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Out, corresponded, travels to west, in canyon. They people fear old ethnic conflicts may flare up against a fire rip through a coffee off bulbs, church in egypt, killing dozens of worshippers. The blades adds to the trauma of the already believe, get religious minority and in the buddhist legal bi. Unbeatable spoke. After more magic from jamal with the other goals and highlights from that game to coming up ah, im big was all and welcome to day marks one year since the taliban regained control of cobble. As the last american and nato forces left the country 12 months ago, thousands trying to get out of the capital as the taliban closed in. Some made it to the airport, trying to board any plane that would take them. The taliban takeover came out the months of rapid territorial gains that caught the Afghan Government and its waste and allied by surprise. Since then, theyve presided over an economy in free fall. This is fueled one of the worlds worst. She military and disasters. As d w s entropy to spawn, found out a warning, the 1st images in this report are disturbing. Ah, this is chassis at b, b. O. And she was born just before the taliban returned to power. Shall he has strep between 2 curses that challenged the best efforts of doctors hearing, cobble with trying to help her. Oh, you see a 1000000 jamita, why she is suffering from both severe pneumonia and severe malnutrition. Her pneumonia has actually caused her malnutrition, not slightly maloof to that model, that essentially are lower. See that i think as i for them, the prognosis of children like her with severe malnutrition is not very good as their growth development. And intelligence may be affected. List of those on the home. That was a problem. Shes yes, mother did not want to be filmed, but she told us she has 8 children and is pregnant with her 9th. There is never enough food at home, she said, and no money for medicine. Half of afghanistans people are experiencing acute foot insecurity, thats 20000000. 00 people who are so hungry, their lives are at risk as we drive to cobble it. Facts and figures become faces. This is one of the wet food Program Centers in the east of the city flooded. I got a project manager of a local 8 organization is in charge here. The worst part of the job choosing who should get supplies. It is exactly very difficult for as how to choose the right person over the air. Many of them, they are hungry. Many of them they are in need. Many of them, even they are running after, as when we are giving the verification in selection. But to we cannot do all we can not provide food for all those he picks get 50 k g of wheat, just over 6 k g of lentils, and 5 liters of cooking oil. There are also packets of peanut butter, paste for children, and special nutrition for pregnant women. It supposed to feed a family for 3 months, it hardly ever does. O. S. The sky starts to darken over kabul. If we visit a bakery in the north, people with money by fresh bread for dinner, sometimes they buy extra for the desperate women who sit outside hoping for charity. Many of them are widows. Many have walked for more than an hour to get here. We act and on as we amy, they are forced to beg. Why else would we sit here all day together says that i be in vision vill yak, thought that the lake, i take the bread home and i eat it with my children. But its not enough to fill our stomachs. I divide the bread and pieces and give it to my children so that none of them dies see me, but our stomachs are never full because of all on monday me money, money theater, make money, bakery own i am your dell. Half marty has registered around 1000 women for the bread donations. Only though is with a car to get a loaf. Its his way to try to help, but also to keep the situation under control in of, of what that additional cut them to china again. So say i started this project out of a strong sense of patriotism because our people are jobless, part of the International Community has stopped their assistant for us and we are forced to fight for our people. Im for ireland to know what that a, my, them all the said a haughty mamma, what m a, what a 2nd it africans are not only victims of massive 8 cutbacks, but also of the sanctions against their fundamentalists, rulers, billions of dollars of National Assets held abroad a frozen st markets continue, but the wider economy is collapsing and the taliban have no experience of serving millions of desperate people in crisis. Not a single country has recognized there is him. This career status is costing afghans dearly. Their report by his young, repeat his money cobble. I asked her, whats the way out of this di, situation that as the seem to be an easy way out, the trajectory is actually that the situation is getting more dire. Because right now, the International Community, namely the United Nations, up providing essential food items to about half the population, 20000000 people. And they will have to continue to do that because the economy around us, despite the fact that there are still local markets and the way the economy is collapsing and increasing number of people is job less. We met a lot of people who are really very keen to leave the country, many fear and the economic down for much more than their security situation. And i myself personally and wondering for how long the International Community will be able to keep up this Huge International humanitarian effort. When you have a look around the work because there are other crisis ongoing as well and of galveston might be one of those forgotten prices. Are in the time to come. And another issue there is this clamped down on womens rights. What sort of pushback has there been i mean, if you speak to women here yesterday, for instance, i spent the entire day with a young woman who used to be a top shot. She used to be a university student. She used to work in the president ial palace and now she describes herself as her prisoner at home. She taught us that under this regime, she doesnt want to continue her studies because of the curriculum changes and also because she simply cant afford to pay the private university that she was studying at. And if you look at the larger picture, you have a lot of women who are just scared to voice their true feelings to voice their descent. We were witness of a small demonstration on saturday. About 40 women assembled and the front of the ministry of education demanding their right to work their right to freedom, their right to food. And then what happened is the authority see a let them much on for about 500 meters and then they start hiring light shots. And that life shut situation lasted for about 30 seconds. The women were dispersed and also a lot of journalists were arrested at the scene because they were bearing witness to this. How were the taliban marking todays anniversaries entre so far, its a very calm and quiet day. They have declared to day a national holiday, so the streets are really come yearly. Com. I would say not a lot of traffic going on here. There is supposed to be Something Like an official ceremony at 2 pm local time, where we expect some speeches and maybe some prayer that is supposed to happen at the national tv hall. Whether or not there will be Something Like a parade going on, or any other festivities in the streets remains to be seen. But one must say, there are also a lot of security concerns because the last 14 days, in particular. So quite a few blasts and saw a lot of rick tims, especially in the western part of town where the shia has our, our community lives. And there are security concerns for today because its the taliban are basically the rulers of this country. But there is still opposition to them from the National Freedom flight and also from the Islamic State here in afghanistan. And suppose it easiest. Limbic state has got some c, purcells hearing cobbled, sandra peters, man, thank you very much for your reporting. Mary. Ellen mcgraw. The leads the world food programs efforts in afghanistan. She, toby, would International Aid organizations need to do. I mean it, we need to keep up the safer just as long as its as it is required. And alongside that we need solutions that bring us off the comanche or the manager in peak. We need to stand by the people of afghanistan to day unto morrow. Whether in an absolutely dire situation. 8 organizations have been worried about the misuse of contributions by the taliban. How are you dealing with that . Yeah, i mean we, we, we have an Extensive Network across, across the country. We work with local partners, we work with local communities. We have over 700 monitors across the country. And we are very strict rules in terms of where our distributions are delivered, like no distribution without monitoring and no assistance without an assessment on the and, and these are processes that we have developed over the year. A reporter also told us the situation is only going to get worse from where youre sitting. How. How would you analyze the situation now . Yeah, i mean, i think its, its, it, you, it, were not seeing the signs up. We need to see for recovery. The harvest this year was not as good as we hoped because you still have in some areas back to my throat and the economic crisis continues and then the situation continues to deteriorate. And the longer in economic crisis goes on, you know, what, the worse its getting for the people peoples, you know, were facing into another winter. And this is the 2nd winter. The capacity and the reserves of households are completely exhausted. And many, many households have just untenable levels of debt. The wilford programs, marilyn mc grody, theyre on the di situation in afghanistan, one year on, under the taliban rule. Thank you. Kenyas electoral commissioners, putting william brutal way ahead of his may rival by their dingo, in the race to become next. President officials of counter votes from almost all constituencies. The elections been largely peaceful violence followed the 2007 vote over a 1000 people died. D w, mario miller went to a guy in western kenya, where old ethnic conflicts could be flaring up again. Kenya is on tenterhooks for days, the country has held its collective breath waiting for the official result. But his attention rose. So does the fear of violence, especially he an elder at the stronghold of william, brutal so far it has remained largely peaceful. Unlike in the village of chic, iea, an hours drive from hell, durant here many are packing their belongings. Dozens of people are fleeing their homes. Theyre there to get a gold coins. Im afraid to be here because i dont feel safe at this hour, no doubt because of the tension and we dont know what will happen next and always in order. We still have crops, potatoes, and ms. No garner my life was, was so much more. You. 3 houses have been burned down since election day set on fire by unknown culprits. Credentials house was among them. He doesnt want to be recognized for fear of reprisal them. But they tried to break in, but couldnt. They told me you will die like your father died in 2007 murder. Then they torched the house. Thats what they said. If you dont vote for router, you have to leave your homes and go back to where you came from. Wouldnt william router belongs to the collision ethnic group which forms the majority here. The perpetrators also smoke al engine. Credenza says his family is geek who you. I, minority in this region. There has long been rivalry between the 2 groups in the village, mainly over land conflicts usually flare up during election season. Karens as brother is packing up in a hurry to leave the village. Those who remain have armed themselves for 7 while he agreed walk article, but in 2007. And this is how it started. They started burning houses on one of our little girl in one family, 7 people were killed. In the end of 11 people died in total, even my father. Following the 2007 election Ethnic Violence killed more than 1000 people. The authority is preferred to keep quiet about the incidents and check iea as they fear. Unrest could spread, but they have sent dozens of Security Forces to the village. Second visit. We do it as a government that the thing for ya is actually lena lewis and liver to cover mental use all over the source of the cycle available to, to try to actually avoid the attacks. Most challenging people dont want to speak to us except for these 2. They feel their unfairly blamed as, as i think you come on the one we dont know of the collision doing these things are just criminals. We dont really know because nothing has been investigated. Can you re Election Results expected in the coming days . This time around every one hopes that the violence in check i will remain the exception. I spoke to t ws, felix banga in nairobi and asked him why there is still no official result. 6 days after the vote. Good morning. So the election process in kenya is very complex. So it involves people casting votes and Pulling Center and whats being counted or physically a form that you for a being filled at or Pulling Center for which now translates to the constituency telling center where the form that he for b is our field. And its taken physically to the National Telling center. So even if youre in the far flung areas of the country, you have to come and bring there from that the for be physically to the national, telling center, which is now used to are by the National Telling sense such as possible to tally the to tell you all the results and fill them in their form that you foresee. And that is what is used to declare the final a president ial election. And whoever gets no majority of the boards, 50 plus one is elected, but also are the potty agents of the different Political Parties have been coursing cares at the national Pulling Center and the chairperson for the a. B. C. Well, for legible. Katie actually called them out this week seeing that because of their cures and everything that was happening at their national calling center. In fact, police had to be called in at some point to quiet or they undressed. And that is what has been making the delay. But as we speak, the National Telling center or is, is relatively empty as their whole verification process is done. So its just a matter of time before we know who the president elect is. Will at the moment william brutal has taken a slight lead over run our ding of 51 percent against 48 percent. Thatd be enough to win. Absolutely, it will be enough to win, but theyre fine. All calls will be made by their chairperson for the night for their independent independent electoral boundaries commission. So until the chairperson has pronounced himself on the result, then they remain provisional results. But Something Else that needs to be noted is that relo dba, the leader for the as a mere one can or coalition has a majority in parliament or the or the other elective seats. Hes parliamentarians will be the majority. But also on the other hand, william router of kenner kwanza, a land has bugged himself, a majority in the Senate Assembly and also has a majority of the governors in the country as we speak. So there 2 of them seem to be dividing the house in the parliament and the senate equally, and now are william root has an edge when it comes to the number of governors or county governors that will be under his collision. So yes, its just a matter of time trouble. Katie is expected to probably, or possibly declare the final president ial results at this afternoon. A ship carrying grain for ethiopia has settled from ukraine. Its the 1st ukranian famine relief congo bound for africa. Since the start of the walk, 16 ships carrying grain have had safe passage so far through the black sea under a deal drawn up by the United Nations and turkey. Dw mathias pulling a report cell from usa on the black sea. Loading 23000 tons of grain. This ship, the brave commander, arrived at the port of p. Den 2 days ago. The goggles destination is it feel peer. The you ns world food program, ordered the shipment, the 1st humanitarian who date shipment leaving ukraine since the beginning of the war. We trust that this is just the beginning of many ships that will be leaving. Am to provide hope and food to people across the globe has been 3 weeks since the great deal was closed, allowing ships that were stuck in the ports since february to leave. 16 ships that have been sitting in the port have already left. Now its empty ships coming in being stocked here and leaving the ports like this one. The route goes through a see that not only sees fighting but is also heavily mine ships have to follow a fixed road that both sides have agreed to the mine. However at the moment it is unclear how many owners are ready to send their ships on this route. Much depends on the success of missions like the brave commanders we bring him. Im sure the much a lot of what you we understand the scheme is working and freight prices have started falling a little. But of course, insurance remains expensive. After all, the ships that are sent into ukrainian pause are still sailing into a war zone. What did your turn your, where you law, the goal is to have 5 ships a day coming in and out of ukrainian ports. But that remains some way off. In more news, ukrainian, president lamesa landscape says russian citizens who do not speak out against vladimir putin. A complicit in the invasion of ukraine went down. The accusation comes, as keith pushes for the European Union to band or travel in the you buying fashion, tourists or officials evacuated over 1500 people from aragon in northern spain. On sunday of the wildfires devastated large areas of land more than 300 Fire Fighters tackle the place caused by soaring temperatures and dry conditions. Spain has seen almost 400 y 5 this year. The death toll in an explosion in armine as capital yerevan has risen to 5 last happened at a fireworks warehouse in a market area, leaving many shoppers trapped in rabble. Explosions would still be heard as Emergency Services searched for survivors. Japan has marked 77 years since the end of the 2nd world war in the capital. Tokyo Prime Minister who built the cedar, renewed japans pledge to never wage. Another war following a president set by late former leaders in the lobby. There was no mention of Japanese Aggression in asia during the war. Egypt chief prosecutor has ordered an investigation into a fire. They killed more than 40 people at a copy of Christian Church on sunday. Authority say an electrical force started the blazing visa relatives of some of those killed the rescue services arrived at the scene to light egypt. Christians have long complained of discrimination by the nations muslim majority. Ah, thousands of Compton Christians were attending sunday mass here. When the tragedy unfolded, the abilene say, same church is located in a densely populated neighborhood of egypt, 2nd largest city, visa, eye witnesses say the blaze blocked, exit, and trigger dist unpaid. Many worshippers were trapped inside the style a thought. Some people threw themselves out of windows, so what are viscous . Didnt it wet man hid it . Jumping from a window. Now recent hospital with a broken back, ill look in with little more of that ill bottle before you. The full Story Building also housed a nursery with the doctor. There was a Day Care Center on 2 floors, a lot of church work. I managed to rescue the kids downstairs. He didnt know their way more upstairs than the noise and yelling started to bubble up when we finally got upstairs. We found people damn it, look a shout back all over. Not very terrible. I saw them bringing that people from the upper floor that from suffocation, including children. We didnt know how to get to them. I know we cant even tell who sons or daughters they are. How can Something Like this happened . Egypt interior ministries, as the blaze was caused by an electrical fault in an air conditioning unit. The Prime Minister and other officials visited the scene. They promised funds to help restore the building. And they visited survivors in hospital or not, hopefully in the coming hours. Those was condition has stabilized and it will be discharged. Safety regulations are poorly enforced in egypt, and this is one of the worst fire tragedies in years. The United Nations human rights commissioner is in bangladesh to assess the plight of millie. A 1000000 bro. Hinder. We shall bachelor or visit the squalid camps where the refugees are living after being forced out of their homes in me and not. This small house is home to some a bag home and a family of 12. There are hingis fled myanmar and found shelter in coxs bazaar in the Worlds Largest refugee camp for more when we came to bangladesh because we were persecuted here, at least we have a roof over our heads. Im thankful for that. My family is here too, and they even give us food about all the u. N. Human rights. Commissioner Michelle Marshall act is on a 4 day fact finding mission. Shes focusing on the face of the over 1000000 ringer have been forced to flee their native, myanmar in the Muslim Minority have been persecuted there since the 1970s. Many rights organizations call their treatment genocide. Hundreds of ro hang a villages have been destroyed. The inhabitants murdered. Hundreds of persons have fled to neighboring bangladesh where they live in camps close to the border. The authorities are planning to settle, many of them under a mouse island. Some observers say there a hanger are the most persecuted, and least respected minority in the world. Is not a condition that any human being should have. I mean, it is a growth and the man must state, as violet did not only international law, they have committed a genocide to lydia. Santa begum, like many ringer, still hopes when they soon should be able to go home or sell by munich, have continued their strong start to the buddhist legacies and with a 2. No. When over both spoke the defending champs, the top of the table, and its becoming clear, they have a genuine teen star on their hats is a look at the match by and fans were in fine voice for their 1st home game of the season. They welcome back form a coach, niko coven, whos now in charge of osburg. And the visitors started in promising fashion. Patrick them are almost forcing an own goal from boyens, alphonse, or davies. The host true 1st blood though jamal marcial, a knitting a brilliant individual effort in the 33rd minutes. The Germany International showing great perseverance and skill for his 3rd goal of the campaign. 10 minutes later on the stroke of half time, it was to nil. Joshua kimmie shooting from range. Thomas miller, with the decisive touch the comfortable wind turbine after a goal of 2nd period, they couldnt have asked for a better start to the season. And a reminder of the top story by following foil the taliban market. First anniversary of their return to power in afghanistan with the national holiday. It follows the turbulent year that sold womens rights crushed at a humanitarian crisis. Was it a back down magazine sports life . Take a look at the limbic discipline of breakdancing with with who are driven by the merciless korean others pushing the destruction leaders came to present with the government is trying to destroy the Indigenous People with the land grabbers or exploiting the amazon rain forest. Indigenous peoples are now housing them, the heart of brazil in 45 minutes on d. W. O is a journey across the entire continent with a variety of cars. So with this, so all the focus, the movers shake is visionaries and majors when bonnie, the meaning of modern africa. This is an egg on d, w, and were interested in the global economy, our portfolio d, w business beyond. Heres a closer look at the project. Our mission to analyze the fight for market dominance, east versus west given head with the w business beyond ah, with depending on what makes breaking special is the range of options you have. You can totally be or sell

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