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Diet. Its a good idea to keep those i audio testicle. Welcome to in good shape. With kernels phone, they released bundles of spam and eggs, a hermaphrodite with both male and female reproductive organs. Clown, fish always crenshaw hermaphrodite, they can, having started life as males become females as the mature the bothering model of gender is now widely outdated with an estimated 1. 7 percent of the population for one with intersects with more than 150000000 people in the world dont fit neatly into the categories of male or female, but thats gender differences are not as clear cut as previously believed. Anyway. Its a long held belief that men are the stronger sex. But is that really true . Lets find out. Wrong, what strength and speed men do have more muscle mass than women about 40 percent more in their upper bodies, 30 percent more in their legs. Women typically have more body fat and advantage during pregnancy. That gives men a natural edge when it comes to strength and speed frome to flexibility. How elastic are the ligaments, tendons, and muscles here women have the upper hand, their muscles and joints are more subtle and that gives them greater flexibility. Throw root co ordination. When it comes to reflexes, spatial orientation and balance, there is little difference between the sexes. So in this area, its a tie. More generally athletic performance has a lot to do with 2 main factors, weight and height. Physical fitness is also key and athletic woman can be much stronger than a man, and a physically fit man can be more flexible than a woman who doesnt t exercise. So in conclusion, it all depends. Sex alone doesnt determine how strong or weak a person is. And at the end of the day, were all stronger together so may not more decisive, small, courageous, and most focusing on these. Thats what many of them think. Testosterone is the primary male, whole loan responsible for regulating sex differentiation. Young men sometimes take supplements with testosterone, to gain muscle and be more manly. But these can have side effects when i say the word testosterone, whats the 1st thing that you think of . Its what makes a guy a guy, right . Well, but what is it exactly . And is having more of it somehow, better with ah testosterone. It sounds like the name of the greek gaud of manliness or is it navy aggression . Oh, it might surprise you to hear that testosterone isnt only found in males. Female bodies produce it too, though in smaller amounts them, it fulfills some of the same functions that it does in man like increasing bone density. In us guys though, the hormone made mostly in the testicles plays a much more central role in development. During puberty, when testosterone is turned out in large amounts in the young male body, it also initiates the emergence of secondary sex characteristics, like it causes a young mans voice to grow deeper. And of course, during puberty, testosterone also kicks in sperm production. More than any other hormone, therefore, its intimately intertwined with male sexuality. No surprise than that levels of it, influence your libido, or whats commonly called the sax drive. In fact, in some places, a Huge Industry has grown up around marketing supplementary t, as its often called, especially to men of a certain age. Not my age, definitely older, but no matter what your age hormones are powerful compounds and taking them is not risk free. Taking supplementary testosterone long term has, for instance, been linked in some studies to an increased risk of heart problems and possibly Prostate Cancer. Another drawback to taking testosterone supplements, dr. Say, is that it can cause your body to start making the hormone on its own. Then if you want to quit, its kind of hard to because it takes time for your testicles to ramp up production again. T supplements can even cause your unchallenged testicles to shrink. The general consensus is that yes, supplementary testosterone might provide benefits for some older guy. Again, older than me. And in some cases it can increase their sex drive, which again, i dont ill but before starting supplements, they should definitely have their levels of t checked by a doctor and consult regularly with the physician throughout the course of treatment. After all, lots of things can cause your sex drive to drop, not just your hormones. So if youre having libido issues, which im not t levels might be part of it, but then again, they might not be an expert say that younger men shouldnt take the hormone at all without a clear medical reason. Like one of the conditions that causes your testicles for some reason not to make enough tea on their own. If the shrinking testicles warning wasnt enough for you. Then you should also know that it can cause things like acne and breast growth and also affect your fertility. No matter what your age if youre determined to raise your t levels. The good news is there are other simpler ways to do it. Losing weight and exercising regularly can also both have a positive impact on how much testosterone your body makes. Some study show it can even raise levels as much as taking supplements without shrinking your testicles. Testosterone could also be linked to men short lives bags. In eastern europe, women of an average 10 years longer than men. Globally, women live in average, 4 to 5 years longer. According to the w h o. These are some of the main reasons why men have and the healthier lifestyles than women. More men than women dine homicides or are killed in car accidents. The men are more likely to get lung cancer cirrhosis of the liver or coronary disease. And they are less likely to consult a doctor. Men also to and not to listen to their bodies and hes the warning signs take erectile dysfunction, it can be a sensitive subject and a lot of men are too embarrassed to seek medical advice that they really should. It can be treated when a man cant get an erection, it can create a lot of frustration from the fossil this. It was a really tough situation. Hot because my partner had the feel. I didnt think she was attractive even though i did you front on on that weighed heavily on me if stuck clustered. Power is a pseudonym. He doesnt want to be recognized. Hes 33 and has always had trouble getting or maintaining an erection. You ask him, burkman began having this problem later in life. A school was my failing. You get is. Im not a real man any more a month. Somethings wrong with me. Im no longer worth as much lakemere soupy yet as he flew off hes been living with erectile dysfunction for 18 years. It began at age 57 after hed undergone surgery for Prostate Cancer of woodard. Bizarre though, that diana was told that the treatment can seriously impact a mans sexuality, humans and fierce st. Zix auditors, mothers, viola curbing is the urologist and doctor of sexual medicine. Now, as an expert on genital function, in the psychology of sex, she treats erectile dysfunction on many levels under fugitive limb them which is very complex problem. Many different factors and causes can come together to produce erectile dysfunction as it was that is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection of all 5 titan in detail. Was least they sign curren i but help is available to man. Oh, they just have to be willing to ask for it on diocese conflicts, decisions of anat, fastenal. Its really important to get up the nerve and speak to your doctor, diagnosed because impotence can be a sign of other diseases still come . Oh gosh. And often it can even be an indication that a cardiovascular disease like coronary heart disease, a heart attack or stroke could happen in 23. 00 or 5 years, no further comment. Kernan, even as a child, there were signs indicating the route of pows problem. Yet no one took much notice as inter food of over when i was in school, i was always extremely tired, right. Well, there was hardly a lesson in which i didnt fall asleep or i could barely concentrate little man. As i got older, i realized that this couldnt be normal to him. I could only keep an erection for a very short time. Sometimes id lose it in the time it took to par on a condom on the ceiling till after finals. His doctor diagnosed low testosterone levels that were congenital, but shots of the hormone didnt help much. So power consulted and drawled just frogs. Sama, a thorough examination showed that blood flow to powers penis was normal. But the doctor discovered something he often sees with new patience. My, when a man comes to my office with a reptile dysfunction, i often find that their doctors made little effort to get to the root of the problem as they often just prescribe. Sil, jenna fill the active ingredient and biographer and say, give this a try. Her tighten puts in mid as well as my ost kobylinski rec, over zelma found that panels penis had too much connective tissue. Ive, but not enough muscle cells. I forgot to say so. Factor for that are nightly erections. Manner every man has 5 or 6 nightly erections. They, theyre just training for the erect dialed tissue to help keep it fit and help men have good erections. To give this nightly training a boost power now takes the pill containing a viagra like active ingredient every evening. Hes pleased with the results. When a cellphone is my sex life has improved enormously retirement, i no longer feel so sluggish during the day. And because i take the pill at night, oh, i dont need one before having sex. I mean, i feel a lot better. You actually bergmans problems were triggered by cancer surgery. His prostate had to be completely removed and the surgery caused nerve damage. Since then, hes tried a lot of things like a penis pump. It uses suction to improve blood flow to the penis, which can help men in theory, is this and is that the is 0. Its a very mechanical and time consuming thing. It takes some practice to use that and when youre having a good time in want to get a stiff erection to have intercourse, its an interruption that kills the mood right from the start. A dish to move from. Im from anchor put. Then theres all prost to dale therapy using a drug thats inserted into the re throw. Another treatment involves the patient injecting a medication directly into his erectile tissue. But it is excellent, still wont get us. There is no universal remedy for erectile dysfunction. Report is lucas. We have a range of therapies at our disposal, which we can try out in consultation with the patient til couple. We encourage them to try out the various options, even in part thanks to talked with viola, curb. Its, you ask him. Bookman now has a new approach to sexuality. Youre going over time thats led to many positive changes for him and his partner along with welcome to little is my new for nicks and my wife. And i have gone through thick and thin together my all our lives sharing tender moments, Holding Hands caressing. Being there for each other as coddling, nothing can take that away from you. Leave me come exercising regularly and avoiding smoking will also boost sexual performance on the right. Diet can even help god against erectile dysfunction, foods that help include a lot of vegetables, fish, beans, and 1st and foremost olive oil. According to his study by greek researches, as cardiologist, christina krisha has says, men that follow mediterranean diets, particularly consuming lots of olive oil, see they risk of impotence reduced by up to 40 percent in old age. Ah erectile dysfunction isnt the only problem. Todays memo struggling with abnormal spare morphology, low spend utility and low sperm counts are growing problems. Bold white to day experts, a cooling at the male infertility crisis. But this to can be tackled with the right with. And here are 3 super foods for boosting. Male, fertility number one, salmon. Several studies came to the conclusion that fish improve spar mobility. Thats probably due to the high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids and fish. In one danish study, a group of men were given fish oil, while another group was not. Comparative results showed that the group fed fish oil underwent the following changes, increased theme and volumes, larger testicles and a higher sperm count. Omega 3 fatty acids are good for blood flow, which means theyre good for erections as well. Other studies werent as conclusive. The positive effects of fish may just be a result of eating less meat. Number 2 walnuts. A study of 199. 00 young men looked at the effects of not consumption. The participants ate nuts for 14 day. It resulted in the men having improved orgasms and a higher sex drive. Their sperm count rose as did the mobility of their sperm. But that study came under fire. Some specialists claimed the effects of the nuts could be explained by the unsaturated fatty acids they contain, however, salmon and nuts harbor, another secret fertility boosting. Ingredient argon ain argue named as a nitrogen rich amino acid. In addition to other substances, the bodies metabolism uses that to produce nitric oxide. Studies have shown that nitric oxide lowers Blood Pressure and expands the blood vessels. Something that helps with erections are getting can also boost both sperm count and mobility. Walnuts also contain a lot of zinc, besides being indispensable for a healthy prostate. This element is also involved in sperm production. A zinc deficiency means the sperm use up their energy before they can reach the egg. Number 3, tomatoes, numerous studies have pointed to tomatoes as having a positive effect on the fertility of humans and animals. The secret is called like a pin. Its an antioxidant that provides the red coloring and plant foods. It also helps to reduce the oxidative stress in the body cells. However, the body doesnt absorb them like a pin and ra tomatoes very well. Its best to cook them 1st. Tomato puree is especially good for like o, p absorption. The participants, however werent fed tomatoes. There were given capsules containing 40 milligrams of like a pin equivalent to 200 grams of raw tomatoes. Their sperm was healthier and could swim better. But even if these foods can boost male fertility, dont forget that a balanced diet is essential to health and well being. A cancer diagnosis is always shocking, especially for young people. But unfortunately, to stick to the cancer tends to afflict young men in particular in its a relatively rare type of cancer in germany, just over 4000. 00 cases are diagnosed per year. But the number is rising all over the world. And experts still unsure wine, its now the most common cancer among males, between 20. 45. 0, it was a shattering diagnosis, but 26 year old german professional football at t mobile gottshal didnt want to throw in the towel. When, when the unclear testicular cancer diagnoses sparked some pretty dark thoughts, you still think that what if you dont make it . Or if you cant have children with what about your girlfriend with family, friends, your dog . I mean, everything you wanted to do together some days we spent hours crying together upon others. Well, we decided not to let him get his down. I was at home on this. Thats in his, me find closing to day team about guttural is back on the suck. A pitch, but the memories are still fresh. He can still recall how his girlfriend and pet dog reacted when the bad news came from the doctors office. He can only sit on forced to have them on the 8th, and often isnt ugly to range to eat out on me. It was my day off thing. I was on fire thought muscles. I think she noticed something was wrong. When i rang the cups it came back us as low as a, so i told her they wanted to check something out. It wasnt clear at 1st, but of course its worrying, showing you done. You feel better after a hug and being greeted by your doll. You go and a good, thats what i am come the next day when i got the diagnosis, it was good to cry together and will you call . The dog was quieter, too. He just cuddled up to us with an o, as in a legal and some days we spent hours cry with and on others we said to wind, come on, lets not think about it. Thats just me fine. Listen. The tumor was discovered during a routine check. He had to have surgery and chemotherapy. Then i realized i dont need to approach it with humor. We joked about pick him up, we still do me in my friends meal. Sometimes love to help you. So, you know, there are plenty of jokes about how to la just one ball of the stuff about having balls doesnt work with me anymore. And ive only got one is theres a whole repertoire of jokes about that stuff. And its good to latifah. I leave it to my friends. I dont mind. Ill crack those jokes myself with and some of them will do. Miss marcial, his girlfriend duleigh, his family and friends and his labrador. Jimmy, they all gave teemer the strength to get through treatment flyer with one of the 1st things he did was shake off his hair t most tumor was discovered early. He now feels confident about making plans for the future based until were pregnant city of decay. When i look back on my career 40 not, i hope i love had lots of experiences. Your played lots of matches or, and have nice memories for then i felt that will have lived by the sea side for a bit by tax. I hope well have our friends around us, so that we can hang out at my friend gabriella wine club room, and that would make me happy. And of course, being healthy is the most important thing will not say after going through Something Like this before julia or i will be doing, dan, who knows . Maybe ill be home looking after our 2 kids were on a flight to heal housman unfortunately. Like in the uh huh. Yes. At least chances treatment of this ticket again is more likely to be successful if its detected having a stays, men should make sure they do regular testicular self examinations. Yes. How did you know that the average age for testicular cancer to strike is just 33 testicular concepts the most frequent concept disease in young men and it can start long before the age of 20. At the beginning, it doesnt give you a lot of symptoms, but it can spread aggressively and its a lethal disease if not detected early and treated correctly. Its important that men do regular testicular self exam, starting at the age of 16. The best time is after a warm shower, 1st cup them with your hand to see if they feel normal. Then gently roll one testicle at a time between your thumb and forefinger. Dont forget the epidermis at the back of the testicles. Do this at least once a month. In the beginning, there might be just a feeling of heaviness, a dragging or dragging pain in the testicles later on. There can be an increase of size and weight, a hardness of the test to go and classically hard lump inside the testicle on the surface. If you detect Something Like that, and you should really see a neurologist, the sooner you see a doctor the better. Because if detected early, up to 98 percent of testicular cancer cases can be cured. A way of staying healthy is of course to exercise regularly. His favorite Fitness Instructor alvina to show us how to dead with hello and welcome. Today were gonna do a balance exercise, and this exercise also really good for your strength. Lets get started with your feet. Pip wide apart. Then lift one leg and try to touch the floor with. Keep your back straight and focus on one point with i recommend to do this 30 seconds on each side. After 30 seconds. You switch and do it 3 times. This way your exercise the entire backside from your bag. 3 bucks to the car with this exercise is perfect for your daily life because it makes lifting easier. Good bye for now. Stay healthy and see you next time im in good shape. 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