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Labor ruthless exploitation of resources social inequality and environmental disasters and that is because ethics are not really part of capitalism equation thats what will be look at mass today made should morals play a greater role in the markets or do they just get in the way of profit here in berlin you can feel the negative effects of the markets on a daily basis the city is booming and in the last few years many investors have been snapping up properties modernizing them and raising the rent many pensioners and thora people cant afford that and have no choice but to leave the neighborhood they often have spent a whole lifetime in. I dont want to leave where should i go its tough its a serious conflict. Its absurd whats going on gentrification is a kind of war was our view what happens to us. Residential property and palin has become a battleground prices and rents soaring investors are out to make a killing. That many ordinary people cant afford to buy all to rent many are frightened of being pushed out of the apartments they live in. A new rent downtown can go for as much as twelve euros per square meter. Jenny pays less than four year by todays standards a very modest rent shes been in this apartment for almost thirty years the buildings not in Great Condition and needs to be run of i took. The roof leaks the plaster on the facade is crumbling many tenants still heat with coal if i tell the landlord ok i agree and they get to work then theyll jack up the rent. Jenny says if she has to pay more rent she wont be able to make ends meet. Finding a smaller apartment wouldnt be the solution since rents are so high now he was arguably i am wrong of pressure and what happens to us there might be a few students in the building who earn enough to pay their rent once theyve graduated and got a good job but there are many others here including myself who never could. The building was recently sold. Marins Property Company now owns it. Two years ago we discussed the Property Market with him. He said he doesnt consider himself a property shark. To him his tenants are partners. He sets out his approach. Our Business Model is not based on throwing our tenants out and selling their apartments on the contrary we couldnt run our business without our talents as a rule is what we do benefits them we improve our houses make them nicer to live in one if there are vacant units or when tenants move out we renovate the apartments if they need to be renovated. And then we rent them again. At a higher rent if we invest money then yes at a high around. But how much more thats the question. If youre in schmidt is a local councillor with special responsibility for planning and construction he says Property Investors need to be reined in one way is to invoke neighborhood preservation rules to prevent apartments being turned into luxury homes so poor people are pushed out of areas facing gentrification does this for the Construction Industry and the Property Industry thats not so good for business. Expropriation socialism. My job on the local council is to promote development in the city that is focused on human needs and if. People have to have a home and social cohesion needs to be maintained we dont want things to my fall apart or. Must often starts out as im hopeless in palin the battle lines have long been drawn with tenants and landlords pitted against each other especially in neighborhoods considered desirable. Local authorities have so far established close to fifty neighborhood preservation areas that gives them the right to buy property under certain conditions to prevent speculation. This marks a significant turnaround. Until a few years ago the city was selling off pup. Housing. And if its outrageous what went on but in sold hundreds of thousands of apartments and now we have to deal with Property Companies and invoke neighborhood preservation grounds to make them moderate the rent hikes they demand because they modernize the apartments we have to do that to stop the rents rising so fast its absurd. New regulations were introduced rather late its not always clear whether they apply in specific cases many end up in court this tenant is locked in a legal battle with his landlord. He says more than half the people in this building have already left. When business interests are at stake those with money always find a way to skirt the law. Changes are under way. And theyre playing hard. Gentrification is a kind of war a quiet and everybody feels abandoned and alone but its hurting an awful lot of people. Thought so what about jenny kopf whats the new owner of her Building Planning to do three asked the Marin Company this is their response. The building has to be renovated at some point we abide by neighborhood preservation rules that means the tenants in this building have some of the best protection in germany. Still the tenants are worried. Theyve got together to protect their interests they write angry letters to the property manager. Jenny come from her neighbors are not going to give up. They want to stay put in that homes into neighborhood. And that leads us nicely to one of the golden rules of capitalism and thats this the market determines the price of a product and the capitalist gospel says do not interfere with a market thats fine with comes to luxury goods but for example what about bread or water if basic staples become too expensive people suffer lets have a look at how prices actually work and how they can be controlled by forces other than the almighty market. Not bad but that loaf of bread is more essential price determines whether or not i buy the bag if its too expensive but i wont. So that is have to find the optimal price if its too low they arent maximizing profits if its too high no one buys the bag and theres no profit at all. In other words the price of the bag is kept reasonable by the tallis desire to make a profit. But what about my loaf of bread i cant simply refuse to buy food no matter how pricey it is. That sellers to raise prices up high if they want. Me then only north can help protect consumers or good competition or an ethical decision on the part of the salary not to take advantage of their position of power. Well another area where the rules of the market economy are growing more important is health care the ponce open competition between providers helps save money but critics and many people actually living in care homes for the elderly for example say that capitalism has rules should not apply in that field our reporter went to find out why. Sure not a pop but is eighty four years old. This is shes lived an active life but these days she can no longer get by on her own tasks that were once simple have grown on arrests. Its perfect. But i can no longer make all of the. I cant even poor a bit of hot water into a cup without spilling as. And i cant cook for myself anymore either. Charlotte has holes took a turn for the worse after an operation left her in a coma leaving her in constant need of care or her daughter still looks after her but when shes not available a nursing home takes over and. I feel very well cared for. They really do take good care of their patients when you ring the bell they come right away you can give it a go yourself and when they do come they do everything as youd like it to be done. With eleven hundred residents and nine hundred staff this hamburg based institution is one of the biggest care homes in germany. Its run by a charitable catholic foundation. In the short term care section there are four care workers for every thirty eight residents so if a member of staff is out of the residence still good quality care compared to other Nursing Homes this kind of a set up is a luxury these conditions encouraged benison sheikha to work here for her caring for the elderly is far more than just a job. A skate on dimensions a deeper deafness that has come to that its about the people and their needs and the following its about having respect for older people and gathering experience on their feet thats where you learn a lot from them too which i really like and thats thats us me a good cook head now and i know that hunger confidant for them theyve had good times and bad. Many have relatives but many are also on their own. Lives care workers we had to stand by these people. So. They mention bad sustain. But in many cases people in care have a very different experience you just need to take a look at some blind forums to gain some insight. The cure industry is changing and increasingly private companies are replacing not for profit foundations the high demand for care makes it a lucrative business. But the drive for profit often comes at the expense of the most vulnerable. One of the curers moved my mother and cleaned her up says one post but the to prove the catheter fell out and the contents of the plastic bag spilled out onto the bed the carer did notice so my mother had to lie there in her own urine. Many care homes have chosen to save on staff putting existing workers under refuge amount of pressure. When i came to visit and gave my mother something to drink said one foreign user she was all dried out she drink like there was no tomorrow the carers didnt even have the time to make sure that the patients who were bedridden and couldnt help themselves got enough to drink. One of the hospital in hamburg has enough staff it was a struggle to find people to fill the positions the managing director says he pays the wage agreed with the unions thats three thousand euros gross for a professional carer. Theyre not. Its difficult to find people its among our biggest problems its incredibly hard to find staff. We need to hold far more events we need to go into schools and be transparent. Its a job you really have to want you need a lot of empathy and thats something that needs to come from inside you. Also in this work with. But the pay is often far lower and many cases private care facilities are controlled by. International investors that promise shareholders up to five percent returns that means cutting costs wherever possible some care homes pay their staff only half the wage agreed with unions for a tougher job requiring staff to do shift work and be available around the clock. Low wages time pressure demands for more efficiency. In germany movements like flager bowden are protesting publicly. As Life Expectancy rises in the country the problem is only set to get worse. Mike twenty thirty the number of people in need of care is expected to rise to three point five million. This nursing home also when hamburg looks like a hotel that belongs to a private company that runs thirteen facilities in the city its manager is calling for more emphasis on digitalisation. We certainly wont only have to focus on manpower we need to look at technology too was for me its not about replacing human contact with technology its our staff really to be freed up to complete the essential tasks so in the future for example things like opening and closing windows can be done electronically making it easier for the Residence Life to offer before. More tech does that mean more time for human contact. If wages dont rise Staff Shortages are likely to continue and its impossible to put a price on emotional bonds care workers like cica need time to do their jobs well. Cared for the elderly is far more than just another service ripe for optimization. The author of our report is with me in the studio right now welcome claudia. Share with us more of your personal impressions when you went to these towns yeah wells difficult to say it is a strange feeling it is also a bit depressing because. Actually youre going to and i will i will end up there and you ask yourself youre confronted with your own age with death how will i age who takes care of me and some of the old people you know to have a full long life and its kind of shocking to see how needy they are you confident with what you saw something or this is what i can look forward to well and displays yes this nursing home i think. Like a model was kind of you had the feeling they take care of them they have time they take time thats the most important thing and the old people have to ask if someone can open the window they dont want to be maybe fresh air they didnt they want to talk they want to high five minutes of talking and what its not everywhere like this unfortunately privately run home do you think what do you think about the ethical side of trying to make money with people with aging with a big problem that society. Well yeah it is a conflict i would say because its a social thing it is not how can you measure empathy time into numbers thats difficult of course and on the other hand side its sometimes necessary but you need to balance that and in this case i said it was good but in other cases like vanessa told me an hour. Talk she said she wouldnt work in the place where she was before she nearly cried when shes had no words for this no words what happened there so i think its very the differences are quite high between the different homes different nothing holmes. Thank you very much for stopping by. So what can we do to make capitalism more caring more responsible one avenue Ethical Investment if you only buy shares in companies that are here to a strict code of ethics you can rest assured your money is not doing any harm but what about the profits you also want your Retirement Fund to grow as much as it possibly can dont you and thats the conundrum but it can be solved our correspondent. Fund manager in london is making good money and it doesnt mean you have to sacrifice your morals. Investing can do so confusing especially if youre trying to act responsibly there are so many funds out there from is to invest your money in an ethical way but isnt there a conflict between wanting to money for myself and also trying to make the world a better place. Jupiter Asset Management in london is several sustainable funds some are supposed to have green and focus on the environment others excluding to kill the unEthical Investment. A new one to make money or a new one and mainly me to change the world. Thats. Primary purpose is that. Were from first and foremost but we just apply our skill and our knowledge in a particular discipline in this in this area. And two thousand and three there were stranding Ten Companies what you see is that changed. In the last fifteen years so we know its four hundred percent increase in the number of countries that we can invest in so theres a Company Providing solutions could be water could be waste it could be Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency but. I want to be in there so i wouldnt. Know where well your lines i mean what are your criteria what kind of company not a lot of our fans would have these ethical criteria alcohol tobacco Nuclear Power those would be very hard lines we are really looking for companies which have a lease the majority of their and their revenue associated with. Environmental social solution is a lot of green wash in the industry and why as an investor have to be careful about i think green green wash is quite a hard word i think whats happened is a lot of this industry has just grown naturally. And theres a lot of time and energy and i think that is confusing other black sheep in the in the industry do you think. I think no but i do envisage that we probably can see new regulation coming in which will help to define that and i think thats very important for the industry and ultimately important for the consumer because they really want to understand what they are investing in is there a particular sector where you think ok this is where the future is this is where we should really invest in one of the areas a lot of people are focusing in on at the moment would be around plastics so were looking at a number of companies which could be involved in recycling of plastics will create a new materials around plastics and thats a real focus of the moment weve seen that really come come forward a lot in the last probably in the last year or so. Is that once you are more aware and the investor wants to invest responsibly always a political change rules regulations people are much more aware of environmental issues. That means youre going to have a lot of policy response or new regulation coming through which changes the way people invest companies are becoming much more aware of the impact its becoming from a very very nice. To much more mainstream so i dont need to make compromises as an investor if i invest in your fund or do what we hope that i was a long time that thats not the case you hope. Markets are unpredictable. But we dont but actually i think the key point is if you look at the opportunity around environmental investing and on the drivers for environment and i see a very powerful theres a lot of growth thats going to happen the really focus for us is from managers is to ensure that were selecting the right stocks in the right companies which are going to deliver on that. Unfettered markets also being responsible for inequality not just between rich and poor but also between men and women to the football world cup right now festival of sport attracting billions of us captivated the hearts of all nations but where are the women my colleague was. Based theres a list of your you feel this is the Olympic Stadium in berlin i covered the World Cup Final here in two thousand and six sports journalism havent changed much since. I left the british and the women are sent out onto the pitch to grab players attention and get signed bytes from them but when it comes to serious discussions if the men who do the talking in this sort of let me guess. Is there and you know what it is here is world cup is the first time german t. V. Has hired a female commentator most part of the last club but not for the german teams games and up with a little bit of your. Letter this sort social media went wild you know the full comment that journalists cloudier annoying man were subjected to abuse of comments one mother whose story is part of memphis. You know i also felt uneasy listening to her about it not because she doesnt know her football but it was just so unusual some of us and said you know women have been taken seriously as journalists for ages as it were its fine when we talk about politics or business that are there but the spores the perception is we havent got a clue about how the consequences are named to. First women dont get certain jobs because of sexual discrimination or you know sex one second its men who write the history of course you know one example of this that when i said look i recently interviewed former formula one World Champion we call spared that and also two female racing drivers. Successful said this some people claim women dont do well in formula one because their arms arent Strong Enough and a lot of stairs but all three turns out its not the case and physical differences hardly play a role. Would a woman see it differently and i think she would youre going to see what is worse than not by we need more female sports journalists. As you can so next time you hear a woman talk about Football Players listen to what she has to say. All that matters is that she knows what shes talking about supporting us. Thats it from us for today have you got something to share comments about what youve seen check out our Facebook Page bill you can always get in touch with me directly on twitter is right here thanks for watching look forward to seeing you next time on makes. Us. Yes yes. Yes. Yes yes. Yes good. Good. Lawyer. Car culture. Car hair. Superman. Superfood stylish style icon. Lifestyle during. The last. Thirty minutes strong. Upgrade yourself with d. 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This is deja vu news coming to you live from berlin deadly flash floods on the spanish holiday out into my yard several that killed including tourists after tartans a water fall to a path of destruction rescue crews are searching for dozens still missing also coming up a Turkish Court try is the journalists chunder done on spying charges

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