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E bs. Anyway. Driverless cars seem to be very much in the fast lane in china in this s u. V. A driver and even the Steering Wheel are optional. Search engine turned a i developer by do recently unveiled the model. And some of its older vehicles are already being piloted on beijings ready to lay is founder and managing director of scientists, auto insights and industry consulting firm. When we talk about rural taxes that still far a ways out, he says Chinese Companies want to get consumers used to the cars by 1st offering them as write hailing Services Like cuba or dd except their robotic. That real life hazards could delay a full rollout. Specifically in china, there are a lot of scenarios where we wouldnt see them in germany where we might have a cell unsure or delivery vehicle or motorbike thats crossing lanes without the proper notification and things like that. And so were still quite a ways away from point to point where you call a car like a devi. Theres no driver in a picture you up and that takes you anywhere you want to go in any weather in any caesar by do claims. Its new models have an autonomous capabilities that dont require a driver. Righty. Surprisingly smooth. At some point, we run into other cars into motor bikes, into pedestrians. And the car has been able to successfully maneuver by itself. That was until it ran into some illegally parked vehicles on a narrow road. Then it swerved into the wrong lane and human intervention was necessary. Chinese, Autonomous Vehicles could follow electric vehicles and be exported. But concerns of a Data Collection could get in the way. China, europe, and the u. S. Are all racing to write laws that govern. They use these could prevent smart cars from accessing the vast amounts of data. They collect. These ranges from mapping data to voices and visuals like faces and license plates collected by on board cameras and senses, especially in military zones, Government Agencies and other sensitive areas. Underscoring those concerns. China has bonds teslas from parts of the country that could help chinese carmakers dominate their home market. Ivan lamb is a Senior Analyst at Hong Kong Based counterpoint. Research a chinese comic or they are very good. Ah, inter great us. They i walk in there where these are the ah service provider. All are the solution provider. They will like to say the cause you case. They install yoshi in the local into my car. Even if foreign players can adapt to chinese data. Lewis is still unclear how they can make big inroads, what you likely see, the bifurcation Chinese Companies in American Companies dominating in their perspective loan regions and then may be competing for regions like europe, south america. Some observers like Chinese Industrial policy expend, michelle flick, say its simply about projecting national power, economic goals, legal, some eagles or is national security, but many dollars. So the power competition between the countries. So thats whats being pursued and these policies are not you know, fostering the, the auto. Oh, oh, thanks. Vehicle market. Mid roll ounce of Autonomous Vehicles now happening in both china and the us. The battle for tech supremacy could soon be moving on to this chase. This is an electric car and this and this long before ellen musk unveiled tesla model, 3, a whole 119 years before. In fact, a guy called albert pope presented the columbia motor carriage one of the 1st commercial electric cars. Americans loved it and electric cars in general. So much so that around the turn of the century, they out sold gasoline powered cars. So what the hell happened . Oh, almost all vehicles in our streets to day our gasoline powered. And even though electric cars have come back, they certainly havent quite broken into the mainstream. But thats about to change. Why did electric cars disappear . And why are they going to make it be this time . Ah, lets take the 1st question 1st. There were a couple of reasons why the electric car failed and the early 19 hundreds. But ultimately the problem is the battery. This is tom standards, the Deputy Editor of the economist magazine. Hes written hold book on the history of the car, the lead acid battery, which is what the early calls was very cheap, but it doesnt pack a lot of energy into a small space and its very heavy. This meant you couldnt go very far and usually under 70 kilometers, even 2 of the brightest minds of the time, henry ford and thomas edison, who wanted to develop the fordable electric cars, were not able to solve this. And so the internal Combustion Engine took the lead, a gradually got more reliable, and the fact that you could just, you know, head out into the roads and youd probably be able to find fuel for this vehicle in a Hardware Store for a chemist that gave them an edge because people who were buying these early college, whichever the rich people he wanted to go on adventures, electric, how many cars had one last idea to save that product. They started marketing it specifically to women because theyre clean and quiet. And you dont have to be strong to turn the handle to get them to these will seen is sort of feminine attributes. But back then most drivers were men. And so the electric car gradually turned into a nice product and then disappeared completely. Throughout the 20th century, there has been some attempts to revive them. For example, in the seventys, when the all crisis had people looking for alternative sources of energy. But the Battery Technology hadnt progressed much. The come back was short lived in the ninetys, General Motors came out with the one. It attracted somewhat of a cult following which i running lee might have been a problem for the manufacturer. It turned out to be a bit of a p r nightmare because the more general matches when told about just how wonderful in green, a good for the environment. These electric cars were the more company reminded everybody how black the environment, all of its all the calls were. So ultimately, General Motors decided to pull the plug. Gm denied this, but one reason why electric cars have never made it big is that the kind oil industry probably didnt really want them to welcome to the electric car, the future sponsored by the gasoline producers of america. Oh, i cant go very fast, very high. The Combustion Engine has been a money printing machine for carmakers and oil companies, but it now has an expired dates because 2 things have changed. One Battery Technology has improved. Lithium, ion battery store more energy in a smaller space, and theyre lighter than lead based batteries. And to the big thing that changes that we are now concerned about Climate Change in a way that people want a 100 years ago, most people hadnt, hadnt thought about a tool. And now we recognized that pumping all of this helped outside of the app say, which weve been doing the last in a 200 years or so is affecting the climate. And therefore, we cant go on power in all caused by burning fossil fuel. Costs are responsible for about a 10th of Energy Related c o 2 emissions. One way to get that down is to reduce the need to own a car as much as possible by, for example, giving People Better public transport or safer bike lanes. And then well need electric cars compared to Combustion Engine cost, the image less over the lifetime, up to 70 percent, depending on where they are produced and driven. And so the list of countries planning to ban sales of cars with internal Combustion Engines is growing. And many that are not yet on its like the usa making it very favourable to buy a new v Car Companies are shifting as well. We are waiting for the, for electrifying our entire fleet of cars some faster than others. But many of the major traditional ca, makers have set goals for electrifying their fleet and us, were changing to sales of these on the rise, especially in europe and china. More than half of cow, no se, then next car will be electric. But despite all this, the big picture still looks pretty bleak. There are around 1300000000 Passenger Vehicles on the roads. And only 1. 5 percent of them are electric. Change just happens slowly, doesnt it . Well, not really. Change actually happens in weight from the flush toilet to the telephone. The microwave, to tv and computers, every innovation that snuck into everyday lives that so in the same way. So if you adopt new technologies, thats very slowly and then very quickly, this is paul drummond, whos been figuring out what this means for electric cars, a number of their case studies that done been done across a number of technologies in different senses. And we not recognize that technologies typically follow an adoption in the shape of an escrow. To understand what he means. Lets look at Global Smartphone sales starting in 2007. When apple introduced the 1st i phone very i at 1st they only went up slowly, then around 2010 as muddled to have become better and cheaper. Sales rapidly shot up. And from about 2016 as more and more people owned a smartphone, they started leveling off and then even dipping a little bit, this pattern of changed is called an s curve because well, it looks like an s roughly at least we can divide it into 3 phases emergence, diffusion and combination. So what does this mean for electric house . Its always difficult to accurately forecast the future but so we can see the electric vehicles have grown in sales very rapidly in 2010 way less than one percent of all cost that was sold where electric by 2021. This ship had grown to almost 9 percent now the tipping probably out of this Immersion School as it phased at the 1st place at the us into widespread diffusion going forward. This means the share of electric cars will shoot up rapidly. How rapidly exactly is anyones guess butts . And one of pulled romans predictions they could reach around 50 percent of new sales by 2030 its very likely that we have reached a Tipping Point from which theres probably no return. I. So i think the adoption, the waste, red replacement, all internal Combustion Engine, cars with electric vehicles, at least for suits of purchasing cars, probably inevitable. The electric car is finally set to go mainstream. Its only a question of how quickly and that depends on how quickly we solve the remaining challenge. Its just putting electric cars on the roads is not enough. The infrastructure needs to grow alongside them. We need more charging points and also standardized systems. So people can reliably charged the cars, and the electricity grid needs to be prepared to cope with increased demands. Different places are moving at different speeds. Europe, as approaching a quarter of new car sales being electric, china, the biggest e v. Markets in absolute numbers is putting several 1000000 electric cars on the roads every year. Contrast that theyre only 50000. 00 davies on the roads in india. In total, the shelf new sales is smaller than one percent. To say the benefits of electric vehicles like cleaner air evenly. They need to be policies that speed up deployments every the fees are still expensive. Even a small mass market muddle like volkswagens id 3 co close to 40000. 00 euros. Thats mainly because its costly to produce batteries, but prices are falling rapidly and in the near future, electric cars are forecast to cost the same as gasoline powered. Once governments can play a role in getting them there by subsidizing them, much like that, that a norway thats kind of become the worlds e v post the child. Did you know that norway, so way more electric cars per capita than the u. S. Norway. I think norway john very, very well, they didnt provide it at the quite a long time and very solid subsidies for person richard vehicles, which is now why their sales on 120 percent in entry. And then we also need to consider our supply of raw materials, like lithium kobolds. How can we reduce the impact on the environment and local communities and can be used better alternatives . But these are all topics for a whole new videos. The only thing thats left to say here is that its crazy to think how far electric cars of come and by the looks of its that journey has just begun and as he prizes are rising everywhere, getting more kilometer per charge is crucial to day, rather than going to tell you exactly how to drive more efficiently with your e. V. To put things into context in germany, it costs around 0. 40 per kilowatt hour at an ac, china right now, which means that costs are on such euro for approach hutch. This was potentially around 3 and 50 kilometers in this tesla model, 3 performance. Of course i have a few tips and tricks to maximize this range, which i will share with you know, and yes, some of these tips also apply to Combustion Engine. Machines, i ah, drive consciously act instead of react, avoid standing still moments because the most amount of energy is consumed when you take off from 0. If you really Pay Attention to the road ahead and the traffic patterns you will find, there are a lot of signs that you can read in advance. After all, you might not need to come to a complete stop if that traffic signal is about to change from yellow to britain. Instead, you could slow down just enough. Keep the cas moment. Im going and then move of once again. Because breaking to a complete halt and then driving of once again from 0 consumes a lot of energy. So be conscious of your surroundings and according to get to a speed limit as quick as possible. If the traffic allows it, the quicker you get, we are cruising speed, the better it is for the consumption. Keep in mind how youre treat, you accelerate. A pedal has a direct influence on the range. So always be gentle on the accelerator even where you aim to hit the speed limit quickly. Once youre cruising speed, settle in therefore as long as possible to make sure your Energy Consumption estate, regular bursts of exhilaration and deceleration will have a negative impact on consumption. Of course, this route mostly applies to driving in the city when you are fled out on unrestricted stretches of the german autobahn for example, expect arrange to drop dramatically. This is because its beats above 80 kilometers per hour. Drake or resistance increases exponentially. Which means youre even, its more power, which in turn means more consumption. Good for highways, long stretches, and less traffic Cruise Control can help you to reduce consumption. Most modern cars the these include it come with a lot of driver eats that could potentially help extend range Cruise Control is one of them. When the cost computer is in charge of making changes to the speed, its often lot more precise than human input. And especially if a car has predictive or a depth of Cruise Control, its ability to be Energy Efficient increases of cause. Some cars also come with eco mode, or as its called kill mode in the tesla which limits the power on offer, thus potentially conserving energy. Ah, make use of the topography, be conscious of elevation, changes seem like a cyclist, the more appellate goes. The more energy is consumed, the more down it goes, the more you are released. Like in most, he gets driving applicant rooms, more energy, and letting the carcass down her head comes of energy. Some ease allow you to disengage regenerative braking entirely, which will allow you to close down as if you where neutral, which of course only works if you got a clear stretch of road ahead of you. But regenerative braking or one pedal, driving in some cars, converts a cask. Kinetic energy into Electrical Energy that gets stored in the battery. So if you have the option of adjusting the region on your e v. Opting for a 100 percent region, were happy to get more out of the thing attract. Ah, its all about the, with the rim, the tire size, the, with all that has an influence. Of course, the sinner and light as a tire. The less resistance, the less consumption you could always up for thinner tires or lighter ribs, but keeping your tire pressure and shake is the quickest way to make sure that you, its easy. Its driving Energy Efficiently. When tires are an inflated contact patch on the road, so phase increases, which means the resistance increases, which in turn and treatise consumption. Ah, when the tires are properly inflated, the contact patch on the road surface decreases, decreasing resistance in turn, reducing consumption. A good guidelines to inflate an unloaded cas tire to the pressure that the manufacturer recommends for when the car is fully loaded. Keep in mind though with higher tire pressure and less conduct to the road, both comfort and safety are compromised. Ah, the now we would be of might have really work for let nama driving for my 1st run over the cause of a to of kilometer loop through city traffic. I drove the way a lot of us normally. I reacted to the traffic around me without thinking ahead. And i didnt really Pay Attention to how i was treating the accelerator or the brake pedal. At the end of the loop i got to reside. Ah, the now 2nd let efficient driving on this run. I paid close attention to how i was driving, although i left the driver assistance system. So just to see all my driving behavior could impact Energy Consumption leading to this result. So now im back from my to rise in my 1st run. I was driving very nani, my 2nd run and tried to be as efficient as possible. That is actually the, reside. I was 4 minutes last up and 4 point one kilowatt hours. More efficient from being fast and efficient is a good. I can say golden cheese. Is this the future of urban freight transport . The old has euro trucks promise is clean and above all safe deliveries. But why does it look like a bus . Were going to find out. Holt, as a swedish start up, that is looking to challenge the big ones in the truck segment. And now were going to check out what they have to offer. Well, the says its made the worlds 1st purpose built full electric 16th ton truck designed specifically for goods distribution in urban environments. The vehicle has been built from the ground up to take advantages of electric power technology, only busy cramped streets. Since the drive train up this truck 8th at the rear axle, the front exile has more space to move and thus the complete vehicle is way nibbler. And then for example, a diesel truck ditching the diesel Combustion Engine for a battery. Electric drive train allows for even more revolutionary design acts. If youre sending follow that kind of looks like a bus, but if youre sand sided, you see its basically not above the Design Inspiration from a bus. And the coaches is deliberate. Because if you think about it, that vehicle is designed to operate in city centers safely. So if i, if i take transport for london statistics because thats the one i have in my head. 4 percent of road miles in london. Ill travel by trucks. 26 percent of pedestrian fatalities and 78 percent of cyclists, deaths in london are attributable to trucks. The cab is all about maximizing drive of visibility and the drivers view over all of what theyre, theyre driving around. Whether thats with the eyes or through the cameras. Assisting them around the 360. 00 degree view of the vehicle so that we maximize the safety of a truck this size, driving through city centre street. What we see right now is the driver sitting in the center, which is rather unusual. Yes. Yeah. And if you think about it, everybody has a left on the right down drive. But if youre the driver of that vehicle, you have to make a judgement where that fall side isnt. Thats always going to be a judgement. Whereas if you sitting in the center, youre putting the human atlas literally in the center of everything. But the have exactly the same wit i the side to make the judgement when the driving through a narrow street. Its also the best position for visibility. So our driver has 220 degrees of direct visibility so that they have a really good view of everything going on around them. With our driver doesnt have to climb in and out of a cab thats up here somewhere. They can literally, as you see, walk straight in. Yeah. But every time they get in and out, they get in and out. Always on to the sidewalk on to the pavement. The, the driver of a left or right and drive vehicle always gets out into the traffic. So our drivers a lot safer. We have sliding doors rather than swinging doors. Hm. So whenever the driver does get out there, no opening the door into the pathway of cyclists coming past. Yeah. So we have to keep the vehicle width to an absolute minimum. So weve done absolutely everything we can for the safe operation of a vehicle. The size in city centers, this is not a long haul truck, but it can carry 8 tons of cargo it up to 90 kilometers per hour, a fair distance. So we have a range of a 150. 00 or 200 kilometers of range, and a customer can specify either to battery packs or 3 battery packs. If they have a refrigerated cargo box, it will always get specified with the 3rd battery pack, because i refrigerated a refrigerated operation is running straight from the battery as well. All voltage, 0 models offer some 30 cubic meters of load space. In 2021, germany had more than 3 and a half 1000000 regis trucks on its road. Now do you want to guess how many of these had an alternative drive . Train not even 80000. So i think a truck like this has the potential to become a huge success, but not only in germany, but combination of 0 emissions and increased road safety could be very attractive to logistics firms. The european roll out for the 16 ton bolt as euro will begin in 2023. And the company says its also planning 5. 12 to unfold his euro variance vessel for now. Keep on trucking and join us for more. Oh tonight about benches. On the next episode of rev ah, with china on the watch list cure it is said to help mitigate the effects of Climate Change and regulate the greenhouse effect. Whats so special about this raw material and what bio tar really do for agriculture. A unique long term trial seek sentence to these questions. To morrow today. In 30 minutes on d w. The Galapagos Islands a national paradise that seems almost untouched. But pollution and over fishing, how threatening the franchise ecosystem scientists are investigating the corridors. And joining forces with local people to pass on species extinction close up in 90 minutes on d, w. O. And will interest the Global Economy our portfolio d w business beyond. Heres a closer look at the project. Our mission. To analyze the fight for market dominance. Get a step ahead with d w. Business beyond i have been the fact that i have been beaten. I have been sick a straight did because we tried to to show dirty, a face of mafia all over the world. Environmentalists are in danger. The enemy, roofless corporations corrupted, Government Agencies and criminal cartels. We want, i think with a design and targeted environmentalists in danger starts october 29th on d. W. Ah ah ah, ah. This is dw news and these are our top stories. Explosions of rock, the ukrainian capital. Keith, once again, president Vladimir Zelinski says russia used so called kamikaze drones to attack the City Authority say at least for

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