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With the name believe i am, i believe it after almost 3 decades living here. I mean, i think im allowed to say this of with, you know, i was 19 when i left, it was a kid. Then i started driving a when i started, i was 24 because i was excited. The young man from those now you get a big mosquitos with a great sound system. And above all this freedom to want to cab drivers, well hunters intact, kept drivers were you guys were just sitting around and reading for people to come to them. I was one of those walk was hunting, eager, or hungry. Laura conflict like a predator. Feebly associated with this is a typical taxi gift that other peoples objective in fan dollar ah, a with more can be, has been born off to the or will balkan wars in the ninetys. Just after the fall of the war, i came as a migrant from eastern europe, from, from boston to, to free city to berlin and took we are now again in the east autos that this doctor is this in from us. So i would say car, which marks a where the east meets west, where the wall happened to be located, you know, and that they, what they did, you know, they marked the where the wall was passing. Like here, top top now we understood. It could be like music or it da da, da da da da da da da da. Could make something out of it. My cab was my 1st music club. So i recorded my own tape collection with bulky music, so a could stand long night shifts. But i played it in my cabin, people loved it. Ah, with o n e o e o. Big ridge slowly would appear on the scene with his music or soundtracks, which was a small your, your, your so i got a message, you know, if you other facts we would drop it into the dancing crowd. War, dancing to bunker. Ok. Especially germans. Go crazy with p 9101112. 0, wow. Luis, on the, lets say on the global a this is senior life is philadelphia spec. Ah. Hello, im okay. Its all good. I just woke up. And so starting today tonight i think they look sheets you look yeah. Oh, getting dark in friesland, im going to go and have dinner and then later on and i mean im starting to play at one until 430 so its quite a late lunch or your voice is hearing my voice. Oh go. Oh, its loading slowly. Okay, honey those big later. Yeah, but with. 6 old bitch with my mission was successfully accomplished and m dot a long over. Sure cool. Bruce lee ah tired of this. I dont enjoy any more in confidence. I have enough. I really have enough time with me. I do it mechanically. I know what to do. I know what the and i give them this, the 10 percent im like and i raise my hand. Its not the same impulse like i had big then when i was completely with this movie, i mean i have to be honest of that very position. Well, thats why i say to my girlfriend, i would love to support year just to see whats going to happen. I dont know, i never stop. They sell my shoals and its hard for me. If i stop, nobodys going to give me anything. This is another they mention which is in the background, always lurking and pushing you to do things in way. Well, because you have to you know she with oh god, she was a komatsu or yeah again you soon out of school. Oh, video out of your faith and isnt that leave you stephanie in that the p as we speak look good in the us is one of the partners with with us you can one calling, shake o toes. Just ask a feature on your page. Thats may be della to speak to locksmith 33. The said, well you know, only wish to recognize and clear or put comes up with which norse. When i kiss directly or should any done, then i suppose you both are now some korean or the stinking them is all kili doll, some green or the either is amory sounds like then or some lady thats a glitch in a blue. Oh ah oh um. Oh yeah. Okay, so i know jan don d e. Oh, when she doesnt like my language we have with i have to hold together. I have to move some homes with always really need inspiration. You with they went to my roots to the ball coast. I havent been to boston in january because i left never in winter, but then again, i mean the refugee situation might clyde be just a miserable because drew out the summertime, at least you have enough outdoor situations. You dont have to freeze, you can be able to sleep outside it. But in the winter time, youre really confined to indoor something original i read an article, but god bless you just pushing them back about them. Yeah, i mean, they think they are all, you know, they say they had to do that and you know, shes tracking across with i wonder, you know what, i wonder actually hold it a deal with this situation or because its hard. Winter in boss knows quite off nature is still too rough to crew. These guys in the art of humans, a bible. Theyre just so good. We move to survive. This we do. Its like the essence of being human. And were here in such a concert that weve lost or killed. And if there was a wall tomorrow, like we would know how to survive. I think on a pure darwin theory, we would all disappear and they would survive to like, come from syria for morocco to bosnia. Like they walked their way through. Its incredible. I will call that is a is over plenty of us that you got it for us to do group or the books under the game game stop or golf books up beyond the style of bud called him dreamy. This is the game getting ready for game in the game, getting ready for game so its office and they co ordinate the leg. Cool. Thats less than yeah, because investor interest interest and with the quote unquote, all possible div, but i was too long some talk to plenty casual. And i, many of them all i could british more at the switch to ah, to chicago said to me, just a, by the way that its picked the 11. You then as well a a deal a with ah, the own thing lets now do the i just with human 2nd. To set up something. Oh, i need my glasses, an old man. Come in yet another bit. No, lets lets maxima report can you a wrapping wrapping, wrapping red. I must have fixed my phone. Thats okay. Okay. Yeah. Good. Good to suit a street journal printer as bed of a tele to highly he chin id, dont register, he wrote i did a ranch, Halley Betty Dunn birthday by mac dot gov santo kitchen us mom and daddy. Katie lawler. Either amazon on base or b clarity, be so ideas are made that your one on one ha mero me at my do d at a what a good jerry jerry sober. Mila thomas. So fair show them. Jungle horn is the color book, margery. Sure there was um i was, i shook asa riley boyer. Lou smit a lazy coyer article. I brian, i changed my summer through the hotel and the year gone and i saw too many things and it was a really big trip for me and oh, i was a child, but its grand me up like go and and mind li run me up. You know, and it, it was so effective for me because i, i, i see the things that so many people and, and their life they cant see. And on a renew or fuji. And if you say, yeah, usually were going people see only movies and movies and dreams. They went. Yeah. Hello. Less one and a half years to go. Now, 18 months. Its 18 months. Im traveling in this way. You see we still have traces from our war. Yeah. Which all mines, yes, we are coming from this country from your country, from a dangerous country to another dangerous country, but not so much the lake a metaphorical feet over there. Whats our minds . Yeah, i want to go to germany and ill make a little a studio in my home. And then im making beats. Ill wrapping and i will make sink. And ill do it until ill be a famous one. They left. Yeah. This is the end of may 2. This is your dream. This is my dream. Yet with believe is the 3 will many migrants, some find old here and some face strangers that spend so much time on it, the streets, you know, and somehow you become a part of to say there, make this big piece out there. Well there could be i love i never had this like behold, shirts by this time. All was all but my dream to travel with. Oh, oh oh. Oh john. Oh. C oh oh oh oh oh the mom. 7 0 oh oh. 7 0 you know that this oh, when you beat a fire the business it called dollars before. No idea. Yeah. Yeah. A really call them every day even to ask them leg grandma, what did you call today . And the ah, the greeks even here like griggs, i know how they thought clay with so homesick about the ones they left behind and they create the new modes of grease. That is actually not true because they love it so much. They miss it. But its like exactly how they dream about it. Its not the reality a ha flora that oh ha now all in oh oh i i am looking for a new kind of music and use hold of europe a honda. And if it has to be a new song in your european migrants will help me find the talent. So i started to work with michael positions while living in berlin. Adults wanting to place, which ill okay to the you might go through a right now. Yes, we have me, roche r, somehow this, what you defined is all can be sol system because we started with we have 3 other musicians and also some guesses in charlotte in show a lot at our feet gonzandi. Im coming from by this time gus. Through and i left told me that i didnt see my farm in for 2011. Ah, the 1st or the j. A party is going to be that form for our music different i was also artists. Like going with what i find difficult now that we start to create new music is if we are suddenly standing in front of a unwritten page, what know what language we have to use in order to understand each other ah, a a noun only that my word yeah, very vague and boom. I was born and grew up in elbow and syria. Mm hm. Mm hm. Mm hm. They come up all in my mom say, hey, please dont take you because of these. I need something from those tears. You go him and i say youre fine and i got on sale than i me than other people than his books. He got with a friend. Now i see the children comes out of the school and am, and a guy selling some swedes on his little thing in the front of the street. And i say hi to the neighbor there. He just best there its, its very big family that saying, you know, it is a, its a great feeling. Ah, but you only battlefield in my world is the answer, bolts agent, do it. Let him dance for 5 hours. Let him connected to each other with with fellows, when you come to berlin, i hope youre going to make it. So berlin, we definitely should. So be really good. Yeah. So, but 1st you have to cross all these borders. Yeah. And you already did crossing many borders now a with very israel, i dyna vesa. So my mom she be all devotion and all of this up story phase. Keep me sleep. Not, im not here this on here. So here. Gala mason with name seneca, this will the never been part of a yes or no Credit Bureau a way or speech to more value to for to move their shoulder. The part are, these are for the share career, the village day man over the really scott was to be look at, it will start group on it says the a variable when you live together, just a lot, no yard newsletter, that they are beat. That may be printed out of a soda i call off it validated with d b o the let the know i days my father so that they 13 years ago with holly familial co. How its like i keep a quote. Oh boy the the steeple bug. You but some oil, thats e o. E. Seuss on it. Im a little small guy. Okay. One of each was gone. We stuffy . Asked my father. Is this one . It was taken in bosnia in senator i guess it must have been whats law sixties . With my father was called doodles. He was born 4 to 6 and raised in post war society multicultural. He was lab in society. So and my father then went to the army and in serbia, young man at the age of 20, you know. And he fell in love with my mother and took her to senator and from a mixed marriage, so to speak. My fathers side is gracious. My mother than shes the other side. Serbia hes always he was in the round, but its got plenty guess it in a up of cruelty, grew a bit sad mas in esther. Jamie said she, me, she pro, hold us smell as a nash all day. The neil jane says makeup of the ship that shell be left and say, look out, there will be more yuck. The nest this will solemn, generally then putting whichever them are good and also lay me as a mouth to equal but it will also be la fitness the phone to be done on the local bush pretty soon. But thats not only opposed to milly conflicts can even be listed. Im gonna go in only a few of those will be let me move to something for with men. And when little older is, let me with those offices. Im going to be shock parameter, discrete. Unless you make it take those gave you, but ill be able to go as you have been that. So there charlotte, who slid will not only will she say, so dont you said the semester spires is that theres this is but they were, they said they fortunately brooklyn bell. I moved home because it wasnt possible anymore to stay in a little because of the world differently. Im not going to hide a gun and go with some side. Not me at all. I dont believe in i dont believe in blood can make solutions, not at all. However, it can be so i had to move. There is no other choice why . My mom was for years nashika. That is yeah. But it was please, well, well, it was called us with yes is how much alex im more my and these nationalist, he even yearly. Actually the play rather than yellow nationals is that will have the like the mobility when i was laid, the money convoy nick was sleeping like he was still a good week with him since i did a party i some there is a detention or nancy sanchez. Awesome. Yeah, i will do to lower the yog with toonami trellis. Not yet the bulk of been tomorrow, yada time over the spaniel, out as the base dos. I stay many of the the shuttle and see uncle brought her collar bell is laconia nashik santa nasha. Hansel scott center. Yeah. This we go to name or do you their name will be should he Goes National . Would they be enrolled . Keyboard is shavelle, dar toys villano, yon yoga approval yet for mr. Or theyre wanting show the Japanese Authority yeah, quote, which on a to grammy them, yasamin bled them jak and the order shayton to europe. Daniel with edge made the letter then come up with some of it. Connie said, sim, where dont you manage either poker, the or the commercial on vash . Nick had on the men in the area shop. All the watching the palmers him aka lynn mannion with the year dimension in summer sale. Alco pleasure, digital its on ease actually Academic Research doc on. I looked at ben anthony industry seminar, bucklin up. Can you unfortunate touches on the status of the goodness mom, monica, that alcohol. But um he has to teach apple j on yay. Do a dealer to go in and is glad he dont. We know like with patty, you know me only you can try to save enough. And of course not because shes not my dish con ed. Ah, a me i still remember that moment like very well. Especially when i was seeing bite on my father. He was sick, very sick, very difficult, differently during the war, he gets sick, he has cancer. And yeah, it was a really difficult time to move around the city to the hospitals. And so because of the war and because of many things, and they was with him for a part time while he was sick. M. M. Mm hm. Mm hm. Mm hm. Moved to kentucky, so you quote sure you sell such theres classical to do us from an accident, as grandma them yell in and out the store in on our dollars and to be look at the straw of the neighbors that there was that because was rescued asap. Patrol and clinic is 30 man, ill bury me 5 med case study themselves ocean. Yes, me does by your to seneca elsa now select a goblin o glassdoor. Some is evil as a diana sh 0. Because 3 other asked ng or e on our yard that e. My connie y, connie mazda, nearly all the nash, let me go 8. 0 oh oh hm. Oh, when the think she was downstairs and i get all my fax and so going to take a bus to lebanon. And im saying hi to my father and hugging him and he was crying. I was crying too. And he said by then they filled that. Im not going to see him any more than a windows to her. They get to the pixie, and after he moved a bit, i said he stopped and he stopped and said, im going to come and then i go again up to him, hugging him again and then you are getting some one more moment with my father because i know that im going to see him not going to see him again and yes, i didnt him you initially boy. Oh ah, with. 7 a lot of people try to, to come in europe. Its a part of our story here. They leave, you must say, like a dog from africa. You can, you seem to see the wave stories change. Nothing. The, the thing i think you rock is on the continent. So when you get older, maybe you, you want to, you dont want to change i with a with. So i have to find my way, a young a little of the one where you comes on it tomorrow. Ill get better by the different. Ok. Had a mom but the fun, but you couldnt it back up. I dont think so. I dont go back to go that is with you because youve been such a muster around a spectrum, a call you, which is your professor prosecutor jackie ticket buffer no more. Oh wow. Its a. 2 isnt it much it got to do is to love you because you do it because you love, i love to visit with you got a a. C c c a not losing enough with a positive it was a little fun to do with in this tough world. Ah, sometimes its good to speak a thought. Ah. Oh, i oh my love grow stronger daft today. Then. Oh so i ha away. Your new life is go. Your life a ah, what can i, can i change a when you far away . Sure. Mm. Class to me. Yeah. D a this is seen him. You see adult with a one of them with ah, ah, ah, a new year with of course you have to hear it in a big sound system with cool man, nice to see you again. Are you still motivated to, to make your way to germany . Are you tired of traveling . How spurs im tired to miss judge. Yeah. Reg, shy, nice. So i, you know, do you have a plan to leave boston at some point soon . So im trying to find the best. They dont see each other and burlington dance and i thats the idea man. Yeah. Ah with oh, hello this, what i do, i cool cultural recycling taking pieces of different cultures, music, films, language mixing them together, creating a new context. Ah, oh um. 6 6 6 ah, its a welcoming system. I mention special guests. Sometimes children dont turkish wrap up from me. Some bull actually who lives in berlin. Hes going to be our guest. Well, thats what he say. Can you write something on just a bit . I thought he said to me, right, a german song or english on what you said to me please. Right. In talk with steve guitars. I feel like on the talks with was born in germany, but i stayed for 10 years stumble. And then last year to situation and somebody was not good and i come back in a backpack with a cultural site claim. Yeah. And you have bulk and we support over there with it that way theres to work. Okay, well, well mark really scout. I get all negotiated over. Good. Not very good. Other constitute good, good also mom and like, yeah mama can click and what white glove orders will be at least phenomenal. They will be able to assess of your field or gushing flavor segment to go to here. This is what Service Oriented oriented theodore bill youre talking ah, with joe la number so la. A little yummy. Then up, blew from dust. Youre always unorganized or the polio on a roller. Im with some money from steam is freeman to put a lady in the gentleman is talking about the human being and the dog. Something between the human being and the dog. Im skilful and im built for our child sort of torture. Its a bunch of theyll go annually, but i pump. Dr. Neely carriage lives are able but became a refugee during the a and let me give them quick. Thats my motto. Please take a pothole, then will you take up pato sanitized . Honestly for with with a doctor, they look at it got a noun through this has been written by doctor i leach our friend this completely new, always ready will be styled. And he said, you guys a very, very 1st truck we completely produce written from scratch. The other stuff with below go home with. She loves to then to the song. Yeah, thats why oh a in go home for nick why . Why a part of it say my brother died or so building though the vehicle is a sale or me to throw on us a preacher to come on the story i said oh, i said it doesnt include audio can bonnie coyer point. Okay, nancy, come was that the with many a with villa probably with a double. Thus the young susie that kimmy kid us over a quick log on to be really good. Nobody is of just a moment in emily. Emotional auto bought through the ab talk was it bill to it through guy was. 1 30 tie. Medium cruised by. Yeah. I dont know. Just tell him what i want the cook. We did the yoga. Youll get a bizarre bad may god he knows that by met para pro got nozzle, then you got it up go. They pool. Got cream or put ga nebulizer done here beulah bag to adobe ej a up at made their approve. Got bigger, dodge, and beecher slow guy. Oh, ill call home. Its if i was lima. I oh, thats kind of been able boy yet, but oh libya i spoke at scott. Yes it, i dont, i mean it was really a quick text the they said was up and it did approve nice up at the as up and they did up rule got bigger door jim beecher slogan. Oh, cool. Hope was to see about not zappa. Net. There are pro gar vega door, gym beach, so slow go. Oh, out. Oh, size took us. These are to be like a hutch to supper. Our q, our net. Net and met. Ill call all a little probably more. No, ill go guy. Oh, i beg that youve been with us. What size stock us thesis so viola he has she saw paula keela. No, oh no. 000000 i oh yeah i who oh mother will must there but a yeah. Yeah. The be a new molly man. Oh, i go home. The thing is, after that is the trumpets answer then with the letter to the and now youre in the same with no. Yeah. So just one bar before. Oh, alcohol. Yeah, i want him to go to school. Why . Because you experiment always to sort of argue, massage castaneda. Meta no way. I love to see the thing. Is it that is i live in berlin. I go for my company, so i got n e a customer that got their meek back. Net but again mexico. Oh. Must have a oh boy. Yeah. But i live in a bath. Ah, the females used to some equal one. Since were setting up probably twice. We bulk out and make up contact, could all, as yvonne call coaches the laws in the wasnt miscarriage, jaqueline, just the school time you booked some Christmas Williams if you remember that the school 0. So nicky nash balconies up. I looked a quick enough of your course, eric or b deal, w deal. Uncle just thought coin was escape what to say . Girls. Old fools, you must go across to the shy, very thrilled with with this morning was beautiful when i told her off in french oh, then in arabic, then she looked at me like outdoor very effective parenting. And i could cause you to go out and tag with it. Have you had that makes a tender jim enough about it . Yes or no. Can you share sheena . Ill think about it without that bus. And kevin l. Carvey. Last class for toys . Yes, he did. What was the key for you the same . The same you give to saying which one is a good book, which one is right and i told you that the other day i really like freak out me finding myself laying next to my daughter and not understanding her. And you guys incessantly bubbling arabic like a gay or imposing something now which i dont belong to, and i have to how do i deal with this with my own daughter . Isnt it a bit weird in your opinion . I think most of people will somehow freak out a little bit out of yard be all the time me and my girls in our bed laying. And i find myself in a situation where i dont understand a war is that. Well thats enough was that we had i had up with a sack. He and i like the dog a creature just like what he was just show me the blow and exactly that. So that exist to change or to somehow balance if you remember the other day in the park, when i tried to speak to her german and she will told me off our b of a many times i asked you to balance it. Okay. German is to art for you. I got it. Beat french, isnt it . In your opinion, wrong to impose such a situation where we lay down together and i dont understand a single word. Shes 3 years now in the language. She speaks of best and only its a bit thats because i think about you cant come up with if you call with my daughter to my bed and speak only arabic to her, a language. I dont like 10 minutes. Can i speak much . Yeah. Good. Okay. Oh, its funny that you put the responsibility of you and your daughter communicating in language that both of you understand on me. It says a lot that she doesnt speak to you in german because you dont speak far enough. I dont agree on this because its a mother you are always in a stronger position in. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. So yeah, i watch going. God said good. What do you have done in my, in my place that i would have told her last name . My god, her, how many times do they try and receipt . We impose 5 language. You know we dont, this little brain just doesnt work. It just doesnt. Its too much a lot, always like to watch the moment of this to me these day been the biggest problem with the case everywhere because i understand very well. I think we really come from a different perspective. For me. Of course youll come from my feminist arabic, me and my me and my world, and im just trying to do to have it balance. And i have to fight with all this. Well, ok, good. I try and my only raise them to yell at some point and slammed the door and luckily i was just about to leave for. Oh, it was a good good. Oh, oh. Ok. Didnt a dont know each other. Oh hi. How you doing . Good guy. For good for your for her all mother in law. Oh exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I live here. Ah. With that that war law. Well really . Oh so this is your we have a label meeting. One is from the label. The other one is from b, aleppo, syria. I think its okay. Yeah. I want to try another one. Ill say this. Well, i think its its, i think its pretty good. Yeah. You do do another one just like its not going to be like this actually. Trying to believe a a little way. I mean, yeah, again, me thank good here with the way in the cool cool, cool. Call me back. Oh. Okay. But also would be good if you can fe, alcohol for were will. Yeah. Its so difficult for many reasons. A depends where we are, its it is difficult or to come up with this word. Yeah. All right. So well have a long way still, you know, so im not going to put any kind of and yet then we hear it. I mean, it actually makes more sense that he doesnt really do the same thing because this vanilla and her sing this in a same way. So mom has another legal thing. Yeah. And hes his in his own. Yeah. Im what you would not mind or you would you mind trying to seeing whole sort of the way the song like what was it will honestly its not about to to do more but its about i am really fine with those. No. Okay, no this. Oh, hey, my man. Cool, cool, cool, cool. You want some fun . And one was white, white and shortly i guess shell wineglass. What else do you want all . Yes. With a with ah, [000 00 00;00] with an offer sir . Oh, i wanted to find out, but aside from you know, beach new small you can find out from there to find some awesome dont youre not emotional way that your future worth a. Ready ready ready oh ah ah well she was how to pick up some childrens was lot from now. Do you support them or you can cut them into 2 different make to you know, i mean well, but did she explain to you what it is . Yes you guys. Oh. Are you gonna have plates or are we supposed to be together . Thats the point. Read together. You know how to eat collectively. I dont need to explain. I bet you its only in your corner. I dont go to assist coroner thats not hygiene, but there will be some more of the rice at some point. Yeah. Ill do deal with that. You leave them once. What and then. Yeah, you leave little is really no, we are serious. Yeah. And then what happens with borders . Nothing, nothing a i think i go to eat and i think the board was all my life. So this is your for the lima, of course. Good. Yes. Mean wanted to know what your mothers name. My mothers name is gisela. Gala does it, is it does it also . It has ella because i yeah. You know that . Yeah. I knew father. My father, her name is i love god. I love god given yeah, i most crucial most seeing the borders of the border definition. Create the billboard of the finish. And exactly. Yeah, i just want a lot of territory because shes not eating this is a a with other, im sick of it in yes. Store or chair or 2 as opposed to a glass rather thicker or any new with some place. I got please with joe that which almost a little more more suitable room with more a you know where we are . No, no, no idea. We are now in front of the legal. Yeah, this is the club where i have left my best d j. What did you apply for me to my of the why is it . Well, my advice would be self confidence. I can give you a microphone. I can give you a controller, but in the end you will have to fire it for your for yourself. Yeah. Just the thing. Do you have a driving license for me . Yeah, no. Its good to have my group with a ah. With and ted, take you off with d w. Ah. We watch on for pas italy. In 60 minutes, d w. With departure b to d. Today, this means flying to a foreign planet. In the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sail to discover rich world famous c. Voyage of ferdinand of magellan. Id rather erase linked to military interests. A race needs to political and military. Christy asserted linked to many financial interests and adventure full of hardships, dangers and death. 3 years that would change the world forever. My jillions journey around the world, starting september 7th on d. W. Music 50 years ago. The intuition gathering of peace and cooperation becomes the scene of a horrible tragedy. Arab terrorists, armed with sub machine guns, went to the headquarters on the really team and immediately killed one man. And that this will be the last time the saw in the night. Theyve all gone out. I witnesses experienced the terrible events and this the world certainly forgets the long shadow of the 1972 olympic massacre. Start september 3rd on d. W. Or a a ah ah ah, this is dw news line from berlin. Washer shoots down a drone over the headquarters of its black sea fleet and crimea. Its the latest attack targeting Russian Military infrastructure on the annex peninsula. The u. N. She travels to turkey to oversee ukrainian green shipments,

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