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Topics Irans female kickboxing champion; Children of the US opioid epidemic; Global Ideas From the cage into the wild; Global Snack from Munich vegan kebabs children orphanages are rare in the u. S. Instead the government relies on foster families to take in children at risk and geo seek out suitable foster families for increasing numbers of children. In this region alone there are almost three times as many foster kids as there were three years ago when a child is taken in here he or she needs Comfort Clothing and a new home. The Safe Children Coalition also has presence on hand just in case a child is removed on his or her birthday. If no relatives are willing or able to help Brenda Slater and her team have four hours to find a new family in accordance with regulations our entire circuit has been removing an average of eighty five children a month so we had a day last week where we had ten children removed and one night within two hours so wasnt going to lose you know another child into the system because i wanted to go and use drugs. Katherine has made it after eight months she got her child back but she fears her past might destroy her childrens future. You know im very scared because its more likely for an addicts children to become addicts and i know that ive struggled with it for a while that would actually kill me to watch my child. In maryland the Gregory Family are picking up their youngest from the School Bus Stop for years Big Sister Athena was the only reliable parent substitute. For anthony who suffers from autism and epilepsy his mother even used drugs while she was pregnant with him now shes playing with a guilty conscience. And ill never know if my actions hurt anything to do with how it turned out but i cant help but think about it youre not always think about it a passport or traveling require permission from then and getting a divorce if youre a woman is extremely difficult iranian women have been campaigning for equal rights since the beginning of the last century back in One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Six the first women were admitted to university in the country now over hof of all iranian students a female. Despite that advance women are still prohibited from doing many things in public. Its particularly hard to break with traditional setups in room. Communities and yet time and again some courageous women do exactly that. Suzanne rushdie lives as a nomad in the kurdish region of northwestern iran. During the winter she and the other members of her Community Head south to warmer climes she always has plenty to do women here work just as hard as the men. But they dont enjoy the same rights. Yet. There are certain customs and rules that we have to obey. And traditions are especially strong amongst us kurdish nomads. For example girls arent allowed to participate in sports for ages i didnt dare tell my parents that i wanted to do sports and i finally did my father was furious. But she remained undeterred and despite her fathers displeasure she took up kick boxing. The memory of her Childhood Struggles make suzanne sad the restrictions placed on her as a woman have had a profound effect on her. And kept her first love the music neighbors and Family Members looked down on my father because of me. They talked about me behind my back. Many also said bad things to my face but i ignored it and continued to do my sport. So even when i started winning tournaments and all the media reported on this nomad girl who had become a winner it still wasnt acceptable for the people here. Sure dont know your photo. But it was acceptable for one person such as ms i. E. A young man from a nomad family from a lamb in southwestern iran. He had been acquiring some sign from afar he was impressed by her courage and strength. When he asked her to marry him she had one condition that he not interfere in her Sporting Life a condition thats not judd was happy to accept. Design on march first i see Men And Women as equals women can do sports just like men i have no problem with that regardless of what other people say. In fact im proud that my wife is a kickboxer i like that and i support her as much as i can. Joe younger better now whom i question but im sad that. The couple have decided to continue living as nomads but so unusual for people of their age. Most of the Younger Generation have moved to the big cities in the hope of having a better future. But such finds a Sense Of Freedom in this solitude. Oh yeah. Suzanne loves the Great Outdoors too and she loves her new life struggles as a young girl paid off. She has won Kick Box Competitions at the National Level she has a supportive husband and is achieve more than she ever dreamed of after the next tournament is coming up soon so suzanne needs to practice extra hard. And here to her husband is happy to help. Suzanne was first inspired to do kickboxing when she was a child and saw bruce lee movies she said she wanted to be like him. She noticed five moves that she secretly practiced at night but left right right left right right. But as you claim comparable no we women just need places to train ive never seen such strong minded women as here in iran iranian women are really strong theyre able to achieve what they want even under the most difficult conditions. All they need are opportunities to practice places where they can train that are safe and secure. M yeah thats supposed to see. Both. So the son didnt wait for someone else to take the initiative she opened up her own Kickboxing School and up to learn the city nearest tag come of men dominate the public sphere in this conservative city which is home to Fifty Thousand people. There arent many women on the streets here unemployment and frustration about married women are often the victims of domestic violence. When suzanne decided a few months ago to teach kickboxing to girls the students came introduced. Michael a single photo or video of me actually fighting. This here is all i have because in iran youre not allowed to film women doing sports. And thats why i cant show my students or children footage of making. Tournaments. The Security Services wouldnt allow that. To be the no me that. Says on pursued her dream against all the odds now her students are following in her footsteps their inspiration or instructor has given them the confidence to believe that the sky is the limit if theyre prepared to fight. And in this weeks episode of our global ideas series we traveled to sumatra over the past Fifty Years Deforestation has destroyed a fraction of the countrys rain forest the natural habitat of the orangutan now bookit poor new National Park is one of the animals few remaining refuges. Three years ago our reporter in the sea witnessed the reintroduction of a female around the town into the wild now shes forced her way back through the forest to see how dora is doing. Were on a mission to find. Shes here somewhere deep in the sumatran jungle. Peter party or to steam release the orangutan into the wild equipped with a transmitter. To me dora has been in the jungle for quite a while now so we can no longer predict where she is we have two thousand square kilometers of forest here so it takes time but then suddenly you hear a rustling in the trees. Of hundreds if you go far in the end Doris Curiosity gets the better of her and she appears. Shes now eighty years old. Three years ago she was released into the wild. But before that shed been told all she needed to know to survive in the jungle how to climb how to build a nest and how to find food and these are things baby orangutans normally learn from their mothers but dora was an orphan shed spent most of her life being kept illegally as a pet. As a result shes very tame even after three years in the wild she readily takes to humans. But. The conservationists are keeping a close eye on dora right now theyre worried because she appears to be losing weight. So do you feel. If i love this. Because. I dont i will or le bron is calling. Me well also but. Smart. In the. Pater priority has been working with the rhino tans for seventeen years he and his team have released One Hundred Seventy into the wild so far. But theyll need twice that number to produce a population that can survive on its own. Our main aim is to protect Lowland Rainforest the orangutan is like our poster child the ambassador of the rainforest if you will and if we dont protect it well lose the. Eighty percent of sumatra as rain forest has disappeared over the last fifty years that means the iranian towns natural habitat is disappearing none of them could survive in an arm or a plantation these monocultures are completely different from their natural habitat and thats why its so important that we preserve the remaining twenty percent of the rainforest. With. The focus now is on preserving the protected areas that already exist. Its too late for anything else. Family has also found a new home in the bucket to go National Park where shes now living in the wild. All the orangutans in this Nature Reserve were born in captivity each one with its own story. For him bonnie has lived in the wild for years right now shes coming back to the center regularly to show off her young son raja. When you observe an orangutan and you often see behaviors that are typical of human beings you can really see that we are closely related. Each animal is an individual with a different face a different character and a different speed at which they learn new things theyre like one big family. Veterinarian and honey how tante is going to check dora over. So not only has she been losing weight shes also been having difficulties climbing. Probably because she was in a fight with another orangutan and is injured. One of our staff phoned her already on the ground and. Her son for our problem. Has been open for you know. Yet. The name of this National Park a booklet to go means ferdie hills its one of. The land rain forests. And one of the last remaining sanctuaries for orangutans. You. Can survive here than tigers elephants and all the other animals will be automatically protected to you thats why its so important to preserve what we have here. Continue to observe as they release into the wild for at least two years the project will only be considered a success if the animals have offspring. Our hope is that the population here will become so large that the towns can survive on their own and reproduce so that there will be a new population. Long term. Perhaps when shes a few years old or. Have a baby to show off. Helping to ensure that the Orangutan Population in sumatra continues to grow. This week on face the fact comes from every june of gemini interest strong tradition. When you think of eating out at munich and Southern Germany youre most likely to think of traditional but there in meat dishes sausages we close for roast pork but here too more and more people are turning away from meat and Animal Products in general. And one of them is. He was one of the first to open a donor about shop in munich that was over thirty five years ago his kebabs were a Great Success but then abigail had A Change Of Heart everything at a snack bar is now one hundred percent legal and the donor is made with side time. Posters up to his account what were best known for is alvie condone a combative new year we introduced it about eleven years ago. Id say we were pioneers in mez the people you know but you guys. Over the years yeah bill and his team refined their site on to improve its consistency and taste and to ensure it keeps longer sun tan is made of wheat gluten. Its thought to have been first used in ancient china as a Meat Substitute for Buddhist Monks who were vegetarians. It took lots of experimentation. With anything but it wasnt easy we tried out various types of grain but it didnt turn out the way we wanted it. With them all of whom we also created for sauces this is the first we have turmeric and ginger. Then theres the classic. Source. We also make our own sets. And then we have a beetroot source or. So what do the customers think. Its in the makeup and its delicious and its a beacon thats pretty rare. And im a strict vegan and i know how hard it is to find a snack that actually tastes good. And that it means every time i come to munich i always eat here at least once this isnt your typical vegetarian kebab with rice affected cheese or falafel theyre boring but this is delicious its no. Wonder you bring your nonleague in friends here and they become the into. Good luck with that balance on uppity. Thats all for today dont forget that we love reading your comments write to us at global Three Thousand d. W. Dot com or on facebook d w Global Society see you next time bye for now. The be. The best. The but some places may be difficult to find on a map. But everyone knows their name Substandard Folk World Famous Products or inventions submitted by European Tour of a different kind to the more serious regional Success Story subservient spawn d. W. More for. The be. More. Rocking. The boat the bus scene from obscure. Condemned by the church. I know that evil feeling that you feel when you fight. Till past so. Stop old no one is more popular than jesus. Good religious morality preachers subversive. Battle with Sound Marketing Potential by placing a Warning Label on music products. Proctor and religion a clash that brings many come to light. For the two really so irreconcilable. Card the devil rocknroll. Starts aug nineteenth w. C sarno just couldnt get this song out of his head. Ecologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. And found that deep In The Rain Forest in central africa. The bike up people. Hanging. About going out. Was a big lesson. In my living. He was fascinated by their culture that he stayed. Only a promise to a son who was a son only in the jungle and returned to the concrete and glass shop. The result reverse culture shock. Ready for the realize how Strange Artificial was really connected to life. The prize

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