Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180819

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Country in search of work but as the numbers grow neighboring countries say no more than welcome. To the long. Time hell of a home for good to have you with us the indonesian island of a long walk has been rocked by a series of earthquakes one measuring magnitude six point three in the other off the audience northeast coast measuring six point nine the tremors caused landslides standage buildings and spread panic just two weeks after the worst earthquake in the islands history kill four hundred sixty people. It is a scene that is becoming familiar to residents in tall ag. Makers on the island of lombok the aftermath of yet another powerful arest quake this measuring marking chewed six point three the first in a series to strike the island over a matter of hours damaging buildings and causing panic. I mean good god i was on the third floor it was very strong and we could feel the building shaking on us the lights went out. But. The initial air quakes epicenter was in longbox northeast further travers came next then a stronger and much shallower quake this time measuring six point nine heads off the islands northeast coast here a landslide triggered on the mountain where hikers had been trapped in july quake a week later on august fifth the worst quake in the islands history killed more than four hundred sixty people. There with terrorists who tales the business is well drilled in the task of getting people out quickly. Everyone ran out of the hotel but no one pushed their way through they evacuated calmly. Fearing further travers these hotel guests are preparing for a sleepless night site hospitals to moving patients to relative safety. And joining us on the telephone now is who sneak her sneeze on a long book island in a western town called mutton works the International Federation of the red cross thank you very much for talking to us in what must be a very difficult time whats the situation like where you are at the moment. Currently in my time between long ball and. Another strong show happened. If meaning around eleven pm local time and that. Is that wrong to show that we had. For the day. In port tal weve had around the aftershock that we. Felt strongly on the ground here sir the one that struck off at eleven pm it was quite shocking it was quite big and with together with my other colleagues we were just. Coming back from the field today mortgage halls that were seeing in one walk here and we were having a bit of rest and all of a sudden the power was gone and the ground with starting to shake and we rushed outside quickly. Just really trying to stay away from the building in the dawn i mean you say it was very shocking as we can of course imagine in a series of aftershocks following the quakes and of course a quake two weeks ago as well how are people reacting there was the state of mind right now. That happened this afternoon to a crisp that happened this afternoon required shocking as the Community Level so we had quite a few footage from our colleagues. On the ground who were trying to reach some remote area that there was no hope and the middle of the way because of the strong earthquakes and they had to help people around the local community or people were running around trying to get away from the building from construction so that you know there were safe and also like within the red cross we have been working on really rebuilding the lives of communities so weve started directing temporary shelters for communities and also providing other regular support courting psychosocial or the Good Housekeeping and water and funding mission as well but just you know the show has been. Quite shocking and all over. And although we have to be more like you know working with communities were supporting them more on on what they need on the ground right know because the new off the shore the new damage that theyre on the undergoing at the moment well has he has me thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us that the International Federation off the red cross on the island of nonblocking thanking the. Well lets take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world italian rescuers have ended the search for survivors from the general bridge collapse the official death toll now stands at forty three people after three more bodies were discovered overnight a section of the mud and the bridge gave way last tuesday with dozens of vehicles punching fifty meters to the ground below. Zero far hes in indias flood ravaged carola stated trying to rescue thousands of people stranded in isolated areas flooding and landslides triggered by torrential rains have killed hundreds and displaced more than seven hundred thousand people more rain is forecast in the coming days. The annual hodge pilgrimage in mecca in saudi arabia over two million muslims from across the world are expected during the five day event to one of the biggest gatherings in the world and it comes and in the coming days pilgrims will take part in a series of rituals including circling is the most sacred shrine the comma. Afghan president ashraf ghani has declared a provisional three month ceasefire with the taliban but warned it would only hold if the insurgents kept their side of the bargain or the truce comes after a week of deadly violence in the country in which the taliban norcia an assault against the city of cast me near kabul but with the country celebrated by Independence Day and a religious holiday the president extended an olive branch. To all of you from the start of the holiday president gunny is offering the taliban a conditional cease fire and if they accept hes prepared to extend that till the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad in november. We call upon the leadership of the taliban to welcome the which he said after guns for a long lasting and real peace and we urged them to ready themselves a peace talks based on islamic values and principles. Jump while a clerk. At the same time the taliban said that they would release hundreds of prisoners the announcements came after a week of intense fighting the taliban launched a massive assault against the city of cows need some kabul residents on the streets to celebrate the countrys independence were hopeful. That while its not one that Everyone Wants to see the end of war in afghanistan everyone wished for a lasting peace all over the country we wish to live a better life. But this is gunnies second call for peace this year after a short lived three day cease fire back in june. And journalist attacked here caddied he joins us on the line now from kabul hes been following this story. This is not the first time that dannys offered a cease fire this year and just last week we saw fresh fighting the taliban also announcing that it with where that would withdraw protection from the red cross so what has propelled ghani to offer this cease fire now. Well actually youre right two months ago during the first the festival danny also you know offered an unconditional actually offer proposal to the taliban but this time its conditional he says that you know he will give them the opportunity to embrace you and if they do agree and if they agree if they do. Approve this proposal then you know for three months youll just cease fire but the problem is that the taliban are always been going back on your promises i mean last time we quite remember that only for three or four days they accepted that ben but then shortly after that we you know witness quite a lot of attacks in kabul and in north of afghanistan and loads of afghan troops on afghan civilians have been killed two people are not really optimistic to be honest about. All five even though i mean we hear from International Figures as well like today the need to take quick trip general also welcomed it and ive been speaking you know to other diplomats as well saying that is my the actually opening the gateway for the taliban to embrace peace for a break to be for afghanistan so welcomed by the International Community but first of course the taliban have to agree to it how are they reacting to the offer. One of the taliban actually you know when you read dear even read sage it doesnt really talk so much about this even though its just they say that they would be releasing. A dozen of afghan prisoners that they are and captivity within the taliban groups but they havent been really you know theyre not breaking on this one issue of the dead but it seems like the taliban on quite a global reach but the problem is that the taliban is not one united need to get this point that me clarify that they are so much segregated and they are so much divided actually so that your money could stop the taliban if one group embraces actually welcome this peace for full though there might be other groups that they might be you know opposing it as they did in the us as well tactical dariya journalist an accomplice speaking to us thank you very much indeed thank you venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro has announced a series of Economic Reforms aimed at curbing hyperinflation which could hate one million percent this year now a new currency is due start trading this week to give you an idea of the daily hardship people are facing this pile of venezuelan ball of oz well here you can see it will buy you just one chicken likewise you can take a look now and see how much a few tomatoes currently cost in venezuela and take a look at this now which pile of paper is worth more hey actual paper money or the toilet paper itself venezuelans a feat the economic crisis in a dry but theyre facing tough restrictions on getting into other countries. Brazilians in the border town of power a kind turn on venezuelan immigrants forcing hundreds to flee back across the frontier violence flared after an alleged attack on a local Restaurant Owner but tensions have been building for years as huge numbers of venezuelans escaping turmoil at home have poor it into brazil. Chaotic scenes also on the border between colombia and ecuador which has tightened passport requirements for venezuelans wanting to enter the country like many fifty year old gabriele millivolt wants to travel through ecuador and then into peru but the authorities there too are cracking down on venezuelans. Im here with my wife were hoping for some kind of humanitarian measure from the ecuadorian government that allows us to enter so we can continue our journey to peru. We really want to contribute. If we dont work our kids will starve. Were going to stick together until we get to our destination in peru so we can work and fight for our kids. That may now be more difficult but with the venezuelan economy in tatters and no guarantee president maduro is reforms will succeed theres little incentive for would be emigrants to return home. If it will the first round of the german cup continued on sunday and there were some big scorelines for the top clubs cologne beat their Fourth Division opponents a. F. C. Dynamo nine one with a z one to go to grabbing four goals no less than one who put six goals. That was one upset that i was fit to side kemah like sake scored a late when its a defeat aikens book two one ill be like that meanwhile defeated victoria three one. Well im sure in football faces an uncertain future with fifa threatening to ban the country from International Competition including upcoming African Nations Cup qualifiers footballs governing body issued nigeria final warning sheet to allege state interference in the running of the Nigerian Football Federation a cold case over the federation twenty four thousand president ial elections recently installed christie he was the organizations new nida fifty four rejected he was mandate who allegedly has the support of the Nigerian Government before said the nigerian f. A. Must reinstall the previous president would you pin it by midday on monday or face punishment. Europe states you seem. To believe

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