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Do they have such a low profile we have our snoop around to catch a glimpse talking to the distributors of this starts june 10th w. This is day 8 of the news live from berlin merkel insists how government will press on the german chancellor says shes not planning any changes to the countrys Governing Coalition this out to the surprise resignation of the leader of the Social Democrats a move that promised a coalition can into crisis. Im rebecca read his welcome to the Program German chancellor Angela Merkel got its get Markovic Governing Coalition took another bating today the later of its Junior Partner the Social Democrats and else to resignation even the future of both the party and germanys government in doubt Social Democrats and merkels conservatives were once the countrys 2 biggest parties lightly as they were plunging in Opinion Polls but mogul has promised to keep on with the task of governing. After a year in the top job at the s. P. D. Andrea now this says shes standing down because she feels she cant go on. Discussions in the Parliamentary Group and feedback from the party have shown that i no longer have the necessary support to carry out my duty is on monday i will therefore resign as chair of the s. P. D. And on tuesday i will resign as chair of the s. P. D. Parliamentary group nala says resignation follows the partys dismal performance in last months european elections its worst ever showing at the polls here given City Vivisect the results that we have so far are extremely disappointing for the s. P. D. Everyone knows that the surveys regarding our party have not been good in the last. Our task was to try and work our way out of these poor Survey Results sadly despite all our work we didnt manage to swing things around. During the initial. Surprise. The s. P. D. Was once a Big Tent Party but the years of playing 2nd fiddle in chancellor Angela Merkels government have left the Social Democrats struggling to stay relevant new polling puts the s. P. D. A just 12 percent a distant 3rd behind the greens and Conservatives Coalition has found it difficult to make headway since its painful formation after the 2017 german election merkel wants to see out her final term until 2021 years we will continue the governments work with all seriousness and we will above all do so with a great sense of responsibility. The issues we have to solve are for germany and europe and the rest of the world with this mindset we will continue working the holes and thats likely to prove no easy task is specially with both the main parties seeing their Support Ebbing away. Lets bring in our political correspondents now hans brant whos at the social democrat headquarters in berlin and here with me in the studio is our and kate brady hi kate thank you both for joining us hans ill start with you how is the s. P. D. Coping with this shock and now its meant. Well 1st of all there was a sense of shock obviously i think there were disputes going on within the party everybody knew that Andrea Nodders was what their position was threatened but nobody expected her to resign today so the party has been in a kind of Damage Control Scramble for the whole day there has been Emergency Meetings in the Party Headquarters here behind me all day long that will continue tomorrow morning at the moment it seems as though the politic is going to try and find a kind of interim solution to a point to some senior members of the party that dont have ambitions themselves to the major positions that are under way and all this is not all resigning from now and then to find some time to consider. Succession will call me as it would the next couple of weeks or months now k b s p days the Junior Partner in johns langley mccools coalition what does this mean for government well if. So said if was to go by that it really seems that shes keen to push on with this government until the end of this term and that will of course will also be her 4th and final term as chancellor and that would go until 2021 but of course they say resignation from Andrea Knowledges today has of course sent tremors through this coalition and has yet again brought into question the credibility of this government is it still stable enough to lead in the end was even stable enough in the first a place of course there were always concerns and criticism from both sides but particularly from the more left leaving wing of the Social Democrats that going into this government this Governing Coalition once again wouldnt give the Social Democrats the time and the space to redefine its profile but some thats also something which the conservative c. D. U. Is also trying to do right now so radio have to say exactly how. And of course the 2 Coalition Parties actually intend on a continuing forward with this very Fragile Coalition now hands as we just heard merkel is very cane she wants to keep the government going wants to continue their work but how likely is it that the Social Democrats will want to continue being a part of the coalition. Well there is a very very strong faction within the Social Democrats that has been saying for a very long time already that being in a Grand Coalition with the consul is no good for the Social Democrats because they lose their political profile that all the achievements that these Grand Coalitions do achieve all these goals if they do achieve are really given credit i think they give credit to im going to knock a lot of the Social Democrats so it was in fact under the are not as pushed a party into this drawn coalition they were serious. When this coalition was false forms gone all theres a big challenge that that faction that wants to get out of this Grand Coalition will get a lot stronger and there are many commentators so they expect this government not to last the year well its not the 1st time the coalitions being in trouble right certainly is and it wasnt so long ago we were sat here for what felt like months but it was just a number of weeks in which this government found itself in the middle of a near crisis last summer it was brought to the brink of collapse over that migration. Question between that and that was a large issue to large debate between actually within the conservatives between the interior Ministry Minister story and the german chancellor and of course these issues seem to keep popping up time and time again which is why the credibility of this coalition keeps being brought into question well under analysis was the 1st Female Leader of the german Social Democrats and before we talk more about her decision to resign lets take a quick look back at her career. It was the high point of her career in april 20000 and to be anonymous became the head of the Social Democrats for the 1st time in the partys long history a woman who was at the helm as the unschooling in the were going to make it together we are strong we will succeed thats my promise. Her commitment to the. Social democrats was unwavering born into a Working Class Family in former west germany now is founded the 1st local s. P. D. Association in a conservative district her political views have typically ranged from far left to moderate. In 1905 the newly elected Socialist Youth chairwoman professed her faith and karl marx i love the transition angles the philosopher said his name will live on through the centuries and so will his work im certain of this. She proved her resilience both in past leadership functions and as Labor Minister in the Previous Coalition after the partys dismal showing in germanys 2017 elections it was clear she would emerge as a key player. Yesterday the s. P. D. Is needed i told you so you know but more bad alexion results left deep wounds in the s. P. D. After andrea analysis fought for her party to enter another Governing Coalition with the center right the s. P. D. Suffered heavy losses in State Elections now this is hope of reenergizing the party failed to win over voters now that her own Party Members have lost faith in her leadership now liz has thrown in the towel after 20 years. Now huns under analysis was one of 3 leaders the esp a day has had only 2 years but is this crisis really about her or is this a crisis of the german Social Democrats in general. I think one has to say its a little bit of both clearly the Social Democrats are deeply and crisis has been losing votes for years theres been a lot of infighting in the party for years. Struggling to redefine their policies from the kind of traditional social Democratic Left wing positions which have been failing all over europe in fact if you look at france for instance the socialists there have all but disappeared but at the same time its also a problem that i think one can put at the door frankly im not as she is rather abrasive personality she is a Political Insider shes gotten to the position that she has through moving and tactical maneuvers within the party that have so far been very successful but in recent times shes made several political mistakes and clearly powerplay within the party has not been successful in recent days and rather than being voted out of office in the next couple of days she seems to have decided to call it a day immediately. Members of the Social Democrats had mixed reaction to this Surprise Announcement lets take a listen. I was never a fan of his but the way they treated her recently they would never have done to him and months. Since they think this is i think its a good step towards a new start for the s. P. D. Now while votes can be counted democratically and the student in the office all the emphasis and i do think its going to the s. P. D. Will go on to go into. Hands one of the women there saying that no man would have been treated the way under you know us was treated what do you say to that. Yes i think theres an element of truth in that the social Democrat Party has been governed has been controlled by fairly old men for a long time and especially in recent days the personal attacks against andrea and others even in public have become really quite sharp quite vitriolic. I think there is an element of how shall i say of anti woman sentiment in there from from the establishment in the party at the same time one does have to say that she does have as i say been a brace of for personality she doesnt always choose who would say well she can use words that also. Damaging to the party and to other people that shes talking about so its also partly her personality but i think the factor that she is of the fact that shes a woman was a was a serious part of this dispute so kate where it went to from here what happens next for the German Government has said were going to be some soul searching now not only on the Social Democrat Side but also from the concept it seems that yet another close call for the German Government has been avoided but thats only for now so lets see how long this can keep stable for. Brady and holmes brown thank you both very much. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world. China has issued a rare statement concerning the 989 tenements where crackdown on Student Protesters in beijing Defense Minister away from haiti defended the militarys action in which thousands of protesters were killed the 30th Anniversary of the massacre is being commemorated around the world. U. S. Secretary of state mike peo says washington is willing to talk to iran with no Preconditions Speaking in switzerland he said the u. S. Would still am to rein in what he called irans malign activity to fund. Several people have been injured in venice after a large cruise ship rammed into a Tourist Riverboat the accident took place on a busy canal in the center of the city theres been a long Running Debate over whether to allow cruise ships into venice as famed but increasingly overcrowded waterways. The huge cruise ship bled its own but it was too late for the much smaller Tourist Vessel to get out of the way the 13 deck opera with some 2 and a half 1000 passengers on board hit the river countess and then pushed past it crashing into the dock. There are at least as i heard just a deafening noise coming closer it was the sound of the horn we were lucky because it could have been much worse i thought the ship would reach my house. The most if theres a everybody carried out that the ambulance got here after 25 or 30 minutes but didnt do anything they stopped to watch for chris happening a bit like Everyone Else did. Medical Authorities Say 4 people were injured. Soon after the Collision Protesters gathered to renew their call to ban large cruise ships from the port of venice the safety of big ships in the busy waters of european cities has become an urgent issue after last weeks Danube River Accident when a collision between a cruise liner and a tourist boat left 7 people dead and 21 missing. The watching data being news live from berlin up next data with a reporter this week from the u. S. Looking at vigilantes against migrants and then forgetting at all the latest news and information around the clock on our website that state only to come on record is here in berlin thanks for joining me to. Take it personally you already with a little bit wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. For all true fans far. More than football online. Her 1st day at school in the

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