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Speaking up for their rights. Mass protests in the u. S. In january two thousand and seventeen millions of women hit the streets calling for that rights and voicing their anger over Donald Trumps election victory in march two thousand and eighteen hundreds of thousands of students called for changes to u. S. Weapon lolas now a new movement is giving the countrys struggling citizens a voice in the u. S. One hundred fourteen Million People are considered income and all of them fourteen million live below the poverty line. No no there are no masters listing your howrah seven billion barber are leading the campaign. Now thousands are heeding their call for civil disobedience and i am. Certain if curry. When the people who are poor sick or disenfranchised are determined to have their voices heard. Theres a fire raging in our society and were willing. To ignore the red lights. And tell that emergency. Its sunday evening in the heart of washington the people here are warming up for the mass rally many of come a long way from michigan alabama even alaska. The campaign is financed with donations otherwise many couldnt afford the journey this country is a mess this is not a great country we have over one hundred forty Million People that are in power. And. The original Poor Peoples Campaign was launched by dr Martin Luther king in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight according to lose thier how hours since then the gap between rich and poor has grown she believes that with donald trump as president the situation is only growing worse and she insists that something must be done. To take away our poverty not our children. Are who we are. Its. Our suspend twenty years working with grassroots antipoverty groups she had long wanted to launch a campaign. If we do about hear about the poor its to have you know race bait people its divide people its to blame for the problems that everyones having and its to say that that poor people are lazy crazy and under starving when you know again eighty percent of americans at something. And i live well experience hardship so you know are all of us lazy crazy and good for nothing love the next morning on capitol Hill Harrison who group want to Pressure Congress to finally take action there demanding higher minimum wages Health Insurance for all and Affordable Housing well over the initiators of the campaign say they wont get anywhere unless they shake up the nation on the line if youre lucky all of their demonstrations include personal stories like that of cali greer about five years ago her daughter died of cancer kelly greer says her daughters treatment was delayed because she wasnt insured and then it was too late. This is a. Break this country has heart. So it can be put together. The personal stories are the most moving and unsettling moments. Is happening all the time and with the site with his posable people with invisible people and the need for those people to come out and add their voice in this campaign and you know theyre willing to mind so that the clinton echo in this in this place so that it wakes these people support. The Campaign Takes to the streets week after week hoping to shock and galvanize people into action. There be off camera well because no no well first i just said youre warning you theyre peaceful but determined and well organized you know the. The that. Was. The demonstrators know theyre likely to be confronted by police. We are living in a time where real change is absolutely needed and so i think the fact that in thirty five states and washington d. C. People are willing week after week to put themselves out there and to risk arrest. Obedience. Shows the kind of urgency of now. Every week hundred charges change and every week there are new headlines this fear harris says too many are suffering and the time is ripe for a mass movement. Around a billion people worldwide have a physical or mental disability thats fifteen percent of the worlds population eighty percent live in developing countries and many experience severe social disadvantages people with disabilities are less likely to finish school and often end up on employees that means theyre more likely to live in poverty than people without disabilities down syndrome affects around six Million People worldwide. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder which in most cases is caused by trisomy twenty one thats when a baby has three copies of chromosome twenty one. He or she is born with mental and physical disability the varying degrees but has one dynamic Sister Company in berlin proves people with down syndrome can indeed have many talents. Im formants of moby dick at the robert samba theatre in berlin actors with and without down syndrome bringing Herman Melvilles novel to the stage it deals with death insanity and elusive white whale. Is the theaters director his brother moritz who has down syndrome is among the stars of the theater which was founded in one nine hundred ninety. Down syndrome is a congenital condition which comes with varying degrees of physical and cognitive the facts. The main point is that people with down syndrome have their own forms of artistic expression the way they convey a character is different from the way i might do it and they have a different timing and different ideas. As i might use language to convey something well actors with a disability do it with movement and. What begins as an ordinary wailing expectation here into a fatal quest for revenge. You know circle has been with the group since twenty fifteen. Years a strength thats very important to people with down syndrome. There are people in the theatre that have difficulty speaking and are speech impaired. They can only communicate by acting it out. In germany there are few opportunities for people with down syndrome to live like other young adults there arent many shared living options. Simple was lucky. Then. Im the type. A person who reaches out to people. Enjoy stalking doing things with. A very sociable person who likes writing poetry. Im also interested in acting and art. We definitely have to fight to make it clear that not everybody is the same. Otherwise there wont be any diversity and we also have rights. That. Oh. Has been bringing together people with and without disabilities for twenty seven years. As with moby dick many of their productions include actors from other ensembles. Stuff that. I figured id drop by and watch a rehearsal in the morning i watched and in the afternoon i joined in time for. What really drew me in was the amazing energy. The infields unmediated free of self reflection when more like the different kind. For the dance and acrobatic scenes in moby dick the theater brought into cardiac a first from spain they say they can learn quite a lot from their colleagues with disabilities. If you dont have sewn filters that we have so many like. I can now do these because its like im like theyre like more free to feel so much freedom yeah and its really like it gives you the freedom of training seeing or getting more deeper into some seems like its much easier actually but you know that so. The theater has gained International Acclaim and japanese television. As filming a documentary about. You. We see ourselves as an ensemble of the future as a city theater of the future we bring in other kinds of people the minority becomes the majority. The path to a more Inclusive Society is a long one. Is staying the course. You have. This week on global ideas where often uphold the mountainous country is home to three and a half Million Dollar members of hinduism cost for down its life is often very challenging and thats especially true for women but as our report. Found out some courageous women are breaking with tradition. So he has never had it easy she lives in a ten or fifteen square metre corrugated iron heart with her husband and son nick katmandu shit every now and then she works as a day laborer at construction sites or in the fields. The equivalent of three or four euros but she sees no need to complain and says shes happy the only thing that really bothers her is discrimination. As a doll it woman i face many problems living here. Im a day laborer when i work for someone in an upper caste house they usually dont give me food what about how i have to go to a cafe at the cafe they ask me to eat my meal outside my dishes myself. Traditionally considered impure in the caste system theyre the lowest of the low that often means being denied access to education and jobs and above all a lack of respect. The centuries old caste system is rooted in hinduism. Many believe that their own fate is determined by destiny and with good karma that so might be reborn into a higher cost. Many nepalese are deeply religious especially in rural areas high in the himalayan mountains. The village of ravi opi is a two hour drive from katmandu it slopes on steep the soil is dry and now the monsoon season is about to begin. With the man at all and jane belongs to them egypt cost the mountain talents she faces even more hurdles due to a lack of well paid jobs her husband has left the country now he works in malaysias oil industry but the mulatto doesnt know exactly what he does. Last summer he left for at least three years hes never seen their young daughter. Just a song to that of are you and he so much better if my husband could stay here in the paul and if you found a job in farming or some other kind of job he would be a helping hand my money so i could take the children to school. Or help when someone is sick. We have no choice they still accept. Thanks to her husbands earnings. Some livestock her house is larger than some of the others here. She used to mainly tend to the household and work from time to time as a day laborer. But then her life took an unexpected turn the International Climate protection and Development Organization seem odd but again providing agricultural training to women in the region giving priority to those whose husbands have left to find work a project coordinator from a local ngo pays regular visits today hes showing the women the correct way to plant tomatoes. We gather here were really practical how to group of plants or how they can sans the. Side strudel by british sides so youre smart getting them. Organizing there was just some parts practical training already peerless course so this is how we are training these awards why havent i wasnt all that interested in agriculture and i only use traditional farming methods which dont provide much income. After the first people left trying work the ones left behind just sat idle by us but now we understand agriculture and we can put our time to good use he says to her. For many local dialects the program has been a boon. To the district. Administration believes that giving opportunities to the lowest cost is long over due. To some caste system in nepal follows a centuries old philosophy it divides society into forecasts with dollars at the bottom dollars have long been part of our labor force supporting development and improving society and our society is undergoing a very rapid change its becoming more inclusive this caste based way of thinking will be eradicated very soon. Up to mystic they fear the longstanding discrimination they face wont change anytime soon yet many nepalese especially the Younger Generation dream of a country without a caste system. The village of culture of basi where you seem odd has launched its Training Program shows what this future might look like the local women many of them dull its have joined forces farming operation is thriving theyd invented a new kind of organic fertilizer made of plants cow dung microorganisms and water which they spray on their fields these cue cumbers and pumpkins are grown organically the women tell us every few days traders come by to pick up the vegetables and then sell them at markets. The project originally aimed to prepare local women for the impact of Climate Change including drought and erosion but the women soon took charge themselves ignoring cost distinctions in the process. Helped get the project off the ground. To work with the people to find out what. They can do themselves. Do to improve their country sense to improve their livelihood or to to manage that is at that time we did not even imagine that it will go to the extent that it will really spread and people will themselves to start doing lot of things also by us i mean from the suburb of katmandu has also taken matters into her own hands shes building a larger house progress is slow because she always has to save up the money for the next step. But shes patient and determined. And shes no longer willing to accept discrimination for being a tallit. I could give any condor a wad of money people dont understand her other thing they think im weak but im not. Im Strong Enough to fight being treated like that if some in the community dont want to see it that way thats their problem i dont want to be treated like im inferior to others ill fight that however long it takes they are looking. For so by me and others its a fight for dignity and respect and a future in which nepal is finally free of its costs of stem. In many countries education is anything but a given around two hundred sixty four million children and young people while white house no access to it and just forty five percent of fifteen to seventeen year olds actually finish their schooling. In developing countries only around a quarter of twelve to seventeen year olds have even a basic knowledge of math some reading and writing brazil is one of the countries taking part in a study into education standards being conducted by the organization for Economic Cooperation and development and that shown that kids that are struggling. On route in his hometown. Claudio says akki lives and works in sao paulo the business and finance capital of brazil the social differences here are especially extreme. I feel. Anger for sure i feel. That we can not wait for government to do anything to solve because its not a matter of having the resources is how you deploy those resources and clearly the poor you know resources have not been the point well when you get your sector just look at the outcomes. Schools in brazil are often poorly equipped teaching materials out of date only private schools such as the colicchio home in sao paulo are different those who have enough money just a small. A portion of the population do not send their kids to state schools. Brazil is a country in which to drop Operation High School is roughly fifty percent of those who finish House High School about ten percent learned the basics in portuguese and math so. An even artist a high quality education is the worst problem we have as a country. Cloud has four children himself and wants to make education accessible for all with his Digital Learning programs thats why he founded geeky a digital platform that has already been used by millions of pupils in brazil. The lessons are presented in a more exciting and entertaining way than in classrooms. So every pupil can test his or her performance. And access costs no more than ten or two euros fifty per month says aki is already working with many schools both private and state run. Pieces of. Video we need to change our teaching methods and present topics differently much for much of what my interest is the peoples about a subject how do we transmit knowledge they need for life and show the pupils what they can do is that in everyday life and a citizens e but ive. Seen it is so many people to inspire us. These programs are very important. Theyre much better than always just books and worksheets and still i put us in a complete do it and we can work on our mobile phones and computers doesnt think does it my eyes are always connected via the internet the guess is that they must have deployed to. A good education helps overcome social imbalances sakhi is convinced of that and he has experienced it himself. My grandparents came from japan to brazil and to work in coffee plantations so it was really almost like slave labor in a way and their vision to improve their lives was true provide their kids access to good education so thats how my parents were raised and my mother she was a teacher in private schools and public schools. Cloudy he was one of the best students in his class he went on to work in the u. S. For major investment banks then he returned with his family to brazil in order to revolutionize education in his homeland. Six years ago he started his company in sao paulo. Education and Digital Technology come together in a playful way modules can be personalized for every student and their fun. Kiki now has a staff of about three hundred but things were not always easy there was often a lack of resources and the founder had to do a lot of convincing to persuade good people to come and work for him. To find. People who know how to work with Machine Learning how to say central or to intelligence applying to a location its a its a very unique so we are constantly. Fighting for resources and talent against it like Google Microsoft facebook not only in brazil or from overseas. So sakhi is angry about all the poverty he sees every day in brazil latin americas largest country is actually rich in resources but they are equally distributed poverty equals poor education equals a lack of opportunities for Many Brazilians thats reality we are never going to be able to be competitive as a country. If we dont educate our people to have the skills that they need to. Be able to be more productive to be more efficient in whatever work they do. So sakhi is learning programs are now being used across brazil the next step he says is to expand into argentina. And that sold for three thousand so were back again next week. And in the meantime send us your feedback. From. Write to us at global three thousand at d w dot com and check out our Facebook Page Global Society by for now. The for. The focus on. The. Reliable do you. Feel. Distance first class six just. The most interests. Of the automotive industry. On freedom and the whole. World i come from the region is rich in history i am telling korean if you question the trinity and freedom this makes it special difficult for can become the druggists i see many of the younger and promising journalists who are now making names for themselves all over the world. Some might get along the way songs might follow. With continue. Their experience of freedom in a sense is Life Experience affects your visits but your call come back. My name is joseph would i work at the end of it. Take food or simply with wonderful people and stories that make the games so special are you ready. For the truth. Far. She called flight took a helicopter to. G. W. Yeah to nashville and i think one day this war will be considered a cruel and unjust war over here and certainly all citizens of ukraine every man woman and child will be friend their homeland is the enemy invades they do dance no one wants russia here dont need to nuke which is the. Rebel against the mighty global news that matters. D. W. Made for mines. Plane. Land. Locked. The details the news live from berlin after the pomp and circumstance of the trump camp summit what did the two leaders really achieve trump invites came to washington and hails the meeting a resoundingly sixaxis of questions remain over the concessions he made to the north Korean Leader well get reaction from seoul also coming up

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