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Crushed to death and sold major might life district plus disaster in the philippines following yet another Tropical Storm will take a look at the death toll and damage. Ah, i melissa chan. Thanks for joining us. Search operations continue in the indian state of googe iraq, where a bridge collapse killed at least a 132 people. The suspension bridge was 1st built in the 19th century, but had recently undergone a refurbishment opening just days earlier. Boats have been scouring the area to locate any additional victims. Eye witnesses say many of those who fell into the river were children. Crowds had packed the foot bridge, celebrating the holidays of the devali and go up googe erotic year. He w, south asia bureau chief america cima, has more about the many questions being asked, how this disaster could happen, and who is responsible . How could a bridge, which had gone to months of renovations, or be opened and collapse within just days of reopening. Now they are obviously lot of theories to that. People are also asking themselves, why were so many people allowed on a bridge . About 500 people are meant to have been on the bridge when it collapsed. Now, a special tribunal has been set up to investigate these questions as well as a technical committee. Now, of course, theyll take some time to come up with their conclusions. But the, our initial reports that a cable snap and perhaps the, shell read the number of people on the bridge. And they also be disturbing reports coming out reports which say that the company which actually renovated the bridge did not have a fitness certificate from the local municipal corporation. And then the question arises, why didnt the authorities allow people on the bridge . There are also reports that the maintenance company, which was looking after the bridge, opened the bridge ahead of share dune, and they use this Holiday Season to make a bit of money that even issued tickets to people to go on to the bridge. Now this is all way disturbing reports and need to be investigated. Theres been obviously a, the swift reaction from Prime Minister in the remodel. It is his state. Good art is the state, and hes actually there on a visit. Hes a made speeches about giving a proof of his sympathies and condolences to the next of kin. He says he shares the been that the people of more be, are feeling. Hes also announced compensation for the next of kin for those who died as well as the chief ministers also are offered compensation. And they have been of course reactions from politicians, from across the political spectrum. All of them are sharing the pain that the people are in more be are feeling. And also of course, asking questions how this could happen. So theres also a bit of a political lynn game which has started explain say we had the policies we had the fame, but is this a question not been implemented properly . So we just have to wait and see what the investigation brings out. In south korea, police have set up a 561 Member Task Force to investigate what caused a deadly crowd search this weekend. That killed more than a 150 people. Young people were out celebrating halloween hitting the streets of the popular nightlight district of u. K. Juan, when things took a frightening and deadly turn, emergency workers and ambulances struggle to get through the crowds to help people contributing to the chaos. President young, secure, has declared one week of National Morning ordering flags across the country to fly at half staff. Joining us as journalist frank smith in so frank, can you give us a bit more on the latest . Well, according to the most recent information, we have a 14054 people have lost their lives. 30 people remain in serious condition of those that passed away. 98 were mostly young women, 56 were men. 4 of them were teenagers, a one middle School Student died in 26. 00. Foreigners die. I didnt in this crush on saturday night and in the alley just behind me were thousands of people, an estimated 100000 people gathered for what was supposed to be a much more festive occasion. This was the 1st instance a weekend when young people could take off their mask. Southbridge mask wearing mandate for outdoor activities, had been lifted, and they look forward to celebrating this event instead of turned into tragedy. Melissa, this going to be a lot of our, i imagine there already is a lot of anger over this. Can you give us a sense of how people are we acting there . Yes, there is a lot of anger and ive seen that here in the street at, at this site. The Prime Minister came to this location just about an hour and a half ago. And. And when he came here, he was shouted at by, by a man who, who perhaps had been, you know, hit by this by this tragedy in some way in also, theres been some vitriol odom owed on social media with this some video circulating that show. What happened . This is somewhat reminiscent for so the grants of the 2014 say, well disaster when a ship went down off the korean peninsula, taking 300 people with it, including 270 youngsters out on a field trip. So certainly people are remembering that and remembering a kind of a vow that the government need that the Public Safety would be looked after. That wasnt the case here. Numerous eye witnesses that i have spoken to personally have said that the crowd control here was disorganized. So certainly that there are going to be some tough questions to ask and tough questions of high officials. So the grease minister of interior and safety said that this could not have been prevented. Obviously that runs countered with some of the eye witnesses said and other information that suggests that crowd control here in e t one had been difference on previous large scale celebration such as halloween and, and new years. So definitely, again, the investigation that they say is going to take places. Its going to have to be a thorough one. Melissa. I remember that fairy incident and that contributed i to eventually exit of then President Park and he and now i understand president you has had a rocky start to his presidency. Do you think people will be blaming hen turn . Certainly things are, are going to get pretty political. There was another conservative here in, in an incident that took place at, at this site. And he was calling out encouragement to so green president , use Prime Minister as he toward the site showing that he should cheer up in this was amongst people that had come to share their well wishes here. So certainly the question is just how political this will get with use approval rating, dropping below 30 percent. Recently, people here in south korea are trying to come to terms with this now. Just behind me and alter, has been set up just near the the alley where this took place. People have also placed chrysanthemums at city hall and, and given out now, black ribbons to call for those that have lost their lives to, to rest in peace. Melissa frank smith, thank you so much. In the philippines, Tropical Storm now gate slammed parts of the country, leaving behind a trail of disaster including at least 98. 00 people, dead and dozens missing. Those numbers will go up. First, the latest using long pieces of timber, these coats guards are searching for bodies and the sultan village of christiane. Theres little chance people buried in the storm triggered mudslide would have survived. Others were lucky enough to escape on time. But serious damage to infrastructure, such as bridges, means evacuation still like sufficient. 8 o loan. Less i plead for hope that hopefully the bridges will be fixed soon. So that the relief assistance from those who wish to extend help can reach us on the morals. I mean, now gay was one of the most destructive storms to lush to philippines. This year it struck on a weekend when millions in the country returned to their home towns to visit the graves of their dead relatives. Instead they were left to grapple with floods, and now there damaged homes. As to water receipts in some parts of the country residence begin to clean up. This is said, love us health. Now, hardly recognizable re learn. Lat that again and gum it. It wasnt expected that the water would reached out high. He knew the us, we thought it would just be me deem him behalf island. I mean young guns, lord lang, but the devastation isnt over in the north and philippines flooding worse. And even as the storm moved across the South China Sea Tropical Storms kill hundreds of people in the philippines yearly. But scientists have warned that Climate Change, or making them more powerful, meaning havoc like this is set to become a constant. Floods in towns near manila bay in the philippines have been a problem for several decades. But the situation is being made worse by Climate Change and other human factors. Residents in places like the town of hag annoy, have urged the government to act to mitigate the floods. The street in hog noise in the philippines is permanently flooded. The water never fully receives, leaving locals to manage as best they can. But local motorbike taxi drivers have come up with a solution they hope will make life here easier. Theyve raised the height of their vehicles this way. They can continue ferrying passengers back and forth and earn money. Ha ha ha. The sheriff as the floods do a factor, the timing was the price again for us motorbike taxi drivers. Vehicles are not made to aust floodwaters. So what we did was no up. We modified them in order to make a living. But up or you despite having year long flogs acura downtown montage on my behalf. I believe not everyone can afford to take the customized tricycles. But those who can welcome the innovation saying they also make it possible for them to go about that business. Very important, phyllis, i mean i live very important to us especially to those who have to work and if the flood waters do not subside until the afternoon. Fill out and we need these types of transportation or like modified motor bikes to clean them up as on thighs again. Among the causes of flooding in this town, like others in the area, or too much construction close to the river and bought a waste management. Meaning garbage is thrown into waterways also to blame a hi tights and storm surge is linked to Climate Change. But with no sign of an end to those problems in the near future. Residents here may have to rely on their own creativity for some time to come. Thats all for today. Be sure to check out our website. Thats d, w dot com, ford slash asia, and our social media at the w means im eliza chan. Have a good day. I just got to use this with all say what grade he will be able to choose the country that will host the world. I mean, once you visit you never forget, it caught between transformation and exploitation between education and tradition between cosmopolitan player and captivating wilderness. The portrait of a desert state full of contradictions. Guitar starts november 11th on d, w. Ah, here is own inflation reaches another record high. The latest figures suggest the continent. Cost of living crisis is far from under control. Well get expert analysis on why efforts to attain inflation dont seem to be working from employees fleeing factories to the closure of shanghai. Disney resorts. Well find out just how big an impact china 0 coven policy is having across the country. What happens when coal country becomes renewable central will take you to the heart of west virginia, where windmills are puffing up on the site of old mine. This is the w business. Im kate ferguson. Thanks for joining me. Inflation in the euro zone. Have his another record high with the lasers figure showing prices rose 10. 7 percent in october. The figures are a source of concern for governments across the block on few more debate about what the right policy response should be. Last week, the European Central bank raised its Interest Rate by 3 quarters of a percent in an attempt to slow down price. Wises officials acknowledge this could increase the risk of recession, but they taming inflation. Needs to be the priority for now

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