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Those who were here for them for the first time i had a feeling of being part of something thats. What remains of those events today. The seeds of civil rights. Peace movement. Nineteen sixty eight the global revolt starts september first on g. W. The. Football is a simple game not really not really now you know why whos ill go see it quick germany do you know what the Nations League is we will give you the answers at least. Football is a simple game its a mystery. What a great world cup this was well not for every one of those germans but you can look as broken as titans and he has presented this new formation daniel our professional Football Player is going to expand the tactical news and what else chris my Dear Colleague and i will be addressing we all will be touching on message why he left the mine shaft its a Judgement Team we got to tell them this is guy weve got guys guys follow us of sod i because its you know we come regularly you know and so youll be live. Only if you doubt that he survived man one of them is the goalie. He played for by munich and was captain of the National Team and he has his doubts lets hear what he says this is and i think once its that your father. Or you will live or. Die in a is there so when undershaft awfully is all but its all con its straight up on our guns guns we answered whats one for another noir ill follow suit towards you. And years of war i include here. Ganesh kinda not nearly eight months in your situation easy for im off the of after only its up because i am a loser and i lose a lot of Plazas Wardley of us can easily cause this on this county im. Gonna hear food. So i can fulfill the expectations. He hasnt so far yeah i think its a tough call i mean you know he followed that that horrific train and then world cup winners crash out the group stage i mean now germany is on that list i mean it doesnt look good his Selection Question Marks how he dealt with the whole losing situation question marks i mean im from his mentality and the former captain said he should be more strict with his players is you you live too soft for that job no i dont think i mean he might be but i dont think you can just say that its his fault yes to be strict because these players theyre not kids i mean theyre young but theyre professional athletes who get paid millions of euros to do this as a job they should be able theres a certain line where you need to say ok its not just the manager who needs to tell you to go to bed at a certain hour or dont get drunk before going here but they played all night so they had to turn of the internet because there were two groups within that team one where the was the bling bling and the other one was called its called the bulgarians you know and we have like those rap fans about music you know lovers and then we have a long theres that that picture and we have this group theres sort of like hiking and then we have guys like. Look at it. You. Know. On the other hand we have a guy like. Thomas miller he owns horses he loves horses and i dont know what it was per right. So obviously we have those two groups and. Can can you live bridge the gap between those two groups. I think no i mean hes been there over a decade and i mean i disagree with dan you say i think the responsibility is on the managers shoulders you know he has to corral his his team hes been there for so long he knows he knows the personalities of his team he knows what the players are like and you know i think it was just you know you cant stop all of that you know you cant you cant just go there and put all the blame on the manager if youre making millions and millions and millions of euros its also up to you obviously there needs to be like rules for example people are saying oh draxler bought a brought a p s three they were playing ok but the day before p s four so at a very very i mean video games but the day before the world are the day of the world cup in Two Thousand And Six when italy one pillow said it himself i played i went i won the world cup so thats an example of somebody you know a player you play fifo he said with a they said we all play for you everybody playing by you just have to be able to know how to handle the situation yes rules i agree with you one hundred percent there needed but there comes a certain theres a certain point where the players have to be held accountable as well not just the manager so what do you think of the Press Conference of your live what he said. I mean i think hes happy hes so happy what kind of guy these are you know he expected him to say that i mean i think it was the expected answer like what a company man would say and it was pretty much the same thing that. Grendel said grimbal said following the world cup he kind of made some sort of it mission you know and take some of the responsibility and thats what i got from yogis Press Conference as well i was a. Huge media event in germany you know that like the time still still there plans to and then fly anywhere everyone listened to it was like a poll ok obviously one guy is missing and he hovers you know its the coldest. It. How would i say its made it easier the thing. You know its ill show you a video because this was sort of the end of a love story. Line. And i was. On my matches maybe some while ago yeah i mean its a late night for the party is too late to motivate i mean its crazy hes trying to talking about the Press Conference he i mean look at those emotions theyre cute emotions while. Very cute bret hart. If this is me. You know oh i mean i admit im im absolutely im a Big Music Fan and this guys always he got the hammering after the world cup was worth it wasnt right dont say anything wrong no no i dont i want to see it its a very big discussion and its about you know its too hard i know how he feels from a certain perspective because i was born in canada and my familys italian my parents are in need our italian born and all my familys behind ok so i grew up with two hearts and as somebody who you know grew up like this i understand that hes german and hes turkish and he feels both of those he feels both of those you cant you cant just forget you cant just forget your hes very hes very people dont understand that though people. I understand if you know your i know and that german born in germany italian born in italy you dont have any other roots its difficult to understand thats lets see how he lives then you see that this guys a german you know hes right hes home owners i have a favorite room. So i spend a lot of time here with my friends here was the ultimate insult he caused the city. Living room. Just so everything is from turkey. From turkey i saw one of my friends shes a designer she did everything for me. This is quite normal for many many kids with a turkish background live like that they live their Turkish Culture the so that is no problem and what i am aware time designers too because i think there and if you wear but canadian designed by well yeah i dont have anything against anyone from kick i love canada but first do we miss him on the match do we miss him on the pitch excuse me hes the only real number ten on the team very intricate type of player and his skill set you know i think i think theres something thats kind of over in the mindset of a lot of the Coaching Staff you know the german i mean they believe i think they can grow winning thing in a petri dish you know i mean they can grow striker they know this they can grow that natural talent in certain skill sets you cant replace you have. A stat he created more chances pernetti minutes than anyone else in the world cup i mean you know but everyone said hes the scapegoat its like the same thing and i dont know i have a i have a quote by politician you tell me who it is it is not possible to accept this kind of racist attitude towards a young man who poured so much sweat for the german National Team success this cannot be tolerated who said that. America will our chance the journal rajar is out of one really you know one of the few times that out of one merkel and me are have the same opinion. Wrong but when she has an opinion she has the same opinion to im going to mouth if someone says Something Like this. Complains about racism we have to take this seriously serious and but youll be aloof says hes exaggerating and tony cole says. Says nonsense theyre going to say if they live to be like yeah hes right we are like we did make him feel this way hes not going to say that at all but he should say well there that was the senate and make you popular in getting those who do want to pay your check but i mean thats a very Slippery Slope and you know i think i think the way the leadership of the or in the organization starting with the d. M. P. President and your name lovin everyone else involved that really have a voice in that people go to and listen to they have an opportunity to put up cover or do something to at least call him so he can perform in the german team performing a certain way because for him to come out after talking about arrogance all this stuff i mean who cares if spilled milk now theres already a stat in the book you will how coming back at sometimes. Yeah i know what i dont think so i dont think it at this point and then tony cross with tony cross came out and said also tony cross also kind of criticized. Opinion saying that you know no one in the d. S. P. The German Football Association is races there its for the furthest thing from that so its tough right now its you know a lot of things going on so were calling somebody now now we call patrick from football daily or daily football in london. But its obviously not working another technical issue. First time. Area. Hi patrick here i am i dan yeah when Crass Herrington danny about as a loner for a professional Football Player from canada with italian roots very important we talk about it what do you guys in london think of that case. Its been a little bit of a rough start to the season for him obviously coming off that. Cup campaign or has he fallen out with the new coach i dont think hes fallen out with him i think as a general rule ever he seems kind of like a big stars but. Its undeniable that he doesnt seem to be fitting into the Team Straight away hes only played about. I dont think hes really necessarily been at his best perhaps the world cup still affecting him a little bit but i think the whole team is getting used to the way emery wants to play and its going to take a while for these guys to learn to press on probably to learn to defend because it looks like theyve never done it at the moment is there a player who can wake. Up Tony Adams One Set of needs a guy who wakes him up like dennis about comp of few years ago is there. Who can wake up you know he had his Body Language sometimes that he seems to say you know sleep a little. Yeah i think i think thats actually why they should never take it they dont they dont like they they like players like Steven Gerrard you know vieira recently given the green you know they like these guys you can really visibly see what they get are they going to break through tacos theyre going to be dynamic and what does this kind of manipulate space and thats not as exciting to old School English journalists i dont know if its going to be a matter of a player waking him up but i think hes done this role before the twenty fourteen world cup he was part of a really solid counter pressing you know i think hes been an elite playmaker its whole career and i see no reason why he cant do that again that but at the moment the whole things disjointed and i think asking him to singlehandedly fix it is kind of like asking him to cover for that twenty course and sunny here in midfield at this last well cup i mean its not message that doesnt work thank you very much patrick sorry goodbye from the land for lets look at the view into the future and the future is called nation sleek a monster of out and now a new format by the unify the nation sleek. Exciting stuff there is it is on for the fifth time what do you think of the song like a copy of the champion thinks im at the end of the name. You cant have me and then laugh and you know its nice i mean there you know. Long all the whistles i guess taking everything off it will go on all the way yeah like a big thing a confetti like a party theyre trying to make it seem real festive compost of paradise you know lets go to unknown territory called the fifty five nation if i may should sleek but what do you think of it i think its too much way too much football i mean way too much football its its good to get rid of the friendlies because if theyre not competitive and if its just you know a dog and pony show on the pitch thats not interesting its good to at least have something to where theres something to gain theres an incentive in winning so thats what i guess is one positive but then the idea that they get no Summer Holiday the idea there theres these are players like people yeah there are people they can only do so like even who said it klopp yeah club i have a man lets lets lets hear one guy who was like four years ago when when this thing was invented doing club hes like the only guy who talked straight and said well this could be you know lets lets you want to hear him yeah of course we obviously we love. We have no sound. Thats here we have no ok. Ok were ok the guys in the world were going to. Play no one should be the. Pharmacys not. Sort of the most. For is the. Link below us. They need i think they need it they need the Players Union literally they can vote and say this is ridiculous we all are against this but for us as a journalist is it good for business i mean its as you know what i mean you know we havent we have more jobs could probably yeah without thinking about the players at all and if it will be if its more competitive or becomes a competition then its better because fans will watch it in people will be interested in it instead it should be i all my goodness they italys playing against x. And who cares what happens because you know that theyre going to be team but these are players like they need time to regenerate their bodies need to recover their minds need to recover ok this is a case for on this international but club call and Amnesty International young club just talks about this torment in the summer can i see the time line this overview here. Here this not so those guys they play this is the Nations League they are going to replace most of the friendlys at the end they play a tournament in. Summer nineteen so that the extra games its just this tournament and the tournament. There will be you know only the teams of a leak a will participate in this tournament and those of the big teams and only the players of the big teams play in the Champions League so its the torment of the tournament has for a game so its not you know its it is a puzzle games but at the end i think well see a tournament with you know so huge with Young Players with like the contact cup which you know youre supporting this you if you like the idea and so i think we dont you know that this tournament no one it nobodys going to watch it like the concept cup is going to be like the u. Twenty one the united his going to play but. This monster i dont know im not sure about the friendlies its words. That i dont im not sure what i should think about that the Nations League is going to replace friendlys mr Southgate Gareth Southgate has opinion. As you say. Players in particular. It makes sense he says adding that england hasnt really been they need you know to get back in the swing of things as it says of his past world cup he has a train stop named after him at the London Underground so i understand why he supports it but when you look at other teams like a german team or something a team that has a lot of mileage on it like what it is for i mean english england also they have their players have mileage in the sense that you know they have players playing in their leagues on top teams the Champions League you have you know so theyre getting a lot of matches they do we need friendlys i mean i like the concept of putting some kind of competitive spin on the friendlies because the families by themselves are just like ok if youre like just a real lover of football you watch them but theyre not like i thought like that there are important for the coach to test new formations to test new plan yeah for sure but the Pressure Situation at lake or the competitive situation adds to that because you know its one thing playing in a stadium with nobody watching the game where you know if you win or you lose its the same or playing with the entire world watching you and if you lose youre going home you know so its a game plan for Something Like yeah i mean practice game is like a practice game ok we have to work on this and then the other but if you drop noun it effects your ranking it affects other things and speak this tournament coming up then ok lets more important let me try to explain this this monster you understand do you understand this thing im like not as a top tier and then there are everyone else sitting right there or there are four groups or each group one will definitely go to the u. S. So theres this group d. Which there are nations like by john kosovo least looks simple one of them will definitely go to the just one European Championship yeah so. I dont know whether that is a plus or minus im not sure but. Ok and then for the big nations the Nations League is some sort of a back door if germany doesnt qualify some you know this could happen you know but is here number one in the Nations League it will qualify for can i see the calendar again please it will qualify for something. The calendar please so if your money is in group one well its number one and group one they will go to a playoffs in March Twenty Two and if theyre there length three games that Twenty Nine Thousand And twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty twenty those are the playoffs and four. If they win that. They can go to the european so the top for the u. S. So group langridge to get you for who wins that goes down to the next player its a top team. They go on to the next round and the other ones there and if if for example if you have. If france is number one in that group yeah and theyre already qualified than and then germany yeah ok follow and so on and so on so for the netherlands its good you know so theyre arrested it should be rested they had a lot you know there there italy yeah they would have a Second Chance yet to win and then we have the other team no we dont like the small ones. So many. Raising its could do you say its crazy i think its just too much football kind of complicated yet its and i mean yeah i would say that like the nation sleek is Rocket Science i mean we talk with you know so many people in the out there theyre like you know theyre smart people and they dont understand that you know i dont know get wider but its like the inside is like riding a bicycle once youve got it youve got it its not that bad here we have. Was this as i but i mean armenia ok this is. Armenia example i mean yes there are in league b. This is sort of the smallest thing of the Nations League is the most exciting thing is you can they can be relegated you can be relegated from or you can be and if you you know lose the league d. You will be relegated to the african. Football federation of course not you know you know nothing happens so if you are in the leak. Well we leak d. Group for this is this group with those with mutts adorn ya up with. You know those countries if they if i mean you know wins and then they have have they will follow to this those this tournament and March Twenty Two they win that twenty men then they have they will go to the euro two thousand and twenty. Mean your best luck to you know about the whole. Idea of the Nations League small clubs like that small teams nation seems like they have an opportunity to fight their way up to the major tournaments yes and the the other good thing is its more money for the union and more money for players and games enough money my money yes. I dont know whos going to win the nation flea. And any case you will win if you subscribe and leave some comments here goodbye thank you very much danielle thank you very much cress thank you good job football is a simple game not really not really now its Mystery Magic all. He shows us how. Youre lomax and thirty minutes on d w. A muse alice admitted if she gets the unsub. The call to shake it up to just kind of fill in for the worst side bugs most. People have put big dreams on the big screen. Movie magazine on the demi. Time for an upgrade. Our bought furniture grows all by. Our house with. Four design highlights you can make yourself. Trends tips and tricks that will turn your home and special. Upgrade yourself with d ws Interior Design channel on you tube. The belly feel. The scars on. The pain still tangible. Suffering for god. For c. B. S. Edge by. They have survived do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. A new beginning. In peace time for the people making it possible

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