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A moment. Class exiled pakistani journalist alshaun sharif is shot dead in kenya. Local Authorities Say it was an accident, but suspicions are growing and so on. Demands for a thorough investigation. Ah, im showered rate in berlin. Thanks so much for your company today. Opposition and rights group say as strikes by me unmask military you have killed, at least 50 people. The strikes are the deadliest since the military seized power last year in occurred. The attacks happened at a concert in the northern catchin state, the victims belonging to the regions, ethnic minority. Theyd been attending an anniversary celebration of the main kitchen, political organization. These are pictures of the aftermath me on mars shadow. National unity government urged the un and the International Community to intervene to stop the fighting. Thats great to me and my since the could feel robertson is Deputy Director for azure at Human Rights Watch in bangkok. I asked him what he had to say about the Global Response to this attack and other abuses by me on mass military. Well, its shocking how underwhelming, of the reaction of the International Community has been about this. I mean, its almost like the International Community has gotten used to daily a violations and massacre is happening in myanmar. Ah, you know, this was in ukraine. It would be front page all around the world, but because its in a remote part of our northern myanmar, hardly anybody pays any attention. The reality is that this is a military that is waging war on its people. It is carrying out these kind of attacks with no accountability whatsoever. And the International Community, you know, issues a few sort of weak statements or condemning what happened and then moves on instead of taking the kind of action thats really needed to, to stop these abuses once and for all. Now youre talking about action, how can me and mas military realistically be held accountable for, for the violence and repression . Well, we need to break the log jam at the un security council. We need to have an International Arms embargo, or we need to have authorization for a wide ranging sanctions against them are military in its interests. And we need to get more Member States of the un to step up and undertake pressure against them. Our military. That also includes us some of the other states in the Southeast Asia region which ive been sort of looking the other way or whistling past the graveyard. Is the situation m jamara gets much worse. So you know, there needs to be a concerted International Response rather than the sort of sporadic knee jerk response that weve seen so far that has clearly not come up to the levels needed to, to stop these abuses. Now youve mentioned, youre not happy with how Southeast Asian countries have responded. A Foreign Ministers from Southeast Asia will be shortly holding a special meeting in indonesia on the violence and me on my what should or would you like to see come out of that . Well, i think the, the, the 5 point consensus that i see and has been trying to pursue for the last, almost 2 years in myanmar it has to be recognized that that hasnt failed strategy. That depended on good well from the Myanmar Military junta. And that theres been none of that. So its time to move to a different policy one where the frontline states are willing to actually exert pressure against me and more. And thats not just a, you know, dis, inviting myanmar from all asi and events. But it also means undertaking actions are on trade and sanctions are dealing with myanmar as well. Otherwise, asi on is going to have a perennial, a problem. Its going to have a pariah state as one of its members who continued to commit atrocities and every time another country or another block comes to talk to us and all they want to talk about is myanmar. I think osteo recognizes that that is a very serious risk, that the problems and myanmar risk derailing regional progress i and coordinated action. And so i think now its the time for asi and to recognize that they have to get serious about myanmar rather than continuing to push this issue down the road that was fil robertson, the Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch in asia. Phill. Great to have your insights as always. Thank you. Thank you. Ah, now to a killing that stunned the Journalism Community and why the public in pakistan, sharif was a top t v. News anchor and critic of the powerful military establishment. He fled to kenya early this year, after threats to his life. Sharif was shot dead by police on sunday when a car that he was travelling in drove through a checkpoint outside nairobi, police, their site was a case of mistaken identity, but that explanation is being met with skepticism. Colds are growing around the world for a thorough, transparent investigation into sharif, stiff. I can also, you express maintenance is ter, are shots. All links to is loved ones, to family members at all. Those who i knew him who knew his work were deeply saddened by the death of our son sharif. We encourage all investigation by the government of kenya into his death. Its not entirely clear that we know all the circumstances at this point regarding what led to his death, but we do urge us d. W correspondent, Felix Miranda is following this story in nairobi and he has more on the circumstances surrounding sharif stiff fe. I should cherry from at his desk on sunday evening just outside to ne robbie the police and can i have since owned up to the shooting incident . Wed see say was a case of mistaken identity. They were looking for a contract, a vehicle. But the license plate numbers did not nearly much with the one the short at the pakistan high commissioner to kenya on monday was at the morgue, where the autopsy has been conducted. And she called for a speedy investigation into the incidental that lead to a shadow death. She also promised that a shadow sheriffs body would be at lifted to pakistan for a proper burial. An investigation has since commenced on the shooting incident. And i shall sheriffs vehicle towed to the nearest willie station she likes marine give it will billie. I spoke with veteran journalist much eula john, who is a prominent critic of pakistans, judiciary, and military who broadcasts on his youtube channel, m j t v. He knew arshad sharif. Well, i asked him for his reaction to sharif killing. This is very sad, very tragic. I know its, its rave from la up to 6. Yes. Actually we had family. My father had just bought a friend. We used to visit about families a long time and we worked together and one of the don News Television channels. And its love about he was a better team than i was his deputy better chief. So when i heard about this project, a fascination, actually i immediately related that to the topic and which is sunday journalists that living in back is done. And people have come sconces that to which ive had to face. And that he had to leave the country. It was very unfortunate that i had to leave bucket under difficult circumstances. There are many cases and theyre registered by the current government against him. And the establishment military establishment was also not happy as it was never happy with many of the journalists like us. But the last 67 years, we have been facing another pressure and prosecution at the head of the previous government. As a journalist, really vulnerable to many pressure and intimidation there thats depressed darcia has not been and in some cases mother. And its not about the incident, rather in threatening during the previous 5 minutes, m dot com. And one of the journalists was that shops and he was injured upside and that journalist was brought inside the house. And the journalist im and me, he was 67 years ago. Busy ive been in 2014. There was an assassination attempt on him in guarantee. And there is no clue about it. In spite of the fact that the top judges of the country tried to probe the assassination attempt on him and to today. If people dont do the hide, i did isnt permission to port was the fair, but it was never made public. So thank you. Thank you very much for, for outlining her the repression and the intimidation that journalists, including yourself. I have been facing over over many, many years now. If i could ask you about our shared sharif and what does his death represent to society in pakistan . Oh, the city is a very long message. I think the people at large and they just come in the in particular, never to speak against the powerful government and the establishment. It is unfortunate that we see today not among us and his family has been waiting for him and very difficult at spectrum stuff is that he had made the country. But the message is very loud in the same message that never speak out to the bar establishment and the government because the establishment is more probable than even the government. So this is the message. Unfortunately, sir, if i can ask you, can, you know, authorities are saying that this was a case of mistaken identity from where you are in pakistan, not in kenya. Do you dont believe this . I take it. Why being in pakistan, nobody will buy this utility of mistaken identity. I think this incident needs to be probe and investigated thoroughly. And then in a thought is what that, what this has to be about, but investigation no police authority. It could also was been except mistake of them, no intention, even in baptism. That incident soft but excited to show kidding by the police. And so therefore, it was difficult to believe that the police operations, kenya, did it by mistake. That was pakistani journalist matthew let, john, thats all for d w. Use asia today will leave you now with more pictures out of pakistan. The hindu community, very celebrating to wiley, but this youth festivities awesome jude. Following the recent disastrous flooding, im jarrett great seeing you again tomorrow. Her, im just kinda, i think thats hard and in the end is a meeting you on what i love to you anymore. We will send you back. Are you familiar with this . With the smugglers reliance of the whats your story a. Ready he wasnt, i wasnt women, especially a victims of vine and seen a lot take part and send us your story. The us chain always to understand this new culture. So you are not a visitor, not the guests. You want to become a citizen. In phil migrants, your platform for reliable information ah, ukraine pushes hard for immediate Funding Health for Critical Infrastructure as winter nears. What will it take to rebuild in the coming months . But also in the long term. Well hear from Ukraines Deputy energy minister. Also on our show, europe wants to cap natural gas prices, but so far there are more questions than answers about how a plan would work. Hello, welcome to the show. Im see from beardsley. We begin here in berlin, where ukrainian leaders are pushing for immediate help to fund the rebuilding of Critical Infrastructure. As winter nears, a president floor mid zalinski urging attendees Via Video Conference for 17000000000. 00 in fast recovery funding, to help with housing and with the energy grid. A particular recent russian attacks have targeted ukraines electricity network. A german chancellor, olaf sholtes, meanwhile, has called the broader rebuilding of ukraine, a challenge for generations. And hes appealed to nations for further commitments. The world bank estimated back in september that total rebuilding cost for ukraine could mount to more than 350000000000. 00. And before talking to you leaders short also appealed to german businesses for help rushes daily bombardments of ukraine are leaving. How

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