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Europe over the status of jerusalem but he says shows no signs of compromise drew should be forgotten the reason its going to capital is room for three thousand years its been the couple of the jewish state for seventy. Benjamin netanyahu bats away warnings that trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital is a threat to peace he says palestinians must come to grips with reality also coming out right kremlin insider or crusading outsider hits the campaign trail with the former reality t. V. Star was standing against Vladimir Putin she says she wants to create a new and different russia. And in the bundesliga blizzard of goals in blizzard conditions and cologne of the teams former coach was feeling the warmth of adversity a dortmund after getting a surprise call. Im serious i was gonna thank you for joining us we start with fresh fallout from u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has welcomed trumps decision is visiting brussels is expected to come under pressure from the European Union to revive the middle east Peace Process on sunday he met frances president Emmanuel Mccall and it was clear the two leaders did not see eye to eye. A shake of hands and an embrace french president Emmanuel Mccaw greets israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in paris despite for a warm welcome and smile was for the cameras they are two leaders. Sharply divided over the u. S. Decision to recognize to resell them as israels capital. When they appeared before the press various differences became plain my car called president trumps move a dangerous threat to peace and urged netanyahu to negotiates with the palestinians he should. I would tell him give a chance to peace and make a gesture towards the palestinians peace doesnt depend on the United States on one side and friends on its own it depends on the ability of the two leaders on israeli and palestinian to make it happen. And if given a chance. Netanyahu dug in against the criticism. Its always been our capital jerusalem has never been the capital of any other people i think the sooner the problem students come to grips with this reality the sooner we will move towards peace and this is why i think president trumps announcement was so good storch and so important for peace. But that peace is unlikely in the coven thomas fear. Is outside the u. S. Embassy in beirut a sign of a rage against u. S. President donald trump seems not to suggest it wont be easy to defuse the now global outrage netanyahu is next stop is bristles when hell meet with phone ministers from the European Union. More on this story now with our correspondents on the ground maya schwager is in jerusalem. Is in brussels good morning to both of you max lets start with you in brussels many leaders there opposed to trumps move recognizing jerusalem as israels capital so what do you Foreign Ministers want to get from Benjamin Netanyahu i think the Foreign Ministers dont expect to get much of that at all because that hes known to them we know his stance on the European Union hes criticized the e. U. Repeatedly over the last years as being too palestinian friendly just when he left for this trip he did it again accusing the e. U. Of hypocrisy saying that they have a double standard condemning the recognition of jerusalem as a capital by the u. S. But not condemning rocket fire by the palestinians so theyre probably happy if theres no diplomatic incident here now if the relationship were different if it were reasonable expectations would be to restart the middle east Peace Process for example to announce Something Like the freezing of. The israeli settlement building that something by the way that in minute with my call the french president asked for on sunday but the way things are theyre probably happy if theres no diplomatic incident but we saw in our report that netanyahu is meeting with the french president was pretty tense coming to you know what is netanyahu looking to gain in brussels. Was max said hes not walking into the friendliest room and thats a no i was also known as a very compromising figure on the International Stage so likely what hes going to do is simply walk in there as he said with his head held high and hes looking really just look strong in front of all of these e. U. Ministers who he does not regard as diplomatic friends and hes looking to say hey look ive won this victory the us has handed this to us and now this is the new reality and everyone has to accept this the e. U. Is definitely not an easy room for him but its also going to raise the question of who can start a Peace Process again if not the u. S. This is sort of the low key question of an underlying that in this entire series of events for the past few days on the ground in israel was the u. S. Is not considered an impartial broker any more could the e. U. Maybe be even if they are considered pro Palestinian Max lets put that question then to you now is that you even prepared to step in as a mediator. The European Union took itself out of the game some years back when obama was president in the United States let the Obama Administration take over so for them its hard to step back in now especially because theyre not all on board all the Different Countries from the European Union let me give you an example the chief diplomat of the European Union wanted to condemn the recognition of jerusalem as the capital by the u. S. That would be federica more greenies in the name of the European Union but hungry said no we dont want to do that so she had to condemn it in her name now the Czech Republic apparently was ready to follow the u. S. In the recognition of jerusalem that was prevented by the other Member States but it shows you that theyre really not all on board for the same thing and on top of that you have the rise of antisemitism in many countries in the European Union something we should not forget for example in germany but especially in france that probably is not building any trust with israel so if they really wanted to get back into the game it would require a lot of work a lot of unity also on the side of the European Union and meanwhile my a palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has reportedly refused to meet the u. S. Vice president mike pence during his middle east trip later this month is that part of a larger palestinian strategy. Well insofar as there is a palestinian strategy perhaps but we have to remember that there is no Peace Process that we know of thats on the table right now there are no ongoing negotiations other rumors of some nasa and new u. S. Plan that may be put forward in the coming weeks or months with the u. S. Coronating with saudi arabia but right now this move by the u. S. Has really thrown all the usual players back on their heels and this move by abbas to not me to not meet Vice President pens really just seems like a defiant gesture of we reject the u. S. As any sort of mediator in this region as any sort of partner to anyone in this region we also have to remember abbas is old and he is not very popular among young palestinians so any move that he makes is going to be very closely scrutinized not only by the israelis but by his own people dia views my ass waiter in jerusalem and max hoffman in brussels thank you both. Now to some other stories making news around the world global arms sales are on the rise for the first time in seven years the stockholm based International Peace Research Institute says world wide arms sales told more than three hundred seventy four billion dollars in two thousand and sixteen u. S. Based Companies Account for more than half of those sales followed by the United Kingdom and russia significantly lower numbers venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro has banned key opposition parties from next years president ial election he claimed the move was based on the partys decision to boycott mayoral elections on sunday the opposition was protesting at what it claims is a rigged electoral system. A major flare up in southern californias largest wildfire has triggered new evacuations the blaze has been moving closer to the city of Santa Barbara fires in the area have forced two hundred thousand people to flee their homes and destroyed hundreds of houses. In romania thousands of people are protesting legislation that critics say would make it harder to punish high level corruption the countrys parliament is in the process of proving a series of laws that protesters say would bring the Justice System under greater political control. Next march russians will vote for a new president the incumbent ludmer putin is seeking reelection and his victory seems all but certain putins most visible adversary is alexy volley now he has declared his intention to run but a criminal conviction could prevent him from doing so it is a conviction that his supporters say is politically motivated put his other opponent is a notable newcomer t. V. Hosts. Shes the daughter of the late Anatoly Sobchak he was the mayor of St Petersburg in the ninetys and putins mentor some see cena subject as a spoiler to his campaign she herself sides with the opposition saying for example that crimea is ukrainian has a campaign trail with so chop to find out is she a kremlin stooge or a crusading outsider. That sonias sub jack is doing the rounds in rostov on don here in this part of russia south life is very different to that of subjects home city of moscow the economy is sluggish poverty is rife subjects says she wants to change that i want to see innovative russia full of yarnell businessman who are really create industries in russia because for all those years with the best oil prices we couldnt grade one single industry which would be the best in the world nothing im not proud of that i want another kind of russia subject is well known in russia having spent many years as a socialite and reality t. V. Star now she has reinvented herself as a serious political journalist her candidacy in next years president ial elections has shocked many subjects as shes standing to challenge president putin. But i see that you have to be brave to get involved in politics in russia and i am i want to see changes in this country if im scared of anything its not about losing my life i fear for my sons future hes growing up here. Subject has made multiple t. V. Appearances on russian channels shes raised to boost subjects on state Television Like russias illegal an accession of crimea such freedom of speech is rare in russia until now sonia subject had only experienced something similar when working for an independent t. V. Channel as a presenter there she interviewed Alexei Navalny the prominent opposition politician is also running against putin in the president ial elections. Critics accuse sub jack of trying to weaken around the end the russian opposition as a whole she refutes that claim saying she shares move on these values. I dont see a lot i know but that the authorities want to muzzle no volley theyll do anything to prevent him appearing as a politician but hes there and hes working hard to spread his ideas their ideas that i support. Yet many suspect that subjects candidacy was approved by the kremlin she knows putin personally and their families are friends critics say thats whats allowed her to ask uncomfortable questions both as a reporter and as a potential president ial candidate subject insists shes working independently she says she knows she has no chance against putin but that its important to stand against him. Roughly near this elite here of rice in the last ten years russias entire Political Landscape has been leveled. And we need to build it up again you know all of. Sonia subjects says she wants a new and different russia but does russia want her and who will benefit most from her involvement in this campaign. Sentiment is on the rise global an attempt to turn that around is underway in Buenos Aires Helena thats right see the World Trade Organizations a gathering of ministers is currently underway in argentina it happens every two years and it comes at a time when global trade is in trouble the term trade war has been used so often already this year frequently in response to u. S. President donald trump threats to impose or increase tariffs on exports but experts here in germany are sounding the alarm over what they call hidden protectionism moves like quotas on imports making people fill out paperwork to import or giving more state money to Homegrown Companies instead so lets take a look at the top five countries implementing hurdles to trade between two thousand and nine and twenty seventeen well weve got the United States on that list india russia saudi arabia and germany now in the United States most of these policies actually came long before the Trump Administration was inaugurated china the world number two in global trade but its not anywhere on that list of the top five countries germany and the United States are the top trading nations off the lot and it seems that they are quietly going about making it harder to import goods from abroad while we can bring in and yet she now hes the Deputy Director at the center for International Economics in munich thank you for joining us today now what were seeing is that rather than slapping tariffs on imports countries are going about it in a more subtle way my question to you so what if they do countries have a right to protect their economies has it really hurt global trade. You know absolutely actually we show in a recent study doubt these socalled muntari various are increasing since the financial crisis in particular in two thousand and nine and to give you an example we mean with that is like you know german exports for example they need to implement different bumpers on the u. S. Market or on the on the india market and this makes trade more expensive and our study illustrates that if these nontariff barriers were not in place global trade could be larger by around half a trillion us dollars so its a significant trade reducing instrument which you observe increasingly in the last five years that i think its surprising that we see germany on that list with hidden trade barriers because trump has spoken out against the countrys trade deficit do these results then give some weight to his claims. I mean one one need to be careful of course he has done trump has a point indeed what we observe is that imported killer industrialized countries are using this hidden subtle instruments to nontariff barriers in order to protect the domestic markets but on the other hand donald trump was referring also to germany because he was not content with the fact that u. S. Consumers are importing so many german cars german products or chinese products but the truth is also that the german cost of very productive comp producer or chinese goods are very cheap on the other side because they are subsidized but in germany we dont have the subsidy policy so we need to be a bit more distinguishing between these countries now they w t recent noted tina certainly has a tough job ahead of it do you think that it can really make any headway on actually reversing antitrade sentiment at a time when the organization is facing an extension crisis itself. This is not an exit generation indeed its a big crisis and i think im very pessimistic honestly because the have has been a stalemate for years now because the interests are diverging between the emerging economies like china and india on the one hand on the end of the industrial industrialized economies on the other had a better road would have been you know the idea of t. To bend the Transpacific Partnership was to find regional agreements which could then be used within the World Trade Organization as as a as a wrote to find again a consensus that this unfortunately turned out to be difficult also because to tip and d. P. P. As we all know now are on hold at the moment. Chain Deputy Director of the for center for International Economics in the nic thank you thank you. For the First Time Ever a bit corny chism now tradeable they were launched on the Chicago Board Options Exchange less than twelve hours ago trade as a busy pacing placing their bets are all that and see where they think the Virtual Currency will be come january that seen the current one point surge to more than eighteen thousand dollars some expect the derivatives to stabilize the price others say the bubble is set to bust. Its a move some say could propel bitcoin from the fringes to the forefront of finance. The futures markets allies traders to speculate on the cryptic currencies priced at a later date something which could increased ability but also push the price down from the dizzying heights of where its been i think argue a correction and i suspect the correction will happen when the futures markets come online and so my suggestion is to kind of wait and see what happens i think that if youre investing though for the next two or three years then the difference between the price now and the price in a weeks time may be irrelevant some say that bitcoin might not even be around to the next two to three years though its notoriously volatile with warnings that it may selfdestruct and its not backed but some believe the impact of block change technology will be lasting whatever you might think about the current reality is that the Technology Behind it which is the blog is here to stay if i can make a kind of a comparison is more like the dot com bubble that we had early two thousand. While everybody was getting rich just having you know a dot com on the web side but even after the bubble burst the internet is still there we have Facebook Google so the Technology Behind it is here to stay already opinion is divided over whether the trading of futures will prove the making or the downfall of the digital darling back over to me now and sue me its official it is definitely winter now thats what you might have noticed the snow on the way in this morning when i was actually large parts of europe have been covered in thick snow britain experienced the heaviest snowfall in four years causing travel chaos germany got its first heavy dusting of the year lets take a look at how the country is coping with the onset of winter. A chance to just stuff a sled or show off your snowman making skills snow has come to germany to support her but its great for the children finally we have snow. I hope it will be as white is this come christmas. I really like it especially because you can leave the car at home and go for a walk. These drivers must have wished they had done the same progress near the western city of bielefeld came to a complete halt plows arrive to clear a path and then things slowly got moving again as though it was v. N. Divert road. Tram passengers in doso door for also going nowhere fast tracks clogged full of snow meant no service unlike in the city of. Its famous suspended mana royal was unaffected passengers were left hanging at Frankfurt Airport hundreds of flights cancelled for queues grew inside while outside for plows and de ices did their work. Outside cologne cathedral pedestrians were proceeding with caution and have to continue treading carefully more of the slick priest of his forecast over the coming days. In football cologne went into their bundesliga match against freiburg on the verge of setting an unwanted record with just three points in fourteen games another defeat would mark the worst start by any side in german top flight history so how would they fare in their first game with a new coach lets find out. Stefan who wouldnt back face a tough task in his first game in charge of bottom side cologne and not just because of the weather his team began brightly in their early dominance paid off when luke us took nine nets at the open a in the eight minutes ive freiburg here and schuster then found syracuse c. In the books the penalty spot had to be uncovered before get a secret file who received the withdrawal of the season i cologne kept up the pressure even in the snow and soon it was three nil up to just thirty minutes the im lucky own goal scored by candidates time id private still believe the newspaper since smashed in your recovery is free kick leaving colognes t. Mo horn with no chance. That b. Was again the provider on sixty five minutes this time going to kaba heading into make it three two i. Began to implode inside the us shot and gave away a spot he wished hed just think about it on ninety minutes i brought but were not done with their remarkable comeback and in injury time give us hes humble thats another penalty pietersen competes in his hat trick. One of the most extraordinary but is the games ever summed up rock bottom colognes bizarre season. That was colognes first game since coach was fired just over a week ago but hes now jumped in at percy a dortmund to replace peter bush bush was sacked after saturdays two one home defeat by better brand last season start for help cologne to a surprise this place finish but just last week it was fired with cologne languishing in bottom spot as to the worst ever start to open a Second Season starter Stuart Macgill runs until the end of the season. Most. After i left cologne i didnt have my eyes set on dortmund. This is its just as surprising for me as it is for the rest of you. I watched dortmund like i did other opponents how they played the game like when they were in the Champions League. All right lets talk going to go with her talking from did have you sports high lima they just didnt do very well at cologne the season can he lead dortmund back into the top four while everybodys asking how logical is this move because youre basically bringing in a coach who only picked up three points who was unable to turn around cologne season when the going got tough so what makes you think that he can do it at dortmund but it all fairness to pay. We need to really take a look at the picture as a whole because he had an excellent four years before that he took. From the Second Division to the bundesliga and he helped them to qualify for the Europa League for the first time in twenty five years so if theres a man that deserves a chance at dortmund it is pitch how does this look for dortmund i mean why did it take so long for them to make a change very good question and they probably should have fired him when doughton blew that foregone lead against child kane that it be a doggie they probably should have fired him when they failed to pick up one single win in the Champions League and his tactics him neglecting the defensive issues that dont meant had were always questionable but i think dortmund it was really tough slipping out of the european spots in the table and not winning against the relegation threatened braman was really i think the final straw for dortmund what about peter sterger how does his future look will he stay on the mend after the end of the season as so this is the red gets very confusing because we are starting to hear reports in the german media that dortmund have signed a contract with you leonardos man hes the coach at hoffenheim right now for next season but what if god does really well at dortmund so you end up with a really huge problem because who do you like goes oh i dont know this might turn really really ugly talking on the coaching carousel in the bundesliga thank you very much a lehman. And lets take a look at the bundesliga standings after a match day fifteen byron are well clear at the top of the table with leipsic the closest a massive eight points behind shocker and blocked by the other two Champions League spots there while dortmund have fallen to a in the bottom half there was very Little Movement a cologne remain in deep trouble on just three points and with a big gap opening up between them and the rest of the competition. A reminder now of our top story at this hour israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in brussels for a meeting with the e. U. Foreign ministers he is under pressure from the European Union to revive the middle east Peace Process following u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize as israels capital. Youre watching news dont forget you can head to our web site. For all the latest news and information around the clock well be right back here at the news desk at the top of the hour. Im. Going. To extremes. To die even sneaking into. The next. Dynamic me a free diving. Under the us with things dying. In the next. Every journey be. Guinns with the first step and every language with the first word published in the. Nico is in germany to learn german why not learn to spell it out simple online on your mobile and free themselves from. Learning course nico speak german matings easy. They make a commitment. They find solutions. They inspire. Africa on the road. Stories of both people making a difference shaping their nation. And their continent. On his new multimedia series for africa. Dot com africa on the move. And if. You look at me speak your language does it up. For content in dari pashto and. Prospects for returning to our web special. Needs life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. Join the discussion on t w dot com and on facebook. Prospects for return ease d. W. Maybe for mines

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