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Government for failing to tackle air pollution as toxic smaug in the capital reaches record levels and with just a year to go before the next president ial election in the us d w visits a town in rural wisconsin where voters always choose the end of it so what are the locals predicting this town and 30 years since the fall of the berlin wall the german capital a week of festivities commemorating the events that led to german reunification and the collapse of the soviet be. Good to have you with us we begin tonight with a question what will the future of transportation in germany look like and its a question thats being asked as the head. Germanys all the mode of industry meet with politicians here in berlin to discuss key issues that are transforming the sector including electric vehicles and all thomas driving the car summit comes as europes top car maker volkswagen begins production of its mass market 3 electric vehicle industry and government alike hope to make electric mobility mainstream and bring germany closer to achieving its climate goal its. Here comes the car volt wagon has spent 3 years getting ready for mass production. The id 3 is the companys 1st purely electric model one of the worlds top auto makers is now spending 30000000000 euros to get electric cars into the mainstream my number 10 bisht ladies and gentleman we stand before a systemic change to electric mobility it is no longer a question of whether electric mobility will become a reality but a question of how fast and which regions of the world 1st. Thats a direct challenge to german chancellor Angela Merkel or government is struggling to create enough charging stations to accommodate the 330000 id threes that v. W. Plans to produce every year the medical insists the government in berlin is doing its part given the government will be taking extraordinary measures we will invest 3500000000 euros over the next few years to expand Public Infrastructure for charging stations yet this is endemic on some. Votes wagon has spent 1200000000 euros converting its plant in to electric Vehicle Production now it falls on the government to make charging the cars as easy as filling a gas tank so that people will finally start buying them. It will be that easy to talk about that im joined here at the big table by my colleague from our business desk you know molly owens of generic that is the question isnt there are people going to buy these cars you know i was actually at the frankfurt motor show when they 1st unveiled this vehicle and they told me then that what they had tried to do was solve the problems that people had with ecar is you know that theyre too expensive and that they dont go far enough so this is a mass market model with a corresponding price tag it goes about 330 kilometers on a single charge to put that in perspective if i were to drive for 330 kilometers i would end up in prague so very few people have to do that every day but so its enough for everyday use but there is still the problem of charging infrastructure there are only 21000 charging points in germany said that it wants to walk release 20 to 22000000 cars by the next decade and its not the only player in town so to say that theres a short fall to bridge might be a bit of an understatement yeah i mean where are you going to charge all of these ecards if you have them on the road and that brings us now to the next question the infrastructure that you need here is that the biggest hurdle standing in the way of ecards taking over the road it is and its than the one correspondingly associated with the biggest promises the chancellor chancellor Angela Merkel has said she wants to see 1000000 charging stations by 2030 but there are a lot of Unanswered Questions and were not were talking about no less of it than the overhaul of private transport here so theres the question of allowing people to charge their cars at home so youll need to change building and housing regulations to do that the Energy Industry is also saying that their projections for how many charging stations on the road are a lot more modest because they dont know how much the Energy Supply could actually handle and the whole point of this is to become more environmentally friendly its supposed to help germany its climate goals but how environmentally friendly are the batteries to be even know especially around questions of mineral extraction around disposal at the end of life sort of these are all discussions that have to take place very quickly but still have a long way to go all right you know as always we appreciate your reporting thank you. For every breath we take is killing us that was the message leading environmentalist in a letter to indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today pollution in delhi reached its worst levels so far this year officials have declared a Public Health emergency shutting schools and rolling out an odd even numbered license plates seem to take cars off the road illusion levels are so high in the indian capital that theyre literally off the charts particulate matter per cubic meter is maxing out past 999 across the city and im just to put that in context anything below 25 is considered healthy air and these nasa images theyre going to show what local Officials Say is the calls red dots that represent thousands of fop stubble fires in northwestern india. Thats not fargo obscuring dillies white avenues but a fixed soup of pension exhaust industrial emissions and wood smoke even the sun struggled to burn through the murk. Much of the smoke comes from agricultural areas upwind from the city where farmers burn the stubble on their fields after the herbicides. But i think it will we cant decrease the smoke from stubble burning today because it doesnt already spread but we can at least reduce sources of pollution within the city like other cities we have to cut vehicle pollution intelli for ourselves and our children and if we do audio even rationing for the next 10 days than delhis own pollution sources will be slashed. Traffic was later than usual on monday as the odd even system took effect Motor Vehicles with number plates ending with odd numbers were banned from the roads on tuesday itll be vehicles with even numbers that stay parked but critics say its not enough. Of course its ineffective in dealing with pollution as an as an issue you know if evolution was solely due to the regular traffic then this would be a solution right now it cannot be a solution because more todays private transport has a very small shed in the hold by. Theres growing frustration at the governments failure to address the issue one group of protesters accuse the government of scapegoating farmers who live outside the city instead of taking meaningful steps in the city. Theer some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world a grenade blast has killed one injured dozens and indeed in minister kashmir it is the bloody is incident since india stripped the region of its special status back in august several Indian Paramilitary police were among the injured Vietnamese Police say they have arrested 8 more suspects in connection with the deaths of 39. 00 vietnamese citizens who were found in a refrigerated truck just outside of london last month the suspects are accused of organizing people smuggling overseas British Police have charged 2 men with manslaughter over the deaths in baghdad at least 5 people have been killed in clashes between antigovernment protesters and Security Forces dozens more were wounded when Security Forces. Used wife rounds in tear gas on protesters moving towards the fortified green zone thats where the government is headquartered more than 250. 00 people have died since antigovernment protests erupted last month. Well protesters demanding political reform in lebanon have blocked roads across the capital beirut theyre demanding an end to corruption and they are calling for the president to step down the protests have been going on for more than 2 weeks now and theyve led to the resignation of the government last week but now also quarters of the president theyve also taken to the streets. To help our allies a country they say just isnt working these protesters have little confidence in the future accusing the government of not only corruption but also incompetence. We are escalating our protests because we dont trust this corrupt government theyre negotiating with themselves we warned them that if we take to the streets we wouldnt go away we used to come and block the roads until noon and then leave this time block forever theyre there. For protesters have blocked roads across the country more than one quarter of people in lebanon live in poverty the economy has stalled and the countrys lurching from one political crisis to another. But supporters of president michel aoun are rallying around valley thousands turned out to push back against calls for him to step down they say lebanon needs him to root out and tackle the problems facing it. Plays your money in the president isnt to blame for lebanon hes not responsible for everything wrong in the country today he shouldnt step down protesters think if the president meets powers the problems will be solved on the contrary if that happens the crisis will worsen im going to go down there then its not that the president has appealed to the protesters for patience. Did not it we have put together a roadmap to deal with the 3 points. Corruption the economy and a civil state. They are not easy points to deal with. I mean madani. Put public opposition against him bridges religious and economic divides demonstrate to say no good can come to the country until the Current System of paua is overthrown. And now to the United States the president ial election believe it or not its just one year away and donald trump could be heading for a tough race and average of all the opinion polls puts trumps Approval Rating at just above 41 percent but more seriously for him almost 55 percent of americans disapprove of the job that hes doing a key question is few will trump face in the 2020 likes in most polls predict that if its former Vice President joe biden then trump has the greatest chance of losing but many polls suggest a more Progressive Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren could also have a slight edge over trump and her numbers are Getting Better all the time Richland County in wisconsin has long proven to be a reliable indicator of the election outcome since 1980 the county has always voted for the winning candidate 3 w. s correspondent all over salad went there to gauge the mood this time around feeding time for dairy farmer mark stalls and his calves like most people in Richland County stultz would have for President Trump in 2016 but twice for barack obama in the elections before this time he says the political mood is anything but clear. We tend to we tend to like trust more than most people i dont i we dont talk a whole lot about it but it can get very testy very quickly even within our family ive got to give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give give me even though you voted for trump in the last election mark stoltz cares about key democratic issues Like Health Care and Climate Change he also wants an end to the president s trade more as his farmers like him particularly hard he says so that thats hurt we dont have a good place to ship malchen way products and cheese and you know its all right on the markets got a lot of milk and cheese on it and americans are drinking less milk wisconsin lost over 600. 00 dairy farms in the last year. Richland center with its 5000 citizens is the largest town in Richland County a bellwether for the president ial election since 1980 the majority here has always voted for the winning candidate. Richland county is traditionally a republican county. Do we always vote that way you know i wouldnt vote for a i dont like him i doesnt think he i think if he keep his mouth shut they offer twitter he would be fine i think its with all the impeachment so its going to be very noisy and interesting for the next year but if i was betting today i would bet hell get elected again. At the local newspaper editor dawn key 1st says left and right wing supporters in the county are fighting for the publics attention she is often criticized for printing opinion letters that are too critical of President Trump. I suggest to those persons they ought to write letters their their own selves expressing their beliefs but most of those people declined and they dont want to explain why not i suspect they dont want their name in the paper. Dairy farmer marks told says the decisive factor for him will be who the democratic contender is if they candidate is to progress if he might stick with donald trump even if that means more suffering for him and the farmers of richmond county. Are its going to oversell what you just file that reports hes in washington now good evening to you. So what is the president done he loves to tweet has the all service youve been putting off some of his voters well it does sound like it brant to a certain extent at least and you just heard the lady there in that bellwether county of richland where we traveled to in wisconsin just a few days ago and she says she doesnt like him for instance. That she could she could eventually imagine voting for him and also the dairy farmer mark stalled there saying he doesnt believe the president is a good person but he was one of the 2016 voters one of the swing voters in fact that unable to him to to win the presidency so and what we heard there in that bellwether county is in fact something that were hearing a lot in the United States these days that many are tired by the constant frenzy coming out from the wide tells but at the same time dont forget brand that president delivered on many of his promises and that many of these swing voters are simply afraid of the Democratic Party which might shift very much to the left side of the political aisle that even though they are frustrated with president trying they might consider voting for him once again yes and that is a big question isnt it will be running for the democrats who do what its going to be. Yeah thats exactly the crucial question at this point right now and it is very much unclear i have to tell you dont forget that the Democratic Convention will take place in july 2020 and that is where the democrats will decide who eventually will be the democratic contender of president trauma thats just a few months next summer just a few months before the federal elections take place what we can say right now is that its a big battle between progressive and centrist ideas political ideas and also all progressive and centrist candidates right now so the Democratic Party hasnt really decided which direction they want to go theres joe biden as youve just mentioned earlier 3 on the centrist side there is Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders on the Progressive Side and the letter to him puts a killer off putting some rural swing voters off just like the ones in wisconsin because their ideas Like Health Care for all and tougher gun control are simply too much too far on the left side of the political aisle and the big concern right now seems to be impeachment at least for a lot of the voters what did the people there in ridgely county were to be tell you about them. Well in way in Richland County it really seems like 2 impeachment is not so much a big deal for them of course they talk about it but they believe that its much more a political battle a political game in fact between the republicans and the democrats i heard very often that they believe that both all politicians have something to hide and so its more of a fight about who is going to deliver the next president and if you look at the polls still they would tell you a whole different story theres a majority right now in favor of impeaching President Trump the big question right now will of course be is there enough damaging material coming out of this impeachment inquiry and will the democrats eventually be able to capitalize on that and that certainly will have to mean that the voters eventually will have to drop the president because also dont forget its very unlikely that the impeachment proceeding will eventually take president out of office the republicans are holding that 2 thirds majority in senate and therefore its very unlikely that President Trump will be impeached at the end of this process right there overzealous on the story in washington all over thank you. Where germany has begun celebrations marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall the 9th of november 1989 on monday berlins mayor officially opened a week of festivities with a light show at alexanderplatz thats the famous square where hundreds of thousands of east germans demonstrated on the 4th of november 1809 calling for freedom of expression and for more democracy the week long commemorations will culminate with the ceremony at the berlin wall memorial this coming saturday. And joining me now is our chief Political Correspondent linda crane she is at alexanderplatz good evening to you melinda is it possible for the events that were seeing today to truly represent those events those fateful events of 30 years ago. Well certainly you can see the stirring images behind me that are in maine to do just that the mayor talked today about the courage of the protesters who gathered here on this day 30 years ago saying it can be and should be a shining example to all of us to fight against exclusion and for justice in every way possible and i think that pretty much captures the tone of this weeklong commemoration of germanys peaceful revolution its not a try young full tone even though this is being billed as a festival and a celebration but very much one of thoughtful reflection and that manifests itself in the schedule 2000 different events ranging from installations and images like the ones youre seeing behind me to performances and many different discussions also involving aspects of your unification that were difficult and that were painful now the whole is called 7 days 77 places and that essentially is a tribute to the fact that the revolution didnt just occur on one day on the 9th of november when the wall fell it was a process over weeks over months a process that isnt even finished yet and it was a process in which this where played a very historic role lets just take a quick look back. In november 989 the exodus of people leaving east germany reached a peak those who decided to stay demanded more freedom more than half a 1000000 staged a mass protest on east berlin alexanderplatz the largest demonstration in the history of east germany is. Its as if someone has pushed open the window. Of years of intellectual economic and political stagnation. Stuff they can believe this year is reeking of apathy. He is a double speak and bureaucratic despotism but hell cut off. The communist regime had subtly and publicly lost all support but even then no one predicted that just 5 days later the berlin wall would fall. No one expected its already there it was the biggest demonstration that east germany had ever seen melinda talk to me a little bit about the importance of that demonstration 30 years ago. Well the organizers of the demonstration were a Diverse Group actors artists members of church groups. Academics students some of them very prominent well known others unknown to the public and they took the unusual step of actually applying for a permit for this demonstration which had never been before happened in east german history and in fact they got one and nonetheless when they gathered here on that morning exactly 30 years ago they could not know whether the regime would try to suppress the protest with violence because there had been violent intervention by the authorities at protests in october in leipsic for example and essentially no one here knew how many people would show up and what would happen in the course of the day and the thing that was really unique was that those who spoke were in fact able to voice their grievances and their demands for democratic freedoms for more transparency from our justice in the presence of high level Party Officials one of whom actually also took to the stage without any form of retribution moreover the whole demonstration was shown on german east German Television another a very unusual event and apparently without authorization now one of the organizers said when she saw the hands of the leading member of the politburo who spoke at the demonstration badly shaking she thought to herself the days of this regime are certainly numbered and you know people who experience that they certainly remember where they were what they were thinking and what about any personal recollections of about that fateful week in november 1900. Well you know i had just had my 1st child at that time and he was born basically exactly the time when the former head of the politburo had just stepped down and i thought to myself when the wall fell hes being born into a Peaceful World he is being born into a world that in every way will be better than the old one and that was a kind of a linear view of history that i think events have showed us is absolutely wrong and therefore this commemoration that takes into account in a way the complexity and the messiness of the project that has been unification is i think spot on and for me now looking at what is happening here theres a recognition of all thats been gained but also of the immense destabilization and and insecurity that have been calls for many many east germans who have seen their and tire lives changed. Linda gray. Xander plus melinda thank you. And all this week we will be bringing you special coverage of reports of the events which led to the fall of the berlin wall 30 years ago thats right here on the theists is g. W. News and these are our top stories germany is marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall on the 9th of november 1909 a light show with the famous Alexanderplatz Square kicked off a week of celebrations in the capital. German chancellor Angela Merkel has attended the launch of boats waggons id 3 billed as its 1st fully electric car for the masses merkel says her government wants germany to have 1000000 charging stations by 2030 to encourage people to make this which. Delhi has declared a Public Health emergency after air pollution reached record levels schools have been closed and half of the citys cars are being banned from taking to the roads each day. In lebanon protesters demanding political reform have blocked roads across the capital beirut after 2 weeks of protests against the political system thousands of supporters of it have now gathered to show solidarity with the president its. This is deja vu news from berlin. Well back at the top of the morning. More and more young people are striking to save the planet and i mean were the people who would like to keep living on this planet and if we dont save the planet now itll be too late just how does a 16 year old organize a europe wide Climate Congress how does that leave time for school in france and we accompanied 3 young climate activists. Close up next on g. W. To france. Dear antonino dear cecilia this is opposite us im sitting on the terrace in twilight its peaceful my 3 grandchildren sleep on trouble thats asked out when i was 8 frances agents of germany who split in 2 and remain divided for decades soon to. Give on the bus when your mother was born in 1969 the wall is already 80 years and you know my grandchildren who were born after the war felt born in a dream unified to a wonderful time a time of great joy. 3 generations of one family on a journey through recent german history. To live in. Darkness has fallen and its still peaceful and they have remained so for your sakes my grandchildren. And starts to live or 60 on d. W. Hat. Reality as yes we want to survive on this planet if we dont say that now it will be too late as the space for over a year young people the world over have been organizing school strikes demanding immediate action to stop Climate Change. The star of the movement sailed across the atlantic to take her message to the u. S. But

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