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Storm, who is peter or b, and is he the man to challenge the countries old god . And if your pin girls break taboos and gender stereotypes through their love for extreme sports and skateboarding in their local park, ah ah ah, hello than im really mohammed. Its good to have you with us. We started mozambique, which has been reeling from 5 years of conflict and a violent insurgency in the northern kaba delgado province. More than 4000 people have been killed, an early 1000000 were forced to flee their homes while the tax on civilians continue. Some areas are now under government control. After troops from southern africa, andro wanda, were deployed to help fight the insurgency. D. W was given rare access to joined lawanda and soldiers on patrol in more symbol to prior, where the situation is solely returning to normal. A year ago this town was run by islamist insurgence. Their main base was at the airport, but these troops chased them away. Rwandan forces, supporting mozambique to day life is slowly getting back to normal. Those who fled are returning, said mom in the report. So people were killed, him were young, they were murdered. Whether if they were slaughtered my hut all to pieces in favor, so we ran away. But now that this piece weve decided to come back the road at the beach, the people resumed their livelihoods and got fishing again. Com has also returned to the village of king, her displaced residence like abdallah, plenty back home after a whole year away seeking refuge, boston, i looked on woody applied to go figure, but there were gunshot, see, go up. So we ran out of the house, getting it in a pigment looking and then my father fell. He was also does im a yuma mom and i was in the morning when we looked back. And then my mother said abdallah, your father has been shot, look was now getting out sassy. Let me begin away to buy up on his body was left there for 3 day off on the godaddy will support tattoo when of dela pena. He came back, he found his home had been looted, but at least not burned down like many others. Now hes trying to farm again. I can in the vienna way and go and i can lots of the young people have no work and well get that in. I said that really nothing as well. An inward potentially want an army arrived. Weve had people. Yes, you want my mother and i can go to work in the fields again or what would be my the mother debussy did. Oh, you got all the residents are relieved to be back. Theyre not happy with their government, which failed to protect them from the brutal insurgence. They also accused Government Troops of heavy handedness when they eventually arrived. The talkie, we expected better from our country, may monica it. When they meters on the streets, they stopped on a mystery cars instead of going after the animal than that said that my yearly limits one with you is that one of their checkpoints, a young man on a motorcycle fell. The soldiers all started beating him until he died. I that killed a lot of people. Its not good him. We the only soldiers deny the accusations and was a mix. Defense ministry has not responded to our questions on the claims. What certain though, is the conflict is far from over. In fact, its moving further south, where attacks on villages are reported almost daily. Now, even in neighboring provinces, like non polar, farther away from where the troops from rwanda and the regional block static are based and keep moving southwards for that is expected. So you just might need to maintain figure out the, our forces the sunday as well as our own forces were linking vigilance in the areas that we occupied and for the areas that are beyond cupboards, gather like napoleon has amazon. The country says we need to also play a game that increased vigilance will be vital here because the residents worry, the threat could still return. I spoke to fernando lee, maam. He is a journalist and political commentator based in a put. So i began by asking him what impact their a wand and troops and the Southern African troops have had in this fight against 15th agency. Their one troops are the backbone of for the governments fight against insurgency in cub delgado, they are the most effective force. There, as you know, they are also subject troops, which is the original a coalition there for about 2 more than 2000 troops in cub delgado. But the real effective force in cub delgado is the rwandan army and are ruined and police in day day have been stretched. Or in my point of view too much in the last a few months in order to address either military situations in or either parts of cub delgado. But their job in districts like will see. But the but i and baba have been ah, very, very good. And all military analysts are convinced that did their job and their presence there had been crucial in order to stop violence in those 2 district reach are the strategic districts for a while in guest projects there. Now at the same time, there are also strong accusations against the mozambique soldiers for using excessive violence against civilians and even authorities are accused of corruption. What more do you know about those Human Rights Violations committed by most and beacon ships their most of beacon army does not have proper training. And so lack of discipline is part of their training that they should have, but they do not have. And so this means dead disgruntled units instead of portrayed their mission, they go to the population abused women and arrests families in looking for foot for example. And why are they looking for foot because they do not have enough food in beer military, unique unit. So date den arrest the population trying to feed themselves with their oh wait the population they are supposed to protect and given all that, how confident are you that the nose and booking authorities would be able to reinstate piece . Well, i think it will take dye, a military specialist believed that it will take at least 3 years in order to have a proper army and linger the situation in kabul delgado. And that now more broadly looking at whats behind both conflict, is there a connection between beyond groups and a fight for mozambique Natural Resources . One to i think its unique in cub delgado is a combination of factors in which you are united poverty. You unite to frustration, but you also have this kind of cement dad to united, United People for a cause, which is our religion. And i is la mic, islamic clerics distance themselves from i. B as in the search is c. But you can find some kind of arguments about a certain islam which is displayed by mainstream le islam which united these people and den un, their connection lose or not. You have the connection with the islamic Islamic State in which now or mozambique is, is considered a province. So this is dan du melting pot that probably have put the old is speech belie united and fighting together. So yes, there are lots of factors that explain whats going on in cub delgado, but no, i dont see that a good Natural Resources and exploration of Natural Resources are the main causes because you, we are Natural Resources. He nod parts of mozambique and we do not have any harm in calling see neither parts of the country. Oh, that is Fernando Lima speaking to was from a puerto. Thank you very much indeed for your time. And we briefly touched on how much of mozambique is rich in Natural Resources cover. Delgado has huge gas and gold reserves, and also the biggest ruby mine in the world. Get up is edge increase, visited the mine in the northern ton of one to pledge to see if the countrys wealth and revenue is reaching the people who need it. The ruby minus on heightened alert the text by insurgents are getting closer and the violence is only one of the problems facing the security team. Live. The worst is often do this because these are just going from every day up to 200 people illegally enter the open cast mine hoping to share in the regions mineral wealth using simple tools, they dig tunnels up to 15 meters deep. The mine uses drone pilots. To track the legal mining, coordinating with the security team, lower range rover for him to grow. Keep going for and ok here. Stop here could be a this time only one of the men this courts. Hell go straight to jail and could face the sentence of up to 5. Yes, i didnt. One please. I have a 4 year old daughter and why . And again, when you feel sorry for these guys, because if you look at the, if you look at the area they move in, i mean yes. These are mine. Yeah. Yes. We can only accommodate so many people in terms of employment. You cant give employment for everyone. Just in this facility, so our mind were looking at about i d 1000 displaced people of from one to be as of june and july. What a, what do that people do for an income they, they get involved in this, in a village, in the middle of the minor concession. We meet a group of young men at his annual minus. They say they have no other options. None of them got a job at them, might it might movie, were suffering hair made. I human, theres no work that i have no choice again to search for rubies back on them and its not lucrative either. I just came back from digging 10 shafts and i found nothing there and i, you know, but still if they hunt us down and arrest us at the most, even if we dont have anything for them. The Company Shows off. Its social projects, farms, mo, by the Health Clinics and schools. But above all, its pace. Plenty of texas says, mind manager, claudio snuggle nema upwards of 25 percent of our gross revenues, have been to the good paid to the government in terms ofa, production taxes, and re altis, and tell them that thats a significant amount of money. But how much of that reaches the people here . A government representative and the region shows as a list of projects and asks for patience. And then push out that i want to wait in the past. This district doesnt like it is to day. We didnt have the Health Facilities that we have now in the villages around the mine, there are classrooms of the School Children that is growth happening. But i dont believe any one expects us to become rich overnight with all these resources. Are you going towards this evolution no more, no more. The product again was really good, but there isnt much time left for the regions poorest to get some benefit from the gemstone. Welf, in as little as 10 years, the ruby reserves here could be exhausted poverty. And the lack of prospects up lane to see some who dont try to get their hands on. Rubies rely on catching rodents to feed their families. Ah, lou ill watching d. W news africa still to come. As nigerians prepare for next years president ial election, we look at a 3rd Party Candidate thats appealing to be at the countrys top choice. And girls learn the art of, nailing a landing and finding their balance to skateboarding and if you yeah, but 1st to uganda where Health Workers are raising to contain an outbreak of the bona virus. The strain originated insur done in 1976. There are growing fears, the virus could spread across east africa. It has no approved vaccine or drug treatment and has reportedly mutated d w julius mc gamble has the story from central uganda where this outbreak began. The greasy steel ro, formally course him, bill. If you weeks ago, he lost his 12 year old son to what he suspected was malaria. And when his wife fell, it day later, he assumed it was a mothers depression, caused by her very ferment. But at the hospital, she was diagnosed with the bowler. And immediately isolated every as ass ingler as she left in the ambulance gone by you because she cried for her children. Arguing that this was the last time simple would see his wife alive. It aberration in the Isolation Center was the 1st to call. It was around mid town on saturday when he informed us that she had breathed her last week on the news of the killer disease has shut the residence of my due to after losing me buzz to abolla. Many people here and now living in fear that the deadly virus may have spread to your families. Some are already being monitored by health teams because they are contexts of confirmed cases. And as the health white as continue their chicks, is also growing awareness of the 3 among the villages. Every day they are coming to press the contacts under we are, we are happy that the contacts today between 10 to the one days have elapsed. None has been conducted a disease, but you will always say again, fearing may have other contacts again at a nearby hospital staffer undergoing refresher training. Some at demanding additional pay searing the risks div hudden use of health work as of died from a bola after treating an infected patient. These are the teams of people walking fast. On some of this bush and dead, mysterious annual leave for the typical the typical velocity within that whole team, which was an effective claim similar to this in less than a month. It has sprayed from this village. We are. The virus was 1st detected to places as far as 200 kilometers a week. But the government claims that the outbreak is under control. Unlike in previous outbreaks, this tame samples are analyzed on site. We for, we used to send our samples either to south africa or sometimes to the us or europe. So it was taking a week or more you can imagine to and as your weighty people are getting infected. This was the case in your vendors for previous a bullet out bricks defrost in 2000 was the deadliest. It claimed more than 200. 00 lives. This time you get is dealing with a strain of the virus that spreads more slowly. As health teams from of contaminated material from samples home, those left behind will be hope in their beloved is the last case. Now in nigeria, where campaigning for the president ial election in february is now underway as a prime candidate, as making waves in his effort to unseat the old god. Peter o. B. A former state governor is marked to change nigerian Political Landscape with promises of reform. He is spearheading a movement, his supporters, the calling the obedience he dudleys flourish, took her reports are due garb. I barbara sheets, pastor anthony are back blue is preaching a different message to day. He salmon is about peter b, one of the candidates in nigeria as upcoming president ial elections. He says hes desperate for change in man, jerry. Those. Oh a lot. The im on the road. Hes a lot. All of the speed right now. Everything the housing with were for the mileage is bud. Marianna, what are the sources . A little bit of money . Oh no, good. Our time for sure. You give the hoodie nigeria run hopefully for me on the car for a change is echoed among millions of young people and his drive, you suppose for peter will be across the country. He supports bass is so strong that it has been termed inflamed. Lower, we are read as more men started with the young people who here in nigeria, i describe as we cocoanut had generation. They are strong willed, independent minded, and contemptuous aboard. Our policy shows swapped on nothing for them. We do use were granted by the, by the technician to go to with dr. Morgan in another 40. 00. Theres a new group on it off for years and but even like under the job that on psychiatry afford it. Well, we need right now, many believe that youll be Dance Movement is generation of the and south protests of 2020. When thousands of young people took to the streets, demanding an end to the south police units. It was notorious for assaulting extorting and killing innocent people, just like answers for your b Dance Movement is decentralized, Community Funded and has no clear meta. Its organized by multiple small groups who have the singular goal of on seen the establishment using or b as the channel to air, their hopes and anger. Theyve been campaigning online and warden peace walks across different parts of nigeria. This niger, i use mark, you know, segment out of the long run that are those who are born, we are and it to walk. So we feel like that are written down on a long. I wanna that dont go under the r dondo. I was born google the barrier about not i was on that day. So that was the real dr. Critique see obese. Following is only an Internet Movement that will not translate to votes in 2023. What is clear, he saw what has now transcended beyond social media. We feel be Dance Movement on the rice. Many believe the aud political guard could be in the 1st surprise. Oh, i spoke to a g, o coral. She is a journalist and political analysts spaced in lagos, and i asked her if peter or be, has gone it a nationwide appeal in nigeria. There is a political move, a false, a nigerian likeness and before because what we see from the statistics you seem very media savvy, social savvy technologies, the young niger and cross destructor. Really driving the conversation, but you know, its a different conversation to some extent. I wouldnt be judge of that, but i would say based on what we see on the futures, we are getting around the conversation or speaking in the, in additional languages. What is going to be promising to do differently . Because some would wonder, is it really about him as a candidate or as a person that is reaching that level of appeal . Or is it his Campaign Policies . Maybe one actually modeled when he speaks, there is no doubt when he throws out the numbers and say what he, you know, what he used to do. The conversation was easy framework in terms of the policy that he wants to drive is about understanding that one. There is no doubt that these dynamics might change the nigerian a higher than ever. Weve seen it continues back to back movement, self funded volunteers in politics. Like i said before, in my job by go be on the bottom conversation with the also you know, why its time for us to speak to were seeing that happening. But when it comes to engaging in terms of a conversation where he can actually she thought what he really wants to do, we get to have that now young girls are taking to the skate park in ethiopia. Capital, the female only skateboarding group brings together girls from different backgrounds to build a community and break gender. Stereotypes organize is hoping the new sport will benefit the girls physically and mentally, and encourage more to join every saturday. The state is meet to learn new tricks. How to nail a landing, how to find that balance and how to push back against gender stereotypes. When it, when you being a woman or a girl, its very hard even to kid around the girl, the boys. Its kind of really hard because people things like she does to help their parents or the house. The all female greek was founded by sustina sheila, 3 years ago after she broke away from the nonprofit, ethiopia escaped. Since then it is too old and a 150. 00 girls to skate. Its not really carlin, for a girl to start skating. And because people dont support you, but somebody had to be there for some group, had to start and we were the 1st one. And i feel honored to being part of that in a country grappling with an ongoing civil war. Opportunities for young people can be scarce. Sheila and her co founder mickey asked for hope that they can provide a positive outlet to pen top, frustrations for the girls need more attention on different type of extreme sport. So thats why the project is important for us. So there are a lot of girls in the streets with no jobs. And lot of girls who needs more activities to be busy on than spending their time in. That area is doing bad things. So we give them time here to teach them how to skateboard, it helps me to defeat my peers. And you do not give her anything about what we perceive only about me being a girl and doing such stuff, which is not something normal for it versus i feel like, oh, i just enjoy it. Its its, it makes me happy even do this. I can explain it in this pocket of capital addis ababa. The girls are very much on board with claiming their place on the ramps. Thats it for now. Im really mohammed from me and the entire team. Thanks for watching with with ah, with with eco india. Theyre not only a popular delicacy, they also play a key move in ecosystem gilbert. In the rama, not up for our district. More and more poachers are going after them. Forced range officers are doing their best to protect eco india. In 30 minutes on d, w. O goal with this issue. When i arrived here, i slept with a single people in a room. 9th and it was hard. I wish fear. I even got white hair. Is that with learning the gym and language head . Yeah, a lot. This kids to me and craig opportunity to interact with you want to know their story, my grants verifying and reliable information for my grants. How did she become adult hitler favorite director . And the how did he become a forgotten film pioneer . Leaning he finished, i ended on old fun. In 1932, they set out into the icy wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening film project that became a major milestone in their life. Ice cold passion starts october 8th on d. W. Ah ah. Ah. Ah all we can be the generation ends it foot. Malaria must die. I millions can live ah, this is dw news, these are our top stories, 3 champions, a civil rights share. This years Nobel Peace Prize tailed bell overseen rights activists. Alice velocity, russias memorial organization, an Ukraine Center for civil liberties. The judges hailed them as unwavering defenders of human rights in europe. They also called for viola gisela release that on

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