Witnesses said the man shouted god is great in arabic during the attack near the citys famous opera house paris has been under higher security. Recent years after a string of deadly islamic extremist attacks police are investigating the attack as an act of terrorism the socalled Islamic State has described the attacker as one of its soldiers. To iraq now where voters in the country have voted in the first parliamentary election since the government declared victory over Islamic State militants turnout was low at less than forty five percent amid high tensions and high security the vote went off largely peacefully but at least three people were reportedly killed in a bomb attack just south of the oil rich city of kirkuk. Iraqi voters cast their ballots amid tight security but turnout was lower than expected partly because Islamic State militants had threatened attacks at polling places a curfew on cars around Polling Stations had kept some voters away but the only reported violence was a Car Bomb Attack in kirkuk which killed the vehicles passengers some voters were frustrated by long lines at Polling Booths others found their names Werent On Voting lists in the areas where they live. Im from the government of diyala ive been living here since Two Thousand And Six and theres been three elections and its the same story the same problems we come to the Polling Station and they say your name is not there so we need proof of nationality we need another i. D. Many voters faced similar problems in a country where there are an estimated Three Million internally displaced people. The two top candidates the prowest an incumbent Prime Minister buddy. And how the muti from an iranian backed militia that seen as having led the fight against our u. S. Forces. Has it i would have the other areas close to the people because he fought while others were sitting on chairs and got money therefore i believe that the other i mean he is the best for the people. Shot fifteen years after Saddam Hussein was toppled the country is in ruins and in need of close to Ninety Billion dollars to rebuild infrastructure. But the first task iraqs next Prime Minister faces is to repair the rift between the countrys majority shiite and minority sunni populations. Correspondent youre far cream is covering these elections from baghdad in cooperation with a Rocky Channel t. V. Jeff farwell com what are you hearing about the bomb attack near the city of kirkuk at the moment. Ok what i heard so far what happened in career coupe that three people where. Were killed through their blast thats happened there through the two voters and one observer but to no theres nothing. And thats the only what we know so far ok now with regard to the election the Prime Minister partially lifted a curfew to encourage more people to vote this appeared to have made any difference from what you could tell whether what i can tell i wasnt. Going to one of the poll of the Voting Stations you could see that the streets were empty and the curfew was there and you see people walking maybe three to four kilometers in order to reach the Voting Stations and off today so that the turnout is very low even at the afternoon they body decided to change it but according to what i saw on my impression because i came back the streets were still almost empty and when i talked also told deserver here they told me that there was no change even after stopping the curfew and the turnout at the end was low when i can talk today about backed out of the observers told me only twenty five percent of the population in baghdad participated today in the election and population of black that is almost more than five million so all over when you talk to the people it wasnt a big surprise for them that the turnout was low because at the beginning they didnt have enough trust in this elections because theyre criticizing the government because theyre doing this elections in times where you have daily attacks and daily blasts and also criticizing the government and a bloody himself for corruption. Jeff eyes you just mentioned youve been speaking to iraqis there cut the country faces Major Economic challenges after battling the socalled Islamic State for the past several years so do voters there expect this election to bring about the change that they need when i talk to them and especially when not see here only in bucket but in north of iraq in mosul where d. S. One year ago was still there and a body always says like were defeated today the the the i asked talk to the people there day know that these elections will not change anything because even one year after defeating islam its the socalled this time it stayed Nothing Happened there are no big changes you still have the old town of mosul is totally destroyed you still have bridges that are destroyed schools there are destroyed hospitals that are destroyed we dont have to be to forget that almost one million internally displaced iraqis didnt return back to their home so the politicians here are making big words and talking a lot when you say when you talk to people but when it comes to facts and which comes to doing they are not doing it and you can see this very well through the whole posters you have here and The Big Picture is hanging all over iraq and telling them we will build up iraq we will support you and its kind of a joke that people here do their what whats written on this papers taste on these papers and on this posters and they cannot they will not do it on the ground and change anything so the trust in the elections is very low the credibility of the elections is also low and the people tell Me We Dont Trust Him Whats Going On nothing is going to have the same faces will appear again jafar Abdul Karim In Baghdad thank you very much. North korea says it will dismantle its Nuclear Test Site later this month this is part of a previous pledge to halt its Nuclear Test Program state media says underground tunnels will be collapsed and Nuclear Facilities removed adding that foreign journalists including americans will be invited to cover the event this follows u. S. President Donald Trumps confirmation of his meeting with north Korean Leader kim jong un which will be held on june twelfth in singapore. Now and the other stories making news around the world syrian human rights observers say at least nineteen iranians were among the more than forty killed in israeli strikes on syria this week israels army says it struck Iranian Military targets south of damascus following a Rocket Attack on israeli controlled Golan Heights which israel believes was carried out by iran. Us president has declared a major disaster as the Killer Whale Volcano continues to erupt on hawaiis big island scientists are warning of further eruptions and more destructive lava flows dozens of homes have been destroyed and killer way erupted more than a week ago. Thousands of people have marched through the Polish Capital Warsaw demonstrators are outraged about reforms to the countrys courts made by the ruling law and Justice Party the opposition says the changes threaten judges independence the government says the changes are necessary though to combat corruption and inefficiency. To spain now where the Regional Parliament of catalonia has failed to elect a new president and its fifth attempt to form a new government Pro Independence parties are backing kim torah who remains likely to clinch the position in another vote and on monday he has vowed to continue the independence fight against Madrid Catalonia has been without a government since late last year in madrid remove car last put them on cabinet purged monts allies then one Regional Elections in december and have been trying to form a government ever since if the region is still without a government by May Twenty Second Catalonia will face fresh elections earlier we spoke to and i lotto fetter who has been covering the story for us in barcelona i asked her what happens next in the push to elect a new leader and catalonia. Get them absolute majority today in the first round. Filey amend six to six and these voting say were of interest sixty five against that there were also four abstentions. The same result today monday he could be next president because a monday a second route. Parliament is expected to be held and he only needs a simple majority so that means thats got to anyone who cuts president s. Their six months without a precedent. Germanys chancellor has been awarded the s. E. C. Peace prize Franciscan Monks recognize angle americal for her work promoting the peaceful coexistence of different Peoples Miracle Wasnt Italy to receive the accolade this as italy edges towards a breakthrough in the political deadlock that has gripped the country since inconclusive elections two months ago. Seen frances basilica in a c. C. The setting for a highly anticipated speech by german chancellor. This is a word ceremony fell on a decisive day for each of the countrys path could soon be determined by a coalition of the euro skeptic five Star Movement and the end to migration link italian book instantly is in a crucial political phase which i of course wont take a stand on but what i want to say is that we germany want to join forces with each to solve the great issues of our time. There who was here to receive the lamp of peace award for what the Franciscan Order described as her work promoting the peaceful coexistence of peoples the piece of land as a replica of a glass or a lamp that burns in the Burial Chamber of the orders founder francis of assisi. Hedonist on a tire peace is hardly conceivable without Inclusiveness Sauna Geraghty and justice freedom for peace is not free peace requires work the peace is like the light of a lamp that only lights us as long as we really continue adding oil. Around lean cry from the german chancellor for more concerted efforts to end wars around the world. Hollywoods leading women have taken part in a historic Red Carpet Protest at the Cannes Film Festival Denouncing Sex Discrimination in the Industry Australian Actress Cate Blanchett who had this years jury read a Statement Calling for equal pay and opportunities for women in the Film Industry and beyond eighty two women took part the same number as the number of films directed by women ever to feature at cannes that compares to more than a fixed hundred for men its the first time the event in france has been held hes a Sexual Abuse Scandals at hollywood. And the Worlds Largest singing competition has a new champion israel has won this years Euro Vision Song contest the winning tune called toy it was inspired by the me too movement. Israeli artists now to have artsy ally celebrating with her team the sixty third year of the competition was held in the portuguese capital lisbon lets take a listen to the wedding song about the jubilee thats what. It is. Going to be. Cant. Say i dont care what somebody says but. I think you from the top of. The box

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