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A cousin presenting. But Climate Change is not people only reason for the crisis. What action should be taken now . And what if the rain full season is late again . This is the madam bobo river, or whats left of it for over 2 years. Now, residents of the small town of c. M b have had to dig into the river bed to access water. One of them is 70 year old levi with dental plan and the sell to me. Mike, we are really suffering salad and get more than one, but now its just dry dry. I have no rain fall at all this week or i and her family came to town because their village had run out of water. They used to rely on the rain for farming, but the rain stopped falling. Over the years, the family sold everything they had to buy food. Now. Finally, they decided to come here. Now the children transport water for money. For 5 people sleep outside 5 inside the shack. Okay, 1st name is xander dow, its a tiny house, but its all we can afford to rent. Not ours. Ours is in the village far from here. But we come here because we need access to water. We brought all the kids here and they work here as water carriers. Now im one of them, but im on the bottom there are people transporting water all along the dusty roads. Many of them are children, like sienna, clara sia, the 13 year old who prefer to be in school now. But her family needs water and the river is more than 10 kilometers away salad that wasnt amanda in my locker, its difficult for me that they dont even carrying the water from the river to the truck is tiring, late. And then from here to the house, i said to me not, but if we dont have money, we dont eat and drink this one and on that yeah, we use some of the water for our family and sell some to neighbors to make some money. Little i let any of lemon disallows it. After a 2 hour wait, the family with their 40 empty water containers. Finally, get a lift to the river. With the truck pulls away when the sienna watches her school disappear into the distance. Southern madagascar has always been dry, but in the past years it has rained even less than usual. The u. N. Has called it the worlds 1st Climate Change induced famine. A result of the wes carbon fueled lifestyle. The climate shock. So they are more and more often every year they become the more severe this is, the situation is say, really a year reality. Every year, this time, if rain its, they dont come a peeper, they will not be able to, to cultivate, to the land. So this worrying, its a situation that will continue to be out of concern in the past 8 organizations like the world food program. So their main task is providing emergency relief. Now many are also trying to address the root of the problem long term access to water so that people can grow their own food again. We often drops them for the for the god. Yeah, just lighting for rain, fort phantom saw a wave dead. The weather, did the Climate Change the rain fall . It is not that i on time or a small sol the solution either these water was or the government is planning a massive washer pipe from a neighboring meeting, which could be the solution to the crisis. But there is no timely funding is not yet secured. In fact, several scientists argue the poor governance has been a major contributor to the crisis. The crisis has been out of sight for most politicians in the capital, anton, and our evil, a 3 day journey on terrible roots. The island was 1st colonized by a group of indonesians, later by the french. Since independence there have been several kuda ties in android province. The state is barely present all new routes, no electricity, no water. Even the governor soya, he marrow, admits it to him. You cannot expect that those problems to be a resolve within ah, one year or 2 years for the last 8 decades. Nothing has been done. And this is the 1st government. This is the 1st to regime which is ah, taking care of their hold of a problem. But the regime has been in power for many years now. And the situation is actually only gotten worse. And i dont think that, that, thats not true. Did the resume has been working for more than 3 years . And its, its still on. How can you expect to resolve a problem which be which will, which has been a, has not been sol ah, for the a sick more than 60 years. Ah, before, because the governor insist that the population has to take part of the blame for the drought. Oh wow. More than 80 this has been caused by the, the provision of the environment human made activities. And thats where all of the routes of ever came from and which trigger too many issues our ancestors cut down the forest and without any of that thinking about the future. And thats led to the recurring drought. And that, that repetitive drugs lead to a repetitive hunger outside the regional capital, amber gumby, massive. What said, i knows what she is doing as part of the problem to collecting cactus leaves to survive. We ha, its become embarrassed because most people do this for a living. Before this is a forest, then we could find all kinds of what im gonna do. Yeah. Im really afraid that in the future we wont find anything he had learned. Then thered be nothing to sell to buy food because the wood and the cactuses are disappearing. How to see it or get maisie says she has no choice. The 61 year old burns the cactus needles and brings the leaves to town, where she sells them as animal feet to cattle winners. When the rain stopped falling, she was forced to stop farming and move here. With the high handled toys are we left the village because of the drought kinyata. Its very difficult to find water there and there was no harvest. So he had to sell all our belongings. Lanyards was in from idaho. Its an expedient shared by almost every one in her new home and informal camp in the town of ambo, whom b trader dami. Henry sala actually wanted to build a warehouse here. But when he saw more and more desperate people leaving their villages, he said they could stay here for free. You will not them and im a got him a busy far this old man had a 120 cattle. He was rich, i not until the cut over the years and he was forced to sell everything salanza. And if people have nothing to eat, so always you and they just lie around like this. With sal allah tries to help hearing. Theyre buying medicine, collecting donations, appealing to n g use. He believes Climate Change is mainly to blame for the situation. But the corrupt individuals in the government and, and use are responsible for the continuation of the crisis. So sub is or no, it will definitely be very difficult to stop this crisis unless, if theres no honest work from the organizational format, it will also be difficult to take the right measures. If the government doesnt see whats really happening on the ground. Zoer. A rad simi funds that we need a hands on approach for this situation to end my fun monday, mrs. As she prepares the 1st and only meal of the day for her family meals evil and said, i also wonder why the crisis is happening. 2 cups of rice in some greens, thats all the family of 14 can afford for to day. I think i did not buy you romeo. I dont know why the rain doesnt fall with them, but maybe because of us humans too. And we dont love each other, hasnt had all acids. Maybe thats why the rain has stopped falling. I because some strangers did something to prevent the rain. I dont know, they sound better. I had Something Better for a few streets away. Mcneally. So of really is in charge of the mall nutrition unit for children at the hospital in on both of them be at the moment it is not busy, she says, or when we 5 cases for me, my family, this baby is 17 months old. Her arm circumference is very small, and its in the red range, the 98. 00 millimeters. Normally it should be a 130 for her age. She still counts down on it. Normally at this age, children are already running. She cant even set up them as they clearly so and over going to be even better for me. The 1st solution to the crisis is to reduce the high birth rate. So here we can have mothers with 13 to 18 children and polygamy is wide spread. Some men have 3 or 4 wives and 10 children with each wife, right . Instead of these children will be exposed to malnutrition, but they will also have to work find food, cell thing, cynthia. Sometimes even their bodies sang, but i am in them. But so if i was the president , i would 1st concentrate on family planning. My hear the escalating drug crisis. And madagascar is the result of a combination of several factors, Climate Change, deforestation, poverty, mismanagement, and population growth. A quick fix is not about to happen. The possibility of another season with rain and harvest is real. Another hunger crisis is looming. In the long run, massive investments is needed, especially in providing access to water, so people can farm again, the plant water pipe could be a major part of the solution. Backup madam bobo, river 70 road lee fry, has once again failed to make enough money to buy food for her family. So she ventures into the heat without shoes searching for cactus fruits. So ruin look at my hand to look at all these needles. D b, i look at that the look here. What else can i do apart from collecting name . City . If i cant just stay at home and sleep nazi me, i come here to eat and to bring some home or what is her hope for the future, for her grandchildren. She says she has no time to think about it. All she can focus on is finding food and water every day. The rain, she says, needs to fall with with aah. E co india 8. Gov, which photo in delhi scouts comes for legally dispos demolition ways. It contains valuable cereals, but much of it gets dumped in the Natural Environment with becoming a gigantic environmental problem. Rewards and waste scouts are intended to motivate people to recycle eco, india. On d w. O. To doraville baby parents worldwide, her la Breast Feeding about how much attention to the new born actually need. And is it okay to cry . A towel pip, 2 stories, a in 30 minutes on d. W. With the end of the pandemic in sight, we show what it could look like. Return in the normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult with successes or seem weakly coping 19 special. Every thursday con d w. A rear metro spectacle and an improved world. Ah, the meeting of the lou, well sure. A remote island, a testament to the quality of the waters. One of the many Success Stories from a bastion of biodiversity say dont starts november 18th. Oh d w ah, this is debbie news. These are our top stories. A bomb blast in istanbul has killed at least 6 people and wounded dozens more explosion ripped through a crowded pedestrian street in the city center, turkeys president , rach, of type adult

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