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The river law has all but vanished as an intense heat, waves fortress europe. With devastating effects for the regency, common class from the big staged to the parade ground. Well, south koreas military Service Policy force, cake hall brew bts, to pause their careers and swapped microphones for rifles. Ah, im gabelle as welcome to the program. Ukrainian Authorities Say russian shelling has killed at least 2 people in ukraines 2nd largest city hub cliff where an Apartment Building was hit on thursday morning cock if in northeastern ukraine has been subjected to continued russian strikes since the start of the war on wednesday night. And wednesday, night shelling in the cities felt if ca neighbourhood left 7 people dead and more than a dozen wounded. Now his rushes, shelley continues ukraines president. Zalinski is in the v f to meet with un secretary general, the cherish and turkish president. Our one theyll be discussing possibilities for a diplomatic solution to end the war for more on that, im not joined by g. W, chris bonham, but he has billing on levine 20 w julia han is in is sample materials start with you. Whats going to happen in living today . Whats on the agenda that so there are meetings between ad on and zalinski and also gutierrez to a general secretary of the un. And the general secretary is then going to odessa southern town, where the ports are, where the green exports are happening and add on will return to turkey. That you do a turkey plays a Critical Role as a mediator in this war advanced strategy today for these talks . Well, i think its important to mention that this is actually the turkish president s 1st visit to ukraine. Since russia invaded the country in february, so he will hold his 1st face to face talks with his ukranian counterpart loading mir lensky today. Many or some have been saying that its about time for everyone to finally visit ukraine, because he has already met with the russian lead of loading the, putting a twice in recent months. Now we know that turkey is a nato member, but add one is also performing a delicate balancing act between the 2 sides where he supports ukraine. He has provided the country with modern combat drones, but hes also carefully trying not to jeopardize his relations with the kremlin. Turkey has not joined western sanctions against moscow. Add on himself says this is actually an advantage. It boosts his role as a mediator in this war because hes the only leader who can talk to both sides. And thats why he has been pushing for further steps to be taken into the direction of a diplomatic solution of peace talks. But i should also mention that in western capitals there in many are increasingly alarmed add add ones, deepening ties with put in. So i think many eyes are going to be on these meetings today in levine, but he has my vote, you crew, nor russia seem to be ready for a for a piece deal right now. Is a diplomatic solution. Are realistic at all. I dont think thats what were talking about right now. A diplomatic solution would be possible if one of the sides would not see any chance of gaining more ground or if one of the sides would see themselves in a position to really get through. Was there, major demands . These demands are, of course, incompatible. Russia is basically demanding a capitulation of ukraine, demanding a say in the future of the country, plus keeping these territories that they are now occupying. Ukraine is, of course, not ready to give away these territories. And i think no matter how much pressure there would be on a president of ukraine to compromise on territorial integrity. I think it would be very difficult in this country to, to, to get such a deal. So people here are really opposed to that. And they see it, they see the goal for russia to leave ukraine alone and to remove their troops from ukrainian so. So these 2 things are incompatible. I could imagine that these talks are rather the, a pass to opening more, but more diplomatic channels to resolve some a specific issues. Like, for example, the situation around the atomic, the Nuclear Plant in the upper regia, which is getting more and more delicate, which is getting more and more dangerous. At the you mentioned earlier that the grain deal, the agreement to enable grain shipments from ukrainian ports. That was a big diplomatic set. Success both would be un and for, for, for add a want is that deal holding was definitely gonna be on the agenda today. A main topic. Its been nearly a month now since that deal has been signed by russia and ukraine. Here in a symbol, its been hailed as a success by turkey and the United Nations who have broken the agreement and it is in fact, the 1st major agreement reached in this war mathias just mentioned how difficult it is to take further steps for diplomatic effort. Now we have some figures actually there from the United Nations, and according to that, some 560000 metric tons of grain and other Agricultural Products have been shipped out of ukraine in the past 2 weeks. Or 2 will markets on 21. 00 authorized vessels. Now ukraine has a huge interest in speeding up this whole process to be able to export even more grain in the weeks to come. And i think this is going to be part of the message that were gonna hear in olivia today from mr. Quoterush, mr. Edwin and mr. Lensky, that this steel, how no matter how complicated and tricky it is, it is actually working. And it might have created, in the most hopeful case, some momentum for further efforts in steps. So to be taken a diplomatic efforts to a political solution in this war. Hahn in istanbul mathias billing or elevation. Thank you both very much. Lets go to up to speed on some of the other stories making headlines to that. At least some people have been killed and dozens wounded in a bumble lost her. The mosque enough gone south capital cobbled, utah took place during evening prayers when the most was proud with worshippers. Taiwan air force has showcase some of its most powerful anti aircraft weapons saying it was ready to defend itself. This comes as china carries owls, military exercises around the democratically govern island. China claims taiwan as its territory and has never renounced the use of force to bring it back under its control. Thousands of protesters descended on the streets of when is iris to demand government relief for a cost of living crisis. Argentina is battling one of the worlds highest annual inflation rates of around 70 percent, and nearly half of its population lives and poverty. Demonstrators are holding for wage heights and more social spending. Human remains have been discovered in a lake near las vegas as a result of receding water levels. Authorities say this is the 5th set of skeletal remains found in the lake made reservoir, which is shrinking due to unprecedented drought. In the western united states, the la valet in france is the unesco World Heritage site, attracting visitors from all over the world. But this year, even its flat, bottom barges cant ferry tourists around you to extremely low water levels where the flow is at less than a 20th of average. Annual levels. De la river in france is famous for the historical castles dotted along its banks. Its also famously a shallow river, but with water levels at near record lows. Even the locals are shocked. It was some, at least it makes me sad, a mouthpiece because it makes me sad because i grew up in the village. Emily and i had never seen the river like this toy dog. We used to go to the water holes over there with the children and fish, because the water wasnt too high or lunatic back i should have met no one yet. Now theres just algy and frogs laughed detail. Good, d conroy. The reduction in water has been disastrous for much of the areas ecosystem. Many islands i now connected to the shore, cutting off various waterways. Fish have been robbed of the space they need to survive and reduced to living and ponds. Scientists say the current low water level is something of a wider wake up call. It changed no, dont even under it at the low water level this year is quite exceptional. Its due to a major deficit and rainfall that began last winter g. Its led to many small tributaries of the law to dry up or not. Its just your yeah. Degree more with france currently facing severe droughts and several regions in torrential rain and flooding and others. Many experts are calling for a rethink when it comes to the use of essential natural resources. Monkey magic it on Climate Change is underway and its undeniable and it must encourage us to reflect on our rules for sharing water resources. We must understand that were all affected and 70 and with extreme weather events only set to increase in the future. The issue is not going away any time soon. Thou should celebrities get special treatment from their governments like the members of the well famous k pop group of bts arguably some of south koreas greatest cultural ambassadors these days. The east asian nation mandates 2 years of military service for young men. So the boy band could soon find itself rehearsing parade drills, instead of funky dance moves, bundled with alena, a parliamentary debate, insole on a key matter of national defense. A policy issue close to the hearts of pop fans in south korea beyond if k pop boy ban bts are required to do their military service. Will they be confined to barracks and disappear from view . Well, as a chance, it might not happen. What are the youth about him . Hell even if they join the military, knew there be a way to give them a chance to practice and perform together if theyre scheduled concerts abroad in a bundle with good news for the fans. All young, physically fit south korean man must do 21 months of military service. A legacy of the korean war which ended nearly 7 decades ago. Technically south or north korea signed an armistice, but never a peace treaty. The Korean Peninsula remains heavily militarized. The idea of the pop stars, a soldier has a long history and popular culture. When u. S. Rocknroll legend, Elvis Presley entered the army in 1958. The day became known as black monday. But the king of rocknroll service did much to boost the Public Perception of the military. Bts could even benefit from taking up arms. South koreans who do their military service are very popular. People, highly value are to serving in the military. This may boost their popularity completely upon in 2011 south koreas modern day, elvis counterpart reign made a public display of his loyalty when he was forced to join a 29 dodging the draft certainly doesnt go down well with the public. Meanwhile there are special rules for sport stars. Tottenham hotspur, footballer, son young men was exempted from service because he won a medal at the asian games. But he still had to complete 3 weeks basic training which he did in 2020. During the english premier leagues enforced asia during the covert, pandemic lockdown with b t. S. The issue is coming to a head. The oldest member of the band gin is turning 30 in december. This year legal revisions and 2019 allowed globally recognized k pop stars. To put off their service until 30 dot said the rigors of military life might prove a challenge for b t. S. In june, the 7 member band and as the break from Group Musical activities to pursue solo projects, pleading exhaustion. Now before i let you go paddle boarding as an increasingly popular way to exercise and get in touch with nature at the same time, but sometimes well Mother Nature can come a bit too close for comfort as to paddlers. In argentina found after the 1st of monta or mo, so they were suddenly surrounded by about a dozen whales which van right up to them. While the men even received the marine version of a friend, a little fist bond may be the whale was a bit over enthusiastic here, but not about us. Valenti villanueva and giggles should say, the unexpected encounter was fighting and unforgettable. Youre watching the w news. Heres a reminder of the top story were following for you. This are ukrainian Authorities Say russian selling has killed at least 7 people in ukraine, 2nd largest city hobbies the Regional Governor said at least 16 people were injured. And the attack on the suburb of salty cup ukrainian president followed him as a lensky cold. Its a cynical strike on the civic that said from me and the new steam youre off to dates. Dont go away. Up next doc film look said, ill people across the world on coping with decreasing water supply, gas office for me on the team. Munich, 15 years ago, the International Gathering of peace and cooperation becomes the scene of a horrible tragedy. Arab terrors, armed with sub machine guns, went to the headquarters on the israeli team and immediately killed

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