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Would preside over a Party Congress despite earlier being sacked as head of zanu p. F. His opponents are now threatening protests and impeachment will go left her out of it for the latest. Three also coming up. No deal still in the German Coalition talks with the latest deadline now expired but parties are pushing on in a final bid to form a new government under chancellor Angela Merkel our correspondent will have the latest on the wrangling still happening here in berlin. And International Concern is growing over the thousands hundreds of thousands of or hinder refugees who have fled violence in myanmar germanys foreign minister visits a refugee camp in bangladesh ahead of a major crisis meeting on monday. Welcome to the program on my actuator thanks for joining us. In a widely anticipated speech to the nation zimbabwes embattled president Robert Mugabe has defied expectations by not immediately resigning his Office Mugabe stressed that he was still in power despite mounting pressure from the army and his own party to step down. Zimbabwes longtime president Robert Mugabe addressed the nation for the first time after being sacked as party leader is expected resignation was not forthcoming merely an acknowledgement that mistakes had been made. The president of zimbabwe and. Chief do acknowledge the issues they have drawn my attention to and do believe that these were raised in this spirit of honesty and outlook. And. For. The nation and for the welfare of our people not only did mugabe not announce his resignation as expected he further pledged to preside over the upcoming zanu p. F. Party congress a clear slap in the face to his own party who had given him twenty four hours to resign or be impeached. Zimbabwes main Opposition Leader Morgan Tsvangirai said he was about mugabes failing to step down as were many ordinary citizens. All this week to this weeks nation. Despite everything that is done to be with dignity and to just walk away. And we just. Do that try to be so stubborn with the confusion following mugabes speech the way forward for zimbabwe suddenly seems unclear. And for more from the zimbabwe capital harare were joined now by journalist ray. Ray youve been out on the streets gauging the mood in the capital what have people been telling you about mugabe speech. Thank you very much for having me well people. At the moment got to be sort of. Stunned at the moment with the speech that was delivered by prison record mugabe about two hours ago live to the nation theyre not sure what to make of it where basically hes insisting that hes going to preside over the zanu p. F. Congress next month and so you know theres a sense of waiting for the next step which is likely to be the impeachment that partys fate will be instituted immediately at. Noon today and then that will be the next step which will be looking at now mugabes party the zanu p. F. Gathering thats not for its congress is mugabe implying that the Party Congress will be deciding his fate. You know by implication what he was implying was that hes going to be in charge of the proceedings of that Party Congress but the reality on the ground and you could obviously sense that from these things hes speaking that hes so detached from what events took place today where you still things that hes in charge but the reality on the ground points to shifting is well within his own Political Party the president mugabes really trying to show is from bravado of sorts or you can really use you know not in sync with what happening in order to be in the prevailing mood and sentiment within his party where people have moved away from him so basically hes politically isolated socially rejected and the military. Is no longer we see him as you saw them moving into to take control of the leave of government so its a very very difficult position that prisoner but were going to find themselves in and its understandable if you have to show for it all for you fine but one can only wonder following this can be extended what cost you know to the greater good and step in each of them by way yeah he seemed so lost all of his friends very quickly just a few weeks ago it was business as usual now we know that new protests have been announced around zimbabwe so far this has remained relatively peaceful despite the political situation do we think its likely to stay that way though. I think at the moment its safe to say that hes. Uppermost configuration for many people but that is not to rule out some sort of you know i think the stakes because obviously we will you know by this statement that president obama got a big a vote today where youve clearly in defiance and people are saying that look if you want to go down with the fight we will be able to give you a fight but officer the open the leaning that it might be my friend go down through florida and go off and see if you do and so really i think from trick day judging from those is the statement that president mugabe gave is that he is not going. Out without a fight and he is just about to speak and really you know if the op was seen as well and waited to take him on the war veterans who are there should be protests that are being held on wednesday and the when they approach is to come up to the impeachment a clue for you would you expect to take place on tuesday when Parliament Resumes leaping up their two week break. For us thank you very much thank you for having me here in germany chancellor Angela Merkel is continuing a final push to forge a new government hours after a selfimposed deadline expired merkels conservative alliance is looking to form a coalition with the probusiness free democrats and the green party but after weeks of negotiations the parties are still clashing on several key issues and its still unclear if the parties will be able to find enough Common Ground to reach even a preliminary agreement. Our correspondent is standing by in the cold and rain outside the building where the talks have been taking place and he joins us now for the latest great to see you this selfimposed deadline has passed are we still in stay sis or are there any signs of a deal now being reached. Good question difficult to answer stace is i think would be going a little bit too far back so i think the talks have been going around in circles for a while maybe even for days or weeks on end and in the end the differences between the. Conservatives on american side especially that wing of a party which comes from bavaria and on the other hand the rather leftwing green party that is the difference that has to be bridged and theres a difference has not yet been bridged those two parties still seem to be pretty much at loggerheads theyre still seem to be presenting each others positions to each other without really moving any closer to each other during these talks a birth the general secretaries of those parties were speaking publicly earlier today and in both cases there was no sign of movement at the moment and these discussions have been going on for four weeks now why is this taking so long what are the major sticking points here. Well its taking so long because there is such a wide gap to be bridged unprecedented in German National politics that its this kind of spectrum of Political Parties from quite conservative to quite leftwing its trying to form a government the issue is really there are two issues out. At which on which they cannot agree at the moment one is the refugee crisis the refugee issue the question of how many refugees should be in germany how many should be able to come to germany in the future the conservatives have said they want a cap on the number of people that are coming into germany and this is something that they are very insistent on on the other hand the greens have said that the german constitution does not allow such a cap to be set and therefore this question should you know the number of refugees cannot be set it has to develop according to the Political Developments around europe and the other question is the Climate Change question of the control of Climate Change this is something thats obviously a key issue to the green party and the other conservative parties are not really budging on that issue either so those are the two issues on which things have stuck for weeks now the low key question kind of underscoring this whole thing is what happens to machall if theres no deal. Absolutely thats the question this is a crucial situation for america shes trying to continue her chancellorship and if these her talks fail theres a chance that she will not be able to continue as chancellor formally there are two options that are open if these talks fail one has forms a minority government in other words that she finds a new majority every time she has some question to decide in parliament this i think is not very likely because its just two in secure a way of governing the other possibility obviously is that there will be fresh elections should take place it will be in the new year thank you hans Branch Standing by for us outside the Coalition Talks we will get back to you as soon as there is a decision. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world at least fifteen people have been killed in a stampede in the southern moroccan town of city boy a lot of them reportedly while food aid was being distributed in a market media reports say all the victims were women food aid campaigns are common in remote poor areas of morocco. The argentinean military believes the crew of a missing submarine may have attempted to transmit a distress call it detected several failed transmissions that may have come from the vessel and International Search operation has been unable to locate the submarine it went missing three days ago with forty four people on board. Concern is growing over the fate of hundreds of thousands of or hinder refugees who have fled Ethnic Violence and man march for the relative safety of bangladesh on monday germanys foreign minister will join International Politicians and man march i discuss the crisis on the way he visited a refugee camp in bangladesh our correspondent oliver salat sent us this report. This is the Fastest Growing refugee crisis worldwide seen from a bangladeshi or force helicopter almost eight hundred thousand to him to have fled the violence to leave bring me on mars many of them including thousands of children have sought refuge here at the kuta apoel long refugee camp. The makeshift camp is just two and a half months old and reaches as far as the eye can see humanitarian aid organizations are struggling to fight the outbreak of disease us they fear they might lose this fight as soon as the monsoon season begins. The coup took a long camp lexx most facilities there are almost no toilets and there is not enough clean Drinking Water the camp is massively underfunded together with an International Delegation german for. And ministers visit at the camp to form his own impression of the situation. I mean we just met children whose parents were murders whose villages were burnt down there was Human Trafficking in even organs and so it was here in huge makeshift settlements without any controls the worst things imaginable are taking place people must be given the opportunity to return the German Foreign minister says the International Community has to step in he says germany would make twenty Million Euros in direct aid available to help improve the cemetery conditions but he stressed that the goal must be to help him to refugees return home. And in tennis Grigor Dimitrov has defeated in the a. T. P. Finals decider belgariad dimitrov took the first set seven five fought back to claim the second six for dimitrov prevailed in the final set however to seal the biggest title of his career the twenty six year old moved up to number three in the a. T. P. Rankings also a career high and just a reminder of the top story were following here for you Zimbabwes President Robert Mugabe has defied a pressure from his on a payoff party to step down in a televised address he said he would preside over a Party Congress despite earlier being sacked as the partys referee as the partys leader. Thats often the news thanks for tuning in and you can get all the latest news around the clock on our website at e. W. Dot com. We take it personally. With all the wonderful people in stories that make the game so special

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