Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181211 06:00:00

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Heres. The seventieth anniversary of the un declaration of human rights article nineteen year old can do w. Player. To play. This is do you get your news lie from or let teresa mayes greggs a diplomacy the british Prime Minister is meeting with the german chancellor and other european leaders today as she works to salvage her braggs a deal could be thats after postponing a parliamentary vote the face of overwhelming opposition. Also coming up breaking her silence after four weeks of on the breast the french president announces reforms and it looks to making the state. Look like something not except my share of responsibility i may have given you the feeling that i wasnt concerned that i help other priorities and i also know that ive heard some of you with my statements use of chemical Monologue Call is hoping to disuse a yellow best protest better run the country into turmoil but will his concession be enough. And the bail hearing for the rest of while wait she Financial Officer men want to continue the outcome threatens to further aggravate already tense u. S. China times. Im sorry so much thats great to have you with us britains Prime Minister treason may well need to german chancellor Angela Merkel In Berlin Today May is fighting for her political survival after delaying. Parliamentary vote on her breaks a deal she hopes european leaders will give assurances that will soften opposition to the deal at home e. U. Leaders have called a meeting for thursday to discuss the crisis and say they are stepping up preparations for a hard brags that. I have you lost control of a difficult day for theresa may britains embattled Prime Minister or this is very carefully to what has been said in this chamber and was i. She had hopes her draft grex it deal on how the u. K. Leaves the e. U. Would somehow get through parliament or. Just this house wants to deliver threats it. Was. I. But is now strauss does it want to do surgery reaching an agreement with the e. U. If the answer is yes and i believe that is the answer with a majority of this house and we all have to ask ourselves whether were prepared to make a compromise politicians of all stripes around grey with theresa may there were loud calls for her to quit the Prime Minister is trying to buy herself one last chance to save this deal if she doesnt take on board the fundamental changes required then she must make way for those who can. Well m. P. s passionately debated inside parliament outside Parliament Pro and anti grex it demonstrators theyre squabbling representative of the mood of the nation many people have problems with mays traffic brecks It Dale Nearly everyone dislikes have proposed Border Arrangement between ireland and Northern Ireland the socalled backstop it guarantees that the only land border between the u. K. And the e. U. Will remain open something everybody wants but under the Draft Agreement northern ireland will behave as if it was still part of the e. U. In Terms Of Trade and the movement of people this would either effectively create a new border within the u. K. Or else the whole of the u. K. Would have. To keep e. U. Trade conditions both of these options raise fiestas opposition among break city is everyone seems a bit fed up. Im not sure they could be dealing with it anywhere really i think they think. Theyve been really unclear about that ledger and more than during its i mean the point is. I like to think that states are i dont think anyone expects to get to really understand times in this making could be. A good shes just a hard liver and not your hands towards her and she herself is one might say she is almost there and on and on and on would have been towards her. Interests. May now heads to european capitals in a frantic bids to rescue. Our. Lets bring in our Political Correspondent kate brady for more on this story hi kate such recent days meeting german chancellor Angela Merkel in berlin today what does she want from the chancellor and other european leaders and will she get it. Well its very clear to reason may is coming to berlin today in a rather quite desperate bid to try and get some concessions to take back to the u. K. From german chancellor Angela Merkel and from the German Government now bolin said yesterday that the request follow this very short notice visit came from the british side so while at the same time to reason they will be voicing the concerns of the u. K. House of commons today while she is in berlin she will also be putting out those feelers to see exactly what concessions she can take back to london now whether or not this will be a worthwhile trip is really the big question german chancellor Angela Merkel has said time and time again that germany regrets a decision made by the u. K. Back in Twenty Sixteen and has said as well at the same time that negotiations over the brics it deal at least from the e. U. Side of very much a Joint Venture and not down to individual states and others same time merkel did say after this deal was announced last month she did welcome the deal but at the same time if this was rejected by the u. K. Parliament that there would be no question of more exit negotiations so when the u. K. Parliament hasnt yet even been able to vote on this deal its very unlikely that were about to see a u. Turn on those comments made by german chancellor Angela Merkel and at the same time very unlikely that we can see to reason make going back with the concessions that she was hoping to get from berlin today our in our Political Correspondent Kate Brady Covering Teresa Mayes visit your to berlin today thank you very much kate. Well lets talk more about the divorce still in the conundrum facing theresa may we have derek scally with us correspondent for the irish Times Newspaper here in berlin derek good morning to you thank you for joining us weve seen one of the biggest obstacles to the deal by both the e. U. And the u. K. On both sides has been the question of the border between the republic of ireland and Northern Ireland remind us what the backstop is and why this is been such a Sticking Point in the backs of is effectively and its an Insurance Policy twenty years ago we had a Peace Agreement in the agreement was yes there is a sovereign border there but if we will keep it open we will keep it open for the Thirty Thousand people who commute back and forth to keep it open for the traders so that effectively we have one Trading Regime but of course of britain wants to leave the e. U. The free market and. This is going to cause. Tremendous problem for traders for people who youre dealing with two different regimes and when you have two different regimes youve borders when you have borders youve queues and youve queues you Dont Have Trade so i think what the backstop is basically the britain can do whatever it wants its it will be its own party it can do what it wants outside the e. U. But not at the cost of more than are not the cost of the Peace Process so the idea would be that the backs up would keep if all else fails that the regulatory arrangements for Northern Ireland would be separate to the rest of the u. K. Which is very of acceptable to some parts of the communities in Northern Ireland because they dont want to be pushed sort of slowly or softly as they feel towards united on they want to stay part of the u. K. But the question is is the practical and would some sort of a border in the r. C. As goods or crude crossing from our land to britain would that not be more practical it would prevent hughs vent all of the aggravation what has as he said there been one of the most controversial issues weve seen the irish Prime Minister lee over our car commenting on teresa mayes latest efforts to renegotiate lets listen to what he said oh i can only say what i said earlier weve already offered a lot of concessions along the way we ended up with the. Stop with this and thought agreement was helpful the red lines of the u. K. Lay down on the way this is about all agreements which are supporting twenty eight Member States its not possible to open up any one aspect of this without opening up all aspects of the great ive no difficulty with you know statements that clarify whats in the actual agreement. But no statement of capitation can contradict whats in the broad agreement part weve been joined here with a tiger had elsewhere some did of your business also talk about the Business Aspect of it but first eric we heard the Prime Minister there willing out essentially changes to the agreement what do you think that leaves theresa may in iraq and a hard place i mean this has been coming down the line for two and a half years this was very like by doubling two and a half years ago they said this is going to be a problem guys and now are literally three months before break is coming there may be some sort of a priest more precise language sort of trying to calm people but you know exchange of letters and but actually going to the legal substance thats a no no because of need but also its a Special Pleading from from all sides everything after the fall to back on the table for all we know so the reason is sort of a tightening of of language prompts offering but the presence is there anything the European Union can do pieces that the parliament thought divide upon christ is probably not get ahead if you look at the last few weeks of braggs it it has been defined by utter chaos how the markets been taking this while the markets have been going up and down mainly dollar and of course if you just look at today is a lot yesterday really when and when the vote was postponed sterling slumped to twenty months low the lowest since april twenty seventh in the euro also being dragged down by this whole incident because its not good for the you are the business of course wants clarity and sometimes i get the feeling the business robin has a final decision now we have a crush crashing out of the you all be negotiated deal just business needs. Clear costs to make a decision and the footsie one hundred was also down which is a bit strange because when the pound goes down the footsie one hundred usually is bolstered because many of those one hundred Companies Make their money outside of britain the pound goes down their products become cheaper outside of britain but also the negative sentiment going having it affect the rights of the uncertainty definitely affecting the markets start just one more question to you how would a chaotic regs that affect ireland well it would affect both sides of on Northern Ireland one third of their goods go to the republic so those trucks are sitting on the border because its a hard border because of the heartbreak that its very bad for northern on an almost forty percent of our lands goods are transported by the so columb bridge which is basically containers going on to a ferry via britain to the european markets almost forty percent so were talking of fresh goods to meet and if those are sitting on borders thats not going anywhere so that will have a knock on effect so yes theres a huge interest in arlon in the republic or on in dublin doing everything they can to help free Samantha Stage the pact is shes paint yourself into a corner so many pictures of it so much different painted to so many different corners the question is can she get out can come doesnt do anything that stage the clock is ticking and weve had to have years to get to this point we could have been here two years ago right garricks Calif Maritimes and i gathered out for him did your business thank you both very much. Right to france now were up president has announced a series of Financial Measures in hopes of defusing the socalled yellow vests revolt what started as a demonstration against the plant fuel tax has grown into a Mass Movement against the president and his policies with protests at times turning violent in an address to the Nation Mccall said he was partly to blame. After weeks of on the Rest Emanuel Mccaw is moving to publicly confront whats become the greatest crisis of his presidency on monday he huddled with Trade Unionists and Business Leaders in paris in search of a way to call the yellow vests. As he addressed the nation for the first time over the protests a president known for bold words tried to cut a humble figure. That said i accept my share of responsibility and i may have given you the feeling that i wasnt concerned that i had other priorities i also know that ive hurt some of you with my statements need to be seen. By me. When one falls we want our friends where one can live in dignity through ones work and on this point we have moved too slowly i want to intervene quickly and concretely on this issue. Mccall said his government would raise the minimum wage by some One Hundred Euros a month before i take them to overtime from taxes pensioners would also receive a tax break but many in the Yellow Vest Movement remain skeptical. Very nice speech but i dont trust them at all and any proof what. I think is getting scared hes feeling the heat and thats it hes lost all credibility and people dont trust him hes got to go after. He took one first big step he has many more to take. Of the minimum wage thats a good thing hundred years is very good. But it Wasnt All Concessions from the call he refused protesters demands to reinstate a wealth tax and said hell push ahead with plans to overhaul the countrys pension and Unemployment System as for the yellow vests theyve already announced new protests for this week and no one knows whether the president s actions will prevent seems like these from playing out across france again. Lisa lewis is following the story for us in paris and joins us lisa good morning to you we saw a man one block homemade make us some new and concrete concessions last night is that enough for the yellow vest protesters. Well sumi it doesnt look like that really i mean there have been protests of some precious has been saying you know this is a good first step you know understand what we want but it seems like the large majority of them is saying you know its not enough he doesnt understand why one pension is the more money we need high Unemployment Benefits we need a redistribution of wealth and you know as you said in that package i mean it. President in Man Mark Karr has that He Wouldnt Green State a wealth tax that was a boy list this year however there is one really interesting poll that was made late last night you know remember that up until now between two thirds and three quarters of the french who has been saying you know we support the movement now there was one poll done last night asking the french do you want this movement to continue or not and fifty four percent of the french said no so this might be a Turning Point although obviously that poll still needs to be confirmed by other polls that this was a significant address from michael hes been accused of not taking these protests seriously being aloof or arrogant he did Sound Conciliatory Last Night but will that help changes image and his popularity numbers. Well. Again i dont think it were you know that concerned there was a conciliatory tone yes of course he said im taking my share of the responsibility for this and although the situation this melendez has been accumulating for more than forty years by understand that havent we acted in the right way. And yet it doesnt look like protesters feel that they that the majority of them at least feel that he understands what they need they are complaining that he started the street by saying you know were going to prosecute days you have committed violent acts and who flew to shops etc now protesters are saying you know the president doesnt understand that if we are violent that this is that and that that is because actually we are so desperate and were really struggling to make ends meet so there seems that these two sides spread just as and and and the president still dont really understand each other lisa lets talk about this Protest Movement the yellow vests has their success boosted the radical fringes of politics in france if you look at the polls it doesnt look like it you know marie le pen from the far right or your movement all sean from the far left theyre not they not gaining a lot of support amongst the protesters but their ideas the Protesters Ideas really sometimes look like ideas from the far right of the far left now asking for referendum for example on Government Policy theyre asking for more independence from the European Union because they say they think that the European Union is imposing a liberal a market orientated model that the french dont want so in that sense yes it has actually reinvigorated at least the ideas of the far left and the far right. Is reporting for us from paris thank you very much. Lets catch up now on some other stories making headlines Around The World u. S. Agents have arrested dozens of religious activists rallying to support a caravan of Central American migrants more than four hundred took part in the protests in san diego they want the u. S. To stop detaining and comporting migrants and to welcome the caravan really stuck across the border into one of. Three people people have died in weather related incidents after heavy snow fell in parts of the southeastern u. S. The snow cost treacherous Road Conditions in the thousands of homes in North Carolina about. Thirty six centimeters of snow was met measured in west virginia many residents were caught off guard by the mounds. In the Seventies Rock Classical He Rhapsody By The Band queen has become the most dream song from the Twentieth Century Record Company universal music. Has been played on line one point six billion times Around The World surpassing the likes of Nirvana Smells like. And sweet child of mine by guns n. Roses. To football now last seasons Runners Up Liverpool have an All Or Nothing showdown against napoli in the Champions League tonight coach jurgen klopp needs his side to win to have a chance of making the last sixteen the stage is set for the final round in the group stage of europes top club tournament. Its now or never clubs liverpool the reds have a last three out of five games in the group stage they need to win at home to napoli and some head Scratching Mathematics to save their Champions League season the turnaround will be tough but club is hoping for a big performance you have to create especially. With the way be flayed and we have to use the miscreant as well and. Yeah i was said already before im really looking forward to it so its a big opportunity for us and yeah we will try everything to to put it right. Natalie have more reasons for optimism they only need a draw to go through their coach carlo once a lot he is well aware of how and field can rock on a Big European Nights but sees it as a positive. Nobody wants to play one of the best they do in the world honest and most fear and. That is through the doubt a lot of the leeward post reported about this through also that there are Three Thousand napoli from numbers reported there and also Forty Million Around The World of that support us and we have to worry that most of those. Stars like most sell and should ensure kiri will need to be at their very best to beat napoli and rescue qualification but in this competition liverpool is a club that it some was to ever write off. Now how the u. S. And china stopped giving each other the Cold Shoulder and your heart is back with that at least theyre talking against you during a song called between the two sides officials discussed chinese purchases of us our cultural products among some other issues its still unclear whether the recent arrest of Wa Executive Meg ones who was part of the Compensation Case against her will be watched closely by both sides. The forty six year old executive with huawei one of the worlds Biggest Smartphone companies and a symbol of chinese economic heft brought before a court the bail hearing in vancouver to determine if mung one joke can go free while her case proceeds it continues today after mondays adjournment her lawyer argues High Tech Surveillance and a twenty four hour Security Detail be allowed to keep her out of jail during proceedings. U. S. Prosecutors say mung used a Shell Company for a while ways dealings with iran misleading banks into approving millions of dollars in transactions the violated sanctions arrested in canada she faces extradition to the u. S. On monday her lawyer said huawei sold the alleged Shell Company sky com years earlier but the paper trails complicated sky com was bought in Two Thousand And Seven by a company a known tax haven for Ownership Records are opaque the case against mung is now set to unfold against the backdrop of a tense u. S. China trade dispute a dispute many hoped was approaching a resolution but that was before joes arrest. Apple has set all i phone models remain on sale in china thats despite a Chinese Court decision banning the sale of most of the American Companies that sits answer that the ruling yesterday was prompted by a lawsuit from u. S. Chip maker qualcomm the company says apple infringed on two of its patents one got a Photograph Resizing and the other related to how apps are managed on a tough street the bonnet thinks models between the i phone six s. And the ten apple stores dropped one point three percent the Chinese Market is worth about Eleven Billion Dollars each a quarter to apple for Homework Stocks rose nearly three percent on the news. Across europe stig cities rents are rising berlin london a paris people with an average low income are struggling to find Affordable Homes the austrian Capital Vienna is an exception with clever Home Building policies the city has managed to keep rents down. For the past four years the proposed family in that three children have lived in this apartment it belongs to the City Of Vienna they pay Eight Hundred Forty euros in rent for ninety square meters that works out at nine euros per square metre. Relatively cheap compared to other Capital Cities because. You know the man i want to. I lived in a regular flat for three years and then after three years the city Housing Association gave me this one. Woman gaven if it is very good with the school the kindergarten and nearby. Apartments like these are everywhere and vienna the city owns Two Hundred Twenty Thousand of them then there are another Two Hundred Thousand places considered social housing two thirds of people in vienna live either in an apartment owned by the city Housing Association. Also szell housing. Minister people have seen what can happen when theres not enough living space available especially when theres not enough Quality Living space for the population thats why we have city or in towns in here we fought for it a hundred years ago so now were sticking to it yeah. Keeping the project going comes at a cost though currently sixty Housing Projects are being referred bisht to the tune of some six hundred Million Euros but with ever more people moving to the austrian capital city it also needs to bring more money in Four Thousand departments have just been built with money from a special fund but city authorities dont want to attract private investors or sell their apartments on the free market. Became and the construction of city Housing Projects remains very much in the hands of local authorities we also have Loft Conversions which we carry out ourselves and we dont want to see any private investors involved commitment to pull. Back at that part site family home and its evening. Cornelia sharma is just dropping by she takes care of all the new tenants living in the block shes been a resident here a long time and she appreciates the fact that she has the right to live in a city owned building or even i wanted him to commit that being if im a decent tenants and i dont do anything wrong then i can grow old here im moving pay my rent and live here for years that my rent Wont Go Soaring compared to say other tenants who move out three times a year and the place has to be renovated each time. We all stick to it because in vienna that is also the case as soon as a tenant moves out the apartment has to be referred bisht and the costs are passed on to the next tenants. Time on the factor a good ship has pulled out of venezuela has been looming economic crisis as the reason One Thousand Two Hundred workers have been laid off a note posted on the gate set the time of seized operations in his face book as a Severance Package including ten times years of financial turmoil and struggles with u. S. Sanctions have seen companies such as colds and simply clock abandon by the way the u. S. Hyperinflation has made most business conducted in the local currency unsustainable. Thats all your business heres a reminder of the top stories were following for you british Prime Minister to resume is meeting with adoption and german leaders today as she tries to salvage france a deal thats offered postponing a parliamentary vote on the Divorce Agreement with goss e. U. Will hold a Special Summit On Thursday but once a deal is not up for renegotiation. The french president. Announced a series of Financial Measures as he seeks to defuse four weeks of violent protests across the country taking possible responsibility for the public anger he opposed a minimum wage increase as well as tax concessions. Z. W. News from berlin thats more news coming at the top of. His productions have achieved cold status. Come on his energy is contagious. Operas by director barry custody are setting new standards will see. Who is the man behind these masterpieces. Next. To god. Drummer In The Black Forest as tribe of flashlights take with the lesson the enslaved attacking football. Doll the blues for shall come as strong against the points and Bragging Rights written to finally taken dogs. Take off in sixty minutes on d w. Earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. Those are big changes and most start with small

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