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Ruling country of the ruling party of the country for a very long time the party that ruled the country for forty years he has been holding various ministers positions under former dictator mugabe and last year when god was forced to resign by the military he finally took over as the president and he changed his image completely he suddenly portrayed himself as the reformer he opened up the country to investors and he also allowed more freedom more Freedom Of Speech and this electoral process for him was another sign that he wanted to give to the world that hes opening up the country hes been talking a lot about the electoral process that its been free and fair and according to him also observers said so but the reality is not really like this yes there has been tremendous amount of improvement compared to previous elections in zimbabwe which were not free at all but also a lot of people say there was intimidation here and the process was not as fair as he thinks it was yeah the leader of the opposition called the selection fraudulent and illegal what evidence is there for that well thats exactly protest against the bombing of their school its actually the link to the taliban and other religious militants who oppose education for girls no casualties were reported in the bombings. Yemen may be on the brink of a new outbreak of cholera a warning coming from the World Health Organization widespread malnutrition and conflict could push up the death rate w. H. O. Has called for a three day cease fire in the north of the country in order to carry out a vaccination program. Well theyve been subjected to immense cruelty some Seven Thousand new cd women and girls in Northern Iraq were abducted tortured and sexually abused by the socalled Islamic State this after militants overran iraqs Northern District just across the border from syria four years ago now i ask has been driven out but some Three Thousand u. C. D. Women are still missing many of them have been sold into slavery. Met with two people who are working to rescue them. It breaks my heart she says. Shareen chavan is showing us her hometown since the ruined city of the yazidi east. Shes just come back from syria where many young is still being held as slaves who stop at her old school. Oh is that a big time to one mother my best friend and i held hands around here. I took her and made her a slave. She killed herself while she was there prisoner. And i have other friends who are still in their hands its difficult to cope. Shes only twenty two but she van has dedicated herself to finding the kidnapped tell us about is strikes. We compare information to localise the people were looking for other jobs and. They work with smugglers in syria to bring the former prisoners across the border they say they freed more than sixty people so far. Mostly only works though when the families pay a ransom to the islamists or at least to middlemen who try to use. The families have to borrow the money. If they cant get enough we help them. I have friends in europe and america and they give us the money to buy the woman free. Show her own russia early was held prisoner for four years her family paid for her release. That im getting stuff she has got i saw her they killed my mother. It was awful. They tortured us and forced us to pray. They beat us and they put a price on our sense old us from one man to the next. She says she was on the brink of killing herself but then she came across a mobile phone she secretly sent her Family Photos and a video three months later she found and shingle found her her family paid Thirteen Thousand u. S. Dollars to get her back. Was the moment i want you to free all the prisoners from them they sell them to each other like sheep its terrible. And they help themselves to ten year old girls get us back to the mosque. Chavan also tries to help the women afterwards in the absence of psychological support she has organized a number of selfhelp groups today shes talking with women about suicide what are the signs that someone is in danger of hurting herself how can others help you have to support each other she tells them. As i dont know i know we have all faced death and that life now is hard but weve survived you know we cannot give up and let them when. The sun is setting as we leave but she wants to go to mt singe or the years edis Holy Mountain to honor her friends who are buried here killed while fighting i. R. S. Fish event its a place where she connects with them where she gathers strength for what lies ahead. All right well have more on that piece including an interview with the author coming up in the next half hour but first its time for some Business News and hell of the service that changed the way we think about accommodation love it or hate it sara a b. And b. Is turning ten years old the Home Sharing Website has disrupted the travel industry like know about none of us having tenants and our telly is that resistance is growing in many places including in the german City Of Munich which is threatening to find the company for shaking things up a step too far. Munich has the highest rents in all of germany its also a major Tourist Destination some residents here good returns off the air b. N. B. Apartments as these officials in the local authority know only too well meaning homeowners and tenants need a permit to rent out their apartments for more than eight weeks a year. The investigators suspect a tenant here of illegally renting out properties all year around. Sutton just on and on for installs if sentiment is it started in twenty seventeen with this apartment he was a kind of big player few friends had lots of flags and then something i think that will be in be. On the biggest for me that the investigators pay a visit to the apartment and speak to vacationers i gather revenants. Their landlord will receive a hefty fine potentially up to Five Hundred Thousand Euros it was a secret. From me you can rent the place per day four hundred to Two Hundred Fifty euros or if you do them out on the monthly rent is covered after just ten days of the finance yoke and after that you start making a profit with a talk but given. The idea behind a b. And b. Is that tourists like to feel at home. Since its founding the company has grown from One Hundred Thousand registered listings to four and a half million. More rooms in munich than the five Largest Hotel chains combined. You know how mergen Northern Germany lived in her apartment for thirty three years she raised the children there and knew all the neighbors then she got an addiction notice the none of the claims you needed the flat for his own use. That not been given to. Someone suggested i take a look at albion b. Before they suspected it was being offered on their website. For me to get this is the out on air b. N. B. Part of her kitchen are still in the apartment it now costs fifty nine years polite does Eight Hundred a month more than four times the original rent money going to be able now is to pay much higher rent elsewhere and is suing their b. And b. For tourists a cheaper option by holidays Around The World but for residents looking for rentals its a potential nightmare. Donald trumps top economic adviser says the United States and china have been holding high level trade talks that two sides appear to have found Little Common ground larry kudlow described chinas threat to impose another Sixty Billion Dollars worth of tariffs on the u. S. This week and said the worlds second biggest economy was quote in trouble the trumpet administration accuses china is stealing Intellectual Property and not playing by Trade Rules China denies those allegations and says u. S. Protectionism is a threat to global trace as get more on this now with our financial correspondent so fish about new york sophie clearly the latest Ratcheting Up of Trade Tensions between the u. S. And china that hows that playing out a wall street. Well the investors here have tend to downplay concerns about these Trade Conflicts for the longest time and have been focusing on fundamentals and earnings but when we look at the charts out the dollar jones for example and other indices we can see subtle signs of declining optimism was speed lost a few points on thursday on friday it did a little bit and little better again but it has gone all over that investors dont Pay Attention to terror threats at all the back and forth between china and the you as has turned into a downward spiral with neither of the two sides giving in so wall street is asking where is this going to end will trump be able to turn all of this into a win win situation or at least into america wins a situation all with china think hes taking it too far and retaliate even harder once American Companies begin to suffer from protectionism enter a totally asian wall street cannot longer ignore the possibility of trans trade policy harming the kompany they are invested in in the long term at least but then again there are a lot of distractions at the moment like earnings like the new Market Cap Record from apple and so the s. And p. Five hundred and that out gold rolls on friday so if you ask you for us in new york thanks for that safety i was in founder jeff bezos could be falling behind in the private sector space race there are signs that his firms heavy rocket set for liftoff in twenty twenty maybe forty behind schedule now his company blue origin faces stiff competition from none other than edo musks space x. Just a month ago amazon founder jeff bezos is Rocket Company successfully pulled off its most important test to date. But reports are now saying the twenty twenty liftoff date may be moved back engineers are still finalizing details on the heavy Launch Rocket Basis has frequently stressed that the timing depends on perfecting the vehicle safety. And such down this vehicle is going to carry humans were going to make it is save his we can make it were going to test it were not going to take any short cuts so well put humans on this vehicle when were ready and not a second sooner the reusable Launch Vehicle will be used to transport satellites it will also take tourists into space and bring them back to earth again. You know imagine how alan shepard must have felt. All those years ago most of them pretty cool space travel has come a long way since astronaut alan shepard historic journey in One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty one now bases wants to expand the company by doubling its workforce over the next two or three years to around Three Thousand employees yours and others and to sarah now in the red hot summer well it just goes on there are no no end in sight helen of those of us in europe know its been hot in europe is bracing for another weekend of scorching temperatures heat wave just rolls on in Southern Europe this time where the mercury looks set to spike the highest meteorologist there warning new records could be set around the mediterranean. This is heat you just cant beat but that Doesnt Stop People from trying. Its relentless. In portugal the mercury was well north of forty degrees across the country and its set to get worse on saturday the countrys c. And Atmosphere Institute has warned that red alert temperatures are not going to and anytime soon i mean we see this man it was probably the red alerts will be extended until next week in some inland regions but gradually the red alerts will end but. Sweltering temperatures in neighboring spain as well at the height of the tourist season visitors to the royal palace in madrid didnt have fountains to cool themselves often so they made do with what they had. With you is that when its very hot ive been in valencia in barcelona and although it was hot there i think madrid is the hottest from four in the afternoon on wood so you need to be in the shade because its impossible to handle the sun and you have to drink lots of water its on much of what. Some people cant get out of the sun and actually have to work in this heat. While the lucky ones have flocked to the coast where temperatures are lower and the ocean provides much needed relief. Well german soccer fans will soon get a chance to forget their countrys dreadful World Cup Campaign the bonus the usa isnt is just around the corner and munich once again favorites for the title with an ageing squad and little transfer activity this summer there are question marks over their ability to win a seventh straight title but their new coach believes the varians have just what it takes. Things have turned out well on by and preseason to lead by coach nico the team has been enjoying his preparations for the new campaign. The atmosphere could hardly have been better on the tour of the us. And now theyre back in germany is turning his attention towards getting even better this season. We want to make each play it better i expect Passion Ambition and progress. Things that defined himself as a player he spent two seasons of bahrain as a battling midfielder and as a coach he proved his worth through his new employers by beating them in the german cup final in my. Having the Coach Communication is key. Because. I think he still thinks like a Player Hes Meticulous and he talks to us a lot. His main task will be to oversee a generational change in robin from Korea Barrier in their mid thirtys but remain key players a few new players have arrived so schnabel he has returned from a loan spell at Hoffenheim Gorecki has signed on a free transfer from shelf does things you know so you know if ive noticed that our Training Sessions have been longer than perhaps some of the players are used to. For the season and clear its the same every year here. That doesnt just mean a seventh bundesliga title in a rugby coach wants by and to be just as dominant in the german cup and the champions league. Germanys voc in heavy Metal Festival has kicked off its music fans from Around The World descending on the village near park topping the bill this year British Rock Legend judas priest and with the sun shining the Music Screeching and the beer flowing freely visitors seem to be having a great weekend heres a look. You know how to foster vulcan lives up to its most. Seventy five thousand hard rock and metal fans from Around The World have to send it on the small north german village. When i see it here because i love metal and this is the mecca of metal its my third year here. And. I like every Festival Worth its Salt Camping Out on a huge field this part of the vatican experience. I love it its like coming home its a feels like home every time i come its nothing and ill come back a million times. I love where from mexico. Is their promise land. They keep the sure and it is Nothing Better than coming to vulcan once a year to let it all hang out with all to give yours a good blast and to enjoy life to give me some. Of these days two Hundred Bands Of Performing On Stage is. Headlined by British Metal legends judas priest. Despite all the posturing fuckin actually has a reputation for being a very friendly festival theres hardly ever any trouble. Thats because everyone here gets there at gresham out in the mosh pit. Theres your minder of our top stories this hour on dave w in zimbabwe the opposition group. Went for Democratic Change has rejected the results of the countrys president ial election its leader Nelson Chamisa said his party would challenge the outcome in Court President Anderson My God called me while insisting he won a free and fair election. And thats already got me news more coming at the top of the hour in the meantime dont forget you can always find a way to stay on our web site w dot com im Sarah Harmon In Berlin thanks for watching have a great weekend. Like we were. When we were. The First Americans in some point in our lives will experience hardship listening. To. Beyond the mouth of an Inferno Monkee in greece one week on from the devastating fires tons. Villages are trying to guard whats left of their homes against looters while rescue teams search for bodies and survivors. People here have been left to fend for themselves with little Support Materializing from the state. In sixty minutes. Russian Political Satire meets Game Design Supplement next with the help of a game engine and modern Digital Technology to create. Taking. Satire goes russian on t. V. You. Clever syrians courageous. Shift in forty five minutes. Iran. Once again isolated theocracy and now a major power in the middle east. Airlines influence continues to grow politically economically and above all militarily. Does iran truly want peace. The countries of home sick of their doubts isolate

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