. Im really excited to see what new insights we will gain from our digital earth. How about you . Which digital twin would you be interested in . Let us know on youtube or on d. W dot com. Good bye. And ah, a a check in with us again in a city that you can visit over a get busy tourist with nicole religious, shown by real insight in how life is lived in prague. Ticket next on d, w. I assigned mail at birth. At the age of thick, much to announce that shes actually a girl. Oh, on the want us, when you ask of what she is, she says im a go with the painting. Ah, ah, by the yellow me i led them. Ah ah ah, what people have to say matters to us or mm. Thats why we listen to their stories reporter every weekend on d w. Ah, ah, ah, welcome to this new edition of check in this time a reporters have

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