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Nineteen. Not forgotten d. W. T. November focus. This is due to the news live from berlin fresh efforts to find peace in syria todays summit in istanbul is aiming for political solution to the countrys seven year civil war turkish president trajectory there dont host his russian french and german counterparts will go to a correspondent for the latest plus. A criminal record and a passion for u. S. President donald trump details emerge about the man suspected of sending a series of mail bombs to prominent democrats fingerprint evidence helped to track down the florida man in question as investigators scrutinized more suspicious packages believed to be linked to his plot. Edith kimani thank you for joining us turkey says it will push for concrete steps to resolve the syrian conflict doing a four Nation Summit that its hosting in istanbul president on his meeting the leaders of france russia and germany theyre also expected to discuss access to humanitarian aid the drafting of a constitution and reconstruction of the war torn country. Now on friday seven people were killed when Syrian Regime forces shelled southeast an igloo. Its the deadliest attack since the deal was reached to prevent a wide scale offensive on the province which is the last Rebel Stronghold in syria. Seven years of war in syria at least Three Hundred Fifty Thousand killed and a country in ruins now the Rebel Stronghold faces a scene the next humanitarian crisis is imminent. It is the last part of syria not under the control of president Bashar Al Assad many of his opponents have fled here but it is only a question of time until his troops and his allies retake the region in northern syria. Turkey and europe clear that a majority of the three Million People living here will try to flee initiating another Refugee Crisis preventing this will be the main goal of the political summit in istanbul. The syrian conflict is dominated by foreign powers mainly russia iran and turkey they have different interests at stake and support different sides in the conflict with Weapons Logistics and personnel russian president vladimir putin is president assads closest ally russia has been taking an active part in the war since Two Thousand And Fifteen putin wants to strengthen russias military presence in the region syria is its sole access point to the mediterranean sea. President Hassan Rouhani of iran is the other major assad supporter from day one to iran has supported damascus with advisors weapons and troops Syria In Return provides iran with a crucial route to the hezbollah militia in lebanon. Yes turkish president richard type one would like to topple assad supported various radical rebel groups from the start and since january turkey has had troops of its own in syria one of at of on its goals is to limit kurdish influence in the region. During advance recent visit to berlin german chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to this weekend summit russia iran and turkey have used the syrian conflict to reestablish their positions as regional powers in the middle east. But reconstruction will require western money perhaps giving leaders like merkel additional clouts. From all were now joined by all correspondents who is in istanbul so you know whats the main focus for this summit. Well it is one of the most important issues here is the situation in libya syria has lost a major rebel held outpost so missed out on and mr putin a most probably going to brief Chancellor Merkel and french president about the Current Situation there the status of the deal they brokered last month a Demilitarized Zone between rebel forces on the one side and progovernment forces on the other supposed to word a large scale offensive by the Syrian Regime on live now this deal is very fragile some rebel groups have not complied and as you mentioned there have been reports about shellings recently on so overall the assessment here in turkey by the Turkish Government is still this deal is working for now its been working for five weeks now weve been talking to aid organizations who told us its very important to them. To you know have access to the area and to reach out to people but the bigger question on the table today is whether this truce can be sustained and whether it can be turned into some kind of permanent cease fire that is definitely something germany and france a would support so maybe we can expect a joint statement on this later today the other big issue that turkey is a pushing here is looking together for a political solution talking about the political future of syria drafting a constitution reconstruction possibly which would of course involve money as well but this is of course a hugely complex metes so i dont expect too much to come out of this. Report we did mention the turkey and russia have different and sometimes competing interests in syria so can we expect any Real Progress at this meeting today. Well turkey and russia of course are acting on the ground on opposite sides of the conflict of course and recently turkey has been holding talks with russia and iran mostly when it comes to syria and these talks have been observed with a certain degree of suspicion by the socalled west now this is the first time two major european leaders are sitting at the table as well mccall and Merkel Wolf Course interested in preventing any similar Refugee Crisis to the one in twenty fifteen its also interested they have been invited basically by russia and turkey to join such a meeting so turkey and russia have an interest in the europeans being here as well maybe theyre looking you know for some kind of legit legitimacy as well for plans they already have in their drawers concerning syrias future but i think this is mostly about the leaders talking to each other they have been bilateral meetings but i dont expect too much to come out of this summit lets assume its a first summit in this format and there are going to be others to follow thank you very much of your hand joining us from istanbul. Lets turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world many of the Central American migrants traveling through Southern Mexico have rejected a proposal from that countrys president to apply for Refugee Status and obtain benefits there the group of several thousand Central Americans about to continue heading north to the u. S. Border. Thousands of people have gathered in taiwan for asias largest Gay Pride Parade becomes one month ahead of a major hotel g. B. T. Right now taiwan Stop Quote Legalized Gay Marriage in twenty seventeen but has yet to be implemented a Referendum Vote doing november election seeks to prohibit the change. U. S. Authorities say the man arrested over a series of mail bomb sent to prominent democrats has a criminal history and is a fervent supporter of President Donald Trump but officials are yet to disclose a motive now fifty six year old florida residence is a sea org was tracked down with the help of Fingerprint Evidence Investigators say theyre looking into new suspicious packages thought to be connected to the case. U. S. Authorities believe theyve got their Man Investigators allege fifty six year old sees as sayaka is responsible for the Pipe Bomb Packages which have been sent to high profile Democrats Police also seized what they believe to be the suspects van emblazoned with far right paraphernalia and posters supporting u. S. President donald trump they hope the vehicle might contain crucial clues as to whether he was operating alone the director of the f. B. I. Praised those working on the case i want to focus for a moment on the amazing work of our folks at the air. Based on their initial analysis they on cover anyway in fingerprints from one of the involved containing an i. E. D. That had been sent to congresswoman Maxine Waters but as the suspect was being taken into custody there were more surprises in california a suspicious package was found addressed to here as senator and Democrats Kemal a harris meanwhile california billionaire and democrat donor tom style was also targeted more than a dozen bombs have now been identified some of the latest targets were u. S. Senator cory booker and former director of National Intelligence James Clapper the rest prominent Democratic Leaders all supporters the Clintons Former president barack obama his Vice President joe biden actor Robert De Niro to all of those targeted are outspoken critics of President Donald Trump trump address the issue at the white house calling the acts despicable and saying they had quote no place in our country later he said they defect to the Republican Campaign for the midterm elections republicans had tremendous momentum and then of course it happened where all the people talked about was that and rightfully so it was a big thing rightly so but now we have got the momentum to get trump who so said his political opponents and the media were trying to score political points with the mail bomb scare. Mike sand from the news desk has been following this story for us and he now joins me in Studio Thanks for joining us so max a story that has definitely captivated a magination of many people what do we know about the suspect well definitely it turns out this suspect was quite active online and hes believed to have shared tons of political and radical contents conspiracy theories over across multiple it social media accounts such as Twitter Facebook and instagram and all of these accounts i have to suspend it but a lot of the content is still out there and it gives us a better look at what kind of person were actually dealing with so lets first have a look at some of the content he posted on his twitter. And here we see him at. A trump related events he uses a council not only denounced democrats but also praised the president and his work and what is very interesting is that Psylocke Wasnt Interested In Politics until donald trump began campaigning here is his Voter Registration and it shows he didnt register until March Twenty Sixth and didnt actually cast ballots until the last president ial elections oh wow so we know a little bit more about his political inclination and also that he had a record thats the prior to the mail bombs were there any signs of violence yet he said so he had an Extensive Police record that dates back to the ninetys petty crimes but also he was convicted of grand theft and battery and also in two thousand and two when he was placed on probation for threatening a Power Company with a bomb threat because they were going to turn off his power so just recently he also used his social media accounts to threaten prominent figures such as joe biden walsall received one of the pipe bombs and we have a look at one of his recent posts here we see. A tweet to former secretary of commerce Richelle Ritchie in october its reads we will see your for sure your loved ones really close every time you leave your home. So very chilling stuff there but his van also got a lot of attention from the media and we know that it was plastered with the far right propaganda can you tell us more about that yeah well he lived in this valley and it was covered with extreme far right Propaganda Images lets just pull up a picture and you can have a look and were actually talking about so a lot of the images you see here are featured as means on a social media accounts this fall to photograph shows a window of the truck and we have various images of the president and the vice president including donald trump casually standing on a speeding take with explosions going on in the back here and in this picture and also some of the images are glorifying clearly glorifying violence theres a photoshop image of barack obama on a tricycle with him in red cross hairs and similar imagery is used on hillary clinton. Other prominent liberal figures so in a way taken over some of it into account the radical believes the violence of the language of violence some can say opens a window into a deeply disturbed mind well max under thank you for shedding more insight into who exactly this man is and we stay in the United States where we have some Breaking News coming in police in the United States in the United States state of pennsylvania say of their multiple casualties in a shooting near a synagogue in the city of pittsburgh local media are reporting four people are dead but that number has more obviously in officially confirmed and will definitely be bringing you more more details as this story continues to unfold. And here in germany thousands of demonstrating in the countrys rhineland region for an end to Open Cast Coal Mining the protest is the latest in the activist battle to protect forest from destruction the Forest Energy company have been trying to clear the sites to make way for expansions to the. Large numbers of police on the scene of us just as have been attempting to bring operations of the mine to a standstill. And remind of the top story that we are following for you turkey says it will push for concrete steps to resolve the syrian conflict during a four Nation Summit its hosting today in istanbul president. Is meeting his russian french and german. For talks in a finding a political solution to syrias seventy and civil war

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