Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181016

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For about how a former bartender is capturing the imagination of democrats in new york city i was out there for ten to become the oldest woman in the u. S. House of representatives as their next months midterm elections in the u. S. But shes also causing plenty of controversy. And in football struggling germany take on world champions france that either in a match that could also decide the fate of in some battles coach welcome look. Im brian thomas thanks so much for being with us reports from the u. S. A saudi arabia is about to acknowledge that the missing dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed in a consulate in turkey these unconfirmed reports and u. S. Media suggest that saudi officials will say for sure she was killed during an interrogation the one wrong secretary of state might come peo has landed in riyadh to discuss the case with the saudi leadership earlier turkish officials searched the consulate building. After a long night of searching for clues on how Jamal Khashoggi vanished Turkish Police left the saudi consulate in istanbul they took evidence with them including soil having been given access to the building for the first time. She was last seen walking into that same door nearly two weeks earlier turkish officials believe he was murdered and dismembered by a hit team. Living in selfimposed exile in the u. S. She was a vocal critic of the saudi regime. Riyadh denies any involvement in the journalists disappearance. But u. S. Broadcasts to c. N. N. Is reporting that the saudis are preparing to admit that because shock she died during an interrogation at the consulate that went wrong. Thats amid mounting International Pressure to explain what happened here. The. U. S. President donald trump has threatened severe punishment if she was killed. And he just patched secretary of state mike pompei out to saudi arabia the e. U. Has joined us calls for a transparent probe expects full clarity from investigations to be done by the saudi authorities together and in full cooperation with the turkish at all it is. And International Business leaders have been pulling out of a key investments i meant you to be hosted by the crown prince in riyadh this month. Because hoping to ease strained ties with allies saudi king solomon on sunday spoke to turkish president russia tayyab added one on the phone saudi t. V. Said they struck a deal for a joint team to investigate constructions fate. The kingdom allowing turkish inspectors to search the consulate is a step forward in the investigation but it was after they let in saudi officials earlier on monday. As well as a team of cleaners owned with mumps raising doubts about how much evidence is really left. Ok lets go straight to the saudi consulate in istanbul now where two sure she was last seen joining us from there is our correspondent johan yulia what can you tell us about the reports that a shirt she was possibly killed during an interrogation in the Building Online do you. Well were of course following these u. S. Media reports very closely but cant confirm them from here in turkey were still waiting for more facts to emerge from the official investigation a team of turkish and saudi crime scene investigators basically spent the whole night in that very building right behind me the saudi consulate here in istanbul they reportedly left in the Early Morning after nine hours of work and we were able to speak to one source familiar with the investigation and that source told us that someone clearly try to obstruct evidence at the crime scene but investigators were still able to find and i quote concrete evidence suggesting that Jamal Khashoggi was indeed a murder that inside that building now he did not commend on the kind of evidence that was found and said further tests need to be done but we know the turkish investigators have been looking for d. N. A. Samples for blood traces to further support the claim that this is not just a crime scene but possibly really the scene of a brutal murder and something that could affect International Politics what about the timing thats involved here why has saudi arabia waited two weeks before allowing the turkish investigators as you just mentioned were inside for nine hours to enter that building there in istanbul. Well this story this case really house caused an International Outcry against a saudi arabia several nations are demanding a thorough and credible investigation into mr. Disappearance you also mentioned that Business Leaders and media are pulling out of that important Investment Conference planned in saudi arabia later this month and merican lawmakers have threatened tough punitive action against saudi arabia it remains to be seen wants President Trump strategy will be but we know that he sent mike pump a zero his state secretary to saudi arabia pale is also expected to come here to turkey so pressure has really been growing in the past days on the kingdom now that they have agreed to this investigation here something really needs to come out of it right some kind of evidence some kind of statement or report the worlds eyes are now really on saudi arabia to come up with some credible on says. More details as they emerge. Its to the u. S. Now on the clock is counting down to one of the most important dates on the american political calendar it is of course the u. S. Midterm elections and theyre taking place just three weeks from today the votes making history for the record breaking number of women nominated to run for governor or for congress lets take a look now at the congressional races over recent years as you can see more and more women are running in them there was a strong spike between twenty sixteen and twenty so were going twenty eighteen the year of the woman and the kickoff our election coverage d w is bring you closer to some of the most watched women in this electoral season we have indepth profiles on four females grabbing the headlines this year. First up as first time candidate Alexandria Ocasio Cortez shes the Democratic Congressional candidate from new york citys fourteenth district to the phenomena followed her on the campaign trail. Alexandro. Community activist publisher. Running for congress in new yorks fourteenth district she could become the youngest woman in the house of representatives. To rally in the crowd to rican restaurant in the bronx. Knows almost everyone here she shocked her party when she almost a ten term incumbent congressman and the democratic primary for her this is just the beginning its all about every day people coming think out there and believing in their ability to change this time through. The bronx native is now a political rock star. She was like born and raised in the neighborhood which is the body class from the bronx and i just love like this Community Activism and getting involved she is bold shes progressive shes not afraid to you know take right deals and. The platform that she believes in and really take it to where it needs to go and to really galvanize people towards that goal. Ill examine because a contest inspires her supporters puts the fear of god into the establishment of the Democratic Party the partys leaders insisted nationwide elections are won by embracing the center of society by avoiding any positions that might scare white middle class voters by the people here are convinced the opposite is true they say that the party has to become a credible voice for social justice we are currently at a point where in new york city there are three empty luxury apartments for every one person experiencing homelessness we are at a point where people are are spreading apart their insulin medication where they are forgoing thing critical medication that they need because they dont feel like they have the financial ability to stay alive cortez and have fellow activists once universal health care a federal job scar on t. Tuitions and free universities campaigning in the neighborhood they are reassured that these issues do matter here. Are those were. Good shoes really. Cuts too many on the right alexandra because you cortez is a dangerous revolutionary who calls herself a democratic socialist who pledges notes to accept any money from corporations it was its hard especially when i was running at it is it feels almost impossible. People are ignoring you or they are calling you naive or theyre calling you. An educated uninformed uncommitted. Im wondering. Because you. Test is standard hope and she is highly favored to win this district in november so many here she is just appalled the commission they have been waiting for for a very long time. And you can find out more about us politics at our web site thats d w dot com time now for some of the other stories making the news today. Police in germany are investigating whether a man who took a female hostage in cologne on monday had is amiss that the connections were beliefs police shot and injured the hostage taker during an operation to free the woman all train traffic was halted in cologne leading to delays and cancellations across western germany. Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he is open to formally recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel and moving just telling them to see there is such a move would reverse decades of Australian Foreign policy the statement comes days ahead of a key byelection in an area with a large Jewish Population that. The Russian Orthodox church says it is severing ties with the leading Spiritual Authority for orcs Orthodox Christians the patriarch eight of constantinople. This is a comes after the patriarch granted the ukrainian Orthodox Church independence from moscow amidst ongoing political tensions between russia and ukraine. United nations has warned that the number of people in yemen at risk of famine could rise to twelve Million Dollars the countrys civil war intensifies some eight and a half Million People there are already on the brink of starvation country has been torn apart by more than three years of fighting between the internationally recognized government and whos the rebels backed by saudi arabia. Now a summit on world health is taking place here in berlin one of the issues under discussion of hiv aids in africa the picture is very different depending on the country in Africa South Africa is now seeing improvements after spending millions on fighting the condition however patients in the Central African republic are unlikely to receive the help they need. Subsaharan africa alone accounts for nearly seventy percent of all people worldwide living with h. Id thats despite major progress in treatment for example in south africa which was once at the center of the aids epidemic the government there is investing billions in fighting the disease today more than three million South Africans thats around half of all h. I. V. Patients have access to effective drugs the number of aids related deaths has also fallen drastically just a few years ago nearly half of all deaths were linked to aids now its around thirty percent. But its a very different picture in the Central African republic religious and ethnic conflicts have kept the country in violent turmoil for years. The Aid Group Doctors Without Borders has become the primary Health Care Provider as the countrys own Health System has all but collapsed. Hardly any hiv infected people have access to lifesaving treatment in the Central African republic even though the cost of age i. V. Treatment is lower than ever before that around one hundred eighty euros per patient per year. I have to talk about the report and africas struggle against preventable diseases im happy to join the story here now by gayle smiths you know one of n. G. O. Working in this area good morning welcome to the show thank you for having me is africa on the right track in tackling preventable diseases like aids malaria tuberculosis i actually i think africa is on the right track but were not there yet if you look at where weve come from ten fifteen twenty years ago the progress has been significant and i think thats been the work of African Civil Society governments donors and the International Community that said if you think about h hiv and aids despite the progress around the world were still seeing a Million Deaths were still seeing increases in infections of two million and two thirds of that is still in africa ok talking about significant progress but still statistics are showing donor fatigue or africa since two thousand and fourteen is your n. G. O. S seeing that as is that a real problem im not tried describe it as fatigue as much as flatlining we dont rely on donor assistance but we do track it and what weve seen is that since two thousand and fourteen a levels are remaining about my same as they have in the past the problem there is that there are still huge challenges ahead but with the progress weve made weve got the opportunity with increased investments now to get over that hump and really to the point where weve got vibrant economies delivering for their citizens increased ability and all the things i think we in our african partners want to see ok sounds of very positive are african countries and governments themselves shouldering more of the responsibilities that as they are there are increases in Government Spending in most not all but most african countries in health in agriculture in education we have also been successful with our colleagues in nigeria for example with Civil Society pressing the government to increase funding in health and theyve begun. Be successful in that so we are seeing progress on that front ok you know china is of course a power in africa very big whats whats your opinion should they be doing more should they be taking on bigger responsibilities for Health Care Delivery in africa i would like to see china take on a bigger role i think every country in the world can and should engage so that would be that would be an important step to have a new agency well see when it actually does over the coming years look forward about talking about that sometime the up elsewhere thank you very much for being with us president of one in jail fighting preventable disease in africa thanks very much thank you. Well it has been a year now since maltose best known investigative journalist Dafna Khurana girlies you know was killed by a car bomb police have charged three men with the murder but critics say those who ordered the attack are still at large and are being protected the government denies any wrongdoing in the investigation but the it has lost face in the countrys leaders it appears no need the ball reports from malta. Remembering her hero one year after her murder activist piazza meant mourns the journalist Stephanie Carr and who shone in light on the activities of the corrupt and criminal. Why did she have to die she did not die because she lied she died because she told the truth and she was uncovering too many uncomfortable truths for too many people this is the spot where carroll was assassinated just after three pm on the sixteenth of october twenty seventeen she was driving down this hill when a remote controlled bomb detonated under her seat the explosion threw have vehicle off the road and into this field this memorial at the site of the s. S. A nation pays tribute to the journalist who dat the powerful of this country difficult questions questions over Money Laundering government corruption and the breakdown of the rule of law these questions havent gone away and neither has the question over who wanted. That in the first place. Police were quick to arrest three men suspected of planting the bomb one year on authorities still no closer to finding the ringleaders those who would it these hired to kill the journalist concerned are growing over the rule of law and. E. U. Parliamentarians mangold visited the island on a Fact Finding Mission for brussels after all whats happened i have. Of course no trust in the multis all for a ts the real murder of dufner have not been found and we learned during the delegation that some evidence which was offered was not used. To have made many powerful enemies sound suspect that they are now storing the investigation into her death importantly to have not been followed up and in another setback the magistrate in charge of the investigation was promoted and taken off the case mortis minister of justice insists that everything is being done. No no no do police is doing its utmost to to solve this problem in your smear there and i have to congratulate him for doing it for Testing Group theyre doing. Outside the ministry of justice is one of many activists who say that there is a conspiracy of silence around the investigation they have brought over our flowers and our cameras and we have delayed them at the symmetry of freedom of speech this is where freedom of speech has come to die the activists say that they will keep on fighting until those responsible for the matter. Are found and brought to justice. We have some football now in england pulled off a big surprise in their Nations League match against spain for him sterling scored twice as in one sealed a three two victory in the spanish city of seville spite a loss spain still remain top of the group and Germanys National Football Team has yet to bounce back from this years disastrous world cup on saturday they lost three nil to the netherlands and now they face world champions france in the Nations League thats tonight criticism of coach loves mounting as one poll shows ninety percent of german fans want him out of the job. Its no walk in the park for coach york removed these days germany trained inside the stop de france on monday after their debacle in amsterdam they need to bounce back against the world champions another heavy loss could spell the end of his tenure. If you just more task here is to put in a different performances executed well. Everything else has to be blanked out of. Course i have to take the criticism but i can handle it well and. The players also know that they are culpable for the poor performance against the netherlands countless chances were wasted and the defense looks vulnerable to counter attacks a few personnel changes will be made but goalkeeper manuel neuer will keep his place after a blunder is known will be hard against the world champions but we had a few chances when we drew against the new nick and so our aim here in paris was a winner and get three points. But they face a french team that won the world cup by combining discipline defending with fast paced counterattacks their title winning coach is keen to combat complacency. And you keep at it im certainly not expecting the german team to be passive quite the opposite considering the players and the experience there is in that team france versus germany matches are never easy but we have the same objectives then when the three points to bring us closer to our goal of finishing top of our group. For now germanys Main Objective is getting a goal they failed to school in their last three competitive matches. And italys Main Objective right now is more cash market. Most indebted member state wants more debt once more dates and they were supposed to submit to the budget yesterday brian but theres been some. De lay and italy has submitted its controversial budget plan to the e. U. Now for review that of course setting up a showdown with brussels over romes deficit spending and the plan would roll back a two thousand and eleven pension reform that raised the retirement age and it would provide a basic income to poor unemployed italians all nations expected to cost seven hundred billion viewers together if in fact it the budget would talking to the deficit of two point four percent of g. D. P. And that is well above the guidance. So lets turn to frankfurt now where my colleague bartz is standing by in the markets i believe continued to be jittery over worries about the italian budget really why the nervousness there and in the e. U. Of course. Yes because the policies that the Italian Government is aiming out already raising the cost of boring for the Italian Government and since the government has come into office and started talking about these populist policies aimed to please their voters the cost of boring for italy has skyrocketed now its nowhere near the levels it was when we had the euro sovereign debt crisis in the year two thousand and twelve when the euro zone was seriously in danger and the e. C. B. Had to step in with a promise to do everything to preserve the euro but people are becoming worried because at the moment the European Central bank is doing everything it can to keep borrowing costs down to keep the euro in play by buying new bonds still at a lower volume than before but still buying but at some rate at some time the e. C. B. Has to stop propping up and then you might have problems also for the euro thats what people are worrying about at the moment but of course i mean. Taking out more debt in order to invest in itself is not a bad thing and italy is a european heavyweight economically what potential is there for italy to actually pull it off. Theres a lot of potential and of course theres something to be said for giving the voters the general population more money to spend that also flows into the economy of course and italy is the number three economic nation in the eurozone its not that for nothing it has a solid industrial and Service Industry base it has a very well educated and well trained workforce and a surprising stat for some for perhaps the current count as in the surplus that is not the pended on a constant inflow of capital from abroad at least and the average italian has about twice as much personal first personal wealth as the average german you know about that in france that thank you so much. Authorities in germany yes thats to order a recall of some one hundred thousand opel behave they were found to be equipped with an emissions cheating device similar to the one used by folks in a scandal that emerged three years ago this follows raids at two opel locations a spokesman for the car maker has confirmed the raids but maintains the vehicles in question are compliant with existing laws opel was a General Motors subsidiary in germany for over eighteen years but was sold to frances b. As a last year after a prolonged period of painful losses. And swedish pharma giant astra zeneca has suspended investments in britain due to the lack of clarity its departure on its departure from the European Union nonexecutive chairman leaf johansson made to the announcement in frances newspaper the company has reportedly spent forty five Million Euros stockpiling made sit in britain and to Continental Europe to prevent supply disruptions if the two sides thats brussels and london fail to reach an agreement regulating trade come march next year pharmaceutical companies have repeatedly warned of a mates in shortages in europe after brics. Youre watching the news coming live from berlin well coming up at the top of the alice events. Families for freedom mothers sisters and wives from syria. Theyre traveling through europe to raise awareness. Their loved ones have disappeared taken by the syrian regime. My sons been in jail for six years and i dont know how. Theyre must tell the stories of those whove gone missing a little three times a. D. W. I. The contentious figure at home. Here in germany i think gorbachev was one of the bring heroes of the Twentieth Century Mikhail Gorbachev the last leader of the soviet union was an agent of change quickly met his downfall to resign my duties as president of the arrow of time gorbachev and the opportunity for peace wasted in forty five minutes on t. W. Closely. Listen carefully to. The soon. To be a good. Match. Discovered the. Subscribe to documentary on you tube. Welcome to global three thousand this week we head to kenya to meet some adults going back to school their aim a well paid job. In vietnams capital hanoi pollution is becoming a big problem thats the solution. And we meet people who fled to venice while out west

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