Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181123 15:00:00

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v.z. and wild with sandy deputed comes to join us on facebook. this is due to be a news line from berlin a rocky road ahead of the small british enclave of gibraltar be the undoing of the u.k. sprigs it deal spain is putting its for down saying it will reject the draft agreement at sunday's e.u. summit unless it gets clarification on the peninsulas future status also coming up the violence of attack gunmen stormed the chinese consulate in the pakistani city
of karachi and intends our long shoot out leaves all three attackers two policemen and two civilians dead. on little rock thank you so much for your company everyone u.k. prime minister theresa may finds herself today between a rock and a hard brags that you negotiators are trying to resolve the issue of british rule should baltar after spain threatened to throw the briggs that deal into jeopardy with a last minute objection spanish prime minister pedro sanchez tweeted this after speaking with britain's prime minister theresa may on thursday it reads as follows our positions remain far away my government will always defend the interests of spain if there are no changes we will veto gregg's as well spain lost a ball to to britain more than thirty three hundred. years ago but still claims
this tiny mediterranean enclave while the question of gibraltar is a major sticking point for spain and to help and spoil what is at stake we can go to brussels and to speak to do that we use gay or come out to say i believe there is some there has been some developments. i wouldn't call it white smoke yet but there are some good signs the spanish secretary of state for the european union has announced that spain has a commitment from the u.k. to support the inclusion of clarifications on the status of gibraltar let me translate that for you what spain has always been very keen on is talking about the status of gibraltar not within the bracks of negotiations but bilaterally with the u.k. they always wanted if you want to veto a post bracks it on the issue of gibraltar and it looks like from what the spanish side has now announced that they have that commitment from the u.k.
the only thing is they would like to have that commitment in writing and they would like to have that included in the paper that leaders intend to rubber stamp on sunday. well we're going to continue our conversation because we want to find out as well what the people of gibraltar make of all this and for that we went to the british administered territory take a listen to. the spanish town of la linea on the border which a printer unemployment here is high many work across the border nearly ten thousand people in southern spain make the daily commute two to printer suno this could become an external pointer it's not yet clear how this will affect their jobs the tourism industry or the port in casinos. he is concerned about the future he's worried his job and a tobacco shop and to proctor could be under threat. that. i'm
fifty three years old there's no off work here and i could suddenly find myself out of a job unemployed and it was the bottom line that. many here share his sense of uncertainty that we must always still be able to cross the border like we do now no one knows. many people here are taking no chances and preparing for every eventuality. you know local police stations here all swamped because so many people are applying for passports or lots of where there are many of us it's just like on the bus our board of. gibraltar like the irish border is one of the main bones of contention in the bronx at negotiations the spanish government says to crawl to and spain are so interdependent that many issues such as jobs taxation and customs should be settled by laterally between madrid and london it wants this to be enshrined in the final divorce deal otherwise it will block the agreement. this
is an important point for us as a pro european government i mean it is not solved by sunday that it was they will have to use its veto official copy of the route. much is at stake for prime minister pedro sanchez spain southern region and under is holding regional elections in just over a week's time but sanchez has found support in the former to baltar's autonomy government it to wants bilateral talks between spain and britain over the territory relationship without our inclusion in that would prevent gibraltar. would have faced the cliff edge of the thirteenth of march two thousand and nineteen. will gibraltar derail the brics in negotiations many in southern spain like me get balance you are hoping for business as usual. ok let's be frank here i mean gibraltar is a tiny tiny territory what is spain so concerned about
well it's a good example for bret's that. the the fact that the the u.k. and spain both are where in the or are still are in the european union just like with northern island where the republic of ireland and the u.k. are in the european union it has solved a lot of problems so all sorts of tax issues of custom related issues have been resolved by the fact that they were both in the same club but they were playing by the same rules now if one side pulls out that creates all sorts of problems particularly because spain has never given up the claim to sovereignty of this tiny spots of the u.k. right in front of its doorstep so it is politically sensitive but it's also a huge as you cheek anomic implications are now gary let's talk about what happens next is prime minister may still expected to visit brussels on saturday just twenty four hours before that all crucial summit on sunday. absolutely i mean that is the expectation here on the european side it was always clear the leaders will need
a unanimous decision on sunday they will need consensus and so yes these are problems gibraltar and also the issue of fish that the netherlands and france are currently talking about with negotiators but compared to the much bigger challenge that the u.k. will have to agree to this this these are tiny problems in this this summit on sunday will be a crucial summit it will be giving the green light but then there's a whole process of approval including the u.k. politicians to come and that is only the beginning once we have this paper of this divorce agreement we will then need to start the future talks with the u.k. hammer out a deal there and that is going to drag on for years right well thank you so much for unschooling some of the complexities there again our pre-shared at thank you.
all right let's bring up to speed now with some of the other stories making news around the world. spanish prime minister peter sanchez and cuban president it may give us kind of one to expand ties between their two countries the two leaders signed agreements and have ana sanchez is in cuba for the highest level spanish visit to cuba in more than thirty years. a group of central american migrants have marched to the border crossing into wana mexico calling for permission to enter the u.s. president has threatened to close the u.s. border with mexico if authorities quote lose control of the situation. the trial of a former militia leader from the central african republic has opened at the international criminal court in the hague alfred yet the tom is charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity known as colonel rambo he led a militia that targeted muslims in the c.a.r. five years ago. a group of armed separatists to storm the chinese
consulate in the pakistani city of karachi killing two police officers and two civilians police say that all three attackers were also killed during an intense hour long shoot out china is now asking pakistan to tighten security for its citizens in the country. the moment of the attack the blast and inserting gunshots can be heard throughout crashes clifton neighborhood the attackers where wearing suicide vests and carrying hand grenades they came in a car loaded with explosives and tried to storm the building but pakistani police gunned him down before they could enter it eyewitnesses describe the horror that unfolded. they had huge question which they were carrying in their arms they detonated the grenades created a very small. and then you cannot imagine it was. two police officers and two civilians were killed in the assault as well as the
attackers but the toll could have been much higher. staff. member of the chinese embassy has been harmed in any way security forces arrived on the scene very quickly and neutralized the attackers if they have managed to get in that could have been a very big tragedy today we're also praising our security forces. a separatist group the liberation army was quaking claiming responsibility the group openly oppose this chinese projects in the neighboring baluchistan province beijing a close economic ally to pakistan has invested billions of dollars into developing the country's infrastructure china condemned the attack but stressed it would stick to its commitment. china will continue to work with pakistan and bring more benefit to the people of pakistan china and the rest of the countries of the region. this is the highest profile attack in pakistan against chinese presence pakistani prime
minister imran khan has ordered an inquiry. and as we just heard the liberation army claimed responsibility for that attack and earlier we spoke with journalist. in karachi we asked him to tell us more about that group and why it would target the chinese embassy. operating in bodies don as you know their bodies don is that. they chest and arms up manner of the sources deploys all pakistan and mortar would of going to stop on and on is when. to me is it's decided when i was a shy and this terrorist organization is the. option to land it to end or ten days or terrorist organization they are in and out against any chinese in one minute and most sunday medicaid it's not on. the many modernization they say. chinese to call nice williston. all right next up to france where
a report commissioned by a president or on my car is likely to recommend changes in the law to allow african works of art to be returned to their nations of origin well the port follows up on a promise by the president made a year ago to return african heritage to africa while most of the works were taken during french colonial rule in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in a paris museum on the banks of the seven a palace of african art but the seventy thousand works here have a troubled past many of them were torn from their cultural home during the colonial era. a new report commissioned by french president emmanuel mccall says that france must return the art it stole. the authors found that as much as ninety five percent of subsaharan african art is held outside the continent. in between a country with a renowned our legacy france's move is being hailed as
a step toward justice. returning property is not a matter of victory for someone or failure for others because in the end it's not a battle. many needs these assets to strengthen its national economy to provide employment and also for all the cultural heritage managers and curators in this country. back in paris some resistance french our dealers are skeptical that museums can or even should return the vast collections. it's one of these things that looks like morally on its face give it back to hood belongs well it is a belong to and hasn't been in that country for over a hundred years and you know look france built the whole music in bali to respect these objects to preserve them to show them so it's a tricky thing i mean i'm actually kind of in favor of it but i'd like to see how it gets. completed france's wholesale return of looted african art
would be historic and could trigger a response from other european countries with colonial era holdings it was not call himself who launched the initiative but it's unclear if he's prepared to see it through. all right three minutes two players one ball and an hour rate of job dropping skills that was on show and more so for the tenth anniversary of the freestyle football world championships twenty freestylers faced off in head to head battles to determine who could do the best tricks with a football or competitors are allowed to juggle the ball with any part of their body except their hands a packed crowd saw a new world champions crowned in both the male and female categories. that is pretty impressive their right before i let you go and remind you of our main headlines this hour spain is threatening to reject the e.u.'s draft of bragg's

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