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Have left their mark the whole area was a better ground. The damage lines, the wrote in a small mountain village. We have an appointment with dr. Rush on, not quite dock stroke to something. And what it is was there were locals about dr. Russia not its not only a doctor. She used to be a politician and she has long support at the taliban house and i was and the forced for swallow month to 25. 00 to 10. 00. Yeah. None the duck problem on the was group berman law lot cut off. Mm hm. And i, im proud of was this, this is my house. In her latch garden, doctor roach. I knocked takes us down memory lane. She had believed in building and you afghan has done governed by parliament. She tells us, working with a taliban, not against them. Instead war inca of the country and she quit parliament and disgust rather than to want america. Why they came to our country. We didnt want, this is, this is our country. I cant remember anything good. Because development of the country. Ah, education, everything was stopped. And the villages and the provinces due to war her patients are still suffering the deprivation of that warri. Doctor roach on august the china colleges and runs a small clinic from home. Now when my shoulders and neck heard it makes no difference if i eat or not. You know that but because you have 10 kids, is there a cow . Yes, but it has no milk thought cody booted up, let me well, she sees more patience than before. I knew now that fighting has stopped travelling is less dangerous. Will follow mother to reopen my master. Fuller with the taliban. Things are good. Now. Its peaceful. How thoroughly before there was a lot of war and fighting. We always lived in fear, double, but now its quiet change doesnt you know multiple or through every pregnant woman we meet here once to know the sex of her baby. Yeah. That her asthma. Oh my god, this is also boy, you see this, this is one this, this, this is the other. This has been is you see. Ringback yes, now you are a boy is power off of harmony. He confides and the, you know, as there are more a boys in the family, that family is much a powerful and the village if they dont have boys and they have girls, they are weak. Everybody cannot talk on them. Some of the boys she helped deliver in the past and now fighters. She wont comment on taliban atrocities. Instead she points to their routes. Sampling. Parliament, god are bad. The you know . Ah, everybody has their own no judgement. For me, paul, it was african on tal upon will africa with when shes not treating patients here in her own clinic. Dr. Russia not also works for the taliban overseeing female and Maternal Health in their provincial Health Director it debbie. Im tired of that at all. Ha ha or thursday. Before we leave, she takes us up the mountain behind her house, if fiercely beautiful view turns her thoughts towards the future. Lowerys falls fall upon purchase their minds about the girls awe without her activities of girls and ladies. Its impossible to achieve development. Its impossible. Ah, back in the capitol, dr. Rush on ox wish evaporates. The regime is all made by the taliban. For the taliban. The drive thru cobble, we reviewed small drac uses and st children than weve seen before. Food prices, a soaring, more than half of the population is hungry. In the evenings, women sit in front of the cities, bakeries begging for a loaf of bread. Yet that they can misha, i take the bread home and eat it with my children. Gonna cut out, but its not enough to fill our stomachs. What i divide the bread in pieces and give it to my children so that none of them died. And i love me, but our stomachs are never wholly me muddy minay thea, to make money. You have a meniscus booster and ask you to go, how do the taliban plan to help the people they rule . We meet the spokesman for the ministry of bice and virtue during the come to see you. This was act if mahard ye are blamed. The crisis on sanctions, the freezing of assets and massive 8 cuts and post. Since the taliban took power. That she shall garland look. Oh, im to call, not really to the women for 20 years. America and its nato allies killed us with arms and artillery. We did the now theyre trying to kill us like this. Know, they are responsible for this. The hunger crisis is on them out. When allotted other, you know, his ministry makes sure people behave according to the tally bands. Vision of islam, or is harlow cheers, mobility, wiley, small miller. We built a kind of state our nation policy that our nation fought for islamic rule for 44 years. And now we want to enforce it, buddy. Did the, the done yard, the yo leave us alone to become a part of the world. Stop killing us. None were denied. Give us the rights of a free country and let us make the decisions for our nation directly to the Apollo Miller bravely below go that when he was the nicholas willow. Oh, those decisions seem less focused on the deepening economic crisis than they do on polishing the lives of women. The taliban want agenda, segregated society and yet girls who are still at school dare to dream of you went to be a doctor, raise your hands. It will but these girls will be out of school long before they can study medicine. The taliban leadership has effectively bent them from secondary education. Ah, on the street, the rare sight, a group of women demonstrating for the right to education and work. Suddenly taliban fighters shoot life rounds in the air. Young women like ayesha and her sister are trying to find their place in this afghanistan mazda tall. Well, what . I have lost myself since the dollar bonded on to barge off that feeling. Im no longer the girl. I used to be from god in the past. I would feel proud looking at myself, i gave myself the name just all spelling the baldwin the other to the command. But now i have lost my spirit. My hopes id gone under the taliban and it doesnt feel good because of some course old as linda berg with the lawyer sauce for sale. Hello sir. My home. I use this to me. Coffee on your country with this. I shall used to work for a un project. She also studied journalism at a private university. Now she has lost her job and had to leave university because she cant pay the fees how many cups of green she usually have a day. The sisters still go shopping without amazed family members to check her own them. But that could change if the taliban gets strict on public gender segregation, it also can make on monday, i feel like a prisoner, my hands are dialed for comic on the some must thus i shall says she is largely withdrawn from public life. She used to be politically active, attending a lot of meetings now, she really sees people outside her family. Instead of talking in public, she writes in private my country is tired, tired of betrayal. My country, you are song less and voiceless. I shes angry. She blames the west for abandoning afghanistan to men who limit her life. My girl is emerson. Orlin, call me as a fatima. If i have a president on the 1st thing i would done would be to form an old female government. My son was not a single man, would be bar to put about a home. I would make sure that women could choose any job they wanted to get lost and they would be allowed to study and it didnt really belong color open on bass. Bohannon wasnt a club base or little mademoiselle one them, but some of them left the men with a stay at home for a while to learn what it is like to be a woman van to be prevented from walking and studying on encore at home. They would understand how difficult it is to be confined to a life of raising children or fall before they would understand what kind of life thats gone. But men have to tolerate alone, Cadillac Escalade this johan, with blue ah, with who unimaginable terror attack changed the world . 911 a day branded into human memory. Once earlier, one afghan had warned of the imminent threat. Ahmad chau. My suit miss it saw my bit loud in the terror for the kiddos murdered him for it. 911, the unheeded warning. In 15 minutes on d. W. Somalia has been hit hard by Community Change with me no day though is the issue, but there is a way out affordable desalination of sea water and initiative by somali business men demonstrates how it can be done. Eco africa, 90 minutes on d. W o. A journey is full of surprises. Weve gone all out to give you some tim, one day and in the footsteps of the great people. Im in europe. Northern most count please. Ah, brain times along. Still very much alive. D. W channel, youll guy to the potential starts in germany. It recognizes where exactly it was fun and i learned a lot our culture history, all their d. W. Travel extremely worth a visit. Ah ah, this is dwi from berlin. Ukraine accuse his rush of launching another attack on civilian infrastructure as strikes leave a thermal power plant in flames in the east and city of hockey. Unplugged the im plunges they region into dockers. This is Ukrainian Forces to make more territorial gains in that counter offensive in the east

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