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Experiment is coming to an end how is it being for those involved. And in pakistan theres one Major Construction project after another all in the name of chinas new silk road. It leads to do spork and moscow. Heads to pakistan and on to africa linking beijing with could. China is building silk roads for the modern era a transport network of overland curry dollars and shipping lanes eight hundred billion euros worth of them its a major Stimulus Program for chinas flagging economy but the other countries involved are hoping to benefit to pakistans support of what is changing at a staggering pace. Our good morning in chinese. Culture and how aftab speaks fluent chinese he studied in china perhaps he had an inkling of the opportunities that would one day bring him here in pakistan. And the chances that business what the country could mean for the port city of quad are when i was sighted i didnt have this opportunity to learn in my hometown chinese but they have and future was it for this special less far to sign for chinese to do the seaside business so. We have. Our children really can speak good chinese. This school has the financial means most others in the country can only dream of thanks to beijing china is investing in the youth of pakistan on pakistani territory. Teaching is not after main job most of the time hes an engineer and very busy. In guadalajara the chinese and pakistanis are building their version of the future together. But do they share the same vision. Is the force on the side the chinese on the bodies done for the box set. Because i can. Think of. What youre working for and. Yet the big muff dont provide it but this. Site. Well guardiola were building a road to china and one day well be able to travel home on it. The silk road will connect us we are friends. Then you are in the city of the wife. And friends have to be protected on construction sites all over the city the chinese are accompanied by guards what are isnt baluchistan province the region is a war zone with both islam ists and village separatists conducting violent insurgencies they see the chinese as invaders and have targeted them. And here is the jumbo zhong recalls a terrorist attack here in two thousand and four which killed three chinese engineers he heads the Chinese Company building the new quad our port china has leased the port for forty years little is known about the terms and details of the contracts involved. We werent allowed to film on the site itself. The aim is to turn water into a new trade but some speculate that china might also want to use the port as a naval base. I dont know what their scare. In the chinese. Is really pissed off the country i think. And you see we dont have a history of clark right and the countries. Beijing is pushing ahead with various projects creating infrastructure where before there was nothing here the China Communications company is building housing for the workers it intends to employ in the area. I think five thousand people are going to come Chinese People coming going to them but for this project i think maybe its hundred to like this it will become for this. Its going to be like a little china town just definitely china. Not everyone is feeling optimistic about a chinese led future many people here dont believe that better more peaceful and prosperous times are about to dawn but expect theyll continue to be marginalized and overlooked by those in charge. Promises of golden days ahead are often met with derision or suspicion. Live by here not what the chinese think only of themselves what they want to build up their big businesses here that they dont care what happens to us poor people. Why yeah money article everything has been torn from our hands no no. Belongs to us theyve taken the sea away from us theyve taken the land away from us theres nothing left for us ordinary men theres no work nothing. Theres no question is changing and as is always the case with change there will be winners and losers. Well some are putting their hopes in Chinese Investment others relying on the government for two years two thousand unemployed finns received regular pay outs from the state how they spent it was up to them. The unconditional basic income has been tested in many Countries Worldwide now the experiment in finland has come to an end and the recipients are reporting it to improve their health and their happiness. Is this a finnish Winter Wonderland or home to one of the worlds biggest social experiments this old schoolhouse in western finland has somehow both. For the past two years you have been and has been receiving an unconditional basic income from the finnish state. Today hes traveling to the capital helsinki where hes been invited to give a talk about his experiences with u. P. I. At a podium discussion in the parliament. And i dont. Generally open to everything. During the train journey ill think about exactly what im going to say. About how ill make the best use of my fifteen minutes of speaking time. To give the public something to think about. So. We first visited you had nearly two years ago at his home near. His great passion is making traditional shaman drums by hand. Back then it was more a hobby than a profession his wife works as a nurse the couple has six children on a dog how has life changed for the family since that day in autumn two thousand and sixteen when a letter from the government landed in his mailbox. Imagine a halt in boston and waiting for the post to arrive and when i saw the letter and i knew without opening it that it was from the social Insurance Agency the most from the minute i had it in my hands i really started celebrating or. For him getting a basic income was like winning the lottery. He had big plans during the two years he wanted to set up an agency to provide living space and studios for artists called art to be in b. Well that project has not been entirely successful you have believed in trying out new things u. B. I. Gave him the freedom to do just that. You have arrives in helsinki to finish governments experiment to give two thousand people five hundred sixty euros a month for two years made headlines all around the world at the event in the Finnish Parliament you have meet another participant in the program. She and the others in the program will be surveyed by finland social Insurance Agency k. T. L. A. Its really interesting to hear the pats fans of the experience because we researchers were not allowed to contact those people so everything i know what they have been through i threat from newspapers and heard from them so its really interesting and different kind of stories theres two thousand cuts to pence everybody has a very unique story. For the participants will tell their stories this evening starting with iowa long term unemployed ill also has cancer and she now worries about how shes going to survive without her monthly basic income you know one of us in a minute said my life has changed for the worse im being treated the way i was two years ago like scum who are borderline or have to. Have to beg for everything and all the payments that were coming automatically at the beginning of the month will take longer. I never know when the money is going to come in. The basic income gave aila back some of her dignity she says but thats over now. Presentation probably move me the most. She really has to fight for her daily bread every day. Especially now because shes been officially registered as unemployed since the start of january. Now the whole thing starts all over again for her. The experiment with the u. B. I. Proved to be controversial the government is now experimenting with a different model the state now only gives money to those who do something farmers even if its volunteer or Community Work from now on your must make a living from his drum making but hes optimistic about it. Over the past two years ive been able to invest some of the basic income money in buying new tools i can build drums ten times faster than i could two years ago. You have looked after the children what is wife is at work a steady job wouldnt suit him if hes cooking for the kids the workshop and the drums just have to wait but he believes money doesnt make you happy where he lives you can get by just fine if you have something to eat and a little electricity. For my children unfortunately the future is looking a little in secure. Thats one of the reasons why i want to do something to give the generations to come a better future. For. Our generation has a responsibility to find solutions. As far as youre concerned the young conditional basic income experiment went just as planned what do the rest of the participants think. The finnish authorities are doing a thorough evaluation of the project on to the end of the year only then movie no the government also judges the attempt a success. Since nineteen fifty every industrialized nation in the world has seen a sharp fall in the number of people working in agriculture in some regions by more than eighty percent of the children of farmers nowadays rarely choose to take over their parents farms hedging instead to the cities to see an effort. In emerging economies like in egypt the situation is growing critical is it possible to attract young people back into farming. The blue p. Flour has to be picked by hand. So its good for salat so thats like a peach. Home and as a lawyer and an expert on the flowers and plants of indonesia shes on a mission to preserve knowledge of the countrys biodiversity. I grew up in a coffee plantation. And it was far from everywhere so my mother had to grow our own food so thats how i start to learn on how to. Fill it from a very early on but of course as a lawyer. Away from it but because i love to travel and i love to cook. So when i was started to be introduced to the met. Its sort of like bring back the memory of my childhood and i thought like it will be nice to you know live it again. She set up a model farm and. Thirty kilometers from the capital jakarta. And her work as a lawyer she campaigns for the rights of indigenous farmers. On the farm young people are taught Sustainable Agricultural techniques and how to cultivate the plants that have been reached indonesian cuisine for centuries. Im worried about the current situation. Excessive use of fertilizer and. Thats why i want to learn about organic farming. And indonesia has great opportunities to farm in a way thats close to nature and not industrialized and that will benefit our way of life and our health. But. My dream is to set up a farm like this at home and use it to feed my siblings and pay for their schooling. The students take classes in organic farming and also Business Management and marketing. The aim is to prepare them all to be able to run their own farms when they graduate from the program. Farming no longer appeals to many indonesians the social status of farmers is relatively low. Profit margins are tight and selling products at local markets is hard work. And wants to turn this around. She also runs a cafe and shop. In downtown chicago. It only sells products grown by the network of smallholder farmers who number more than fifty thousand. Active are there also some in ours the public can attend about subjects such as traditional coffee cultivation. He. Well right now we do have a very critical situation because every year we are losing about five hundred thousand to one million farmers and probably about seventy percent of our farmers are above fifty five years or so and thats why its very important that our work to bring back that pride and dignity off farming profession. By building the brenden off the farms the branding off the farmers and create the added value products. The cafe serves traditional dishes. And in the kitchen young cooks are trained by experienced chefs. Produce direct from the network of farmers. By cutting out wholesalers the small holders can earn more than usual. Homan is a truly committed social entrepreneur. We were the First Company that pay for the social security. Because its a very risky. Climbing the tree because every day. Between forty fifty times. Every day and of course if its raining it will be slippery so that at least. We thought that it will be fair that they will be with accident at work. Her company has eighty five employees she spends a lot of time traveling on indian needs just thousands of islands teaching farmers she also uses social media to get her message across. Yes yes so theyre not up if its part of the education as well. So we even teach them how to do for the graphic using their phones because then they will be able to upload that instagram to the social media you know so this is this is part of what we try to help them in communicating. They have. Rice cakes with coconut syrup. Homan loves traditional indonesian products and believes that more and more people will feel the same. This week in our global ideas series were off to uganda home to africas third highest mountain there are glaciers on the slopes of the ruins already range but Climate Change is threatening the future of a unesco World Heritage site that now the district of coast easy wants to do something about it by shifting to one hundred Percent Renewable Energy for. All reportedly visited the region to find out more about the ambitious plan. The barrow family doesnt have any electric light just a little paraffin lamp and a fire to see by in the long dark night. Sun what you feel bad because when you go back home after school where you used to make you feel lonely you cant study your books and still left behind. Loiss twenty two years old she hopes to one day become a ranger or Police Officer shes the eldest daughter and has nine brothers and sisters. And with the family live in cold water a village in southwestern you can. The main source of income is farming. But a fin got when i need paraffin i send a child with my person once a day because its hard to get money i buy just a little when its finished the next day we buy some more anyone getting up and thanks to day its the turn of lois or sister alice to go to buy the paraffin. The family spends around one thousand ugandan shillings or about twenty five u. S. Cents a day for a small amount of paraffin also called kerosene. Or water isnt cuz they say district which is home to nearly seven hundred thousand people today its sunday and many are making their way to church. This cable is part of the National Grid which serves just twenty percent of the population of younger godfrey as mayor of the municipality of cause they say he wants wide scale changes including getting rid of the paraffin lamps which are known as. The new condo produces the road to kabul looks ugly unwanted in using part of it they are using the. Too late too late because diesel is. Part of it and it even is even worse so we would want one really needed good says the biggest couple using the music would emissions in this. Cab younger knows everyone in the municipality and everyone knows him he wants to win them over to his big idea by twenty twenty he wants all of class a say to be supplied by Renewable Energy. His motivation lies in the snowcapped when story mountains which often shrouded in fog. Pushed into wing hundred Percent Renewable Energy because we wanted to save big last year were going to. The people of this know and if you look at wheatley the snow is a retreating disappearing. And technicians are told us it will disappear by twenty thirty or so to save it and therefore the civil war we decided to go under wasnt a nubile he has photos of the mountain peaks that show how quickly the glazier is melting. This is what it was nineteen zero six this is what it was nine hundred sixty this route what it is now. So thats why you now have to fight. There when zorin mountains provide the very basis of life water to make sure the water doesnt dry up the mayor has come up with his plan to convert the entire district of course ac to Renewable Energy including schools and hospitals the main source will be solar power cuts where a joseph is like i say said district Natural Resource officer. Hes keen to see the project go ahead. One. Metric ton is. That hes pretty good two weeks into is that of the population that has adopted. Five million the metric tonne of Carbon Emissions with atmosphere. So far nearly eight percent of households in the district have a Rooftop Solar Panel including to her own a family. Yeah. A Solar Power System costs around two hundred dollars the family saved up for two years to buy one they used to grow two crops for sale coffee and cotton and recently added a third a particularly valuable one vanilla. And. I use the solar light for my work i now have a number on my field what i do is to extend a cable with lights run a solar panel to my garden when you feed see the light in the garden they get scared this light keeps them from stealing my vanilla started. By using solar energy the family is also able to set aside some money before they have to buy paraffin for the taco bell labs now they can use that money to Pay School Fees for the children. They can read and do homework now after dark. The district is still a long way from one hundred Percent Renewable Energy like the barrow family nearly two thirds of the people of course ac still rely on paraffin lamps. Where you and i feel left behind and i also want a solar panel but i dont have the money. Low interest loans or aid programs could help but theyre also in short supply here will poverty cause this ambitious project to fail. The very big. Three hundred the one hundred of us said by twenty twenty but i do have learned to listen out of the implementation. And hope for the. Mystical but by the twenty foot shall reach over one hundred percent. As evening falls alice fills the lamp with paraffin perhaps soon the bearer of family two will have a solar powered lamp to light up the night. Next week focus is on women and some of the issues they face around the world in brazil five politicians all share one parliamentary seat we find out why. Thats all from us this time were back next week meanwhile drop us a line to level three thousand at v. W. Dot com ok just on our Facebook Page d. W. B. Labels the citee like now. Just in time just takes four point schedules time management. Businesses spend more quickly chemical. Lives on. Time is money but people need a speedy forestation. Just in time by doing the fast life made in germany ninety minutes d. W. Yellowing to unofficial estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. Returned to vast. To visit friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Witness global news that matters. Made for mines. I dont think the general well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and women that Research Evidence think stevens or german culture looking at the stereotype clad in years thinking future of the country that i now long time. Pm needed seem to think in this drama them to me its all about who they know i might show join me to meet the jetman sunday w. Post. They are digital more years. For women for internet activists one mission. The battle for freedom. They mobilize against femicide or compulsory fails. Their messages are spread like the. Social media is critical as critical as a development. As a. Long line and on the streets our rights are not up for discussion. They are women the more changing the world on reading. Digital starts marching on g. W. Britains Prime Minister theresa may has proposed a measure that would allow parliament to vote. De lay brags that if next month lawmakers do not approve the braggs deal that may negotiated with the e. U. They can vote to accept a no deal brigs it and if that fails they can vote on whether to extend talks further. The United Nations says donors have pledged two point six billion dollars in humanitarian aid for war torn yemen

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